Welcome to your Beginner’s Guide to Gardening - a mini series created to help demystify the sometimes-complicated world of creating your own magnificent arrangements in gardens and pots.
Join hosts Sarah Raven & Arthur Parkinson in this introductory episode to find out what you'll learn across the next 5 easy-listening episodes of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, from what to sow & how to do it, to pot planting & growing your own delicious vegetables.Order Sarah’s book: https://bit.ly/2TWHJcz)Order Arthur’s book: https://bit.ly/3xOov7H)View all products mentioned and find further advice from Sarah: https://bit.ly/3f2DFiH)
Get in touch: [email protected])Shop on the Sarah Raven Website: http://bit.ly/3jvbaeu)Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahravensgarden/)Order Sarah’s latest books: https://www.sarahraven.com/gifts/gardening-books?sort=newest)