The bartender asked if they were Japanese and, upon learning they were not, refused to serve them, specifically denying their friend an Umeshu soda. This was the first time the speaker experienced such blatant discrimination after five years in Japan.
The game is estimated to be over 100 hours long, similar to a Persona game. The speaker has already put in 40 hours, despite it only being out for four days.
The game explores themes of racism and societal inequality in a fantasy setting, with a non-racist world serving as a goal for the characters to strive towards.
The speaker believes it is one of the best JRPGs they've played in a long time, possibly even better than Persona. They appreciate the improved quality of life features and the beautiful visuals.
The speaker is addicted to the game, describing it as a factory-building simulation that has become a full-time obsession. They compare it to Factorio and find it mentally exhausting due to the complexity of optimizing factory setups.
The speaker found 'Gloomhaven' to be a complex and immersive tabletop RPG, similar to Fire Emblem but with hexagonal tiles. They enjoyed the experience despite the lengthy setup and tutorial process.
The speaker is intrigued by the One Piece card game, which has become very popular in Japan. They find the concept of 'dons' (turns) interesting and are curious about the game's mechanics, though they haven't played it yet.
The speaker enjoyed the X-Men 97 series, praising its ability to maintain the campiness of the original 90s cartoon while also appealing to new viewers. They were particularly impressed by the character writing and the darker, more serious tone at times.
The speaker believes the 90s were a peak era for certain aspects of pop culture, particularly Saturday morning cartoons and the early internet aesthetic. They think the 90s are now being romanticized by younger generations who didn't experience it firsthand.
The speaker has been to girls bars where they felt pressured to buy drinks for the staff, leading to an expensive and awkward experience. They prefer bars where the staff are more relaxed and not focused on selling drinks.
Yes for less.
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- It's episode one, bro. - Shit, was it? - Yeah. - Remember he's like, "I'm ready!" - Oh yeah, it is! - Yeah, it's the SpongeBob River. - Used to do it. - Oh man.
- Yeah, I was just like, please let me say it. - Joey waits for the opportunity to quote that. - I love it. It's a good quote. Hey, welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys Connor and Garnt as per usual. We're back. - My sleep schedule has been atrocious. It was amazing. I was waking up at 6:00 AM generational run they were saying. - You were waking up at 6:00 AM? - I was waking up at 6:00 AM for like a month straight.
I was waking up at 7:00 AM for a month straight. - I thought I was doing well at 8:00 AM. - And then obviously League of Legends started the world's championships. - My empathy just went out the window. - That's pain. - Joey, we don't wanna talk about that. - And there was nothing but pain. - You don't wanna talk about it? - He said I ruined my sleep schedule and all my teams lost. - Oh shit.
- And I don't, you know, some of these games where I was going on till three. - Yeah. - So I was like, God, man, I want to go to bed, but like it's neck and neck. - You stayed up till three to take an L? - Yeah. - That's crazy. - Yes. - And so now I'm like, I've not adjusted my real life schedule to be around my sleep schedule. So now I'm like, yeah, I can wake up at nine. What's up? What's up? You know, I'm good. Nah, nah, I'm here. Meanwhile Elden Ring has ruined my life. - Yeah, it does that.
I tried to go to bed at a reasonable time yesterday and I was like, all right, finish streaming. Mind you, I'd been streaming 10 hours of Elden Ring. So I was like, I'm all Elden Ringed out. I was like, I'm gonna get a good night's sleep. I'm like up at like, I'm in my bed at like 1:00 AM and my eyes are wide open. I was like,
- There's an ice money to get. And I was like, but I can't go downstairs to boot up my computer. Luckily I'm sponsored by Asus and they gave me the ROG LIX which luckily has Elden Ring downloaded on it. This isn't a sponsor. I was like, all right. - You said that a little too smoothly. - I'm gonna get this one item and then I look at the clock and it's 3:00 AM. I'm like, fuck.
- God damn, man. - Fuck my life. - You didn't get to see "Shadow of the East"? - No, because I've been playing "Metaphor Re-Fantasia". - Oh God. - I was also up till 3:00 AM last night. - What the fuck? - Playing "Metaphor". - Oh my God. - So we're all very tired for completely different reasons. - Joey, you turned 30. This is when you meant to like, I need to like...
- Take away, be aware of that. - No, you're telling me. I was like, yes, I will. I will be the responsible 30 year old and have a decent to good sleep schedule. And then Atlas was like, hold up.
"You wanna stay up for this?" And I was like, "Yes, I'm sat, I'm listening." 'Cause it's so fucking, I'm already 40 hours in. - Holy shit, I'm only three. - The game came out four days ago. - I'm three hours in. - I just can't stop, it's so good. - How is it compared to Persona? - 'Cause like, look, I knew it was gonna be good, obviously, 'cause it's Atlas and it's same series director, same character designer, same composer. - So it's just a kind of...
- A medieval persona? - It's medieval persona. - It's fantasy persona, basically. - It's fantasy persona. - But I don't know what it is. I thought Atlas couldn't cook anymore after Persona 5, you know, Persona 5 and Persona 3 Reload. I was like, damn, they're late. They're just like, it's peak. This is peak JRPG. And then they were like, we got one more in us. And they just pulled out one of the,
- Best JRPGs I've played in a very, very long time. I would dare say better than Persona. - There's a lot of racism in that.
- A lot of racism. - First two, three hours was like, wow, our country's really racist. And also what was really funny is that they have this- - You have to explain. - They have this fantasy book. - That's gonna get taken out of context. - They have this fantasy book in this like fantasy world and the fantasy in this world is like our real world. So it shows like a picture and it's like- - It's like buildings and like- - Like, you know, real life building is like the,
and they were like, yes, in this fantasy world, racism doesn't exist and everyone gets along and there are no wars being waged. And I was just like, is this a metaphor? - That's the name of the game. - What are you trying to say here? - Yeah, I don't wanna say- - So am I playing in the racist world or the non-racist world?
