Chén wěi refers to a type of prophetic literature that played a crucial role in the Han Dynasty, influencing both the ruling class and common people. It was used by emperors to legitimize their rule and by ordinary people, including rebels, to justify uprisings. The texts were seen as a bridge to divine will, shaping behavior and values across different social strata.
Wang Mang extensively used chén wěi to bolster his claim to the throne, presenting himself as divinely chosen to restore order. He employed these texts to justify his reforms and the establishment of the Xin Dynasty. However, his failure to fulfill the promises made through these prophecies led to widespread disillusionment and contributed to his eventual downfall.
Liu Xiu leveraged chén wěi to assert his divine right to rule, effectively using these texts to outmaneuver rivals like Gongsun Shu. He portrayed his birth and actions as fulfilling ancient prophecies, which helped him consolidate power and establish the Later Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu’s deep understanding of these texts allowed him to manipulate their interpretations to his advantage.
The Yellow Turban Rebellion was influenced by chén wěi, particularly the slogan 'Cāngtiān yǐ sǐ, Huángtiān dāng lì' (The Blue Sky is dead; the Yellow Sky shall rise). This reflected the rebels' belief in a cosmic shift in power. However, early Yellow Turban leaders like Zhang Jiao focused more on moral and religious reform rather than outright rebellion, differing from later interpretations of their movement.
The concept of 'Taiping' originated in the Qin and Han periods, representing an ideal state of harmony and prosperity. It was deeply tied to cosmological and religious beliefs, with rulers like Wang Mang and Liu Xiu using it to justify their reigns. The pursuit of Taiping influenced political reforms and military campaigns, reflecting a blend of utopian ideals and practical governance.
Chang'an was not only the political capital but also a sacred space in the Han Dynasty. Its layout and rituals were designed to align with cosmic principles, reinforcing the emperor's divine mandate. The city's centrality in religious movements, such as the worship of the Queen Mother of the West, highlighted its role as a spiritual hub where political and religious authority intersected.
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45:41 漢武帝的太平觀
元封元年冬十月,詔曰:「南越、東甌咸伏其辜,西蠻北夷頗未輯睦,朕將巡邊垂,擇兵振旅,躬秉武 節,置十二部將軍,親帥師焉。」行自雲陽,北歷上郡、西河、五原,出長城,北登單于臺,至朔方,臨北河。勒兵十八萬騎,旌旗徑千餘里,威震匈奴。遣使者告單于曰:「南越王頭已縣於漢北闕矣。單于能戰,天子自將待邊;不能,亟來臣服。何但亡匿幕北寒苦之地為!」匈奴讋焉。還,祠黃帝於橋山,乃歸甘泉。
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