cover of episode iOS 18.2 beta 3 changes, Apple smart home camera

iOS 18.2 beta 3 changes, Apple smart home camera

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Chance Miller
Matthew Green
Chance Miller报道了苹果公司计划于2026年发布其自研智能家居摄像头,该摄像头将与Siri和苹果智能功能深度整合,目标年出货量达数千万台。他还详细介绍了iOS 18.2 beta 3的更新内容,包括针对iPhone 16相机控制的新增切换开关,照片应用中视频播放界面的改进,以及Apple TV应用导航栏的可自定义性等。此外,他还提到了iOS 18.2 beta 3中其他一些小的改动,例如对CarPlay、Airdrop图标和查找我的功能的改进。 Matthew Green评论了iOS 18.1中新增的“非活动重启”安全功能。他认为,虽然该功能给执法部门带来不便,因为它使得用于取证的iPhone更难解锁,但这项功能也显著增强了手机安全性,防止被盗的iPhone被长期利用。他认为这项功能对大多数用户来说不会造成不便,是一个好主意。

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Welcome to nine five mac daily for tuesday, november twelve, twenty twenty four. I'm your host chance Miller. Leading off today, apple analysts chiquon has reported that apple is entering the smart home camera market in twenty twenty six, with the company seemingly set to compete against third party homecare cameras for the first time.

This homecare camera is targeted to hit annual shipments in the tens of millions, indicating that apple hopes IT will become a major accessory and its product lining up quos ys. The appeal of apple's camera will be rich integration with syria and apple intelligence features we've heard for a while now that apple is plotting a more serious attempt to crack this mark home space with intermitted rumors about apple designing its own accessory. This report from queue, however, lays out a clear time mine about when this strategy could go into effect.

But one thing that's unclear is what functionality apple could offer through a first party smart camera rather than just continuing its an gration with other manufacturer through the home APP. There of course, a ton of possibilities around apple silicon and again, siri and apple intelligence. Perhaps a powerful apple silicon chip could enable powerful features that other cameras cannot offer.

And of course, apple is also still working on a new smart display device similar to something like the amazon echo show. This product is expected in twenty twenty five, followed by the smart home camera and twenty twenty six according to coal. In other today, apple has released I O S eighteen point to beta three, and it's not as dramatic of an update as first two basis, but there are a couple of changes worth pointing out.

There's a new togo for again, personalizing the iphone sixteen camera control. Now you can open the camera APP with a single press of the camera control even if your display is off. If your iphone sixteen display is off, the defauts behavior is that you press the camera control wants to wake the screen and again to open the camera APP.

This new togo in I O S eighteen gives you the ability to remove that first press. If you go to the settings APP choose display and brightest, you'll see a new require screen on togo at the bottom. This tagle is enabled by default, so by defauts you have to press twice, but if you disable the tagle, a single press of the camera control will automatically open the camera APP regardless of whether or not your iphone sixteen screen is on.

This replicates the behavior offered by the action button when it's link to the camera APP IT makes IT quicker to open the camera APP, but could also increase the number of accidental activation. Perhaps the most no worthy change in I O C T point two beta three is an update for the video playback user interface in the photos APP. I O S eighteen introduced A U.

I that hit the thumb previews of the rest of your photos while viewing a video in full screen, creating an awkward zoom in and coming out affect every time you tapped on a video. I O S A two point two fixes this issue by super imposing the other nails on top of the video, allowing you to easily navigate between other content while viewing your videos. An ipad was eighteen point two bit three.

The navigation bar in the T, V, APP is now customizable, so you can add any side bar item to the tab bar, including different channels, apps, library sections and sports. There are other smaller changes in I O eighteen point two beta three, such as under the hood evidence that apple is continuing its work on next generation car play, a very small change to the airdrop icon, and a fix for various different find mine and air tag problems. The update is currently available to develop by the testers, with a new public data expected later this week ahead of a general release to everyone in december.

We are sponsored this week by our members. You can head to nine five mac dot com slash join to get an add free version of this podcast for five dollars a month or fifty dollars a year. Even Better, if you also listen to our nine five mac happy hour pod sign up for nine to five mac pro for add three versions of daily and happy hour for eight dollars a month or eighty dollars a year, our members help support nine five mac directly, and they help us keep making both shows every new week.

Again, that's ninety five mac dot com slash join to sign up today, running out today. Last week, a report from foreign foreign media highlighted concerns from law enforcement officials about iphones automatically rebooting themselves. While law enforcement officials had irony, ously speculated that iphones were secretly communicating with each other to reboot.

That's not actually the case. Instead, apple silently added a new security feature in I O S eighteen point one that forces iphones to reboot after a period of inactivity. The inactivity rebo feature will automatically rebuild an iphone if IT hasn't been unlocked within a certain period of time.

IT appears that this time frame is around four days, so every time and iphone goes more than four days without being used, it'll automatically rebuilt itself. The change has been a point of frustration among law enforcement officials, who say that makes iphone stored for forensic exploration harder to unlock. This is because after a rebuilt, an iphone will enter the quote before first unlock state and become significantly harder to unlock.

It's generally easiest fun iphone to be unlocked or correct in the after first unlocked state. But our reporting so far has largely focused on the impact this change will have on law enforcement. It'll also put another protection in place against thaves and other bad actors, Matthew Green, a photographer and associate professor at john's hopkins university, said, quote, remember, the real threat here is not, please.

It's the kind of people who will steal your iphone from a line purposes. This feature means that if your iphone gets stolen, the thieves can't nurse IT along for months until they develop the tech to crack. I would bet that rebooting after a reasonable inactivity period probably doesn't inconvenience anyone, but IT does make your phone a lot more secure.

So IT seems like a pretty good idea. And quote, apple has commented on this change, but IT has been confirmed that is implemented based on code changes in I O S eighteen point one. There are another episode of ninety five mac daily.

As always, you can find all of the latest apple news on ninety five mac dot com. Follow along with me on threads at H. H. Miller, and we'll be back tomorrow for a new episode of nine five mac daily.