Ashley Hämäläinen is the founder of A Line Within, creator of the How to Read the Akashic Records tr
The Equinox is tomorrow and the energy is high! Can you feel it? Not only is the season changing, bu
You're not alone - realignment is happening on a collective level and everyone is feeling it in thei
March is here! A month of eclipses, retrogrades and an equinox - change is afoot. In this episode, I
Have you felt recenlty (or within the past few years) that 'time isn't what it used to be...?' This
Hello my dear friends and loves! In today's episode I am sharing a few stories that string together
Happy 212 Full Moon in Leo! In today's episode we are celeberating by sharing our GUIDED sister Shae
Although it's only been a week, it feels like an entire month has passed since last week's episode a
Welcome February! This episode is being aired on the New Moon in Aquairus and also the Lunar New Yea
In today's episode, I am joined by one of our GUIDED sisters, Laurie, for a conversation on healing
What Is God? Really and truly...does this work scare you? Trigger you? Make you nervous? Or bring ab
Does the energy of 2025 feel different to you? Lighter perhaps, as if things are or have really come
Happy New Year my family! Welcome to 2025 and this special Akashic Guidance episode. I am so happy t
Today on the podcast I am sharing a much deeper look into what I have moved through over the past si
I have been podcasting for over seven years and I can easily say that this is the most important epi
1201 | Welcome to December! This is a very quick episode as my voice struggled to speak but the mont
My dear family - I wanted to check-in with you as I haven't been here for a week. I love this space
Oh blessings, bare with me through this episode. My voice is struggling, but this 18-11 information
I did not think I'd tell this story. But, in the shower this morning I heard "Ashley - this experien
For the past few weeks, I have been talking about the Codes of Destiny for Novemeber, the energy of