The Greek shipping community have always been wilfully contrary bunch in their attitude and outlook – it’s still the case that where the Greeks lead in countercyclical plays others follow and even in these capital constrained times it’s a brave analyst who bets against the Greek owner’s ability to turn a global crisis into an opportunity. That said, there are fault lines emerging in shipping right now and the sustainability of the Greek traditional business models is being tested. The tectonic shifts of decarbonisation and digitalisation and enforced transparency, be it the political, regulatory or financially enforced variety, are all to some degree at odds with the staunchly private, some might argue opaque nature of the Greek model that has powered them through so many other challenges to date. So in advance of our Posidonia Forum on October 26 (register for free via Lloyd’s List Editor Richard Meade is joined by our very own Greek oracle, the Pythia of Pireaus, our Greece correspondent Nigel Lowry to discuss the current status of Greek shipping sector.