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Ryanair sues a passenger - should they?

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

Dara Brady: 我认为此举实际上只是在强化我们对造成航班延误的乘客的零容忍政策。我们始终认为,大多数乘客在旅行时从不惹事。我们认为,我们不能让与我们一起旅行的乘客和家庭因某些人在航班上的行为而受到干扰。我们已经采取非常强硬的立场,我们将尽一切努力确保我们发出一个强烈的信号,即我们不容忍航班上的扰乱行为。 Pádraig O’Ceidigh: 我认为他们百分之百是对的。我会全力支持他们。我认为这是一个非常非常重要的,让我们称之为设定一种准则,即使它并不是真正的准则,因为这种情况以前也发生过。但我强烈支持这一点有两个根本原因。第一,每个雇主都有责任帮助和支持员工,以便员工能够在最恰当、最专业的环境中工作。坦率地说,当发生此类事件时,首当其冲的是员工。第二,而且同样非常重要的是,这可能是一个安全因素。对于任何航空公司来说,如果你问,我不在乎,迈克尔·奥利里或任何人,你问他们你业务中最重要的一个词是什么,我可以保证你,那些真正了解航空业的人会告诉你,最重要的词是安全。你不能也不会在这方面妥协。因此,我相信达拉所说的和瑞安航空所说的,我百分之百支持他们。 Marisa Mackle: 这绝对令人恐惧,因为你可以想象,如果你是一名乘客或机组人员,你无处可逃,无处可去。我的意思是,你不能打开门把他们推出去。所以当有人在……狭小的空间里发脾气时,这比他们在餐厅、购物中心甚至公园里这样做要糟糕得多,在那里你可以拨打999或有保安。我的意思是,当有人那样发疯时,你真的就像个待宰的羔羊。而且,这确实很可怕。我的意思是,我经历过这种情况。我经历过一名乘客试图勒死另一名乘客,幸运的是,机上有几个人能够将他控制住,直到我们降落。我们不得不改道去香农,他最终直接去了法院,被判处三个月监禁。但是……就像,我当时20多岁,你知道,这个人是我的三倍重,两倍大,你知道的。我绝对不可能用上手铐,因为他太吓人了。我非常害怕。你知道,我知道在那之后我去接受了咨询,航空公司解决了这个问题。他们通常会这样做,如果发生这种创伤性事件。但是,你知道,对于第一次来爱尔兰的乘客来说,他们从纽约来,非常兴奋。我的意思是,这对他们的假期来说是一个糟糕的开始。所以,我的意思是,你确实需要追究这些人的责任。干扰航班上的每个人都是不可接受的。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Ryanair suing a passenger for €15,000?

Ryanair is suing a passenger for €15,000 to cover costs incurred after the passenger's disruptive behavior forced a flight from Dublin to Lanzarote to divert and stop in Porto. The airline aims to reinforce its zero-tolerance policy against disruptive behavior on flights and send a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated.

What are the main reasons Pádraig O'Ceidigh supports Ryanair's decision to sue the passenger?

Pádraig O'Ceidigh supports Ryanair's decision for two key reasons: first, to ensure staff can work in a professional and safe environment, as they bear the brunt of such disruptions. Second, safety is the top priority in aviation, and disruptive behavior compromises this, making it essential to take strong action.

What challenges do flight crew face when dealing with unruly passengers?

Flight crew face significant challenges, including the inability to escape or call for immediate help in a confined space. Unruly passengers can be physically intimidating, and crew members often feel vulnerable. For example, Marisa Mackle recounted an incident where a passenger tried to strangle another, requiring intervention from other passengers and leading to a diversion and legal consequences.

What role do drugs and alcohol play in passenger misbehavior on flights?

Drugs and alcohol are significant contributors to passenger misbehavior. Drugs, often taken before boarding, can cause unpredictable and dangerous behavior. Alcohol, while more detectable, can also lead to issues, especially when combined with prescription medication. Crew members have found needles in plane toilets, highlighting the severity of the problem.

Should alcohol sales be limited or banned on flights to reduce disruptive behavior?

Pádraig O'Ceidigh believes alcohol should not be sold on flights, particularly short-haul ones, as it contributes to disruptive behavior. However, Marisa Mackle notes that limiting alcohol sales is challenging due to its profitability for airlines. Both agree that passengers must take responsibility for their actions, but stricter measures could help mitigate risks.

What are the potential consequences for passengers who misbehave on flights?

Passengers who misbehave on flights can face both criminal and civil penalties. Airlines are required to report threats and violence, and disruptive passengers may be banned from future flights. In extreme cases, such as physical assault, criminal charges can be pursued, as seen in an incident where a passenger broke a captain's nose and was subsequently arrested.

How does disruptive passenger behavior impact other travelers and airlines?

Disruptive behavior can lead to flight diversions, delays, and additional costs for airlines, such as accommodation and rerouting. Other passengers lose valuable time, and their travel plans are disrupted through no fault of their own. Ryanair's €15,000 lawsuit reflects only a fraction of the actual costs incurred in such situations.

Ryanair is suing a passenger for €15,000 due to disruptive behavior that caused a flight diversion. This episode examines the airline's zero-tolerance policy and explores the perspectives of aviation professionals and former airline staff.
  • Ryanair is suing a passenger for €15,000 after their disruptive behavior forced a flight diversion.
  • The airline's action is supported by aviation experts who emphasize the importance of staff safety and a disruption-free environment for passengers.
  • Safety is the utmost priority in the aviation industry, and disruptive behavior compromises that safety.

Shownotes Transcript

Ryanair have just announced that they’re going to be suing a passenger after their behaviour forced a flight from Dublin to Lanzarote to divert and stop in Porto. The company is seeking damages of €15,000 to pay for costs associated with the unexpected stop. But, should they take the passenger to court?

Joining Kieran to discuss is Padraig O’Ceidigh, the former owner of Aer Arann and Aer Lingus Regional and Marisa Mackle, a former Air Hostess and author of ‘Confessions of an Air Hostess’.