cover of episode Apple Black Friday event, iOS 18.2 tidbits

Apple Black Friday event, iOS 18.2 tidbits

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Chance Miller
Chance Miller 介绍了 iOS 18.2 的一项重要更新:用户可以设置新的默认应用程序,涵盖邮件、信息、通话、浏览器、密码、支付和键盘等多个类别。这一改变将为用户提供更多选择和便利。同时,他还详细解读了苹果 2024 年黑色星期五的促销活动,包括购买不同 Apple 产品可获得的礼品卡金额,以及哪些产品参与或不参与活动。此外,他还分析了 iPhone 各型号的销售数据,指出虽然基本款 iPhone 销量占比最高,但由于苹果同时销售多款基本款机型,因此最畅销的单一型号实际上是 Pro Max。Plus 机型的销售表现则相对令人失望。

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Welcome to in eighty five mac daily for thursday, november twenty first twenty twenty four. I'm your host, chance Miller. We are sponsored this week by card pointers leading off today.

I O S eighteen point two is just weeks away from its release and beyond a set of new apple intelligence features. The update also lets you set new default iphone apps. The iphone for years has offered some options for setting new default s for incense.

In I O S fourteen, you could set new default for email and browser, but in I O S eighteen point two categories for defauts apps are expanding and you can set your new default all from one convenient new hub in the settings APP just open the settings APP choose apps and you'll see a new menu for default apps. You can set a default APP we'll be used to compose new emails, a new messaging APP. We'll be used to compose new messages, a new calling APP for making calls, a new call filtering APP for call filtering and fiction, a defauts browser APP, a default APP for passwords and authentication codes, a default APP for contactless payments and keyboards.

Those are the eight options available in the united states. And if you're in the european union, you might see even more for things like navigation and translation. Again, these new options will be available as part of I O S.

Eighteen point two next month, and they will require some adoption from third party developers. So IT may take a while before you're actually able to take advantage of the new settings in other today, apple has officially announced its black friday promotions for this year. Starting november twenty eighth, you can score and up to two hundred dollar gift card when you buy an eligible apple product from apple's website, apple's APP and retail stores for IT.

Since you can get an up to seventy five dollar gift card when you buy an iphone fifteen, fourteen or S E, note that the latest iphone sixteen is excluded from this offer. You can get a two hundred dollar gift card when you buy an em two or m three macbook air. All of apple's other max are excluded.

You can get them up to one hundred dollar cards. You buy an ipad pro, ipad air or ipad tenth generation. Now the ipad mini is excluded for apple watch.

You can get a fifty dollars le gift card. Would you buy an apple watch? S, E. All other models of the apple watch are excluded. You can get up to seventy five dollar gift card when you buy airports max, airports pro two or airports four, and up to fifty dog gift card by an apple T V for k or home pod, up to a fifty dollar gift card when you buy select beats products, and up to a twenty five doll gift card when you buy select accessories like a magic keyboard.

The promotion runs from november twenty nine th to december second, but as usual, you can find Better apple black friday deals from other third party retailers like best buy and apple storefront on amazon. You can hit the link in the show notes to find the full details on apple event and other black friday offerings. We are sponsors this week by card points ers the best way to earn more from your credit cards every day and exclusively for nine five mac readers, you can say fifty percent of card pointings annual and lifetime plans in celebration of black friday car pointings shows you indebt details about rewards and offers for each of your credit cards.

And most users save over seven hundred and fifty dollars a year, thanks to those tips and tricks. Again, you can save fifty percent of card points ers lifetime and usually upgrades with the link and the shown notes below. My thanks to hard points ers for their support of ninety five mac daily running up today. Early in the iphones life, apple only made one model for everyone that changed with the iphone six.

And today, the company releases four flagships every year and also offers the iphone 6 and previous years flagships。 It's a lot to keep up with, but a new study this week gives us a good picture of which iphone models are selling the best, according to the data from consumer intelligence research partners, the base model iphones account for forty two percent of iphone sales in twenty twenty four, the plus models account for thirteen percent, the pro models account for thirty percent, and the pro max models account for twenty six percent. On one hand, many might assume that the base iphone sales the best because it's most affordable.

But if you check iphone sales closely, you'll know that out of apple's new ships each year, it's the pro and pro max that are actually the best sellers. But there's an important detail to remember. These numbers compiled total iphone sales per model class.

An apple only ever sells one pro and one pro max model at any given time, but you can always buy several different base models. For instance, right now, apple cells, the iphone fourteen, iphone fifteen and iphone sixteen base models, the iphone fourteen plus, iphone fifteen plus and iphone sixteen plus plus models, and the iphone sixteen pro and iphone sixteen pro max. So while the base iphone class might be the best selling for apple, it's not actually the best selling model that honor goes to the pro max.

So in essence, apple's based model iphones are important to keep around, and that's why apple keeps around three years of base model iphone at any given time. And the pro and the pro max get cycled on a early basis because people keep paying more to get the best features. Another takeaway is that iphone plus sales look even more disappointing when you realized the numbers, compare three plus models against one pro max model, and they still lose by a lot.

You can hit the link in the shot notes to find the full study and see a breakdown of how exactly you can make sense of these numbers. There apps up another episode of ninety five mac daily. As always, you can find all of the latest apple news on nineteen five mac dot com. Follow along with me on threads at chance h. Miller, and will be back tomorrow for a new episode of my five mac daily.