- I'm playing the racist one. - Yeah, you're playing the racist one. - So it's like a lot of fantasy worlds where it's like there's different races of species of humans and like anthropomorphs and like all that kind of stuff. And there's obviously like very much like, oh, you're that species, you're worse than I am. Or like, I'm better than you are. And there's like a clear like,
- So what's the purpose of the non-racist world in this context? - To give them something to strive towards. - Yeah. - Which is our world. - So the goal is trying not to be racist. - Yes.
- How many hours is this game? - I think it's estimated to be, it's over a hundred hours I've heard. So it's like a, it's like a persona game. I'm 40, like, see, I don't want to say too much because throughout the game, obviously, cause you're only three hours in, right? So you've only gotten like the baseline. - I just vibe checked it. - Yeah. I'm 40 hours in and they've definitely kind of explained a lot more of what's going on. - Okay. - And obviously I don't want to say it cause it's good to go into this blind, but there's like, it's not just like, oh,
- We're a racist world. Let's strive to not be a racist world. It's not that simple. - I'm sure there's some people who argue we would like to still be racist. - I mean, yes, in this fantasy world, in this fantasy world, in this fantasy world, there is like an organized like religious like group that is like, "Oh no, we would like to keep it the way it is, thank you very much because we are on top and these peasants don't deserve to be where we are." - Makes you think, huh?
Although I did find it really funny when they like showing this, like in the fantasy book, which is like the real world. And they're like, in this world, racism doesn't exist and everybody works on a democracy. And I'm just like,
- Yeah, about that. It's not quite like that. - Maybe it's better to keep it as a fantasy. - Maybe in Japan. But even then, it's like, not too sure about that. But I get what they're going for, obviously. But yeah, there's just so many, oh dude, there's so many quality of life things that they've improved upon from the "Persona" game, I think, that has just made it a lot more interesting. - Like visual novel?
- No. - Well, no, it's still that. I mean, the game opens up with like a 45 minute cut scene. - I mean, that's fine. I just, do you have to like date people and smooch them? - No. - Actually there's no romance in this one. - There's no romance, yeah. - Just a waste of time. - But you still can like befriend people. So by befriending them, you- - Basically by befriending them, you unlock different classes.
that you can use to then switch your characters around. So the concept is really cool. And like visually speaking, I don't know how they keep cooking, but it's one of the most beautiful games I've seen. - I'm just gonna count this as "Persona 6." - It is. - It basically is. - It is. I saw a "Dunkies" video on it this morning. And I think you said like, "It's like they combine persona with persona." Shit, he's right.
- But yeah, very good. - What do you think of the music in it? - Oh, it's so good. I mean, Meguro Shoji is like the goat when it comes to like video game composers and like, it's not like the kind of jazzy style that, you know, they had in like the past Persona games. It's like very much like fantasy, but also- - As Kevin would say, it's biblical. - Oh, it is biblical. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's- - Bro, that battle music where that guy drops bars in Latin or whatever. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I'm just like, "Let's go!"
- I gotta hear this. - It's so sick. The battle music for this is so sick. But yeah, I don't know. Just like, I think again, like one thing I also really appreciated is that like, it's like,
not as easy as Persona, I would say. 'Cause like Persona, especially when you compare it to like Shin Megami Tensei, like Shin Megami Tensei was very like grind intensive where it's like, if you don't grind and if you don't strategize going into a battle, then you just get completely like one-shotted. Whereas like Persona is a little more lenient on that where it's like, even when you're playing in normal difficulty, if you make a little bit of a mistake, you can still kind of recover and learn from it within the same battle without dying. - Yeah.
Metaphor ReFantasio, at least from my experience is like kind of in between.
So it's not as grindy and difficult as Shin Megami Tensei, but also like I'm at a point now where I need to start grinding a little bit 'cause otherwise I'm going into these battles, I'm getting just fucking one-shotted. - Are you playing normal mode? - I'm playing normal mode, yeah. Even in normal mode, I'm like, damn, these battles are actually really fucking tough. And you really have to strategize being like what combination of classes you need to go with 'cause different combination of classes, you can unlock extra skills that,
you can use together. And some of those skills are like a make or break for some battles. It's like, if you don't have a particular set of classes, you just cannot beat a boss. So it's cool, I enjoy it. So that's been consuming my life. - Good luck. - And will probably continue to consume my life until I finish it.
- Well, I'm supposed to already put 40 hours in considering it's only like four days old. - I know. - I've been playing like, yeah. The day it came out, I think I played for like 15 hours. - Oh my God. - I literally woke up, I downloaded it the night before, I woke up, played it until night. - Bro.
- Bro's an addict. He doesn't know. - Should've streamed it, Joey. Should've streamed it. - No. - Dude, no. You know more than anything, those games just don't do well on stream. - Yeah, that's true. - Unfortunately. - That's true. - Yeah, so I'm enjoying it. - Here's how you can get passive income. Just play video games, but turn on the camera. - Turn on the camera. - Yeah, just turn on the camera. - Never interact with chat.
- That's basically what I've been doing lately with this stupid factory game. I'm fucking addicted to. - Oh yeah. - Satisfactory. - Satisfactory. - Satisfactory. - All right. - Every time I see Connor, he's like, I gotta play it. - Yeah, I went on Twitch one afternoon and I saw you were playing with mouse and I was just watching you. You guys were just so locked in. It didn't even look like you were playing a game. It looked like you were doing like a job. - I was, I was. It's so bad that I have to like remind myself. I'm like, I haven't blinked.
in like 10 minutes. I got a blank. - Why are my eyes so sore? - I feel the burning and I'm like, fuck, I got a fucking blank. And yeah, it's so I thought I was getting myself into a fun little hee hee ha ha crafting game. It's turned into so much more than that. - An addiction. - It's terrible. You ever seen Factorio? It's kind of like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - First person in fancy, it's ruining my life totally. I can't do anything else.
