cover of episode 95. 42人,网飞《三体》8集连刷后的第一观感

95. 42人,网飞《三体》8集连刷后的第一观感

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一位未看过任何三体作品的观众: Netflix版《三体》节奏标准,值得继续观看。 Rio (只读过小说): Netflix版《三体》除了特效,其他方面与原著小说相比没有特别之处。 一位先看过舞台剧再看小说的观众: 先看舞台剧《三体3》再看小说,觉得很好看,但小说第二部开头看不下去。 Say (看过小说和腾讯版电视剧): Netflix版《三体》比腾讯版更具情感,更动人。 Sale (看过小说、动画和腾讯版电视剧): Netflix版《三体》前几集模仿好莱坞风格,后几集魔改;腾讯版过于冗长,细节过多,冲淡了科幻感。Netflix版将三部曲主人公汇集于第一部,并加入了人物间的互动,更易于关注人物命运。 一位来自深圳的观众: Netflix版《三体》人物关系处理合理,并对原著设定进行了合理的视觉化发展。Netflix版对人物动机刻画细致,值得期待后续剧情发展,智子的出现时间提前。 一位资深三体粉丝: Netflix版《三体》人物塑造饱满,但对硬科幻部分有所简化。 一位二刷观众: Netflix版《三体》整体改编较大,但二刷后评分降低,认为视觉刺激和演员之间的火花不足。 衣柜: Netflix版《三体》改编合理,但容易让观众陷入粉丝视角。Netflix版《三体》中人物关系合理,叶文洁动机刻画清晰。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁和云天明的角色刻画比其他版本更成功,展现了叶文洁与伊文斯的感情合理性。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁的形象更贴合西方观众的刻板印象,但老年叶文洁形象过于扁平化。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁与伊文斯关系合理,但更喜欢腾讯版中叶文洁的形象。 凯: Netflix版《三体》对人物感情线的处理方式值得期待,但庄严角色的出现方式成谜。Netflix版《三体》对叶文洁情感线的处理合理,更外化地展现了其内心冲突。Netflix版《三体》的情感戏比原著更舒适,期待庄严角色的后续表现。 其他观众: Netflix版《三体》比腾讯版更精简,剧情更连贯,弥补了腾讯版的一些不足。Netflix版《三体》将原著中的蝗虫改为知了,使其更具诗意。Netflix版《三体》拍摄地点和场景设置存在不一致,科学问题的讨论不如《For All Mankind》。Netflix版《三体》在保留原著故事的同时,弱化了作品的中国特色,使其更具全球化视野。Netflix版《三体》的配音和配乐出色,特别提到了Hans Zimmer的配乐。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the initial reactions of the 42 viewers who binge-watched Netflix's '3 Body Problem'?

The reactions varied widely. Some viewers, who were completely new to the 'Three-Body Problem' universe, found the show engaging and well-paced, while others, familiar with the novels and other adaptations, appreciated the emotional depth and character development but noted the show's deviations from the source material.

How did the Netflix adaptation handle the emotional aspects compared to the Tencent version?

The Netflix version was noted for its stronger emotional elements, particularly in character interactions and relationships, which were less pronounced in the Tencent adaptation. This added a layer of human drama that some viewers found moving and engaging.

What were the criticisms regarding the Netflix adaptation's handling of the original story?

Critics pointed out that the Netflix adaptation significantly condensed the story, omitting many details and subplots from the original novels. This led to a loss of depth in certain areas, such as the internal dynamics of the ETO organization and the philosophical underpinnings of the story.

How did the adaptation change the portrayal of key characters like Ye Wenjie?

Ye Wenjie's character was portrayed with more emotional depth and complexity in the Netflix version, showing her motivations and internal conflicts more clearly. This was a departure from the more stoic and detached portrayal in the Tencent version, which some viewers found more aligned with the original novel's depiction.

What were the viewers' opinions on the cultural adaptation of the story for a global audience?

Some viewers felt that the Netflix adaptation diluted the Chinese cultural elements of the story, making it more generic and less distinctive compared to the original. This globalization of the story was seen as a trade-off for broader international appeal, but it left some fans of the original novels wanting more cultural specificity.

