cover of episode my morning ritual + how to create a morning routine you love

my morning ritual + how to create a morning routine you love

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Claim Your Power

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kim Peretz
通过《Claim Your Power》播客,帮助人们探索内在自我,提升自信和精神健康。
Kim Peretz: 本期节目探讨了建立晨间仪式的益处,以及如何创建一个让你感到充满活力并与灵魂契合的日常习惯。Kim分享了她个人的经验,指出没有晨间仪式会导致焦虑、缺乏存在感以及像机器人一样地度日。她强调,晨间仪式并非浪费时间,而是对自我投资,通过补充能量、平衡能量场来提升身心健康。Kim认为,晨间仪式是自我关爱和服务自我的方式,它能帮助我们更好地应对压力,提升创造力,并提高效率。她分享了自己的晨间仪式,包括冥想、阅读、瑜伽、写作等,并鼓励听众根据自身情况灵活调整。Kim特别强调了避免在早晨使用手机的重要性,因为手机会分散能量,导致能量耗尽。她建议进行21天的晨间仪式挑战,以养成良好的习惯,并改变多巴胺的来源,从手机转向内在的平静与满足。 Kim Peretz: 节目中,Kim详细阐述了晨间仪式的能量学原理,指出我们每天都在向外输出能量,而晨间仪式是补充能量、平衡能量场的重要途径。她用花朵的比喻说明了这一点:只有先滋养自己,才能更好地给予他人。Kim也强调,关注自我并非自私,而是为了更好地服务他人。她鼓励听众找到三件能带给自己平静和喜悦的事情,并将其融入晨间仪式中。她分享了自己的经验,指出即使只有短短几分钟的晨间仪式,也能带来积极的改变。Kim还谈到了坚持的重要性,指出在感觉低落或疲惫的时候,更要坚持晨间仪式,因为它能帮助我们重新获得能量和动力。

Deep Dive

The host discusses the transformative impact of establishing a morning ritual, highlighting how it can shift one's mindset from anxiety-inducing thoughts to a more positive and present-moment focus.

Shownotes Transcript

Establishing a morning ritual has been one of the most transformational things I ever did for myself. If you are someone who is feeling called to create a shift in your life and set positive habits but don’t know where to begin, then this episode for you. Today, I share with you my tips and tricks to establishing a morning routine that gets you excited to start your day and makes your soul feel alive.

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