cover of episode Sangamon County Democratic Chairman Bill Houlihan, who also sits on the State Democratic Central Committee and the Democratic National Committee, joined Patrick to talk about the Blagojevich pardon, the Democratic approach to Trump 2.0, and his vote for DNC Chairman.

Sangamon County Democratic Chairman Bill Houlihan, who also sits on the State Democratic Central Committee and the Democratic National Committee, joined Patrick to talk about the Blagojevich pardon, the Democratic approach to Trump 2.0, and his vote for DNC Chairman.

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Bill Houlihan
@Bill Houlihan : 民主党已经将前州长Blagojevich的事情抛在脑后,尽管他确实犯了罪,但许多人认为最初判处的14年徒刑过于严厉。他的妻子一直没有放弃为他争取赦免的机会,并通过与特朗普总统及其团队的互动最终促成了他的赦免。现在,Blagojevich已经不再是公众关注的焦点,他不会再竞选公职,也不会引起公众的强烈抗议。民主党通过弹劾Blagojevich展现了他们的决心,几乎所有州议会的民主党人都投票支持弹劾。关于Pritzker州长,我认为他应该像往常一样处理事务,不必回应那些与Blagojevich相关的事件,因为这些都已经过去了。选民在2018年和2022年都知道Pritzker参与了与Blagojevich的对话,但他们认为这不足以阻止他们支持他担任伊利诺伊州州长。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the Democratic reaction to Rod Blagojevich's pardon, highlighting the perceived excessiveness of his sentence and the political strategies employed to downplay his significance after his impeachment. It also touches upon J.B. Pritzker's past involvement with Blagojevich and how it hasn't affected his political career.
  • Democrats largely put the Blagojevich issue behind them.
  • Blagojevich's 14-year sentence was considered excessive by many.
  • The Democrats' successful messaging strategy in 2010 minimized Blagojevich's impact on the electorate.
  • Pritzker's past interactions with Blagojevich haven't significantly impacted his political standing.

Shownotes Transcript

Sangamon County Democratic Chairman Bill Houlihan, who also sits on the State Democratic Central Committee and the Democratic National Committee, joined Patrick to talk about the Blagojevich pardon, the Democratic approach to Trump 2.0, and his vote for DNC Chairman.

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