Shownotes Transcript


This episode is the first episode of the English-American "Milk Ticket 3-D" show.

In Shanghai on March 23, 42 of us started brushing three bodies from 11 am to 7 pm after brushing 8 episodes. The following content is the first feedback from the audience after brushing. There are people who have not seen a blank paper in both the novel animation and Tencent dramas, as well as the stage play and all the related works such as "My Three Bodies". So what will their reactions be? We all know that the voice on the Internet is very noisy.

Hello, I'm Yi Gui.

Hello everyone, I'm Kai.

今天是三体第一周的周六,我们现场一共有 40 人左右,从早晨 11 点一直刷到了晚上 7 点,然后因为过一段时间我们也会录一期专门的三体节目,然后今天主要是想听听在场所有观众的感受,然后我们今天按的顺序是先请一张白纸来聊聊,就是我们在报名的时候有筛选嘛,有的人所有作品都看过,有的人是全都没有看过,应该有四五位都是一张白纸,我不知道有没有人现在可以举手一下,哪一位是之前没有看过任何三体作品的。


I think it's pretty good. The rhythm is very standard. I feel like I can keep watching like this.

So you think it's okay for a trilogy to be a hit? Yes. Okay. Next, let's have a talk with a novelist who has only read novels. Hello, I'm Rio. I read three books of the original novel about ten years ago. I was in college at that time. I felt it was very interesting and interesting. This time, I feel like I haven't seen anyone except the master.

I watched the first episode of "The First Step" and "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" and "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode" of "The First Episode

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我就不说名字了吧,然后我是先从,身体前段时间不是有去年有个陈金士的戏剧吗? 我是先跟我同学去了那个陈金士的戏剧,所以我是从三开始看的,从剧讲的那个情节开始补的,因为他那个戏剧是从三开始演的,然后看了三之后我觉得好好看,然后我就去看了一,看了一之后我还是觉得好好看,我就看了二。

看二开头我看不下去了 然后现在就卡在二那里 电视剧之类的我是都没有看过 然后之前也没有看过 王菲这部剧的剧头 然后这个电视剧呢 还是挺好看 但是因为我有过小说的背景 你其实知道故事是怎么发展的 所以你就不会有那种 非常想知道下一部剧情 是怎么演的那种感受 谢谢 这一轮结束了 那接下来就是看过比较多的有谁

Okay, you can call me Say because I have a blog called "Hai Gui Fei Chai" It's not online yet, but it will be soon. I've already recorded two episodes of the show. Because it's not an advertisement. I read books in 2016. I was still in the US at that time. I finished reading three books in a breath.

I finished all the dramas last year. I think I finished all of them. The biggest feeling I got was that the drama was obviously full of love. When I watched the drama in Tencent last year, I thought it was a drama with no love at all. It felt like I was reading a book. But this drama has a lot of emotions. And I think it's quite moving. This is the biggest thing I think.

嗯,那整体这个剧的质量呢? 质量我觉得挺好,但是我觉得你说有没有看过其他的科幻剧,然后有没有其他科幻剧感觉更好,我觉得 Expense 是会让我感觉更震撼的。 那个算是真正的硬科幻。 好,那下面还有哪一位看过其他的动画的有没有?甚至我的三体。

大家好,我是那个 Sale。 我就是除了最早的方块的那个动画没有看过, 其他的基本都看了,就是从最早的书然后到那个异化的动画。 我最早是看了那个书从第三部小说出版之前就把前面的看了, 然后等于说第三本书刚出版的时候我就第一时间看了第三本书, 所以当时对,就从第一部到第二部到第三部那种递进式的,

I was impressed by the shock effect and the feeling of the earthquake. So I followed up on every change in his IP. Including the version of the novel. When I saw the animation version, although it was bad, I still insisted on watching it. Because I've always been interested in his visual presentation. And then I looked at the domestic team. Because the Linglong they filmed before was pretty good.

