cover of episode My Ex Committed Suicide

My Ex Committed Suicide

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Dr. Laura Call of the Day

Python 开发者和播客主持人,专注于测试和软件开发教育。
Dr. Laura
Brian: 我是一位66岁的男子,独自抚养了四个孩子。他们的母亲都有药物滥用问题,导致孩子们与母亲们疏远。最近,我其中一个女儿的母亲自杀身亡,这让我感到震惊,也让我开始反思自己是否对孩子们与母亲疏远负有责任。我担心自己是否做了什么导致了这个悲剧,也担心同样的悲剧会发生在我的其他孩子身上。我现在不知道该如何安慰我的女儿们,她们一个非常悲痛,另一个则表现得很冷漠。 我与前妻离婚是因为她们有药物或酒精问题。我理解孩子们与她们疏远的原因,但我仍然感到内疚和困惑。我不知道自己是否能做些什么来改善与孩子们的关系,或者防止类似的悲剧再次发生。 Dr. Laura: Brian,你无法控制未来,也不应该责备自己。重要的是你和你的两个女儿之间进行坦诚沟通,倾听她们的感受,而不是试图解决问题。虽然你前妻的死很不幸,但这并不意味着你应该为此负责。重要的是要让你的女儿们知道你爱她们,并且你愿意倾听她们的感受。 你需要明白,即使你的前妻已经戒毒,但这并不意味着她已经成熟。戒毒是一个漫长的过程,需要时间和努力。你应该向你的女儿们解释这一点,并鼓励她们表达自己的感受。不要假设她们会崩溃,要学会倾听,而不是试图去解决她们的问题。在葬礼之前,以及未来几个月里,要多次与你的女儿们谈论这件事,倾听她们的想法和感受,并表达你的支持。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Brian concerned about his ex-wife's suicide?

Brian is worried about how his ex-wife's suicide will impact his children, particularly his two younger daughters who had recent, intense arguments with her before her death. He is also reflecting on his role in the estrangement between his children and their mothers.

What advice was given to Brian regarding his children's grief?

Brian was advised to have open, blunt conversations with his daughters about their mother's suicide and his reasons for raising them alone due to her addiction. He should focus on listening rather than fixing their emotions and address any potential resentment they might have toward him.

What is Brian's concern about his other ex-wife?

Brian fears that his other ex-wife, who also struggled with addiction, might follow a similar path to suicide. He feels confused and unsure if there is anything he can do to prevent this outcome.

What does the speaker suggest about addiction and maturity?

The speaker explains that while someone may become clean and sober, their emotional and psychological maturity may still be stunted. Growth and maturity require time and effort after stopping substance use.

How does the speaker recommend Brian handle his daughters' grief?

The speaker advises Brian to have multiple conversations with his daughters about their mother's suicide, listen to their feelings, and avoid assuming they will fall apart. He should ask questions and create a safe space for them to express their emotions.

Brian's ex-wife recently committed suicide, leaving his two younger daughters distraught. He seeks advice on how to support them and reflect on his role in their estrangement from their mother. He is concerned about the impact on his older children as well.
  • Ex-wife committed suicide
  • Two younger daughters are distraught
  • Older children are estranged from their mother
  • Brian seeks advice on supporting his daughters and reflecting on his past actions

Shownotes Transcript

Brian is worried about how his ex-wife's suicide is going to impact his children. 

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