cover of episode Business in the 217: ImpactLife's Tara Matheson talks blood needs across this February and beyond!

Business in the 217: ImpactLife's Tara Matheson talks blood needs across this February and beyond!

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Tara Matheson
Trent R. Nelson
@Trent R. Nelson : 我很高兴@Tara Matheson 能回来,上次她来谈论血液以来发生了很多事情。即使没有物质奖励,献血仍然非常重要。如果每个人都献血,那么我们就能为自己储备血液,但现在我们只能通过献血来帮助他人。如果我们遭遇事故,我们应该感谢那些献血的人。帮助别人是最好的事情,给予比接受更好。我鼓励听众去享受生命的礼物,并分享给那些需要帮助的人。献血是一种非常有价值的礼物,可以延长他人的生命。 Tara Matheson: WNNS电台正在举办一个为期整个二月的“献出你的爱心”献血活动,参与者有机会获得多种奖品,包括餐厅礼品卡和机票折扣。在血站献血可以获得一张价值40美元的礼品卡,献血者可以选择将礼品卡捐赠给自己喜欢的慈善机构,或者在我们的捐助者忠诚商店中兑换积分,以获得Impact Life的纪念品。Impact Life为签约医院提供血液,并在满足其需求后与其他血站分享。我们需要人们来献血,以便我们有足够的血液用于手术、事故和紧急服务。血液是无法替代的,我们依赖于志愿献血者。你可以访问WNNS的网站或bloodcenter.org注册献血。

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ImpactLife is partnering with WNNS radio for a blood drive in February, offering various incentives such as restaurant gift cards, flight rebates, and a $40 gift card for all donors. Donors can also choose to donate their gift card money to charity or redeem points in the donor loyalty store.
  • $50 restaurant gift cards
  • $750 flight rebate
  • $40 gift card for all donors
  • Donor loyalty store with ImpactLife swag

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Business in the 217 here with your host, Trent R. Nelson. Good morning, good morning, good morning, and what a wonderful morning it is indeed to talk about blood, and you know we do that so often. Well, we should be on a payroll over at Impact Life. We'll have to talk about that off air. Good morning, Tara Matheson. How are you today? Hello, hello. I'm back.

Well, we are so thrilled that you are back. Jim Watts, he does such a marvelous job in your stead, but it's good varieties of spicy life. Not paprika. Yeah. Variety. Oregano. Oregano, si. Uh,

Let's keep it boogieing. Tara, well, we missed you so much. And, well, Jim, he puts down a great shift every time he comes talking about blood. That's your topic of expertise as well. Yes. A lot has happened since last we had you down to blood, right? Yes.

What has been going on and what can we expect across February, perhaps even March? Give us the tea. I will tell you all about it. Right now, sister station WNNS is hosting a Give What's In Your Heart blood drive the whole month of February. Give What's In Your Heart, that's literally blood. It is. That's, get it?

We have a ton of prizes. First, one of four $50 restaurant gift cards you'll be in a drawing for. You are also in a drawing for a $750 flight rebate from Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport. Fly SPI, it's the easy way out.

And we also at the Blood Center, you're going to get this not in a drawing, but when you come to give, when you give blood, receive a $40 gift card from us. And that's everyone. That's not a drawing. That's just come give. We're going to give you $40. That's through the end of next week. The 23rd, I believe, is the date.

but after that we still have prizes. You can give your gift card money to your favorite charity. Also, that's an amazing choice we offer. I always have loved that choice. And then we have, or points to our donor loyalty store, which you can get all the cool impact life swag. Well, you know, like impact life and impact life is going to help your life be impacted in the, in that something. Now there are lots of prizes and impact life is always so generous. Uh,

Whether they are partnering specifically with NNS or not, and certainly the community, we all appreciate that. But let's get down to brass tacks for a moment.

Even if we did not have these material incentives, right? Why is it so important that we give what's in our hearts to all the other heart-bearing folks? Well, there's so many things going on these days. We at Impact Life, we supply the hospitals that we have contracted to provide blood for.

once we have supplied blood to those hospitals to their needs, we are able to share it with other blood centers across the nation. And we have done that a few times since the beginning of the year, disasters, tragedy, but we're there for it. We're here for it. And we need people to come in and restock the shelves so that we have plenty of blood for surgeries, for, you know,

any kind of traumatic accident, to supply our emergency services, vehicles, you name it. It has to be there when it's needed. It's got to be there when it's needed. We are the change of which we are seeking to so many degrees. We must go out and give blood. We must ensure that not only our local hospitals, the ones that Impact Life contracts with, have all the blood that they need, but...

the greater nation, the greater world. We all have the stuff. We must ensure that we all continue to have the stuff, and we can only do that by giving, as the host of this program has noted to both Tara and Jim Watts in the past. Well, if every single person just gave blood, well, then you would almost be just

depositing your own for later. But since we do not have that, and that's not how blood banks work anymore, we have to just settle with giving and enjoying the fact that we're helping somebody else be prepared for something. And should we fall victim to some type of accident or incident,

Well, we should be grateful that there is some random person in Nebraska who was like, I'm giving blood on Wednesday, fellas. That is a real gift. And we cannot take this for granted. No, it is. There's no substitute, no substitute for for blood.

Well, yet. I know that there is. Very ominous. Yes, yes, yes. There are people out there trying to find that. And actually, that's been the case in my 24 years at the blood center. It just hasn't happened. So there's no substitute. We rely on volunteer blood donors.


We recycle Taco Bell into red blood cells. Tara, you are absolutely brilliant, and we so appreciate all that you do for not only us, but the greater community. Everyone who needs blood, you folks are on the front line of ensuring that we have the stuff, but we know we have to let you go. This is the great...

Great tragedy of our medium. What can you tell us about where folks can learn more information, where they can look to sign up, see what kind of prizes you got, et cetera, et all? WNNS.

Backslash heart is a place where you can go sign up for the blood drive happening in February. Or you can go to and click on donate and you can schedule there. You're in here first, folks. There are several ways to do the thing. You should go out and do the thing. Give blood, especially if you are like the host of this program and your blood will help everyone. Well, then you've got to go do it. That's a lot of weight, a lot of pressure. Best way to get that pressure off of you. Just give some blood.

No big deal. And who knows, you might be grateful for yourself one day, but in all likelihood, others will be very grateful for you. And what is better than receiving? Well...

It's giving. There we are. Tara Matheson, appreciate you so much. I hope you have a marvelous rest of your day and week, and we'll catch you real soon, all right? Thank you, Trent. Absolutely. Business in the 217 here with your host, Trent R. Nelson. Well, why don't you go out and enjoy the gift of life? You've got it running through you all the time. But let's for a moment imagine that others do not. Through some accident, through some illness.

through some trial and tribulation. They may not be as secure in their blood as you are, and so why not give a bit of yours to them? It's a gift worth giving, and, well, we really cannot even quantify it.

how brilliant such a gift could be. We must only think of the family members that get to see others for longer and the life experiences we get to attain further. So until we do this thing all over again, we hope that our listeners have a marvelous rest of their day and week and we'll catch them all real soon.