然后看完之后就是觉得前面非常的搞笑 很像是模仿好莱坞的感觉 后面几集开始魔改 然后后来就看腾讯的版本 腾讯的给我感觉是非常像是国产的电视剧 就他虽然说跟着输一比一的拍 但是他却是很像是国产的电视剧

但是太细了,然后甚至是扩充了很多他自己填充的细节人物。 比如说他用很大的那个篇幅拍了什么那个 ETO 组织内部, 他们是怎么去破解这个三体问题等等。 不知道为什么会拍这么细就很难坚持下去, 但是还是坚持看完了。 就是觉得那个整个剧...


让他们之间有一点友情爱情的互动 这样的话给人一种像是主角团的整体的一个命运 然后你就很想关注他们后面的一些变化 因为本身我看第一部第二部第三部的时候 它的主角都在变化嘛 其实变化的时候你就每看一部新的 就要重新去跟着那个主人公进入一个新的一故事 所以我觉得这个还挺好的 尤其看到应该第三部那个云天明那个角色吧 就里面那个 Will 那个角色

然后跟陈欣的那一段爱情还挺感人的。 但是我觉得比较遗憾的就是因为太快了, 然后压缩的比较多, 所以对很多细节其实没有拍出来。 比如说我其实比较感兴趣的就是, ETO 组织内部它其实分成什么拯救派啊, 降临派这些, 这个其实还蛮有意思的, 就是说在三体人到来之前呢, 地球人其实就比较有趣的,

Okay, how about the guy in Shenzhen give us a card?

I didn't expect anything special from the story before I watched it. So after watching it, I told my friend that you can see Shi Qiang as a hard-working worker for Witte. You can see Yun Tianming and Luo Ji as good friends. You can see Wang Miao as... I don't know. I think he might play some of Ai Ai's roles in the future. And then...

Chen Xing once had a relationship with Zhang Beihai. These are very similar settings, and then they were very smoothly involved in the story. I think it's actually quite interesting. And then I think the director and the screenwriter have a good idea. He used some of the original settings to make some visual developments. Because, for example, the original three-dimensional VR equipment was a relatively advanced equipment when it was created. Now, after it has been re-adjusted, it has become a very high-tech thing. It's quite reasonable.

And we know that in the original work, Chen Xing has done some things that many people have been suspicious of. In this work, when he was playing the three-dimensional game, he also showed a part of Chen Xing's character, rather than some personality characteristics of Wang Miao before the adaptation. Including some reactions of her little girl followers, which is actually quite interesting. In the original work, Wang Miao is actually a character who looks like a camera at the first step. Many times, it's just some little things in his heart.

内部的一些情感上的纠纷 然后在这部剧里面 把它拆分成五个人以后 就可以看到很多人互相之间的对话 然后看到他们一些动机上的转变 包括陈欣元作 其实她的动机还挺弱的 然后这部剧里面可以看到 她在面对她曾经的好朋友 被三体那边的人给很残忍的杀害过以后 看见她身边的一些人的 一些各种各样的经历以后 她的动机其实发生了很大的变化 所以如果这个剧集以后 还能继续做下去的话

其实还挺期待说陈欣这个角色,他在未来的那个故事当中是不是行动上也会有一些比较有意思的变化。 还有就是包括智子这个角色,因为在创作第一部的时候他是还没有诞生的。 这一部的话其实可以看到导演就是早早的把他从大概第一集第二集的时候就已经拿着他的那个日本刀出现在三体游戏里了。

I think the director has moved forward or backward some interesting things after reading three books. So the overall view may be more complete than reading three books alone. That's all for now. Are you satisfied with the whole book? How many stars? Eight stars. Okay, I'll give it a eight. I'm an old fan of the trilogy. When I was reading novels, it was about 2018.

I've watched all three of them except the stage play. And I've seen the live-action animation of the TV series and Tencent. So I've heard about the version of the web-based version. But it's said to be a original story. So I don't expect much.

Then I'll look at the first part. Because this script is a full-length script. Because I actually watch more every drama. So when I look at the first part, it feels like 2DB is supporting themselves. Because the first part is very similar to the Wolf's House part in the full-length.

