cover of episode 【佛印】59.白鹿国庠-书院,丽正殿始


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主讲人:清朝后期的五营殿由于依靠府库开支,在道光年间开始衰落,最终在同治八年遭遇大火,导致明清以来积累的雕版、活字和图书全部焚毁,标志着中国千年官刻图书的历程基本结束,仅存雍和宫东侧百林寺的清乾隆大藏经雕板。这一事件与清朝国运的衰败密切相关。 与此同时,书院作为一种独特的社会文化机构,在中国历史上源远流长,在唐宋时期尤其兴盛。书院并非列入国家学制的教育机构,而是属于私学,但由于其教授的思想内容或多或少会涉及意识形态,因此与各级政府存在千丝万缕的联系。书院的主要活动包括讲学、著书、授徒等,致力于学术思想的传播和繁荣。中国第一所书院是官办的立政书院,始建于唐朝开元六年,最初是皇家藏书楼,后来才发展出对外教学的功能。白鹿洞书院是另一所著名的书院,其历史可以追溯到唐朝李渤兄弟在庐山居住的洞穴,后来由李善道在洞旁建立讲学场所,正式建立书院,并因宋朝大儒朱熹任山长而闻名天下。

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Key Insights

Why did the Wuying Hall decline during the Qing dynasty?

The Wuying Hall, which relied on government funds, began to decline in the late Qianlong and early Jiaqing periods, and its decline accelerated after the Daoguang era. By the latter half of the Qing dynasty, it was no longer sustainable, and only 30 books were printed, a negligible number compared to its earlier output.

What happened to the Wuying Hall in 1869?

In June 1869, during a particularly rainy summer in Beijing, the Wuying Hall was destroyed by a fire. The fire burned down over 200 years of woodblock printing plates and printed books, marking the end of the Wuying Hall's role in history.

What was the only surviving set of woodblock printing plates from the Wuying Hall?

The only surviving set of woodblock printing plates from the Wuying Hall was the Qing Dynasty's Great Buddhist Canon, which was stored at the Bailin Temple next to the Yonghe Temple. This set of 84,000 plates survived the fire that destroyed the rest of the Wuying Hall's collection.

What is the historical significance of the White Deer Grotto Academy?

The White Deer Grotto Academy, originally known as the White Deer National School, is historically significant as it marked the beginning of the academy-based model of teaching, writing, and mentoring. It was founded by Li Shandao, who taught the Confucian classics there, and later gained fame under the leadership of the renowned Song dynasty scholar Zhu Xi.

When was the first academy in China established and what was its original purpose?

The first academy in China, the Lizheng Hall Academy, was established in 718 AD during the Tang dynasty under the decree of Emperor Xuanzong. Initially, it served as a royal library and archive within the palace, functioning as a place for the emperor to store and read books.

  • 清朝后期,由于国力衰弱,依靠府库开支的五英殿刻书活动难以为继。
  • 五英殿大火烧毁了明清以来积累的珍贵雕板和图书。
  • 唯一幸存的官刻图书雕板是雍和宫东侧百林寺的清乾隆大藏经雕板。

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