cover of episode The Triumph and Tragedy of Nikola Tesla

The Triumph and Tragedy of Nikola Tesla

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alan Butler
Andrew Gough
Tony McMahon
@Alan Butler : 深入探讨了特斯拉的个人特质,包括其可能的自闭症和强迫症,以及这些特质对其发明创造和人际关系的影响。同时,也指出了爱迪生作为竞争对手的卑劣行径,以及特斯拉在商业上的天真和失败。 @Andrew Gough : 强调了特斯拉作为科学家的伟大成就和作为商人的失败之处,指出其专利被他人窃取,以及他无法有效保护自身利益的事实。 @The Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe : 对比了爱迪生和特斯拉的性格和行事风格,指出爱迪生与大企业勾结,而特斯拉则是一个理想主义者和梦想家,这种性格差异导致了他们的冲突。 @Keith Tutt : (由于访谈内容未提供,此处无法总结其观点) @Tony McMahon : 详细讲述了特斯拉的生平,包括其童年经历、与爱迪生的竞争(“电流之战”)、与西屋电气公司的合作、以及其“世界无线系统”的构想和失败。特别强调了特斯拉放弃专利使用费的决定,以及这一决定对其人生的重大影响。 Alan Butler: 深入探讨了特斯拉的个人特质,包括其可能的自闭症和强迫症,以及这些特质对其发明创造和人际关系的影响。同时,也指出了爱迪生作为竞争对手的卑劣行径,以及特斯拉在商业上的天真和失败。 Andrew Gough: 强调了特斯拉作为科学家的伟大成就和作为商人的失败之处,指出其专利被他人窃取,以及他无法有效保护自身利益的事实。 The Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe: 对比了爱迪生和特斯拉的性格和行事风格,指出爱迪生与大企业勾结,而特斯拉则是一个理想主义者和梦想家,这种性格差异导致了他们的冲突。 Keith Tutt: (由于访谈内容未提供,此处无法总结其观点) Tony McMahon: 详细讲述了特斯拉的生平,包括其童年经历、与爱迪生的竞争(“电流之战”)、与西屋电气公司的合作、以及其“世界无线系统”的构想和失败。特别强调了特斯拉放弃专利使用费的决定,以及这一决定对其人生的重大影响。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

It’s 1943, and a tall moustached man is crossing the road to his hotel in New York City, pausing only to feed the birds. He rides the elevator up to the 33rd floor, and heads to his room, 3327. He is nothing more than an old man whose life is clouded by unpaid debts and whose only real interest seems to be caring for pigeons.

It's hard to believe that this is a man who once changed the world.  

In this episode we follow the story of Nichola Tesla. The father of the modern electricity system, the showman who dazzled audiences of hundreds, and a true visionary of the modern age. A life seemingly straight out of the script of a Hollywood blockbuster; he rose from nothing, had the world at his feet, and then lost it all. 

He was unknown to most of the world and yet the father of our modern age. Most would accredit the great technological advancements of the modern world, such as electricity and radio, to the famed inventors of Thomas Edison and Guglielmo Marconi, but it was the work of Tesla that created the foundations for it all. A true visionary who was born to the wrong century, a man who dreamt of sending images to watches while the world still came to grips with the light bulb.  

So how did an obscure young man from Serbia create the modern world? And why did someone to whom we still owe so much today end his life destitute and alone? 

Cast List: 

  • Alan Butler 
  • A writer, researcher, and recognized expert in ancient cosmology and astronomy.  
  • The Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe 
  • A journalist, author, lecturer, and former editor of the Fortean Times magazine.  
  • Andrew Gough 
  • A Researcher, writer, and the editor of the Heretic Magazine.  
  • Keith Tutt 
  • A historian and author whose previous works include “Unexplained Natural Phenomena” and “The Search for Free Energy”.


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