cover of episode The Wisdom of Anxiety with Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary

The Wisdom of Anxiety with Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary

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A Bit of Optimism

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Tracy Dennis-Tiwary
Tracy Dennis-Tiwary: 本书作者Tracy Dennis-Tiwary认为焦虑并非疾病或缺陷,而是人类进化中至关重要的产物,它帮助我们为不确定性做好准备,并激发创造力。焦虑和兴奋处于同一频谱的两端,焦虑让我们预想未来可能出现的负面结果,而兴奋则预想正面结果。焦虑让我们成为心理时间旅行者,在现在与未来之间寻找平衡,从而更好地应对挑战和实现目标。焦虑型依恋反映了对照料环境的不确定性,而回避型依恋则预示着彻底的绝望。焦虑会增加多巴胺和催产素,促进大脑高效工作和社会联系。将焦虑等同于焦虑症,导致我们忽略了焦虑的积极方面。年轻一代的焦虑程度高于以往,这与社会媒体、快速变化的世界和经济不确定性等因素有关。将精神健康等同于没有负面情绪,导致年轻人无法应对焦虑。我们需要培养抗脆弱性,从挑战中成长,从错误中学习,追求卓越而非完美。帮助他人是应对焦虑的有效方法,建立强有力的社交关系有助于应对不确定性。合作和互相支持是应对焦虑和不确定性的关键。焦虑会增加催产素,促进社交联系,形成良性循环。我们需要将焦虑正常化,并寻求他人的支持。与他人分享焦虑可以减轻焦虑感。 Simon: Simon作为访谈者,主要通过提问引导Tracy Dennis-Tiwary阐述其观点,并就焦虑的积极作用、应对方法以及年轻一代焦虑问题等方面与Tracy Dennis-Tiwary进行深入探讨。访谈中,Simon表达了对焦虑问题的担忧,并积极寻求有效的应对策略。他认同Tracy Dennis-Tiwary提出的“精神体能”概念,并对将焦虑重新定义为一种可以被利用的积极情绪表示赞同。同时,他也关注到社交媒体对年轻一代焦虑的影响,以及建立深层联系和目标感的重要性。

Deep Dive

Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary explains that anxiety is an evolved emotion that prepares us for uncertainty, making us mental time travelers who can imagine and prepare for both potential threats and opportunities.

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Anxiety is the crown jewel of human evolution. 

That’s the professional opinion of neuroscience professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary, who is driving a paradigm shift in how we understand anxiety. The emotion isn’t a sickness or a flaw in human design – it’s an evolved advantage that protects us and strengthens our creative and productive powers. 

So even though anxiety doesn’t feel good…it can be good to feel anxious.

This is… A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Dr. Dennis-Tiwary and her work check out:

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