All I think about is just stupid fact. I'm literally working like a nine to five after I do the easiest nine to five. It's like, and then I get recommended YouTube videos now. 'Cause obviously I do, I've fallen that deep. And every recommendation is either from a German dude or-
for a guy who is 60 years old. - 60. - And he's like, yeah, he's called like, I don't know, I think he's called like gaming with doc or something. - Right. - Right. - Presumably he's a doctor, I don't know. But he's like, yeah. So I'm just listening to like 50 year old men tell me how to optimize my factory floor.
And I'm like, ah, yeah, shit, that is right. That's smart, that's smart. - Yeah, it's like, damn, didn't think about it like that. - I've never thought I would have fun balancing loads. So that's, you know, 'cause if you mine ore, you need to make sure every machine gets the required amount for it. But now I've just unlocked particle accelerators and antimatter. - Ooh.
- You're going into the fun stuff. - So I went from like stone to now I'm like, yeah, I've just finished building a nuclear power plant. - I'm smashing the atom. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Building a nuclear power plant took so long. So, so long. - Is it as easy as you said the other day?
- It's hard, man. - Yeah, no shit. - Turns out it's really fucking hard. - That's why we gave you shit for it. - Yeah, even in the like easy thing, even in the easy game, it's hard. You have to enrich uranium. I don't wanna do that. - Wow, who would've thought that would be like a difficult thing to do. - Oh my God, it's so annoying.
- Yeah, it's the worst. Imagine going home being like, ah, what a fun day. Time to clock in. - I mean, I feel like we're all clocking in in different things, right? - There must be someone out there who's like a factory worker in real life. And he's like, man, I can't wait to get home and play Satisfactory and build another factory. - I'm sure there is. - I built like a train station that ships cargo in and then like, it's fun 'cause you can ride it and you're like, this is sick.
- This is so sick. I just built like a drone port, ship stuff via drones. And I'm like, this is getting excessive. - You're becoming the Amazon now. - Yeah, I am just destroying this planet. Hopefully for fun, we'll find out. - Yeah, I always know Connor's actually locked into a game when I see him log on to like Steam and I'm like, oh, Connor must be streaming.
I go into Twitch and it was like, oh, Connor's not streaming. He's been on this game for three hours and he's not monetizing it. - It's so bad 'cause like I literally, anytime I get like an hour free, I'll just go in and just fix something 'cause stuff always breaks as well.
'Cause maybe you made the perfect amount of like, let's say a steel factory. - Yeah. - But then later on you forgot about how your steel factory work. You're like, well, actually I need more steel. I've got too much coming from this one factory. So I'll just route some of it. Suddenly now you didn't do the math correctly. 'Cause it tells you all the math. So it'll tell you like this thing is making 30, this thing's making 40. Maybe you took too much and you're like, okay, shit, I guess I gotta go back to the factory now. But you've already placed all the shit down. So now you're kind of like doing that awkward thing where you're trying to like,
that you only left X amount of room for and you're like squishing things in and making it all fucked. - Yeah, right. - And then you're like, ah. - Engineering. - Yeah, and then I couldn't even, and then this is one factor I have and it's driving me insane 'cause I can't fix it and I just have to redo the whole thing and I don't wanna do that. It's gonna take too long.
- It would take like two hours to redo the whole thing. I don't want to do it. - Program is like first time. - I've had to do it so many times that it mentally exhausts me every time I have to do it. And the thought of having to redo another factory, I'm like, I can't. - Just listening to you like say all of that just like brings me back to like my web coding days. I'm just like, that's just trauma. - It's kind of coding or lightly 'cause you're like machine one will make like very baby coding. - Yeah. - Like 30, this will make 40. This thing needs 30 of this, 40 of that.
- So you need to like have to, you have to like figure out how many of each machine you need to optimize. - I was learning about the pains of legacy.
of legacy stuff, which every company has to deal with. - Except normally I guess you'd be faking someone else's code, except in this case I'm fixing my own fucking problems. My legacy of two hours ago where I fucked it up. - Legacy of me fucking up. - Legacy of me fucking myself. That's what I'm fixing. So that's what I'm doing, but I'm nearly done. I'm on the final, final, final phase. I have to just make a bunch of space shit and then I'm done.
And then I'm going to make a four hour YouTube video that is going to be all narration because most of this footage is just me being like,
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- Locking in. - Yeah, I realized that I'm, so I wanted to, initially I was gonna record a little bit and then give it to Mudan. - Yeah. - Like 10, 15 hours worth, which is still a lot. And then I was like, I actually, I think I should just beat the fucking game. 'Cause I wanna beat the game 'cause I'm addicted. - Yeah. - And I think it'll make a better video. - Yeah. - Mudan's gonna kill me when he sees how much,
- And it's not even like usable footage either. - A lot of it's not, but I think the one benefit is that, I don't know if we don't feel the same, but like,
I could see what I'm building in the footage. I'd be like, you just skip two hours ahead until I'm done. I'll just, I'll say five seconds in voiceover what I did. You don't need to show this. I'll just say, I think it'll very, very quickly be chopped down into like, and then I built this and then I built this by the way that was nine hours of work in five seconds. - Yeah, yeah. - Like, yeah.
- Speaking of games, speaking of games with like long tutorials, but for metaphor as well, we played a game with a really long tutorial. - Oh yeah, we went to Gloomhaven. - We played another board game. - Oh shit. - Didis was like, okay, so, but to put,
- Put things in perspective. When Dynas went to England, he talked about one thing. And this thing was this mythical board game called Gloomhaven. - Okay, I love the name already. - 'Cause we played Slay the Spire, really enjoyed that. And Dynas is like, "Yo, let me sell you on this thing called Gloomhaven." And I'm like, "Say no more, I'm already sold." Proceeds to go on a two hour rant about Gloomhaven. Okay, so we were on this road trip for two hours. Within five minutes, I was sold.
