cover of episode vol.175 女性故事会 | 挣扎、自愈、破茧的她

vol.175 女性故事会 | 挣扎、自愈、破茧的她

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爆爆:高中时期持续三年的暗恋经历,让她在后来的亲密关系中变得被动和不自信,但她最终克服了这种影响,并学会了主动争取爱情,不再害怕承担感情后果。 小帕:通过‘精神弑父’的过程,她逐渐摆脱了原生家庭的负面影响,并对亲密关系和婚姻有了更清晰的认知,不再执着于寻求父母的爱,而是专注于自我成长和独立。 诗雨:作为一名女记者,她在采访中经常遭遇性别偏见,尤其是在采访男性时,会面临被轻视和质疑的情况。她以女性电竞选手为例,揭示了女性在该领域面临的系统性歧视和不公平待遇,呼吁女性要相信自己,勇敢尝试。 耶耶:她分享了母亲酗酒的经历,以及她如何通过沟通和陪伴,最终帮助母亲戒酒并重新关注自身的故事,体现了女性之间互相扶持和理解的力量。 韩夏:作为一名性格内向、爱笑的导演,她在工作中经常面临挑战,但她通过不断学习和调整,逐渐找到了适合自己的工作方式,并打破了人们对女性导演的刻板印象。 孙书悦:她分享了自己多年来因容貌焦虑而产生的困扰,以及她如何通过选择话剧表演,最终接纳自己并获得自信的故事,鼓励女性接纳真实的自己。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the guest '爆爆' feel embarrassed about her past crush?

爆爆 felt embarrassed because she was very proactive in pursuing her crush during high school, such as arranging her bike next to his and joining the same basketball club, but it didn't lead to any results. She later felt that her actions were too forward and made her feel ashamed.

What impact did '爆爆's past crush have on her current relationships?

爆爆 mentioned that her past crush made her hesitant in current relationships. Even if she is in an ambiguous relationship, she can't be sure if the other person likes her, and she won't take the initiative to confirm it. This uncertainty stems from her past experiences.

What is '小帕's biggest achievement in recent years?

小帕's biggest achievement in recent years is completing what she calls '精神弑父' (spiritual patricide), which means she has mentally freed herself from her father's influence and expectations, particularly his disappointment that she wasn't born a boy.

How did '小帕's father's attitude affect her self-perception?

小帕's father often expressed his disappointment that she wasn't a boy, which led her to develop a deep self-hatred and rejection of her female identity. She struggled with accepting herself as a woman for a long time.

What challenges do female esports players face according to 'Shiyu'?

Shiyu highlighted that female esports players face significant challenges, including being overlooked by clubs, assumptions that their achievements are due to male players, and lack of support and training opportunities. These factors contribute to the underrepresentation of women in professional esports.

Why did '耶耶's mother decide to quit drinking?

耶耶's mother decided to quit drinking because she realized that she wanted to focus on herself and her own happiness. She mentioned that she could use the money saved from drinking to buy clothes and cosmetics, and she felt that the most important person in her life was herself.

What challenges does '韩夏' face as a female director?

韩夏 faces challenges as a female director because her personality is naturally more timid and less assertive, which contrasts with the stereotypical image of a decisive and commanding director. She has had to work on being less smiley and more authoritative on set.

Why did '孙书悦' choose to focus on theater acting?

孙书悦 chose theater acting because she felt insecure about her appearance in the highly appearance-focused world of television and film. She believed that the distance of the stage would make her less self-conscious about her looks compared to the close-up scrutiny of the camera.

  • 主动追求男生,结果不尽如人意
  • 暗恋经历影响了亲密关系的相处模式
  • 只有主动争取的感情才是好的
  • 学会承担后果,直接表达爱意

Shownotes Transcript

【主播】 杨梅(@脱口秀演员杨梅)、月明(@脱口秀月明) 【嘉宾】 爆爆(@爆爆爆笑了):青春暗恋的后续 小帕(@小帕不欢迎指导工作):精神弑父的成就 Shiyu(@-冷水鱼):电竞选手的洞察 耶耶(@GrueneAmpel_):酗酒妈妈的决心 韩夏(@HHH韩夏):爱笑导演的困境 孙书悦(@孙书悦-小美):容貌焦虑的困境 时隔一年,我们又做了一场女性故事会。希望她们的故事和经历可以让正在迷茫纠结但努力抗争的你,获得一点温暖和慰藉。这期我们不搞笑,我们来说出最真实的,每时每刻都可能正在发生的,关于女性的故事。

*** 本期节目由 哈药朴雪口服液 和你一起收听*** 哈药集团是全国医药行业首家上市公司,集团旗下朴雪品牌专注中国女性美丽与健康。 朴雪口服液,有机二价铁,搭配维生素B12,6倍吸收力,温和不伤胃喔!不管你是像我一样气血不足手脚冰凉的牛马,还是孕期产后急需回血的宝妈,如果你感到自己平时缺铁贫血,都不妨试试咱们的哈药朴雪口服液! 给大家准备了听友专属福利 复制本条评论打开淘宝领取粉丝专属优惠27₴ANv23IKRv4B CZ0012 喜番 或到某宝搜索【哈药官方旗舰店】,报暗号【喜番调频】 加听众群和主播一起唠嗑,添加VX:xifanxiju1 ,更多电台内容关注WB@喜番调频 ,想看演出/想上台欢迎关注GZH:喜番喜剧 看视频版上B站、XHS搜: 喜番调频 3:17 脱口秀演员爆爆,一次暗恋后的封心锁爱 16:41 脱口秀演员小帕,一场酣畅淋漓的精神弑父 36:24 记者shiyu:一位女电竞选手背后的自信打压 60:23 图书编辑耶耶:我的“酗酒妈妈”做了一个决定 70:07 导演韩夏:爱笑的女人不适合做导演? 80:43 演员孙书悦:曾被嫌弃丑陋的我选择了话剧 【音乐】于贞 -她和她和她 ———————————— 制作:小泽 剪辑:小泽轰宝 宣传:宁宁 ———————————— 【主播脱口秀演出时间表•北京】 微信小程序搜索【喜番喜剧】即可购票 参与评论区抽奖活动,积极留言,即有机会获得喜番调频周边「支棱起来了」手机支架一个。 收听【喜番调频】100小时的听众朋友们带截图凭证添加客服:xifanxiju1,将凭证发送给客服后将会获得喜番调频100小时电子版奖状一张,并进入专属粉丝群。