cover of episode Love Thy Neighbor (Yes - You're a "Community Person")

Love Thy Neighbor (Yes - You're a "Community Person")

logo of podcast ALIGNED Podcast with Ashley Hämäläinen

ALIGNED Podcast with Ashley Hämäläinen

Shownotes Transcript

Last month, when the moon was in Aquairus, I sat down with Faith Ohiggins (one of our GUIDED members) to talk about community and her experiece in GUIDED. Astrologically, she has her moon placed in Aquairus (so do I) and for many years she believed she did not fit into communities and that she was too different to be understood. In this episode, she shares how these Aquarian identities were holding her back from true connection. I also talk about the importance of community, especially at this time, and share a few stories from our recent expereince with our local community.  Enjoy the episode!  Notes from the Episode

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