cover of episode You Are What You Eat: Mindful Snacking

You Are What You Eat: Mindful Snacking

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

Aisling Larkin
Aisling Larkin:我认为人们一开始的想法都很好,比如我会吃这个当早餐,我会吃那个当午餐。但人们常常在零食方面失败,因为他们会想,天哪,我该带什么?于是他们会抓一些快速方便的东西,很多时候我们选择的是那些方便的产品,超市里的产品,而不是自己做一些有营养、营养丰富的食物。我明白,这需要时间,确实需要。我第一个承认这一点。但我想这有点像所有事情一样,对吧?你把时间和精力花在哪里,你就会在哪里收获好处。所以,我认为这是1月份的一个好座右铭。 我们来谈谈我们面前的零食。我们要从早餐开始。我知道燕麦粥是经典之作,对吧?但这些是百香果和蓝莓口味的。尽可能贴近自然。这真的很好吃。是不是很可爱?尽可能贴近爱尔兰,对吧?爱尔兰燕麦。百香果很好吃。尝起来像萨莱罗。我喜欢百香果。这是我最喜欢的之一。这是Folons。他们是一家爱尔兰公司,对吧?这是百香果奶酪。好的。我没有买真正的百香果。我没有做任何特别的事情。你在超市里可以买到它,就在其他果酱旁边。但在百香果奶酪和柠檬奶酪之间,这很容易做到。我们正在寻找简单的胜利。所以一杯燕麦,爱尔兰燕麦,一杯酸奶,尽量选择活菌,你知道的,天然酸奶,对你的肠道有好处。一杯牛奶,然后用磨碎的奇亚籽和亚麻籽来提升它,所以我把这些拿出来,这些是完整的奇亚籽,磨碎的奇亚籽,很多人不喜欢完整的奇亚籽的质地,所以只要买磨碎的就可以了,你甚至不知道它们在那里,所有这些都在前一天晚上放进去,所有这些都在前一天晚上放进去,四个小时的露水。你甚至不需要在头天晚上放进去。好的。另一个是亚麻籽。亚麻籽,对我们的心脏、大脑都有好处,所有那些好东西。我喜欢加进去的另一样东西是蛋白质粉。 好的。所以这里加了一点蛋白质粉,但这是米蛋白粉。哦,好的。所以不是你的天然乳清,或者你加进去的乳清,有时候我会买有机乳清,但这是米蛋白。味道很淡,一点。所以你突然把蛋白质从6克提高到10克,味道有点重。是的,我知道,这不太好,但是当你放进去的时候,它很好。但是你不会在第二天早上之前放你的奶酪或其他东西?不,所有东西都放进去。哦,所有东西都放进去。所以我先把它做成生的,然后分层放进去。所以我放了一层隔夜燕麦,一层百香果奶酪,一层隔夜燕麦,一层希腊酸奶,为你的额外蛋白质,或者一层天然酸奶,为你的肠道,然后上面放蓝莓。我们继续吃午餐。午餐时间。西红柿汤。但我们要提升我们的西红柿汤。如果你想吃得好,它必须既美味又健康。所以我目前正在你的西红柿汤上磨一些帕尔玛干酪。 我用一点香醋来完成它。这些是烧焦的香醋,但它们是球化处理的。这些是香醋珍珠。哦。所以它们是黑蒜。看看这个。现在打开。所以基本上是香醋,对吧?他们使用一种叫做球化的过程,把它们变成这些小泡泡。它们看起来像鱼子酱。嗯……你要说点什么吗?它们看起来像你可能会说覆盆子,也许它们看起来像。也许是一个有点坏掉的。它们看起来有点像……我知道。痔疮。快乐、安静地吃汤。吃汤。吃汤。住手。吃汤。我可爱的汤。调皮。你还可能喜欢什么?青蛙卵?青蛙卵。这实际上是一个非常好的选择。它们相当奢华。它们相当,你知道的,厨师风格的。只要在你的西红柿汤上淋一点香醋就可以了。哦,真好吃。我可以告诉你如何制作这种西红柿汤吗?这是你将要制作的最简单的西红柿汤。是的。意式番茄酱。 两份意式番茄酱放入你的平底锅中。撒上一些大蒜粉。