cover of episode The Woman in the Wych Elm

The Woman in the Wych Elm

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew Sparke
Giselle K. Jakobs
Joyce M. Coley
Richard Lund
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :1943年在英国伯明翰的Wych Elm树中发现一具女尸,此案至今未解,引发了广泛的关注和各种阴谋论。案件涉及二战时期,德国间谍活动频繁,受害者身份成谜,关键证据丢失或被销毁,使得案件调查困难重重。 @Joyce M. Coley :作为伯明翰二战时期的居民,她回忆了当时人们对德国空袭的恐惧,以及发现遗骸的男孩们最初隐瞒真相的原因。 @Andrew Sparke :他提供了关于警方调查过程的细节,包括对案发现场的保护、专家的介入以及对受害者身份的各种猜测。 @Richard Lund :作为法医科学家Dr. John Lund的儿子,他分享了父亲的日记,记录了对案件的调查过程和感受,以及对案件的持续关注。 @Giselle K. Jakobs :作为德国间谍Josef Jakobs的孙女,她讲述了祖父的故事,以及他与受害者Clara Bowler(或Bella)之间可能存在的联系,并最终证明Clara Bowler并非Wych Elm树中女子。 播音员:此案的调查过程充满了挑战,警方试图通过受害者的鞋子、牙齿记录等线索来确认身份,但均未成功。战争时期资源的限制也影响了调查的进展。 Joyce M. Coley:她讲述了当地出现涂鸦,上面写着“谁把贝拉放进女巫之家?”,重新引发了人们对案件的关注,以及警方对涂鸦的分析和调查。 Andrew Sparke:他分析了关于受害者是德国间谍的猜测,以及伯明翰作为重要军事目标的背景。 Richard Lund:他描述了父亲后来对间谍理论的关注,以及对案件中证据丢失的疑惑。 Giselle K. Jakobs:她提供了关于Clara Bowler生平的更多信息,并最终证明Clara Bowler并非Wych Elm树中女子,这使得案件更加扑朔迷离。 播音员:此案中,关键证据的丢失或消失,引发了人们对案件真相的怀疑,以及对安全部门可能参与掩盖真相的猜测。 Joyce M. Coley:她强调了案件的未解之谜,以及公众对案件真相的持续关注。 Andrew Sparke:他分析了案件中证据的缺失,以及这可能导致案件永远无法侦破的原因。 Richard Lund:他分享了父亲对案件的持续关注,以及对凶手可能事先就知道这棵树的猜测。 Giselle K. Jakobs:她对案件的未解之谜表达了惋惜,并强调了案件的复杂性和挑战性。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In April 1943, during the dark days of World War II, four teenage boys in Birmingham, England were hunting for birds’ eggs in a remote woodland called, Hagley Wood.

The slightest of the boys stopped at a large Wych Elm tree. Climbing up and peering down he discovered it was hollow. Spotting something in the centre, the boy carefully reached through the branches and pulled out the item for a closer look.  

His hope for a bird’s nest were soon forgotten when he realised what he was holding was a human skull.  

Their chance encounter upon the remains of a woman in the Wych Elm sparked a murder case that has gone unsolved for 80 years. To this day her identity and the circumstances surrounding her death are still unknown; the mystery continuing to both baffle and surprise investigators.  

With an unknown phantom graffitiing clues to the victim’s identity, case files being redacted, and vital evidence seemingly disappearing, many conspiracy theories have circled this story capturing worldwide attention. Some speak of government interference, others drawing direct links to Nazi Germany and espionage. 

With the help of new technology can we finally crack this 80-year-old case? In this episode we re-examine the remaining evidence of the case, unravel the conspiracies surrounding the mystery, and with the help of new forensic facilities finally try to shine a light on the true identity of the Woman in the Wych Elm. 

Cast List: 

  • Joyce M. Coley 
  •  The author of the book ‘Bella: An unsolved Mystery’. 
  • Andrew Sparke 
  • An independent publisher and the author of ‘Bella in the Wych Elm’. 
  • Richard Lund 
  • The Son of Dr John Lund, a forensic scientist from the West Midlands Forensic Science Laboratory, who examined the victim’s remains and fragments of clothing. 
  • Giselle K. Jakobs 
  • A palaeontologist and author of ‘The Spy in the Tower’, she is the granddaughter of Josef Jakobs, a German spy with mysterious connections to the Woman in the Wych Elm.

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