He continues for two hours trying to sell me on a game that I already was okay playing. - Oh my God, this is the most Didis ass looking game I've ever seen. - We're playing Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion, which looks quite different from a couple of these. - Which is a little different, which is like the baby version of Gloomhaven. Which if we didn't have the baby version of Gloomhaven, I think we'd- - That's the baby version? Look how many pieces there are. - Yes, I know. This is a baby version of Gloomhaven. - Holy shit.
So I don't think we would have been able to play this if we didn't play the Slay the Spy board game that we previously played because this one was on a complexity on another level. I don't think it's that complex, but there's just so much information that you just have to like
- Yeah, I'm looking at this and I'm like, what is anything? - What is anything? - Yeah, it's like Warhammer with like D&D a little bit. - I think the best way to explain how it was was that it was D&D but it had already chosen the character. - Right. - Yeah. - And so it's kind of like the story you're going on. Well, not actually, it's kind of like D&D in the sense of like you have this character, we will have roles, we'll do battles, but like all the character stuff is pretty much
and all that, basically how you- - Right, right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they definitely hold your hand through the game, but it's kind of got, it's got a very similar battle system to basically every RPG out there. - "Borders Gate" let's call it. - Yeah, "Borders Gate" or if you played any JRPGs, it's a similar turn-based battle system. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Basically, it was basically "Fire Emblem" for me, except the tiles were hexagonal. - Right, right. - The difference is playing on,
a tabletop game, playing an RPG system on a tabletop game. It just takes way more fucking time. - Oh yeah. - Because you don't realize how much the computer works out every like so many little details. - In Fire Emblem it's like they calculate how much damage you're gonna do. Like the chance to miss and everything. But like, I guess with this one you got to do it all manually. - Yeah, you got to do it all manually. - Oh my God, that's gonna take a while. - With all the same systems. But it's a lot, it's a different experience but is that definitely a lot funner being
more involved with it. - I mean, you sold me when you said Fire Emblem, so I'm just like, say less. - It is basically Fire Emblem. That's what I found when I was playing this game, just tabletop style. And we played for like a good six hours or so. We went through three missions. - We didn't even do the tutorial. - We didn't do the tutorial. It took us two hours to set up the boards.
- Dom watched like a two and a half hour video explaining the game and then he rocked up and he was like, "I don't really know how to set this stuff up." - 'Cause he was like, "I played this before, I played this before." So I was like, "Okay, normally for this type of game," 'cause it was you who would have slayed us by the way, you need someone to just like guide you through the game. So we were like, "All right, Stardust is just gonna guide us through the game." And he was like,
I don't remember shit, I played in college. - So you're like, ah, okay. - And he's like, all right. - Oh my God. - And he turns up and he was like, all right, boys, I think it's easier just to watch this YouTube video explaining it. And we're like, how long is the video? And he's like, all right, there's this guy who goes on really, explains everything really quickly. And we're like, how long is the video? Like 30 minutes. I was like, oh. - 34 minutes. - 34 minutes.
- That's part one, by the way. - Oh my God. - Part one of five. - Yeah. - So yeah, we got into it and I think it almost worked out worse because,
he had so much knowledge of this game, but the game kind of introduced it in a more linear way that was almost a bit better 'cause it didn't introduce certain mechanics. And Dynas was like, "I know this mechanic." And then it turned out the game was like, "Actually don't use that yet." And so it was kind of actually kind of confusing.
- But there was a lot of stuff to keep track of and it became a lot more easier as we went. But it was still very complicated, but it was a lot of fun. I mean, boxing was pretty good. - I don't think it's complicated per se. I just think there was, there is like you said, a lot to keep track of. But if you've played like a RPG battle system, turn-based battle system, a lot of these concepts are,
are the same, like you have like your speed where you, you know, everyone has a certain speed for every attack and then you figure out the speed and then you figure out the speed comparative to the enemies. And if there are multiple enemies, then you kind of like, then you kind of like have to figure out, okay, for this turn, this person goes first and this person, this person, this person, this person, all this is done in like a microsecond when you're playing on the computer, when you're like, just even though that's a simple concept, 'cause it is a simple concept,
When you have like eight pieces, eight different characters for every turn to figure out, okay, who goes first? Okay, this is the turn order. Now let's,
- I just need to put away six hours to learn how to play it. - Yeah, I kind of realized my it's, you know, we've slayed aspire and this, I guess we're slowly starting to get to getting into tabletop games. I kind of like before I'd be like, I'd hear people were into tabletop games. They'd be like, oh, we'll be playing for like six or eight hours. I was like, how the fuck?
I play a tabletop game for six to eight hours. 'Cause I've only played like, you know, stuff like Risk, you know, very, very simple tabletop games. And then you introduce something like this, which is a totally different kind of like complexity, but it's super fun just to get actually like immersed in the game. - Oh yeah, for sure. - And super evolved. - I mean, if you couldn't get immersed in it, then I don't think anyone would sit around for six to eight hours to play, you know? - No, no. - I think there's like 25 missions there and you did three. - Yeah.
- I imagine it would speed up a lot the more we get going, but yeah. - Yeah, well, I mean, it was all most, if not all of you's first time playing it, right? So I think that's where it just dragged a little bit. But if you were playing with like, you know, five people who've played it, shitload, I'm sure it goes way faster. But even still, that's a long game.
- Yeah, because the first five levels are tutorials. - Oh, it's just like metaphor. - The first five levels are all tutorials introducing you to like all the new mechanics. And then after the tutorial, they're like, okay, now you can play the game. - The worst part is when you're like, what's this rule about? And then like, you just cannot find the definitive answer to something in the book. And you're like, I'm gonna fucking lose it. - Yeah.