放入高汤锅中。加一点水。让它煮沸15分钟左右。倒入约250毫升的奶油或牛奶。把它全部搅拌起来。就是这样。就是这样。用盐和胡椒粉调味,然后像我说的那样完成它,所以它是如何完成的,里面放一点新鲜罗勒,一点帕尔玛干酪,一点香醋,所以有时汤会被认为是缺乏的,汤会被认为是无聊的,汤不是,你能给它加一点香醋吗?百分之百,就像我会做的那样,你不需要你的奢华香醋,你不需要它们,一点香醋,但同样,与其认为汤只是午餐,不如在下午4点我饿的时候吃晚餐,好的。好的。可爱。这是地中海烤蔬菜、脆皮土豆泥和一点香蒜鸡肉。我把它改造成零食,因为它剩下了。这很好吃,不是吗?是不是很好吃?因为我现在通常不会吃土豆泥。我知道。我觉得它有时有点粘稠。完全正确。所以这是烤的。所以这是烤土豆泥。好的。再次,你知道我,我所有的烹饪技巧都很简单。这基本上就是切一些蔬菜,切辣椒、西葫芦、茄子,嗯, 我试图记住里面还有什么。南瓜、一些橄榄。那些橄榄有核。小心点,好吗?然后你用橄榄油烤它,把土豆泥放进去,放上小土豆。我喜欢小土豆。烤一个小时。半小时后把鸡肉放在上面。我只是在鸡肉上放了一点罗勒香蒜酱,烤一下,然后加入一些扁豆。所以你需要蛋白质。我们试图获得蛋白质。我们试图获得纤维。所以你需要每天25克……纤维,你需要每餐大约30克蛋白质,好的,但这作为一顿小午餐或再次,哦,上帝,我饿了,就像你为晚餐做的任何东西的两倍,如果你是一个四口之家,那就做足够六个人吃的,然后第二天留着自己午餐吃,因为你会比跑到加油站或便利店买三明治或类似的东西吃得好得多,当你午餐吃的东西, 在下午3点和4点的时候,你就不太可能吃零食了,或者你会减少对糖的渴望,这正是人们在今年这个时候遇到的问题,不是吗?试图吃健康的食物,他们只是吃得不够,然后到了晚上7点或8点,他们就像,你知道吗,我只是要吃那些波旁奶油。就是这样。如果你有晚上9点半喝茶吃饼干的非常糟糕的习惯,你该怎么做?你只是早点睡觉。这是我的方法。我饿了。我只是要去睡觉。是的,去睡觉,然后早点起床,因为你在心理上,你会有更好的习惯,更多,你知道的,早上有更多健康习惯。你早上会有更多信念。你早上会有更多动力。当我们谈到零食时,另一种产品是这些预包装的谷物。你可以在超市买到它们。所以有全谷物米饭和藜麦。我还有…… 几样,这是Merchant Gourmet。这些有点贵,但这是牙买加风格的米饭。所以,即使你从未做过整个烤盘,对吧,或者你做了,你想把它做大一些,只要把它和这些谷物一起拌一下就可以了。它们是用微波炉加热的,就像在微波炉里加热两分钟一样。突然之间,从100克中,你就能得到6克纤维,4克蛋白质。那么我们也有零食,可以在一天中穿插着吃。是这样的吗?当你寻找某种……我想是那些高蛋白的,我们经常谈论的,比如混合坚果,60克混合坚果,也就是你的坚果、干果,会给你大约8克蛋白质,如果你看希腊酸奶,200克是20克蛋白质,现在我带来的另一样东西是我的奇亚籽果酱,好的,这是一袋冷冻草莓,大约50克奇亚籽, 里面加一点香草。你只要在平底锅里煮一下,不要煮沸,这个词太强烈了。你在平底锅里炖一下,然后把它打碎就可以了。就是这样?就是这样。这放在我的冰箱里。这是我绝对的周日准备工作之一。早上给孩子们吃粥的时候,它会放在粥上。它放在隔夜燕麦上,当他们放学回家的时候,花生酱和果酱。所以用你的黑面包、花生酱,然后用这个作为你的果酱。如果你认为这是,哦,我的上帝,这有点太远了,因为它有点酸。你可以加蜂蜜来使它变甜。只要混合一半果酱,一半奇亚籽果酱。所以像婴儿步骤一样。不要,你知道的,不要给任何人提供他们不吃的东西。所以要让它可持续,让它易于获得。所以这就是奇亚籽果酱,我非常非常喜欢。