cover of episode The S-Bahn Murderer: A Serial Killer in Nazi Berlin

The S-Bahn Murderer: A Serial Killer in Nazi Berlin

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Thomas
Dr. Linda Papadopoulos
Roger Moorhouse
节目旁白:本节目讲述了1940年代纳粹柏林S-Bahn连环杀人案,凶手在九个月内犯下多起罪行。案件侦破过程中,警方不仅要追捕凶手,还要应对纳粹高层的干扰和限制,这给调查带来了巨大的挑战。最终,凶手戈尔佐夫被捕并处决。 Roger Moorhouse:S-Bahn是柏林的快速铁路系统,贯穿柏林及其郊区,并运营至深夜。二战期间,越来越多的柏林女性承担了工业工作,导致更多女性乘坐S-Bahn,也为犯罪提供了机会。 David Thomas:吕特克警长是经验丰富的侦探,他领导了此次调查。纳粹意识形态的影响导致警方最初排除了凶手是铁路员工的可能性。案件信息被封锁,直到公众压力增大才公开。 Dr Linda Papadopoulos:连环杀手的行为通常会逐渐升级,从轻微的侵犯到最终的杀戮。戈尔佐夫对女性的蔑视态度与暴力性犯罪者的特征相符。 Dr Jens Dobler:警方在犯罪现场绘制了草图,记录了证据和周围环境。通过调查电缆的生产商和运输记录,警方确定凶器是铁路员工使用的电缆。 节目旁白:案件侦破过程中,警方面临着巨大的压力,不仅来自公众,也来自纳粹高层。警方最初怀疑凶手是外国人,但最终将目标锁定在S-Bahn员工戈尔佐夫身上。戈尔佐夫是纳粹党员,这使得警方最初没有对他进行深入调查。 Roger Moorhouse:警方在第八名受害者现场发现了脚印,这成为破案的关键线索。但最初找到的嫌疑人海曼提供了不在场证明,警方意识到抓错了人。 David Thomas:吕特克警长最终利用受害者的头骨击溃了戈尔佐夫的心理防线,迫使他承认了罪行。戈尔佐夫案的讽刺之处在于,他在一个由大规模杀戮统治的城市犯下罪行,这与纳粹大屠杀同时发生。 Dr Linda Papadopoulos:戈尔佐夫对女性的蔑视态度与暴力性犯罪者的特征相符。 Dr Jens Dobler:警方发现凶器是一根粗大的铅芯电缆,这使得他们能够确定凶手是铁路员工。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

It’s 1940 and there’s a serial killer on the streets of Berlin looking for his next victim.

Elfreda Franka is travelling home on the late train after work. Sitting alone in the dark carriage she stares out of the window as the train pulls into a station.   

Another passenger gets onboard.   

Curious but unable to make out their features, Elfrieda continues to stare out into the pitch black as the train departs. The stranger quietly approaches Elfrieda and before she can sense danger, she feels a cold, hard and heavy object strike her. She was not the first and wouldn’t be the last victim of the S-Bahn murderer. 

This is a true story about the crimes of a mass murderer, who assaulted and fatally attacked women on a killing spree that lasted nine months. In this episode we follow the work the Criminal Politici and their lead investigator Police Commissioner Wilhelm Ludtke, as he and his team of detectives worked tirelessly to track down this illusive killer. 

However, as the body count mounted the detectives not only had to track down this violent phantom but had to do so against the ever-growing interferences and limitations of Nazi High Command. This is the story of a hunt for truth in a political landscape where the “truth” was whatever Hitler deemed it to be.  

Despite a thorough investigation, how did the killer avert the police for so long? Why did Nazi High command want to keep it a secret? And how did they finally catch the illusive killer?  


**Cast List: ** 

- David Thomas 

  • The Author of historical crime thrillers such as “Ostland” and an award-winning journalist, with twenty-five years of experience working for Fleet Street newspapers. 

Roger Moorhouse 

  • A historian and author of many books on the second World War, including ‘Killing Hitler’. He is a specialist in modern German history with particular focus on Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. 

Dr Linda Papadopoulos 

  • The Reader in Psychology at London Metropolitan University, with a 17-year career working as a research scientist and practicing psychologist. 

Dr Jens Dobler 

  • The official historian for the Berlin Police Department.

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