- Yeah. - 'Cause that's what it was like, you know, if we didn't have Pete when we did our magic nights at one time to just guide us through all like all the different terminology in terms of like, what does this term mean for this magic card? - It's like every five seconds someone in the room is just like, Pete. - I realized that like, if you don't play magic, some of those cards felt like very hard to interpret correctly.
- That's why I kind of stopped playing a lot of like TCGs, especially like Yu-Gi-Oh. Like, you know, early Yu-Gi-Oh was like quite simple to understand even for someone who was playing it for the first time. Nowadays though, like you look at like a Yu-Gi-Oh card like made recently from like a recent deck, the text is so fucking small because there's just like 17 things you can do with this one card and you just, they're like, I don't understand most of this and I don't know how to use it. And then you combine that with fucking, you know, however many cards in a deck.
And you're like...
Where do I even begin? How do I even begin to learn how to play this if I'm not playing with someone who knows how to play? - Yeah, I'm wondering how long TCGs, like how long the game of like TCG like goes now comparative to like when the early days of TCG when I'm sure like- - It depends how good and or shit you are. - That's true. - I remember watching a YouTube video about the Yu-Gi-Oh! banned list cards. And it was only like 20, whenever it came out, like two years of banned cards and it was two hours long.
- Yeah. - And the guy wasn't like talking about it for long. - I think I've seen that video. - He wasn't talking about each card for long. I was like, this is an insane amount of bands for a game. And I was like, God damn it. - Yeah. - Rounds in Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Games are 40 minutes long. Holy, that's a league game. - Yeah. - That is a league game. - That sounds about right. - Yeah. - But like, I remember when I was, I first played Yu-Gi-Oh! or I was first playing Yu-Gi-Oh! like a regular game would maybe go on for like
I don't know, what felt like 10, 15 minutes maybe? Because there aren't that many things you can do with a single card. But now you have like fusions and like even more like convoluted sacrifices and stuff like that. I'm just like, I don't know how,
you can sit there for 40 minutes and do all this. - Yeah, well, also it depends on like how long the card game has been in existence for. - Oh yeah. - I'm sure like power creep is definitely a thing. Like I'm wondering, can you such of how long the average one piece card game takes? 'Cause that's just like just launched, right? - Yeah. - Because- - That was made I think by a guy who,
was one of like the original guys who made Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. - Most games, most games with skilled players tend to- - Tendon? What's tendon? I don't know what that means. - The fuck is tendon? - I don't know. I'm a One Piece fan. I don't know what that means. - In the One Piece card game, we don't have turns. We have dons. - We have dons.
- I'm guessing that's turns, right? - They go, wait, hold on. They go for fairly long. Many turns after all 10 dons are out. What's a don? - Maybe a round? - Probably, probably, probably it's, I'm gonna guess it's a turn.
- What the fuck is it? - 'Cause I've been thinking about getting into the one piece trading card game. - I've thought about it too. - It's pretty popular in Japan. - Don cards are used to play the cost of using a card. Oh, so it's like mana. - Oh, okay, okay, okay. - Maybe you gain one mana return, I have no idea. - No, you gain one Don. - I'm sorry, one Don.
- It's like, I will summon Luffy with my five Dons. - Yeah. - Yeah, I've looked into the one piece card game 'cause especially recently in Japan, it's gotten so big. Like it's one of the most popular TCGs right now. - What was the most popular card game? Well, what is the most popular card game in Japan? - Right now? - Yeah. - I think it's the one piece card game actually. - What was it before? Magic? - Pokemon.
- Yeah, for a while. Well, actually it's kind of, there's like a top three, which has always been like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic and Pokemon. But then recently, yeah, the One Piece card game's going really big. Duel Masters is really big as well. Weiss Schwarz is really big too. - And Yu-Gi-Oh! is still really big. - Yeah, Yu-Gi-Oh! is still one of the top ones. - Pokemon's number one and Yu-Gi-Oh! - Yeah, Pokemon's, yeah. Pokemon I don't think. - Wow, Duel Masters is number three, that's crazy. - I'm surprised. Yeah, I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh! was still going so strong. - Weiss Schwarz is more popular than Magic.
- Wow. - That's wild. - Is this just Japan? - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, okay. - I mean, Japan generally loves home brands. - Yeah, home brands, of course. - And has a tendency for it. - Yeah, One Piece is already fourth now. - Yeah. - Above Magic. That's crazy. - Yeah. Holy shit. - 300th. - What even is Jewel Masters?
- I think I've heard it a bunch, but I've never like actually seen it. - It's kind of like Yu-Gi-Oh! but it was- - That's one of my impressions was seeing it. - Yeah, it's basically, I played a little bit of Duel Masters when it came out. I was in like primary school, I think when it was like, when it first started and it's yeah, it's very similar to Yu-Gi-Oh! but I never got into it enough to like figure out how to play it. I collected some of the cards 'cause they looked cool. And also there was a manga for Duel Masters, I think similar to Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Wow, everything about this looks like Yu-Gi-Oh. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, the very right one on the top row, that's the manga that I read when I was a kid. - I always wondered, was it Yu-Gi-Oh that basically popularized the meta for trading card game hair? - Yes. - For some reason, every time I would see an anime, you can tell when an anime comes from a trading card game. 'Cause they all have the same fucking hairstyle. - One million percent, it was because of Yu-Gi-Oh.
- Yu-Gi's hairstyle was the like beginning of like, if you play a trading card game, your hair needs to be fucking unbelievable. - Yeah. - It's just egregious. - Doesn't even matter if you're Yu-Gi-Oh, you need to have this kind of like wacky hairstyle. - You need to have a hairstyle that will give hairdressers all over the world an aneurysm just looking at it, just being like, what the fuck is going on? - Cosplayers are just like, no, please no. I don't want to, I don't want to.