薄饼是另一个很好的选择。250克希腊酸奶。这就是这个吗?它们是你的薄饼。不,它们是你的薄饼。你没有带薄饼。我没有带薄饼。你没有带它们。啊,艾斯林,上帝啊。我在这里。人们只需要一个工作室。你实际上甚至看不到桌子。这里有这么多食物。我没有想到薄饼。我想我们现在可以挤进薄饼了。我们正在努力。但无论如何。哦! 厚颜无耻。厚颜无耻,而且现在才1月份。是的。新年放松的事情,我看到了。但无论如何,来吧。250克煎炸薯条。250克希腊酸奶。你基本上把它们混合在一个碗里。让它们静置约20分钟。这样你就能得到8张薄饼了。加上一点鹰嘴豆泥。太棒了。里面有6克蛋白质。听起来很好吃。我要带你去看能量球了。我要留给你薄饼。先吃那个上面覆盖着黑巧克力的。哦。好的。好的。所以底料是一样的。燕麦、麦芽糖枣或你得到的普通枣。可可。目前,马莎百货正在销售高蛋白巧克力配料。基本上就像蛋白质粉,巧克力蛋白质粉,一点,对吧?所以如果你想把它们的蛋白质从4克提高到8克,就撒一点进去。它们怎么样? 好吃。是不是很好吃?是的。这是你从圣诞节期间的巧克力盒过渡到,好的,我仍然想要一些美味的巧克力,配一杯茶。它们真的很好吃。基本上,把它们放在你的食品加工机里搅拌,然后把它们滚成球,再涂上黑巧克力。所以这是你的……最不健康的选择。好的。所以这是涂了黑巧克力的,我在上面撒了一点烟熏海盐。好的,是的。美味。巧克力、黑巧克力、烟熏海盐。这个版本完全一样,只是上面撒了一点巧克力。是的,只是几条巧克力。所以稍微不那么放纵,稍微健康一点,但仍然很好吃。是的,我喜欢枣子。我也喜欢。你知道吗?这个食谱与我曾经创作的任何食谱都不一样。我几天前才开始做这个。 它里面的枣子比我曾经用过的任何其他食谱都要多得多。如果我把它作为一家公司来销售,我做不到,因为我永远无法从中获得利润,因为里面有这么多的枣子。但如果你自己在家做,绝对棒极了。这些冷冻起来非常好。绝对非常好。所以把它们放在冰箱里。做一大批,放在冰箱里。是的,它们很好吃。最后,如果你还有空间……你有空间吗?是的,我没有读很多。你可能根本放不下那些薄饼。薄饼。现在这里有薄饼了。所以我把它们放进去了。我的薄饼。这个食谱已经流行了十多年了。爱尔兰燕麦、爱尔兰黄油、爱尔兰糖。然后秘密是真正的香草和海盐。它们很好吃,不是吗?它们很好吃。加上香草荚。我的Instagram上有一个短片,教你如何制作这些,并向你展示如何制作它们。所以,再次回到我们一开始所说的,远离那些超加工食品。盐很好吃。是不是很好吃?是的。盐和香草。是的。 这是一个绝对的小赢家。然后为了提升它们,再次,我的牛奶奇亚籽,我的牛奶亚麻籽,任何我能把它们加进去的东西。所以牛奶奇亚籽和亚麻籽,它们在能量球里,在隔夜燕麦里,在那些薄饼里。所以你一直在提升那些健康食品。新年伊始,正如我所料。艾斯林,非常感谢你。不客气。我们下周同一时间再和你谈谈。正如艾斯林所说,她将在她的社交渠道上发布一个关于薄饼的视频,但也会详细介绍其他所有内容,就像她总是做的那样。我实际上还有一本电子书。哦,嘿,继续。一本完整的食谱书,里面包含所有这些食谱和更多食谱。有一本早餐食谱和一本完整的食谱,还有一本完整的健康电子书, 今天也要发布。哦,哇,好的。所以这很好,你可以在艾斯林·拉金找到它?绝对可以,aislinglarkin.ie和Instagram。在那里,艾斯林·拉金,电视厨师,正念饮食教练。非常感谢你。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is snacking often a challenge for people trying to eat healthily?

