美国南加州洛杉矶的房地产涨了不少。但说到洛杉矶县(Los Angeles County)房地产的总价值有多高呢?恐怕大多人都没有一个概念。所以今天,孙斯陶跟您聊聊这个话题。
00:00 Intro
00:17 什么是摊派税捐清册(Assessment Roll)?
00:35 房地产税(Property Tax);
00:49 洛杉矶县评估官办公室(Los Angeles County Office of Assessor);
01:24 洛杉矶县最新的“Assessment Roll”预估数据;
02:04 2022 vs 2021年,增加了多少?
02:20 2021 vs 2020年,增加了多少?
02:31 洛杉矶县房地产预估总值增加的几个原因;
03:18 洛杉矶县能收到多少房产税?
03:26 加州Prop 13号法案的影响;
04:19 预估数据对洛杉矶县公立学校和基础建设等的影响;
Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor;
Santa Clara County Office of the Assessor;
City & County of San Francisco Office of the Assessor-Recorder;
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics;
Los Angeles Unified School District;
Disclaimer: This channel does NOT provide tax, investment, legal or accounting advice. Materials have been prepared for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, investment, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, investment, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.