cover of episode Singaporeanisms - Code-Switching & Kopi Khoo

Singaporeanisms - Code-Switching & Kopi Khoo

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Hear. Here. Singapore.

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Madame Khoo
@主持人 : 本期节目探讨了新加坡人的独特语言现象和咖啡文化。采访了一位能够自如切换英语和Singlish的@受访者 ,以及在Joo Chiat经营一家别致咖啡馆的@Madame Khoo 。 受访者: 新加坡人擅长代码切换,根据对象灵活使用Singlish和标准英语。这种能力源于新加坡独特的语言环境,在与本地人交流时使用Singlish,与外国人交流时则使用更规范的英语,体现了新加坡人沟通能力的灵活性和适应性。 Madame Khoo: 一位73岁的咖啡馆老板,虽然自己不喝咖啡,却经营着一家成功的咖啡馆。这源于她儿子的邀请和自身的努力,以及对上帝的祈祷。她尽力为顾客提供优质的咖啡,虽然咖啡拉花技术还有待提高,但她对咖啡的热情和努力值得肯定。 主持人: 本期节目通过采访展现了新加坡独特的语言和文化现象,突出了新加坡人灵活的语言运用能力以及多元的文化融合。 受访者: 新加坡的语言环境造就了新加坡人独特的代码切换能力,这是一种文化现象,也是新加坡人适应不同文化环境的体现。 Madame Khoo: 在Joo Chiat开设咖啡馆,体现了新加坡多元文化融合的特色,也展现了新加坡人创业的活力和对生活的热情。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Do I pay you pay now or cash? Cash, okay. I ask people, what's the most Singaporean thing about them? And I've found that the two most popular answers are language and food. First up, language. I think the most Singaporean thing about me is code switching.

It depends who you speak to. If you're talking to Singaporeans, it will be just very Singlish. It can go as deep as Inalien, right? But at the same time, if I would have to speak to perhaps a foreigner, then the enunciation would be a bit more articulate. Code switching is when a speaker alternates between two or more languages or language varieties in a single conversation.

The two varieties here are Singlish and Standard English.

I think growing up in Singapore with the focus of speaking English as our first language has allowed us to communicate, to reach out to different cultures. It sort of created the ability to code switch when necessary. I have seen this with other Singaporeans as well, right? If you just talk to other locals, it becomes very local, very Singlish.

But at the same time, if necessary, they would code switch and it would be very articulate. And I think that's what is pretty amazing as a result of growing up in Singapore. For Singaporeans who can code switch like this, what happens when they dream? I've never thought about that. Have I dreamt in Singlish? I don't know. I'll get back to you about that. MUSIC

Now I'm in Juchat in the east, where visitors snap pictures of colourful Peranakan conservation houses for social media. I wanted to check out a hole-in-the-wall café run by Madame Khoo, who literally made a hole in her kitchen wall so she could serve artisanal coffee at affordable prices to anyone in the lane behind her house. I think at my age, 73,

Being a barrister and doing hipster coffee, I think it's great. That's a pretty long career pivot, but there's a twist. Yeah, I don't drink coffee because my son set up this, asked me to join him, invited me to join him. So I was very nervous, but I gave it a try and prayed very hard that, my Jesus, if you want me to serve the people coffee, you need to guide me to give me the confidence. Right.

I am doing my very best but if you ask me to do coffee art, I'm still very very far away. But to brew a nice coffee for the coffee lovers, I think I made it. My cappuccino was fantastic and only cost me the princely sum of $3.50. You've been listening to people answer the question, what's the most Singaporean thing about you? Here is Kopi Khoo in Juchiat.

Check out this episode's show notes for more information or visit our website Catch you next time.