Paddy Rodgers, the former Euronav CEO and current director of Royal Museums Greenwich looks ahead to the London International Shipping Week agenda with Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade, considering everything from the domestic focus on Brexit to the global challenges that face the whole industry.
London International Shipping Week is upon us, and while that inevitably means a heavy UK agenda with Brexit topping the domestic programme there is a sufficiently international focus to the week’s events to warrant attention from the entire industry. On Thursday, former Euronav chief Paddy Rodgers will lead the debate at the centre piece of the LISW agenda, so he is perfectly positioned to join the podcast this week and deliver an exclusive insider’s guide to week. And get ready for a series of London International Shipping Week special editions. The Lloyd’s List team will be out and about armed with microphones next week and we will be producing a daily edition of the Lloyds List podcast from the sidelines of the events, starting on Monday with our own Transparency in Shipping Forum (register via
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