Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped n
I’m sorry, but if you don’t love maps, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Maps are amazing. Th
“Sustainable Design is a design philosophy that seeks to maximize the quality of the built environme
Almost everything in modern life is designed to waste energy. The whole system evolved on a false pr
Chris Downey explains it like this, “Beethoven continued to write music, even some of his best music
99% Invisible Extra! NASA is figuring out how to take the next great leap into space. The difficulty
Privately Owned Public Open Spaces, or POPOS, are these little gardens, terraces, plazas, and seatin
It’s weird how much anxiety comes from parking in a city. Beyond the stress of looking for parking,
Humans need a few basic things to survive- air, water, food, heat, shelter- but just surviving isn’t
Before I moved to Chicago in 2005, I didn’t even know cities had their own flags. In Chicago, the ci
At the top of Mt. Olympus in San Francisco, on what was once thought to be the geographic center of
It’s a stick with bristles poking out of it. It doesn’t even qualify as a simple machine, but the ca
There’s not much that we can do about all the physical matter that’s been designed and built by some
In the beginning, former AIA-SF president Henrik Bull and the Transamerica Pyramid did not get along
This episode of 99% Invisible is all about acoustic design, the city soundscape, and how to make lis