cover of episode  Ep.34 别了,2024!好小气和Frances面对面,回顾我们焦虑又平淡的一年

Ep.34 别了,2024!好小气和Frances面对面,回顾我们焦虑又平淡的一年

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Frances: Frances 最喜欢今年播客中付费的读书月节目,因为制作用心,视听盛宴。她认为付费节目是第一次尝试,因此希望给听众最好的体验。此外,她也喜欢小众观点那一集,因为内容有趣,剪辑紧凑,录制过程虽然时间长,但剪辑后效果很好。 好小气: 好小气认为小众观点那一集录制过程很快乐,但后期上传过程有很多不愉快,反复上传和下架让她感到抓狂。尽管如此,她仍然对完成三期付费节目感到自豪,并回忆了制作过程的忙碌和挑战。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the most challenging aspect of creating the paid podcast episodes?

The most challenging aspect was the tight schedule and the pressure to deliver high-quality content. The hosts had to write outlines, record, and edit within a month for each episode, which was a new and demanding experience.

Why did the hosts prefer creating paid content over accepting brand sponsorships?

They preferred paid content because it allowed them to create what they truly wanted without the constraints of brand requirements. Sponsorships often involved detailed scrutiny of their content and required them to act as marketers, which they found less fulfilling compared to direct content creation.

What was the hosts' approach to handling the anxiety of not meeting podcasting milestones?

They adopted a relaxed attitude, focusing on the joy of creating content and maintaining their friendship rather than chasing ambitious goals or external validation. They prioritized their relationship and creative freedom over metrics like fan count or brand deals.

What was the most significant change in the hosts' podcasting mindset over the years?

The most significant change was moving away from the pressure to chase trends or grow their audience. They became more focused on enjoying the process and maintaining their creative freedom, rather than striving for external success or validation.

What was the hosts' favorite podcast episode of the year and why?

One host's favorite episode was the one on 'unpopular opinions' because it was fun and well-edited, despite the challenges of uploading it. The other host favored the November episode on 'offline life' because it felt organic and allowed for spontaneous, meaningful discussions.

What was the most rewarding personal achievement for one of the hosts in 2024?

One host was proud of completing her first five-year diary, learning Japanese and Spanish, and mastering crochet, which was initially challenging but became a fulfilling hobby. She also maintained meaningful relationships with family and friends.

What was the most regretted decision by one of the hosts in 2024?

One host regretted not buying tickets to Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish concerts, despite having the opportunity. She later felt she missed out on enjoyable experiences after seeing how much fun others had at the events.

What was the most valuable investment made by one of the hosts in 2024?

One host found her investment in physical therapy and rehabilitation training to be the most valuable. It helped her improve her physical health, develop a deeper connection with her body, and avoid unnecessary spending on ineffective health products.

What was the hosts' perspective on the holiday season and its impact on their emotions?

One host felt that the holiday season, especially Christmas, often felt performative and didn't align with her personal sense of happiness. She preferred quieter, more meaningful moments over the pressure to create a festive atmosphere.

What was the most frequently discussed or troubling issue for the hosts in 2024?

Both hosts frequently discussed and were troubled by issues related to women's roles and struggles, particularly in family dynamics and societal expectations. They reflected on the structural inequalities women face and the need for women to challenge traditional norms.

  • 主播们回顾了过去一年播客制作的感受和生活感悟。
  • 分享了各自最喜欢的单集,并解释了原因。
  • 讨论了在制作过程中遇到的挑战,例如节目下架等问题。

Shownotes Transcript




Part 1 播客篇

  • 今年最喜欢的《一人有一个》单集是?

  • 有没有哪一期的话题,让你感觉很难聊或者没有动力聊,硬着头皮录音了?

  • 和3年前做播客时相比,心态上有什么变化吗?

  • 接商务和做付费节目,更喜欢哪种盈利方式?

  • 浓人和淡人一起搭伙做节目,会有困扰吗?

  • 对2025年的节目有什么期待吗?

Part 2 生活篇

  • 今年最骄傲&最后悔的一件事是什么?

  • 2024年,你的年度汉字是什么?

  • 2025年最期待的事情是什么?

  • 最喜欢一年里的哪段时间?传统佳节让你觉得幸福还是焦虑?

  • 2024年经常思考或者还在困扰你的问题是什么?

  • 今年最值得的一笔钱花在哪里?

intro & outro: The 1975 - Me & You Together Song


谢谢小宇宙用户麟潜羽翔、在罗德岛跳高、donatus、云儿轻轻、小可爱来啦给《一人有一个》的*打赏!* 谢谢小宇宙用户私奔热气球购买了我们的付费节目!


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欢迎购买我们付费读书节目,在小宇宙、爱发电)和Buy Me a Coffee)上都可以购买

  • 《阅读性别,上野千鹤子之外的选择》

  • 《阅读与旅行交汇的心动时刻》

  • 《这书难道是非读不可吗?英文书阅读经验与(漫长的)心理建设分享》



YouTube:一个女仔去英国过生日(ENG SUB))



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