The case involved over 61,000 Bitcoins seized by UK police, and the owner, Qian Zhimin, was a Chinese woman previously investigated in China for a 43 billion yuan illegal fundraising scheme through her company, Lantian Gerui, which defrauded over 120,000 investors.
Qian Zhimin used a combination of Bitcoin, nationalistic rhetoric, and promises of high returns to attract investors. She framed her company's goals around Bitcoin and technological innovation, linking them to China's future success in global competition.
Lantian Gerui sold investment products tied to Bitcoin mining. Investors could buy mining machines, either keeping them or leaving them with the company to mine Bitcoin. The company promised daily dividends and returns of up to three times the initial investment over a few years.
Lantian Gerui's collaboration with the Baodi District government in Tianjin, which was publicized in local news, gave the company credibility. Investors saw this as government endorsement, which significantly boosted their trust and willingness to invest.
Investors began to suspect something was wrong when daily dividends stopped in July 2017. Initially, company leaders claimed delays were due to changes in national financial policies, but as payments remained halted, it became clear the company had collapsed.
After the collapse, Qian Zhimin fled to Southeast Asia and later to the UK under a false identity. In the UK, she was involved in a Bitcoin money laundering case, leading to her arrest and the seizure of over 61,000 Bitcoins.
Investors are pursuing legal actions, including bankruptcy liquidation applications in the UK, to recover some of the lost funds. However, the process is complex and uncertain, with ongoing legal proceedings and no clear timeline for resolution.
Many investors faced severe financial losses, with some losing millions of yuan. Some were forced into debt, lost their businesses, or had to take on menial jobs to repay debts. The collapse left many in dire financial and emotional distress.
主播 | 魏倩,《三联生活周刊》主任记者嘉宾 | 李晓洁,《三联生活周刊》主任记者,《一个“女财神”的消失与重现)》作者
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补充信息:10月22日,英国皇家检查署(CPS)发布一则“致蓝天格锐欺诈案受害者的通知”,通知中提到,“英国公共检察署署长(DPP)已启动民事追偿程序”,一位参与庭审的律师告诉本刊,这项通知表明,国内蓝天格锐投资受害人可以聘请法律顾问,向英国高等法院提出正式书面申请。“解决了该案在英国法律项目下的问题后,英国与中国官方的合作有可能会展开。” 【延伸推荐】
——————编辑 / 一丁剪辑 / 译丹
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