But yeah, Gleamhaven was a lot of fun. - Yeah, I wanna play it now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I know it sounds crazy after hearing that there's a six hour tutorial, but it's up my alley. - We gotta finish our 25 mission. - Yeah, you finish your game first. Hopefully by then I would have- - Two years, two years from now we'll try it. - Okay, okay, easy. I'll learn how to play it by then. - You gotta get your...
- I do, yeah, I want a board game table. - Oh yeah, you gonna get that soon? - The ProZD board game table? - Yeah, I wanna get it so bad. - Oh man. - 'Cause I asked ProZD, I was like, 'cause you know, he's like the board game guy. - Yeah. - I was like, what is your like top five, like kind of longish, but not like too long, like, you know, like basically like full day games. - Yeah. - He sent me a list and I was like, huh, Dune. There's a Dune board game. - Like the book. - Yeah, type in Dune Imperium. Apparently like it's a,
a very, very good board game. Wait, is this the one? - Do an Imperium. - Second one, second one. But then I looked at it and it said it was quite complicated. It said three out of five complexity.
- Meanwhile, I think like Slay the Spy was like two. - Are you serious? That was a two? - Playing time 60 to 120 minutes. - That always means you double it is what I've learned. - Yeah. - Whatever that says, you double that. - So it'd be about two to three hours. - I think you like fight for spice against each other. I think that's- - That makes sense. - Oh, that sounds super fun. - Is a game that uses deck building to add a hidden information angle to the traditional worker placement. What does that mean?
- This all makes sense if you play a lot of board games. - What does that mean? - What I've learned is that they have so much like lingo that is like absolutely, you can't understand it. - I've never read a beginning sentence that introduces something and I'm like, what does that mean?
- We're just fighting for the spice. - All right. - Yeah, I think there's like resource management and I think you have to, I don't know. It seems complicated as fuck. - It sounds like talking points. - Oh my God, yeah. - Whenever you describe a game, you're like, yes, this is a action RPG,
- Open world and I'm like, okay, this is just like all... - It's like describing music genres. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right? - Look at those little bangs, look at all this. - Holy shit. - This looks complicated. - That looks really complicated. - And another one he told me about was, I think Project Zomboid, I think you can search it in the same website. - Project Zomboid? - I think it's Project Zomboid, am I crazy?
- Wait, for reference, how long does the game of Monopoly say it takes on there? - That's a good point. - Yeah, what's- - Look up Monopoly. - Look up Monopoly and look up the game time. - Zombicide, I think it was. - Yeah. Monopoly- - 1935. - Holy shit. - Yeah, sure. Sure, just do that one.
So that's the classic one. - OG Monopoly. - 60 to 180 minutes. - That's a fucking lie. That's assuming everyone knows how to play Monopoly and you start it up. - Who doesn't know how to play Monopoly though? - Yeah, but like, that's what I'm saying. Like if everyone knew how to play Dune, you know what I mean? I'm sure our game would be fast because no one's gonna know how to play it. - Yeah, if everyone knew how to play Gloomhaven, it wouldn't have taken you guys six hours. - Can you finish a game of Monopoly in 60 minutes though? - Of course you can. - Of course you can. - Yeah. - Question is, what was it? I just saw when you said Monopoly, there was game Monopoly.
- What? - Did you see that? - Gay monopoly? Oh yeah, gay monopoly. No, no, no, go back, go back, go back. Yeah, at the bottom, 1983, gay monopoly. - Sure. - What the fuck? - 180 minutes. There is no lower end on gay monopoly. - Oh wow, that's really gay monopoly. - Oh wow. - What the heck? - Oh wow. - Yo! I want this. That's sick. Wait, what do you buy?
- Do you buy like the YMCA? - I don't know. - What? That sounds- - Oh my God, look at that fucking dump truck on that dude. - I like how there's like, there's no 60 minutes in this one. It's at least 120, 180 minutes. - This is a Strand type game. - Yes. - You're gonna wanna lock in. - Given Diana Award for outstanding service to Houston gay community. - What is this?
- Oh my God, we need to play this. - What? We need to play this. - I can't believe this exists. - Oh my God, I want this. Holy shit. - Oh God. - For hire. - Oh shit. I mean, I guess it is from 1985. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, this looks like an, I mean, at this point it's an antique, right? - Oh yeah. It's a 40 year old game. - Yeah. - Fuck, that's scary to think.
- I love it. Look at the dump truck on the dude on the right. Holy shit. - I like how the board's a circle, not a square. - I like the square board. Am I crazy? - Yeah, yeah. I don't know. The circle looks weird. I'll be honest. I'll be honest. - Oh, is it because in a square it's straight?
- Joey, did I figure it out? - Let's not make assumptions here. - That might actually be it. - Let's not make assumptions here, Joey. - I found this out. Did you know there was a Bloodborne board game? - No. - Did you know? And it's like a, actually I've watched like board game reviews talk about board games and it's like an in joke 'cause of the amount of like plastic in it. - Wait, look at our Bloodborne board game. - You can go to the same website if you're on Game Monopoly. This is just like, just type in like Bloodborne.
Yeah. Board game 2021. It's kind of like, it's also a card game. Yeah. Yeah. 45 to like try and get a picture of, cause I, I went to this gaming bar and I had a,
- They had a Dark Souls board game as well. - Really? - Oh, sick. - Apparently this isn't the first Souls type board game. I don't know how you play it. I don't know if it's as hard as a Souls game. - I don't know if it's decent. - Yeah. - I don't know, but the figures are cool. - There's like hundreds of them apparently. - Dude, that looks sick. - Apparently the box is huge. - Yeah, I bet.
