cover of episode Should I buy that thing? A framework to help you decide

Should I buy that thing? A framework to help you decide

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Life Kit: Money

Asia Evans
Brian Vines
Marielle Seguera
Marielle Seguera:在购买商品前,务必区分"需要"和"想要"。"需要"指的是维持基本生活必需的物品,例如食物、住所、交通工具等;而"想要"则指那些超出基本需求的物品。明确区分两者能帮助我们在资金有限的情况下更好地规划消费,优先满足基本需求。此外,我们还需关注自身情绪,避免在饥饿、愤怒、孤独或疲惫时冲动购物。在购买前,务必考虑商品是否与我们的生活方式相符,以及我们是否愿意承担拥有该商品所需的一切,包括存放空间、维护成本、维修成本等。最后,我们还需货比三家,做足功课,比较不同型号和产品的优劣,并确定好预算,在必要时,果断放弃购买。 Asia Evans:区分"需要"和"想要"对于理性消费至关重要。"需要"指的是维持基本生活必需的物品,而"想要"则指那些超出基本需求的物品。虽然"想要"某种商品并无对错之分,但我们必须学会区分两者,才能在有限的资金下做出明智的消费决策。此外,要警惕频繁的、非计划性的购物行为,这可能是情绪化购物的表现,会影响我们的财务目标。 Brian Vines:在决定购买商品前,务必考虑商品是否符合自身的生活方式,以及是否愿意承担拥有该商品所需的一切。例如,购买一台手持式吸尘器,不仅要考虑其价格,还要考虑其存放空间、维护成本以及使用频率。如果我们不愿意承担这些额外的成本和精力,那么最好的选择就是放弃购买。此外,在购买大型商品时,务必考虑安装、维护和维修成本,并了解商品的质量和耐用性,选择性价比高的产品。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the primary distinction between a need and a want when making a purchase?

Needs are basic necessities like food, shelter, transportation, and healthcare, while wants are additional items that are not essential for survival but are desired, such as a sweater with buttons when you already have five black sweaters.

Why is it important to consider your emotional state before making a purchase?

Your emotional state can influence impulsive buying. Using the acronym HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) can help you assess if you're shopping due to an emotional need rather than a genuine desire for the item.

How can understanding your lifestyle help in making purchasing decisions?

Understanding your lifestyle helps you determine if an item fits into your routine and if you're willing to maintain or accommodate it. For example, someone might decide against a handheld vacuum cleaner because they don't want the extra expense or space it would require.

What steps should you take to research a product before buying it?

Research should include reading reviews from trusted sources like Consumer Reports, Wirecutter, or Good Housekeeping, considering quality and durability, and understanding the retailer's return and warranty policies. It's also helpful to ask friends and family for recommendations.

Why is it important to shop around and compare prices for a product?

Shopping around allows you to find the best value for your money. Price doesn't always correlate with quality or durability, so comparing different versions of a product can help you make a more informed decision.

When is it advisable to walk away from a purchase?

Walking away is advisable when the item doesn't fit your lifestyle, is uncomfortable, or when you realize you can't afford the version you want. It's better to save money and space by waiting for the right product at the right price.

This chapter emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between needs and wants when making purchasing decisions. It suggests evaluating your income, fixed costs, and debt to determine your discretionary spending budget. Prioritizing needs over wants helps in responsible spending with limited funds.
  • Needs are basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.
  • Wants are desires beyond basic needs.
  • Calculate your discretionary budget after accounting for needs and debt payments.

Shownotes Transcript

Sometimes we buy things that we later regret spending on: a new sweater that's already falling apart, or a thrifted "vintage" vase that turns out to be a mass-produced dupe. In the moment, it's difficult to resist the temptation of making a purchase. But with a few pointed questions, you can make sure you've done your due diligence and buy something guilt-free. This episode, financial experts offer a framework to help you decide whether or not something is worth buying.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)