cover of episode Singaporeanisms - Makan & National Service

Singaporeanisms - Makan & National Service

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Hear. Here. Singapore.

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#food culture#warrior ethos People
@第一位受访者 : 我认为自己高效注重时间管理,这体现了新加坡人的特质。新加坡的基础设施建设也受到许多国家的赞赏。我走路很快,喜欢及时完成事情。这些都是让我觉得很新加坡的特质。 此外,我喜欢去咖啡店喝 Kopi kosong(黑咖啡),配上简单的吐司和鸡蛋。这种简单和日常的仪式感,以及对食物的热爱,也体现了新加坡的饮食文化。我最喜欢的食物有很多,例如在美芝路市场的各种小吃,比如菜粿、朋粿和瓦达。这些小吃代表了新加坡不同种族的饮食特色,体现了新加坡多元文化的饮食特色。 @第二位受访者 : 我认为自己最新加坡人的特质是服兵役。18岁时服役两年半,之后每年参加预备役训练。我们这个小岛需要所有人的共同努力来保卫,这是我的责任和义务。这是新加坡男性成年礼的重要组成部分。 @旁白 : 新加坡男性服兵役是重要的成年礼,服役两年,之后每年参加预备役训练,直到50岁以上才免除预备役。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


I'm sitting on the benches outside Nylon Coffee in Everton Park at mid-morning on a weekday, offering free coffee to strangers who answered a simple question. What's the most Singaporean thing about you?

The fact that a lot of other countries admire Singapore's infrastructure. I am very efficient. I like to do things in a timely manner. I walk very fast. So I think these are traits that make me very Singaporean. And what would be the second most Singaporean thing about you?

That I enjoy going to a coffee shop and having kopisi kosong which is not a croissant but coffee and then just eggs and toast. I think simplicity and then rituals and of course food. So what's your favourite Singaporean dish? Hmm...

Oh, that's a tough question because there's so many options. There's a few hawker centres that I really like. Which is your favourite? A Moy Street Market, yeah. So it's more of a morning and lunch hawker centre catered to the CBD. So I love that. So when I go there, I normally order, it's called...

Chai Kueh, which is like a dumpling and it's got lots of chives. And the Pen Kueh, which is pink, bright pink, and it's got glutinous rice. So I normally go for that and then I'll go for a Vade, the Indian savoury donut. And then I'll get my coffee, which is more Western style. So it's a trifecta of, you know, again, that kind of represents the different races in Singapore.

Can I ask you, what is the most Singaporean thing about you? Well, serving the military. Right? At 18 years old for two and a half years and thereafter every year in the reservists. We only have that little dot to defend and I think all hands on deck is important.

It's a rite of passage for Singaporean males to serve two years of national service, followed by a period of reservist training every year. I've come of age where they don't need me anymore, above 50 years old. So I'm out of the reserve, yes. Thank you very much. You're most welcome. You've been listening to strangers answer the question, what's the most Singaporean thing about you? Here is Nylon Coffee in Everton Park. Postcode 0800004.

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