cover of episode episode304「好きなストーリー(N2)」


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Let’s Talk in Japanese!

トモ: 本期节目我将分享一些对我影响深远的漫画和故事。首先,漫画《龙樱》对我的人生观和学习方法产生了深远的影响。这部漫画讲述了一群学习成绩不好的高中生,在一年内努力学习并最终考上东京大学的故事。漫画中包含许多关于学习和教育的讨论,与我在大学教职课程中学习的内容完全一致,甚至可以替代大学课程。 《龙樱》不仅讲述了学习方法,还探讨了人生观、价值观和教育等方面,让我对这些方面有了更深入的思考。虽然漫画创作于20年前,时代背景有所不同,但其核心思想依然具有现实意义。后来推出的续作《龙樱2》我也很感兴趣,有机会的话会去阅读。 除了《龙樱》,格斗漫画也对我产生了很大的影响,因为我本身就喜欢格斗技。我从小就阅读格斗漫画,例如《はじめの一歩》和《Holyland》。虽然《はじめの一歩》中的一些情节有些脱离现实,但我更喜欢描写高中生街头斗殴的漫画,例如《Holyland》,因为这种类型的漫画更贴近我高中时期的生活。 此外,我还很喜欢《灌篮高手》这部漫画,我已经读过很多遍了,最近还出了新的电影,我打算看完电影后再从头读一遍漫画。总的来说,有很多优秀的漫画和故事,很难只选择一个,但这些作品都对我的人生和价值观产生了或多或少的影响。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker choose to talk about the manga 'Dragon Zakura'?

The speaker chose 'Dragon Zakura' because it had a significant impact on his way of thinking and approach to education. The manga, which is about a high school student who studies hard to get into the University of Tokyo, influenced his views on studying and teaching, aligning closely with what he learned in his university education courses.

What is the main theme of the manga 'Dragon Zakura'?

The main theme of 'Dragon Zakura' is about a high school student who, despite being academically weak, dedicates himself to studying intensely for one year with the goal of passing the entrance exam for the University of Tokyo. The manga explores various educational and study methods.

How did 'Dragon Zakura' influence the speaker's professional life?

'Dragon Zakura' influenced the speaker's professional life by providing insights that were directly applicable to his studies in the teacher certification course at university. The manga's detailed exploration of educational methods and study techniques mirrored the content of his university courses, suggesting that reading the manga could be as informative as attending the classes.

What other types of manga have influenced the speaker?

The speaker has also been influenced by martial arts manga, such as 'Hajime no Ippo' and 'Holyland'. These manga, which focus on boxing and street fights respectively, have impacted his interest in martial arts. 'Holyland', in particular, blends martial arts with street fighting, depicting realistic fight scenes influenced by actual martial arts techniques.

What does the speaker recommend to those who haven't read 'Slam Dunk'?

The speaker highly recommends 'Slam Dunk' to those who haven't read it, describing it as a masterpiece. He has read it over ten times and suggests reading it from the beginning before watching the new movie adaptation that has recently been released.

The speaker is discussing their favorite stories, and how difficult it is to choose just one. They mention that they prefer novels and manga to movies and TV shows, and that they want to share one of their favorite stories that has influenced their life.
  • The speaker prefers novels and manga to movies and TV shows.
  • They find it difficult to choose just one favorite story.
  • They want to share a story that has influenced their life.

Shownotes Transcript