So there is such a perception. In addition, I think the highlight of this version is the creation of the character. Because from the original version, the character is a little bit empty. Its form logic or the description of the original version.

But I think the actor is pretty good. Like the friend said, his behavior, and why people call him "Shenmue" because of his bad name, his emotional writing, including his view on everything related to human love. I think he is quite full in this version. So overall, as a fan of American dramas, I was surprised to see many familiar faces in this version.

But I think besides Cheng Xin's character, the director and the scriptwriter in this version are very good at telling stories. So I think it's very gratifying to tell a story. Of course, he may have simplified the part of the hard drawing, including the scene of the stone wall. But for me personally, it's OK. I can accept it. Okay, then I'll turn on the microphone first. It's the second brush today, like me. You say. I regret it now. I watched it in advance.

I found it hard to get a sense of pleasure by repeating the same scene. Especially after watching it, I found that the rating after the second shot was reduced. I watched the original and didn't finish watching the Tencent one. I'm not a fan of the trilogy, but I know the story. I think the overall change is very high. But I think if it's a flagship play by Wang Fei, or a play that brings people's expectations, it's not the level it should be.

I agree with the changes and the great things you've said. But I think the fire between actors and characters, or the visual stimulation, and the visual pleasure from watching the series continuously, I think it's still a bit lacking. Anyway, I've reduced the score after the second time. I'll probably give it 3.5 stars.

也不小了,那你一刷是多少啊? 好,然后是一柜吧。 我觉得挺好的,可能是因为我是带着看 2DB 热闹来看的。 确实是跟大家看权力游戏的感觉差不多,就是只要有书,他们大概还是能改好的。 你这次看完了,你能发现出来谁是谁吗? 还挺明显的,逻辑我费了一点时间,因为前面除了它在什么量子对撞机那块有一点实质性的戏份之外,后边都是喝酒泡妞,当时我是没有反应过来这个要素的。

But I'm actually quite against it. To find out who is who. It's easy to fall into that kind of fan situation. Ha ha.

Zhang Beihai actually fell in love with the new-born Wang Miao. It's like entering into a book-famous setting. It's crazy. But I think he just took the character away and re-picked it up. So I think if you go back to the drama and see the five interesting people doing something, and then follow this pattern to watch the story, it might be more interesting.

I agree with this point of view. Because all the interpersonal relationships in the play are actually relatively reasonable. Although there are some sexual relationships, I don't think it's necessary. But at least it's reasonable in the play's context. And if you have to compare, Yang Wei Ning, the husband of Ye Wenjie, later became Evans through some very funny ways. This person didn't change at all. He just changed his name to Evans.

If I have to compare, I think the change in the play is more shocking. Okay, let's talk about some details. First of all, I personally think that Ye Wenjie's play is very clear. It only takes five minutes to make people understand why he hates it so much. Why did he press that button? Why did he summon three bodies? First of all, his father was beaten. Then there were two betrayals, including emotional betrayals.


Of course, later on, we found that the whole drama, the eight episodes, was a complete story. I personally think that his late-year performances were not as good as his young ones. But the story and reality are very complete. Yi Wenjie's reality is better than other works. And then there's Yun Tianming. Many people have already cried when they watched it, right? Everyone knows Liu Siqin. His writing is also very straight-forward. This really weakened him. Yun Tianming has become a cute person. Not only his image or his expression are not offensive.

看完这个剧你就会知道为什么奥巴马喜欢这部三体小说了,因为他看的是英文吧。 我是想说一下叶文杰和 Evans 在一起的这个情节,其实我是在当时看腾讯的剧的时候,我就会觉得他们俩为什么没有在一起,这是我当时的想法。 就因为我觉得当时 Evans 已经对他有一种非常,就是到了他们俩,就是 Evans 对他是有崇拜,然后也是有理解,然后叶文杰其实对于能找到这样一个愿意支持自己的人,他也是...

They have a relationship and support each other. When I saw them kissing in this drama, I thought it was very reasonable. Of course, this is just my opinion. Another thing is about the image of Ye Wenjie. I actually think in Tencent's drama, Ye Wenjie's image is a kind of deity.

