cover of episode Peace Is A Process with negotiation expert William Ury

Peace Is A Process with negotiation expert William Ury

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A Bit of Optimism

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William Ury
William Ury: 本质上,所有谈判都是一样的,都是人与人之间处理冲突。和平不是一个结果,而是一个过程,这个过程始于倾听反对者的声音,并以同等的尊严对待他们。世界需要更多建设性的冲突,而不是更少。处理冲突的关键在于如何参与,是通过倾听、合作、创造力还是战争。在冲突中,需要与所谓的极端分子合作,因为他们的转变会改变整个局面。和平只能和敌人缔结,而不是朋友。 有效的领导者和影响者会承担责任,并尝试理解他人。真正的倾听是将注意力从自己的想法转移到对方的思想和感受上。真诚的道歉能够改变冲突的氛围,促进合作。改变他人的想法,需要理解他们的观点,这是一种有效且务实的策略。理解他人的观点并不意味着认同他们的观点,而是尊重他们的尊严。在冲突中,往往是受害者需要先采取行动,为施害者提供一个被倾听的安全空间。 即使面对危险的罪犯,一点点的尊重也能改变局面。谈判是关于影响力的,要改变他人的想法,首先要了解他们的想法。我们善于对孩子进行同理心沟通,却常常忽略对成年人这样做。同理心沟通是一种可以学习和练习的技能。 主持人: 和平是一个过程,而非结果,这个过程始于倾听反对者的声音,并以同等的尊严对待他们。在任何关系中,都要在和平时期建立规则,为不可避免的冲突做好准备。在冲突中,要专注于解决问题,而不是互相指责。处理冲突的方式是决定一段关系成败的关键因素。在重要对话前,要做好准备,例如暂停片刻,理清思路和意图。倾听和理解他人并不需要特殊的技巧,而是日常练习。在回应他人之前,先复述他们的观点,以示尊重和理解。改变社会分歧,需要从个人开始,向持有不同观点的人伸出援手,并以尊重和好奇的态度倾听他们的声音。

Deep Dive

In a world rife with conflict, William Ury emphasizes peace as a process, not an outcome. He highlights the importance of listening and understanding those we disagree with, suggesting that constructive conflict resolution is crucial for personal happiness and collective survival.
  • Peace is a process, not an outcome.
  • Conflict is natural and even necessary for change.
  • The key is choosing how to engage with conflict – through cooperation and creativity or opposition and war.
  • Our collective survival depends on our ability to manage conflict constructively.

Shownotes Transcript

Peace is a process, not an outcome. It's a process that must begin with understanding the other side.

Few people on this planet have as much experience making peace as William Ury. William spent decades as a peace negotiator, resolving the world's most intractable conflicts — from avoiding nuclear catastrophe in the Cold War to mediating ethnic tensions and civil wars. Considered one of the world's pre-eminent negotiation experts, he's written several books on the subject, including the best-selling Getting To Yes. His latest book is titled Possible

I sat down with William to discuss the possibility of peace in an increasingly conflicted world. He shares some great stories with me from his career and what he's learned about the right way to influence A Bit of Optimism.

For more on William and his work, check out:

his books, *Possible: How We Survive (and Thrive) in an Age of Conflict *)

and Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In)