Ray Tomlinson is credited with the invention of email. In 1971, he developed a mail program called SNDMSG based on the FC196 mailbox protocol, which allowed messages to be sent between computers on the ARPANET. This innovation marked the birth of email, a foundational technology of the internet.
The first message sent over the ARPANET was 'LO'. It was significant because it marked the first successful attempt at communication between two computers on the network, even though the system crashed after the first two letters were transmitted. This event laid the groundwork for future developments in networked communication.
RFC played a crucial role in the development of email by providing a platform for discussing and standardizing email protocols. Early email protocols, such as the FC196 mailbox protocol, were developed through RFC discussions. This collaborative process helped establish the foundational standards for email communication on the internet.
The first email sent from China to Germany, titled 'Over the Great Wall, we can reach every corner of the world,' marked China's entry into the global internet community. Sent on September 20, 1987, it was a significant milestone in China's internet history, demonstrating the country's ability to connect with international networks despite technical and political challenges.
The development of email protocols like SMTP, POP3, and IMAP standardized email communication, making it reliable and widely accessible. SMTP enabled the sending of emails, while POP3 and IMAP allowed users to retrieve and manage their emails from servers. These protocols became the backbone of internet email, facilitating global communication and collaboration.
China faced several challenges in establishing its first international email connection, including technical incompatibility, political restrictions, and high costs. The connection relied on German technology and funding, and emails had to be routed through Germany, incurring significant expenses. Additionally, the U.S. initially only allowed the connection as a temporary experiment, further complicating the process.
欢迎收听,原创的软件史实故事广播节目《超越代码:软件史上的璀璨时刻》,第十六集 互联网信使|电子邮件的诞生与发展。
02:11 跳过开头
03:00 1998年由汤姆·汉克斯和梅格·瑞恩主演的美国浪漫喜剧电影——《电子情书》
03:35 加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA)教授 伦纳德·克莱因洛克(Leonard Kleinrock)
04:03 加州大学洛杉矶分校的 Sigma 7 计算机
08:13 电子邮件发明人 雷·汤姆林森(Ray Tomlinson)
10:24 MAC网络小组负责人 迈克尔·帕德利斯基(Mike Padlipsky)
11:14 RFC 5322中定义的电子邮件基本格式
14:29 德国信息计算机中心(IRA)主任、卡尔斯鲁厄大学计算机科学教授 维纳·措恩(Werner Zorn)
17:47 中德科研团队
18:15 中国到德国的第一封电子邮件
19:13 德国计算机专家发送邮件的工作场景
22:37 美国国家科学基金会的批文
27:18 美国模仿音乐家 “怪异阿尔”扬科维奇(Weird Al" Yankovic)
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