好像她的情绪管理也好,或者说她可能就没有情绪,处于一种超脱一个人类的这样一个状态。 但是在这部剧里面可以看到,其实是有一点 stereotype,看美剧看多了就会看到挺多对于华人或者华裔都是非常合理的。 一个邪恶的一个角色,有点类似于 Mandarin 满大人的那种感觉,就是面相可能就能看出来这个女人是有野心的,有些邪恶的。 但是呢,在这个剧里面相对来讲,因为前因后果吧,

I think it's very reasonable for this character. I just want to ask a question. Just like the girl said, Ye Wen is actually a more ambitious character. Especially when she was young, she was independent and rational. But I think from my point of view, she became a very flat character when she was old. She has always been expressionless. And Zhang Zui is the master. So I want to ask the version of Yuan Zhu or Teng Xun.


但是这种绝望其实也导致他根本不太可能 当然后面他生了杨东以后 你想他杀了杨卫宁和雷正伟 为了要把他的对于人类的这样子的一个行为贯彻到底 他杀了这两个人 但是是后来他生了女儿 当地的那些村民对他们母女俩的关照 给他又重新注入了一点对于人类的感情 所以我觉得这里面他跟伊文斯走在一起 撇开他们在原住当中的年龄差不算


王子文的演出,我觉得更符合东方女性的感觉。 王子文的演出,我觉得更符合东方女性的感觉。



然后我现在看了这个之后,两部结合一下,反而有一些情节就好像是查了补券一样的补上了。 因为国内版的,它故事讲的很慢,然后也很含蓄,包括加了一些无关紧要的人物和情节。 网飞制版就是更精简一点。

故事也缩水了很多。 就是有一个剧情的地方, 差不多到第五集的时候,那个 URBOX 嘛, 差不多腾讯大结局就拍到这个地方。 就当时看的就是以为是什么三体人宣战, 就是说以为是地球人都是, 怎么说呢,是微小的可以被一脚踩死的那种。 然后看了这版的剧情就稍微连通一点了。 它是因为长崎和伊文斯,

I don't remember if it's a novel bug, but it's pretty obvious. You guys are bugs, right?

I have an impression, but it shouldn't be said that through such a conversation, I learned the concept of bugs or pests. And I think it's not a very important point. Later they went to see cicadas, but in the novel it was locusts. I think it's changed to cicadas. At least when I was watching it, I felt that the idea of cicadas may be more poetic. Because its folding time is longer. And it doesn't cause so much destruction. There is a more cotton-like feeling, unlike locusts.

嗯,我是想说一下禅的话,因为是,这个就牵涉到我的这个剧里面有一点,我觉得非常奇怪的点,就是它到底是英还是美? 对,就是它中间因为就是突然它到了那个联合国之后,我才突然意识到,就是看它整个场景来说,感觉到它终于到美国了,但是之前它在英国,那它在英国的很多地方,包括它的内景里面,有很多我看着感觉还是更像美国,所以其实它拍的就是英国,

英美的这个差别我觉得非常怪。 然后一个讲到的禅的话, 应该是之前几年在美国它是会有这个新闻的, 就是某一年它不是每隔七年那个禅才会出来, 所以就是美国会把这个东西作为一个很大的新闻。 它这个好像是一个非常美国式的改变, 我觉得是美国人可能会比较容易接受的一个意象。 然后至于说到,

英美的这个问题就是我非常想吐槽的一点 就是怎么会在牛津会有加速器 牛津怎么可能有加速器 就是欧洲的加速器只可能在这儿 怎么可能在牛津有加速器 Anyway 对 他这里边对科学问题的讨论肯定不如 Expense 那个剧了 确实只能当爆米花 然后关于英美的区分 我感觉他很像黑镜了 前三季在英国 然后作者也是英国的 但是他一旦变成了网飞的美剧 哪怕这里面的演员都是英剧的班底 对吧

但是他也都会有这种感觉。 然后我们也都知道网飞的覆盖地图里只有中国是一片红,别处都是覆盖着的,所以说他本来也不是给我们拍的。 我有一点也想问一下现场的男生是什么样的看法,因为其实这部剧相对于原著比较多的琢磨都是在男性角色,但这部剧其实他把大量的人物都换成了女性角色,甚至



I also think that when they were soaking in the water, I also felt why they were so fragrant. Then the question comes, because in the logic of the emotional drama, in fact, there are a lot of people in the original, I still want to know how they will arrange it later.