Snacking is challenging because people often opt for quick, convenient options like supermarket products instead of preparing nutrient-dense snacks. Time constraints and convenience lead to less healthy choices, despite good intentions.

What are the key ingredients for making overnight oats, and why are they beneficial?

Key ingredients include Irish oats, natural yogurt, dairy milk, milled chia seeds, and milled flax seeds. These ingredients are nutrient-dense, supporting gut health, heart health, and brain function. Adding protein powder can increase protein content from 6g to 10g, making it a more filling and balanced snack.

How can tomato soup be made more flavorful and nutritious?

Tomato soup can be enhanced by adding grated Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, and fresh basil. Using passata, garlic powder, and a stock pot creates a simple base, while cream or milk adds richness. These additions make the soup both delicious and nutritious, avoiding the perception of soup as boring or depriving.

What is a simple way to prepare a Mediterranean roast veg and gnocchi dish?

Chop vegetables like peppers, courgettes, aubergine, and butternut squash, then roast them with olive oil, gnocchi, and baby potatoes. Add chicken with basil pesto halfway through roasting. Toss in lentils for added protein and fiber, making it a balanced and satisfying meal or snack.

What are some high-protein snack options mentioned in the podcast?

High-protein snacks include trail mix (8g protein per 60g), Greek yogurt (20g protein per 200g), and pre-packed grains like whole grain rice and quinoa (6g fiber and 4g protein per 100g). These options help curb sugar cravings and keep you full longer.

How can chia jam be made, and what are its uses?

Chia jam is made by simmering frozen strawberries, chia seeds, and vanilla in a saucepan, then blending it. It can be used on porridge, overnight oats, or as a healthier alternative to regular jam in peanut butter sandwiches. Honey can be added to sweeten it if needed.

What is the recipe for making protein-rich Powerballs?

Powerballs are made by blending oats, medjool dates, cocoa, and optional chocolate protein powder. The mixture is rolled into balls and coated in dark chocolate. Adding smoked sea salt enhances the flavor, making them a healthier alternative to traditional chocolates.

What makes the flapjack recipe unique and healthy?

The flapjack recipe uses Irish oats, butter, sugar, real vanilla, and sea salt. Adding milled chia and flax seeds boosts their nutritional value. The recipe avoids ultra-processed ingredients, making it a wholesome and delicious snack option.

What resources does Aisling Larkin offer for those interested in mindful eating?

Aisling Larkin offers an e-book with recipes, including breakfast and wellness-focused options. She also shares cooking videos on her Instagram and website,, providing accessible and practical guidance for mindful eating.

This chapter explores the challenges of healthy snacking and offers solutions involving simple, nutritious recipes using readily available ingredients. The discussion covers breakfast (overnight oats), lunch (tomato soup), and the importance of planning to avoid unhealthy cravings later in the day.
  • Focus on nutrient-dense snacks.
  • Prioritize convenience without sacrificing nutrition.
  • Simple recipes for overnight oats and tomato soup are provided.

