cover of episode Housing: Locked In, Locked Out, Locked Up

Housing: Locked In, Locked Out, Locked Up

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Moody's Talks - Inside Economics

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chris Avallone
Marisa DiNatale
Chris Avallone认为美国经济强劲,消费者和就业数据良好,导致美联储可能低估了加息的影响,资本市场仍在寻找利率走向。较高的利率增加了购房的难度,并凸显了房屋成本与租房成本之间的差异,这将许多消费者推向租赁市场。30年期固定利率抵押贷款利率可能会在5%左右趋于稳定,但过程可能并非线性。预计30年期固定抵押贷款利率会降至6%以下,但不会大幅下降,短期内不太可能降至5%。较高的抵押贷款利率导致许多房主选择留在现有住房,因为更换住房的月供差异过大,这构成了巨大的经济阻力。利率下降到一定程度才会显著影响房屋销售市场,目前还远未达到这个临界点。尽管房屋库存增加,但卖家仍以高于内在价值的价格挂牌出售,导致买卖双方价格预期出现分歧,市场流动性受损。当前美国房地产市场面临“锁定”(房主不愿出售)、“锁定在外”(购房者难以买房)和“锁定”(买卖双方价格预期分歧)三大问题。经济适用房短缺的原因在于建造经济适用房的难度大(成本高、资金成本高)以及现有住房存量老化。简化审批流程和降低风险能够促进经济适用房的供应。地方政府需要一套公共与私营部门合作的策略来解决住房问题。待售房屋的挂牌价格普遍高于其内在价值,这加剧了市场供需失衡。对老旧房屋进行翻新需要大量资金,这对于普通消费者来说难以承受,因此需要政府或私营部门的投资激励。与房屋拥有者相比,租房者收入较低,信用评分较低,种族多样性更高,更可能未婚且有子女。机构投资者在租赁市场中的占比很小,并未主导市场定价。建造租赁住房是解决住房短缺问题的重要途径,但面临着与传统建房商相同的挑战。长期的人口结构变化(例如出生率下降)将导致住房市场最终恢复平衡,但需要很长时间。考虑到人口老龄化和家庭构成变化,美国住房市场可能需要十年甚至十五年才能恢复到更正常的水平。住房市场恢复平衡需要数年时间。 Mark Zandi, Cris deRitis和Marisa DiNatale也参与了讨论,并对利率、住房短缺和市场恢复平衡的时间表等问题发表了各自的看法。

Deep Dive

The discussion focuses on the factors contributing to the recent increase in mortgage rates, including the resilience of the economy, consumer behavior, and the Fed's monetary policy.
  • Resilient economy and consumer behavior are pushing rates higher.
  • Markets are anticipating a Trump re-election, which could lead to inflationary policies.
  • The spread between mortgage rates and treasury yields is widening due to reduced Fed intervention.

Shownotes Transcript

Chris Avallone, Head of Merchant Banking at Amherst, joins the Inside Economics crew to discuss the housing market.  The group examines the "lock-in" effect keeping existing homeowners in their homes and the "lock-out" effect preventing aspiring homebuyers from realizing their dreams.  Chris describes a playbook that local governments could use to address zoning and free up the "locked up" housing market.  After a quick stats game, Mark polls the group for their forecasts for when and how the housing market will normalize. 

The recording of this podcast took place before the results of the 2024 election.

For Cris's paper on the Housing Deficit and Housing Affordability click here)

Guest: Chris Avallone, Head of Merchant Banking at The Amherst Group)

Hosts: Mark Zandi – Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics, Cris deRitis – Deputy Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics, and Marisa DiNatale – Senior Director - Head of Global Forecasting, Moody’s Analytics

Follow Mark Zandi on 'X' @MarkZandi, Cris deRitis on LinkedIn, and Marisa DiNatale on LinkedIn