Amee Severson joins Paige to talk about her own history of fearing food and explains how she worked through it. Amee is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist whose work focuses on body positivity, fat acceptance, and intuitive eating through a social justice lens. With a mission to break the stereotype that all RD’s live in small bodies and only eat certain foods, Amee cultivates rebellion and liberation on social media, showcasing the possibility for health and happiness in any body. Amee encourages the belief that food can be enjoyed without guilt or shame. She believes that recovery from disordered eating is possible for everyone and that every person deserves to feel trust in their body. Amee doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all nutrition and health, so she works with clients to make health and nutrition fit into their current life, not the other way around. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Food and Nutrition from Montana State University, is a dietitian registered in the State of Washington, and is currently working toward becoming a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Links mentioned: Amee's website: Positive Nutrition® Academy): online courses and webinars Become a podcast supporter) and receive 3 additional exclusive podcast episodes per month for $5/mo Positive Nutrition Blog) Follow Paige on Instagram)