Shownotes Transcript


Yes, Aisling Larkin is back with me, the TV chef and the mindful eating coach. So what are we talking about? The whole of 2025 laid out in front of us. It is January. I love January. I'm one of those weird people. I really like January. We're going snacking. So obviously, like we talk about food, food for wellness, that modern kind of take on it that's as accessible to people as possible and realistic. So I think

people kind of start off with great notions and I'm going to do this for breakfast, I'm going to do this for lunch. And one area that people fall down in is snacking because it's like, oh God, what do I bring? And it's, they grab something quick and convenient and a lot of times we reach for the products that are the convenience ones, the ones from the supermarket as opposed to maybe making something that is nourishing, nutrient dense. And like, I get it, it takes time. It does. I'm the first one to admit that. But,

But I suppose it's a little bit like everything, isn't it? It's where you invest your time and your energy. That's where you're going to reap the benefits. So that's, I think, a good motto for January. OK, so then let's talk about what we have in front of us in terms of snacky bits. We're going to start. I almost feel like I brought you like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yeah, OK. Yeah, got here. That's OK. The other thing that I've brought, which I'm going to talk about, is like I literally took these straight out of my pantry. So we've two plastic boxes full of...

We used to have these full of like treats and sweets and biscuits and cakes. Yeah. And they still exist, but they've moved to a higher shelf.

They're not gone, but like when we talk about... Harder to access. They are. We start you with breakfast? Yeah, let's start with breakfast. Overnight oats. Okay. I know they're a classic, right? Yes. But these are passion fruit and blueberry. Okay. Okay? Keeping it as close to nature as possible. That actually is nice. Isn't it lovely? Yeah. As close to Irish as possible, right? Irish oats. Passion fruit's nice. Tastes like a salero. Yeah. I love passion fruit. It's one of my favourites. And that is Folons. So they're an Irish company, right? It's a passion fruit curd. Okay.

Okay. I didn't buy real passion fruit. I haven't done anything extraordinary. You buy it in the supermarket beside the other jams. But like between passion fruit curd and lemon curd, it's like, it's an easy win. We're looking for the easy wins. So one mug of oats, Irish oats, one mug of yogurt, try and get a live bacteria, you know, natural yogurt, good for your gut. One,

mug of dairy milk Irish good milk and then level it up with your milled chia seeds and your milled flax seeds so I'm taking these out right these are whole chia seeds milled chia seeds a lot of people don't like the texture of the whole so just buy the milled you don't even know they're in there and that's all going in the night before all going in the night before four

hours of dewy. You don't even need it the night before. Okay. And the other one is flax seeds. Flax seeds, brilliant for our heart, brilliant for our brain, all that good stuff. The other thing that I like to put in is protein powder.

Oh yeah. So there's a little bit of protein powder gone in there, but there is rice protein powder. Oh right, okay. So instead of your natural whey, or like your whey that's going in, sometimes I get an organic whey, but this is a rice protein. Really mild in flavour, a little bit. So all of a sudden you're taking something that goes from 6 grams of protein to 10 grams of protein for a little bit of strong smell. Yeah, I know, it's not great, but when you put it in, it's good. But you're not putting in your curd or anything until the next morning?

No, the whole thing. Oh, everything goes in. So I made that raw, then layered it in. So I put a layer of the overnight oats, a layer of the passion fruit curd, layer of overnight oats, dollop of Greek yogurt for your extra protein or live natural yogurt for your gut on top and then blueberries on top. We're moving on to lunch. Lunchtime. Tomato soup. But we're going to level up our tomato soup. So if you're going to eat well, it has to be delicious as well as eating well. So I'm currently grating a little bit of Parmesan cheese over your tomato soup.

And I'm finishing it with a little bit of balsamic. So these guys are burnt balsamics, but they're spherification. These are balsamic pearls. Oh. So they're black garlic. Look at that.

Look at that. Be open now. So it's basically balsamic vinegar, right? They use a process called spherification and they turn them into these little bubbles. They look like caviar. Well... You were going to say something else, were you? They look like you could say a raspberry maybe they look like. Maybe a slightly gone off one. They kind of look like

I know. Hemorrhoids. Happy, quiet and eat the soup. Eat the soup. Eat the soup. Stop it. Eat the soup. My lovely soup. Cheeky it. What else might you like? Frog spawn? Frog spawn. That actually is a really good one. They're quite bougie. They're quite like, you know, chefy. Just put a drizzle of balsamic vinegar over your tomato soup. Oh, it's lovely. Can I tell you how to make that tomato soup? It's the easiest tomato soup you're going to make in the world. Yeah. Pasata.

