My philosophy regarding healthy eating habits may differ from what you've heard or read in the past.
I'm not about strict rule-following or calorie-counting. I'm not about eliminating entire foods or food groups either (unless that's something you WANT to do).
So, listen in this week as I share 9 misconceptions about healthy eating habits.
That way, you'll understand the more important objective of healthy eating habits, and that it doesn't have to be so dang strict.
Also, you may NOT be getting the results you want if you are currently believing any of these 9 misconceptions, so listen in on this one.
Tired of trying to break bad eating habits and feeling like you're failing?
Schedule a Free Consultation)** **today to finally be free of this struggle.
Frustrated you keep overeating?
Receive the 23-Minute Episode + Workbook) to break free of your overeating habit.
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*The content in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.