- It's like the entry points to something like Warhammer. - Yeah, pretty much. - 'Cause I never understood what Warhammer was growing up. And my brother-in-law recently just got into Warhammer and I'm like, "Do you play the game or do you just collect the figurines?" And it seems like-
- Well, I think I know the rules of the game, but he just spends most of his time painting figurines. - I think it's like quite therapeutic to like kind of painting them. - I assume it's like gunpla or something like that. - I guess it's also the equivalent to like, you know, people who collect Pokemon cards, but don't actually play the Pokemon game. They just want to collect the cards. AKA moi. - Yeah, do you know how to play the Pokemon? - I know how to play the game, yeah. But I don't collect them to play the game. I collect them because they just look cool. - Would you ever bring out your binder if someone was like, "I want to play a game of Pokemon with you." - Oh, hell yeah.
- Dude, I have a deck binder. - Oh, you do? - I do, I do have a deck binder. - You have your own Pokemon deck? - Yeah, I have my own decks, yeah. - Okay. - Yeah. I have a massive stack of like jukeboxes that I have, which I probably have over like 2000 cards. - I was curious to see like what the most complicated board games were and bro, you may as well just get a PhD. I think on this website they rank them with the most complicated board games. - What is the most complicated board game? - I can't remember what it was, but I remember,
- I was trying to like understand the YouTube video of it and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. - Advanced squad leader. - Okay, it's got an eight though. Rise and decline of the third Reich. - Whoa. - Can you open it? Like what complexity? - Whoa. - 4.3. - Jesus, look at that map. Look at that map.
- Look at the map on the fucking pictures. - At this point, are you actually just reenacting World War II? - Oh my God! - What's happening? - This is actually just what the war was like. - Yeah. - What? - You're just playing real history here. - Holy shit.
- Oh my God. - Oh my, look, dude, those pieces are tiny as well. - Oh my God, I just saw the pieces. I didn't even see those. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's the, I mean, some people love this kind of, these kind of games, but this is a bit much for me. - Yeah. - Well, all of them war games?
I don't know. Advanced quality to Starfleet battles, Car Wars, the campaign for North Africa, the Desert War 1940. Yeah, they're all war games. Europa. Well,
- Well, I assume it's just- - Oh, Magic Realm? - Oh yeah, that's a newer one. Click that one. - Yeah. - 'Cause a lot of those games seem very old. - Yeah. - 4.56. - 4.56 complexity? - The granddaddy of complex RPG style board games with 16 unique characters from 1979. - Can I see the- - Yeah, let me see the pictures. Oh God, I can already tell. It's fucked. - Oh, it's got like a build your own. - Personal history pad. - Look at that spreadsheet. Oh my God.
- Oh my God. I mean, props to people who can like make these games, but fuck me, man. That's a lot. - Yeah. - Oh my, bro. What am I looking at? - I was trying to find out what the most modern complex game was. 'Cause like these all seem like they were born out of more so the time not having the ability to have like maybe like years and stuff. Maybe a little easier. - Well, this just comes straight out of like the D&D stuff, right? - That's crazy though. That's literally like my chemistry homework.
- What's like the most complex video game you think? Like in terms of- - In terms of what, mechanics and stuff? Or just like how to play? - How to play, complexity, I guess. I don't know. - Minecraft? - Minecraft can get pretty fucking close. - Minecraft, yeah, can get pretty complex. - The most complex game? - Well, you can make computers straight up in Minecraft and stuff. So you program, what was it? That guy programmed Pokemon in Minecraft? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- He also programmed a working mobile phone. - That's right, yeah. - Where he like called himself in the game. - Are you serious? - Yeah. - You've never seen this video? - No. - It's crazy. - It's literally like you can turn Redstone into a functioning working computer. Like it works like transistors. - Okay, so you just make transistors and you just basically make a touring computer. - Oh, it's Captain Sparkles. - Oh shit, okay, okay. - But I think it had video somehow. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. He FaceTimes himself in Minecraft. - That's insane.
- It's actually crazy what people are gonna make. - This is that guy. This is like computer programmers going like, "Oh, what do I wanna do in my free time?" Let's just program again, just in Minecraft. This is what I do in my free time. - Yeah, here we go. - Oh my God, that's insane. - He calls himself in the game. That's crazy.
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- He did this eight years ago as well. - Oh my God. - So imagine what people can do now. - 16 million views though. - I'm sure there are more complex games, but I think the, what you can do in Minecraft is pretty impressive. - Yeah. - I mean, I always like, you know, seeing, hearing games like EVE Online, it's always more interesting to hear like the stories about what goes on into the game. - I guess that's complex because of more so
personal relationships complex, as opposed to like the in-game. But I guess the game allows for it, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, also what's the metric of like complex? Are we talking like the button inputs are complex or like the mechanics are complex? 'Cause I feel like, I don't know, it's different for different people, right?
- Yeah, I mean- - 'Cause if we're talking like button inputs being complex, like quark is fucked. - Yeah, 'cause like maybe like keeping track of all your World of Warcraft cooldowns is too complex, but maybe dealing with like the interpersonal relationship of like 400 people on EVE Online is maybe okay for you. - Yeah. - You know, like maybe that's something, but someone else might find that too overwhelming, right? So I guess it's whatever you- - What does the internet say? - So the answer is gone. - Super Meat Boy, Contra. - Yeah, these are most difficult games. - Battletoads. - Battletoads, yeah. - That's just for that one,
- Just for that one level. - Yeah, the water, the jet ski. - The jet ski level that has fucking- - Kavak is not one of the most difficult games. - For some people it is. Ghosts and Goblins, also difficult. Bloodborne, Demon's Souls. - Yeah. - Mega Man 9. - Did you play a bit of Sekiro? Is that more difficult than Elden Ring when you played it?