Two things of passata into your saucepan. A good old sprinkle of garlic powder. Drop in a stock pot. Top it up with a bit of water. Let that bubble for like 15 minutes. Pour in about 250 mils of cream or milk. Blitz it all up. That's

that's your tomato soup done that's it that's it season it with salt and pepper and then finish it like I said so it's how you finish it little bit of fresh basil in there little bit of parmesan cheese little bit of balsamic so sometimes soup can be seen as deprivation soup can be seen as boring soup is not could you give it just a splash of balsamic 100% like that's what I would do you don't need your bougie balsamic you don't need them a little splash of balsamic but again rather than thinking of soup just for lunch it's at 4 o'clock when I get hungry dinner okay

Okay. Lovely. This is Mediterranean roast veg, crispy gnocchi and a little bit of pesto chicken. I'm converting it into a snack because it's leftovers. That's lovely, isn't it? Isn't it delicious? Because I wouldn't usually go for gnocchi now. I know. I find it a bit stodgy sometimes. Totally. So this is roast. So it's roast gnocchi. Okay. So again, you know me, all of my cooking techniques are so simple. This is basically chopping up a few veg, chopping up peppers, courgettes, aubergine, um,

I'm trying to remember what else is in there. Butternut squash, a couple of olives. Those olives has pits. Just be careful with it, OK? And then you're roasting that with olive oil, throwing the gnocchi in, putting baby potatoes in. I love the baby potatoes. Roast that off for an hour. Sit your chicken on top after half an hour. I just put a little bit of basil pesto over the chicken, roast it all and then toss in some lentils. So you want protein. We're trying to get that protein. We're trying to get the fibre in. So you want 25 grams of...

fiber a day you want about 30 grams of protein in a meal okay but this as a little lunch or as that again oh god I'm starving like it's double batch whatever you cook for dinner if you're a family of four make enough that serves six and have it left over for your own lunch the next day because you're going to eat so much better than running to the petrol station or running to the convenience store and picking up a sandwich or something like that and when you eat something that

that filling at lunchtime you're much less likely to snack at the 3 o'clock and the 4 o'clock or you'll curb those sugar cravings just a little bit more That's the problem people hit this time of year isn't it? Trying to eat healthy they just don't eat enough and then kind of 7 or 8 o'clock they're like oh do you know what I'm just going to have those bourbon creams That's it How do you do that if you've got a really bad habit of tea and biscuits at half 9 at night? You just go to bed earlier

That's my way of it. I'm starving. I'm just going to go to sleep. Yeah, go to sleep and just get up earlier because you're so much, psychologically, you're so much more better to have better habits and more, you know, habits for wellness in the morning. You have more conviction. You have more motivation in the morning. One of the other products when we talk about snacking is these pre-packed grains. You can buy them in the supermarket. So there's whole grain rice and quinoa. I have another...

couple here, which is, these are the Merchant Gourmet. These are a little bit pricier, but it's a Jamaican style rice. So again, even if you never cooked that whole tray bake, right, or you did and you wanted to kind of bulk it up, just toss it through with some of these grains. They're microwaved, like literally two minutes in the microwave. And all of a sudden, like from 100 grams of that, you're getting six grams of fibre, four grams of protein. So we've got snacks then as well to dot in throughout the day. Is that the idea? When you're looking for kind of

I suppose those higher protein ones which we talk about a lot something like a trail mix 60 grams of a trail mix which is your nuts your dried fruits is going to give you about 8 grams of protein if you're looking at Greek yogurt 200 grams is 20 grams of protein now the other thing I brought is my chia jam okay so this is one bag of frozen strawberries about 50 grams of chia seeds

bit of vanilla in there. You just boil it up in the saucepan, not boil it, that's too strong of a word. You simmer it in a saucepan and then you just blitz it down. That's all? That's it. This sits in my fridge. This is one of my absolute Sunday preps. This goes onto the porridge for the kids in the morning. It goes onto the overnight oats and

when they come home from school, peanut butter and jam. So use your brown bread, your peanut butter, and then use this as your jam. And if you think this is, oh my God, that's a stretch too far because it's a little bit tangy. You can put honey in to sweeten it up. Just mix half jam, half chia jam. So like baby steps. Don't be, you know, don't ever present anybody with something that

they're just not going to eat. So make it sustainable and make it accessible. So that's the chia jam, which I really, really love. Flatbreads is another great one. 250 grams of Greek yogurt. Is that what this is? They're your flatjacks. No, they're your flatjacks. You didn't bring a flatbread. I didn't bring a flatbread. You didn't bring them. Ah, Aisling, God almighty. I am here. People just need a studio. You actually can't even see the desk. There's so much food here. I didn't get around to the flatjacks. I think we could have squeezed in the flatbread now. We were putting in the effort. But anyway. Oh!

