cover of episode Creating Astonishment with Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren

Creating Astonishment with Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren

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A Bit of Optimism

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kevin Warren
Kevin Warren: 我始终认为,人生在世,要力求不浪费任何时间和资源。童年时的一场意外事故让我深刻体会到生命的脆弱和时间宝贵,也让我养成了珍惜时间、高效利用资源的习惯。在工作中,我努力创造惊奇的体验,无论是为新员工准备惊喜,还是在日常生活中留意身边的美好,都旨在让工作和生活充满活力。我坚信,只有关注当下,才能最大限度地享受生活,创造价值。我努力成为一个让员工感到快乐和被重视的领导者,关注他们的家庭,与他们建立深厚的人际关系,让他们感受到团队的温暖和支持。 在职业生涯中,我参与了多个大型项目的建设,例如美国银行体育场和芝加哥熊队的新球场。这些项目耗时费力,但最终的成就感令人难以言喻。我始终认为,亲手创造的成就感是无与伦比的,即使在知识经济时代,这种感觉依然弥足珍贵。 我从不浪费时间,但‘不浪费时间’并不意味着永远忙碌。我意识到休息和放松的重要性,它们能够提高工作效率,让我更好地思考和创造。我鼓励员工在工作之余享受生活,关注家庭,与家人共度美好时光。 我努力成为一个让员工感到快乐和被重视的领导者,关注他们的家庭,与他们建立深厚的人际关系,让他们感受到团队的温暖和支持。我经常邀请员工的家人参加公司活动,了解他们的生活,与他们建立联系。 我从不吝啬表达对员工的关心和赞赏,并努力创造一个让员工感到被重视和尊重的环境。我相信,只有这样,才能建立一支高凝聚力、高效率的团队。 主持人: 与凯文·沃伦的对话让我深受启发。他是一位杰出的领导者,他不仅在职业生涯中取得了巨大的成就,更重要的是,他懂得如何平衡工作与生活,如何珍惜时间,如何与他人建立深厚的人际关系。他从不吝啬表达对员工的关心和赞赏,并努力创造一个让员工感到被重视和尊重的环境。他的故事告诉我们,成功并非只是追求物质财富和名利,更重要的是要关注当下,享受生活,与他人建立深厚的情感联系。凯文·沃伦的领导力理念值得我们学习和借鉴。他注重细节,关注员工的感受,并努力创造一个积极向上、充满活力和人情味的团队。他的人生哲学和工作态度都值得我们敬佩。

Deep Dive

Kevin Warren, CEO of the Chicago Bears, shares a pivotal childhood experience: being hit by a car at age ten. This incident, though painful, instilled in him the importance of time management and maximizing every opportunity. It ignited a drive within him to make the most of every minute and strive to reach his full potential.
  • A childhood accident taught Kevin Warren the values of time management and self-investment.
  • The experience transformed him from a child to an adult at a young age.
  • Warren's focus is on maximizing his capabilities and leaving no potential untapped.

Shownotes Transcript

Astonishment. A feeling of amazement so powerful you have to stop in wonder. 

As President and CEO of the Chicago Bears, Kevin Warren's job is to astonish people with sports moments they'll never forget. A veteran executive of professional football, he's also served as COO of the Minnesota Vikings and Commissioner of the Big Ten Conference. 

For Kevin, helping others experience the magic of the Bears starts with finding his own astonishment. He shares with me why ambitious high-performers need to slow down and appreciate the little things if they want to become better leaders and happier human beings. A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Kevin and his work, check out:

Kevin's Chicago Bears bio)