cover of episode YoVG# 43 Road Trip to Th'Ooker's Gash

YoVG# 43 Road Trip to Th'Ooker's Gash

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No Man's Sky has been polarizing upon its release. I didn't follow the game at all and I guess that's a blessing because thus far I really like it. I have some criticism but nothing major. Now that I hear there was supposed to be multiplayer, Starships to explore, and portals to find I realize why everyone is so mad. None of that exists as of now. Matt still has no interest, but I think he would get five or six hours of enjoyment from it. After that we move onto FFXV. It's been delayed and I can't understand why anyone cares. Personally I think it's an overcooked game and has very little chance of being any better than okay. Matt thinks it'll be an 8 out of 10 and has good reasons to back it up so there is still hope. Honestly, if you love Final Fantasy, you're going to love the game no matter what. Today's episode is long as hell. Cards on the table: there are some tangents and I didn't pay attention to the time. We'll be back to our usual 1 hour episodes next week but hopefully you enjoy the weird this week! Shine on!