The cheek. The cheek and it's only January. Yeah. Relaxing things for the new year, I see. But anyway, come on. 250 grams of set fries. 250 grams of Greek yogurt. You basically mix them together in a bowl. Leave them sit for about 20 minutes. That gets you eight flatbreads. That with a bit of hummus. Brilliant. Six grams of protein in them. Sounds delicious. I'm going to move you on to the Powerballs next. I'm going to leave you with the flapjacks. Go with the one that's covered in dark chocolate first. Oh.

Okay. Okay. So it's the same base mixture. Oats, medjool dates or regular dates that you get. Cocoa. Marks and Spencer's at the moment are selling a high protein chocolate topper. It's basically like a protein powder, chocolate protein powder, a little bit, right? So if you want to up your protein from them to take them from four grams of protein to eight grams of protein, sprinkle in a little bit of that. How are they?

Delicious. Isn't it delicious? Yeah. That is your transition from the box of chocolates that was in the price of Christmas to, okay, I still want some chocolatey that tastes delicious with a cup of tea. They're really, really good. Basically, blitz them up in your food processor, roll them into balls and coat in dark chocolate. So that's your...

Least healthy version. Okay. So that was coated in dark chocolate and I put a little sprinkle of smoked sea salt on top. Okay, yeah. Delicious. Chocolate, dark chocolate, smoked sea salt. This version is the exact same thing, but it just got a sprinkle of chocolate on top. Yeah, just a few lines of chocolate. So slightly less indulgent, a little bit more healthy, but still really nice. Yeah, I love the dates though. So do I. And you know what? This recipe is different to any recipe I've ever created. I only literally worked on it a couple of days ago.

There's way more dates in it than are in any other recipe I've ever had or used. If I was selling these as a company, I couldn't because I could never make margin on them because there's so many dates in them. But for making them at home for yourself, absolutely gorgeous. Those freeze excellently. Absolutely excellently. So put them in the freezer. Make a big batch, put them in the freezer. Yeah, they're lovely. Last but not least, if you have any space...

Do you have a bit of space? Yeah, I'm not reading a lot. You probably wouldn't have fit in those flapjacks anyway. The flatbreads. There are flapjacks here now. So I fit them in. My flapjacks. This recipe has been going for over a decade. Irish oats, Irish butter, Irish sugar. And then the secret is real vanilla and sea salt.

They're good, aren't they? They're lovely. With the vanilla pod. I've got a reel going up on my Instagram to make these and show you how to make them. So again, going back to what we said at the start, moving away from that ultra processed food. Salt is lovely enough. Isn't it delicious? Yeah. The salt and the vanilla. Yeah.

It's an absolute little winner. And then to level them up, again, my milk chia seeds, my milk flax seeds, anything I can get them into. So the milk chia and flax seeds, they're in the Powerballs, they're in the Overnight Oats and they're in those flapjacks. So you're just levelling up those foods for wellness all the time.

Great start to the year as I suspected it will be. Aisling, thanks a million. You're very welcome. And we'll talk to you again at the same time next week. As Aisling said, she's going to get a video up on her social channels of the flapjacks in particular, but there'll be detail on everything else as well as there always is. I actually have an e-book as well. Oh, hey, go on. Full recipe book with all of these recipes and loads more in it. There's a breakfast one and a full one and there's a full wellness e-book being launched

today as well. Oh wow, okay. So that's great and you can find that at Aisling Larkin? Absolutely, and Instagram. There you are, Aisling Larkin, TV chef, mindful eating coach. Thank you very much.