Probably the most common complaint that I get about meditation is, “I Just Can’t Meditate.” It’s true that some people have great success with meditation right off the bat, but in my experience, this is really rare. Especially when we are talking about keeping it up!Most people get wrapped up in thoughts and emotions and the next thing they know they are checking their email, unwrapping a piece of chocolate or have found some other distraction or dopamine rush to follow. In a time of over-consumption and constant distraction with our phones and tablets and games and streaming and email and ugh, all of it, how can we make it to our cushions? Remember, while we allow our phones alone to constantly keep us actually rehearsing, practicing and getting better at inattention and distraction, meditation is actually the cure for both!Psychoeducation regarding what is exactly going on in your brain is the way out and over to your cushion time and time again. Knowing exactly “who” is talking to you, how and when to listen and what exactly to do is the key in making meditation a habit that lasts.This is week 6 of my 12-week series ~ Making Meditation Habitual: how to build a daily practice that lasts a lifetime!