还有没有庄严这个角色,或者说庄严会怎么出现,也都是个问题。 现在有一个说法,庄严已经出现了,你想想可能是谁。 我也想到了这个。 对,我回答一下刚才的问题,就我看三题肯定就是为了看一个去刘慈欣味儿版的三题。

So how did she change into a female character? This is all part of it. I'll continue this question. Because it's just about this part and Liu Siqin's love line in the original. In fact, for Ye Wenjie, her emotional line is actually very big. Yang Weining's death, including Yang Weining and Ye Wenjie's marriage, was completely cut off. In fact, what I was shocked at first was Ye Wenjie and Bai Muling.


Actually, the emotional scenes of the film are more comfortable for me than the three-dimensional ones. Because the original Ye Wenjie is a little too overwhelming. For me, the audience, in short, Liu Sixing's style is actually more than me. I personally think it's also... So I'm actually looking forward to how Zhuang Yan will act in the future. It's another possibility. But I have something to complain about. I think there is a very important line in this. He didn't put it in. It's about the height of Ye Wenjie's role.


虽然说它非常的还原原著,但是作为一个相对来说有很多大场面的东西,腾讯几乎就没有做出一点质感来,我认为。 所以它这个里面的质感我是满意的,但是我觉得它有一个很遗憾的地方,因为我认为三体它作为一个很好看的科幻小说,它当中带了很多我们中国人才能够 get 到的东西。

但是网飞的改编把作品的中国性无限稀释了 你基本上不太再能够看得出 它的一些我们能够完全理解的一些东西 但是在它这个里面是 应该说是把它全球化了 或者说是把它世界化了 它就变成了一个跟大部分的 我们看的更多的那种西方科幻 没有太大区别的东西 当然它的故事还是三体的故事 但是特征就变得非常模糊了 我是这么觉得

听你这么一说感觉需要 A24 接受的感觉。


They only followed the original plan.

I personally prefer the film's film style. So it's very exciting to see how it will unfold in the future and how the characters will appear. What I actually want to say has nothing to do with the story of the three bodies. And I saw that no one mentioned it, so I just said it. It's about that Pei Yue. Because I just saw the group conversation, it was quite funny. It was said that she was caught by the next door. And what I heard here was that she was calling Lisa Agaiyi over there.

And then the dubbing of Hans Zimmer is really good. I actually want to talk about the dubbing of this play. It should be called Rami Jarati. There are a lot of HBO's full-length and Western world. In fact, I think the three-part film also has a lot of Western world theme songs. And the sixth episode, he saw the ship on the sea. And he went to buy the star for Cheng Xin. It's the song of Thunder Sister.


Bye-bye. See you.

Swinging in the backyard Pull up in your fast car Whistling my name Open up a beer And you say get over here And play a video game I'm in his favorite sundress Watching me get undressed Take that body downtown

I see you the bestest, leaning for a big kiss Put his favorite perfume on, go play a video game

It's you, it's you, it's all for you Everything I do, I tell you all the time Heaven is a place on earth where you Tell me all the things you wanna do I heard that you like the bad girls Is that true? It's better than I ever even knew

They say that the world was built for two With living if somebody is loving you Baby now you do Singing in the old bars, swinging with the old stars, living for the fame

Is you is you is all for you everything

I do, I tell you all the time Heaven is a place on earth with you Tell me all the things you want If I heard that you liked the bad girls Honey, is that true? It's better than I ever even knew They say that the world was built for two Only with living if somebody

It's you, it's you, it's all for you Everything I do, I tell you all the time Heaven is a place on earth for you

Tell me all the things you want to do I heard that you like the bad girls, honey Is that true? It's better than I ever knew They say that the world was built for two Only worth living if somebody is loving you Maybe now you do

- Maryland University, Bob.