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Are Expensive Eggs Worth It?

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A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich

Josh Scher
Nicole Anayadi
参与《Camerosity Podcast》,分享1980年代相机使用经历的嘉宾。
Josh Scher: 我认为像鸡蛋、面粉和糖这样的基本食材,无论来源如何,质量都差不多,所以不必花大价钱购买。我购买鸡蛋时,会根据价格和有机标签等因素选择,我的价格上限是12个鸡蛋5.99美元。我不确定非有机食品的危害,但出于某种原因,我倾向于购买有机食品。我购买鸡蛋不是为了味道,而是为了功能性,例如做煎蛋卷。Kenji Lopez-Alt进行的盲测实验表明,人们对鸡蛋味道的偏好很大程度上受视觉暗示影响。购买昂贵鸡蛋的价值取向在于是否愿意为改善母鸡的生活条件付费。每天吃快餐并不一定代表缺乏道德,人们的饮食选择受自身经济条件和舒适度影响。鸡蛋本身没有区别,只是包装和母鸡饲养方式不同。购买昂贵鸡蛋是否值得取决于个人价值观和感受。炒蛋不应只作为早餐食物,它可以作为任何时间的餐点。虽然我不吃草莓叶子,但在特定情况下,例如在法国吃新鲜采摘的草莓,我会吃整颗草莓。我不太喜欢吃水果,更喜欢蔬菜。我不吃奇异果皮,尽管它可能对健康有益。 Nicole Anayadi: 我愿意为高质量的鸡蛋支付更高的价格,因为我用它们做菜或周末的美味小点心,并且认为质量与价格相符。我判断鸡蛋好坏的标准是蛋黄颜色、蛋白紧实度和蛋香味,深橙色的蛋黄代表高质量。鸡蛋的视觉效果和味道是无法分割的,视觉线索可以帮助预测味道。鸡蛋蛋黄的颜色取决于鸡的饮食,吃橙色食物的鸡会产下更橙色的蛋黄。虽然我无法区分不同蛋黄颜色鸡蛋的味道,但鲜艳的橙色蛋黄仍与我美好的食物记忆联系在一起,因此我愿意为其支付更多费用。我愿意为深橙色蛋黄多付钱,这就像是一种“精灵税”。我更喜欢Vital Farms鸡蛋,它们包装精美,味道也很好,但价格昂贵。不同品牌的鸡蛋在颜色和蛋白透明度等方面差异很大。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do some people prefer to pay more for expensive eggs?

Some people prefer to pay more for eggs because they believe higher-quality eggs taste better, have a richer yolk color, and tighter whites. They also associate expensive eggs with better treatment of chickens, which aligns with their moral values.

What factors define a good-tasting egg for some consumers?

For some consumers, a good-tasting egg is defined by the color of the yolk (dark orange), the tightness of the whites, and a strong, eggy flavor. Visual cues like yolk color are also important as they anticipate taste.

How does a chicken's diet affect the color of the egg yolk?

A chicken's diet, such as eating orange-colored foods like bugs and flowers, affects the color of the egg yolk. For example, feeding chickens spicy red peppers can turn their yolks bright red.

What does 'free-range' mean in terms of egg production?

Free-range eggs come from hens that have the potential to access an outdoor area, though the outdoor space can be small and not all hens actually go outside. It's more like yard time for prisoners than true freedom.

What is the difference between 'free-range' and 'pasture-raised' eggs?

Pasture-raised eggs, if certified humane, come from hens with 108 square feet of outdoor space per bird, allowing for a more natural environment compared to free-range, which only offers potential outdoor access.

What is the size of the outdoor space for a 'pasture-raised' chicken?

A pasture-raised chicken has 108 square feet of outdoor space, which is about half the size of a typical room (10 feet by 11 feet).

Why do some people choose organic eggs over non-organic ones?

Some people choose organic eggs because they believe it supports hens fed an organic diet without pesticides or hormones. However, organic eggs do not necessarily guarantee outdoor access for the hens.

What did a blind taste test reveal about the difference in egg quality?

A blind taste test revealed that 50% of respondents could not distinguish between different types of eggs, while the other 50% generally preferred the yellower eggs. However, when the yolks were dyed green to obscure the color, 80% said all eggs tasted the same.

What is the most stolen food globally?

Cheese is the most stolen food globally, with an estimated 4% of all cheese produced being stolen annually, equating to about 90.6 million tons per year.

Josh and Nicole discuss the price difference between various eggs, focusing on factors like yolk color and taste. They debate whether the higher price for certain brands reflects superior quality or is simply a matter of personal preference and perceived value.
  • Consumers often ask about the value of expensive eggs.
  • Yolk color, white firmness, and taste are considered key indicators of egg quality.
  • The cost of eggs varies significantly depending on brand and type.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, Josh and Nicole are exploring the pros and cons of buying different types of grocery-store eggs from cage-free to pasture-raised and telling you if it's really worth it!

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