- I felt like it was, but I've only played a couple hours, but I definitely recall it being harder, but that also might be because I didn't get that far in it. - Yeah, I don't know if this is a hot take, but is Elden Ring that difficult? - Was for me. - Was it like a difficult game for you?
- Because like the most difficult, I'm about halfway through the game now. And the most difficult boss I fought was the very first boss, the tree sentinel. - That was the hardest one for a long time. - Yeah, yeah. - Some of the bosses later get really dumb. - Okay, okay, okay. Because I- - But if you face tank the tree sentinel, most of them are fine.
- Yeah, that five hour training arc just went hard because there has been no other boss that has come close to touching that first. - 'Cause that one you can't hit like two hits. You don't have heals. You can't really get hit. - Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I can't remember the more like, what is like a difficult turn-based game? - Difficult turn-based game? - Yeah.
- Honestly, the most, I think like the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG game is like really fucking difficult. Especially like the, especially the Game Boy one. I forgot the name of it, but the Game Boy, Yu-Gi-Oh TCG game, like some of the later levels apparently are considered like fucking impossible. Just 'cause like the difficulty spike just jumps up so hard. - I played the Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories. - Forbidden Memories, yeah. - PS1, and that one was fucked. - Yeah, Forbidden Memories is considered like one of the hardest Yu-Gi-Oh games.
- I think it's 'cause like one of the hardest games of all time. - Yeah, I think so. - It's kind of fucked up 'cause you have to beat like a bunch of these characters and then you have to beat a like seven boss gauntlet. And then like the second last two bosses, no matter what card you place face down or up, they can see it.
So it's just like- - It's just unfair. - Yeah, it's just straight up unfair. - Yeah. - And the only reason I beat it is because I had a mod, but. Another hard aspect of that game is that you only get one card dropped and you pretty much have to get like a couple of cards that have like 0.1% drop. - Yeah, yeah. - So it's pretty much like the biggest fuck you. And I'm not really sure
- If they ever expected kids to be able to beat this. - Yeah, I mean, I played it as a kid as well and I didn't even get close to coming to like the final seven just 'cause like it's fucking hard. - Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. - I was just like, I just wanna like be like Kyber and just like play my blue eyes white dragon and the game's just like, no, actually you're going to have a traumatic experience and you're not gonna be able to beat this game. - Yeah, the stream on world record used to be like 20 something hours. And then now some people got like insane RNG, it's down to like four, I think. - Yeah, I saw the whole video.
- Yeah, it's an hour now. - Well, there's a category I think. - 80% is two and a half hours. - It's still crazy. - Yeah. What's the 100%? - Oh my God. Three days. - Three days. - For a speed run. - For a speed run. And with no RNG. - Yeah. Oh my God. - I don't think like anyone's even tried. - Well, yeah.
I mean, the last one was a year ago. Someone attempted it. - 10 years ago someone tried and took seven days.
- That must've been the first record. - That's crazy. Only Americans can attempt this. - Yeah, they're all Americans. - Oh no, no, I'm sorry. No, I'm looking at the platform. - Yeah, yeah. - I did the same thing. I was like, damn, why is it only Americans? - That's still a lot of Americans though. - I mean, I think normally speed runners are American. - Yeah. - Mostly. - Mostly Americans. - Mostly Americans. - But then you see the odd European represent. - Yep. - True. - You guys been watching or playing anything else recently?
- Fuck I wish. - Yeah, I wish. - I wish I could come here and tell you I've had like a cool time experiencing some really cool games. No, I'm building the fucking factory going. That's all I've done with my goddamn game. - I'm going through the tutorials. - I'm 40 hours in and they're still bringing new mechanics. - I recently finished the X-Men animated series. - Oh yeah? Have you watched that? - I haven't started that yet, bro. - It's so good. - I was surprised at,
how hard it went. - Really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I've only heard good things about it. - Yeah, because- - Some tourists are like, "What the fuck?" - Because, so "X-Men 97" the animated series, I don't remember if that's the name, but it's a direct sequel to the actual cartoon that came out
in '97, right? - Right. - So I can't remember shit. Did you watch the original X-Men cartoons? - Never watched it. - You never watched it? - I never watched it. - So I watched the original X-Men cartoons. I didn't watch every episode, but it was one of those like Saturday morning cartoons. So I went into it being like, this is a bold move to make a sequel to a 20 plus year old series that I barely remember anymore.
But they did such a good job at keeping the same energy as Saturday morning cartoons, while also making it accessible to newbies as well. - I didn't know shit about it. - Yeah. - So you don't have to watch the original to get into this, right? - No, you kind of get what happens.
But it's, one thing that really impressed me is they kept like, they somehow kept the campiness. I don't know how much you, how many like Saturday morning cartoons you watch. - Oh, a lot, yeah. - But they kept like the campiness of like Saturday morning cartoons without making it feel cringey or cheesy. And yeah, I was surprised. Some of this, it has like some of the best character writing I've seen in like a very, very long time. They made Cyclops.
a fucking likable character. And I did not give a shit about Cyclops most of the time. Magneto is such a good character as well. - It's so good. - Yeah. - It's actually kind of like dark and depressing at times too. - Right. - Yeah. - It's really well done. Which I wasn't expecting 'cause I thought it was gonna be a Saturday morning cartoon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And then I'm like, "Shit, why am I like sad?"
But it made me realize how much cooler the X-Men are than like most superheroes. - Yeah. - Again, these powers are sick and the storylines are awesome. This is way cooler than normal Marvel shit. - Yeah. But it makes me wonder like what Saturday morning cartoons did you guys watch growing up? - A lot of Cartoon Network. - And is that like, is Saturday morning cartoons, is that a 90s thing?
- I would say for a lot of people, at least in our generation, like the '90s, there was a lot of peak in the '90s. - Yeah, there was. I remember I saw this tweet and it was like, it was a black guy and there's a bunch of like people screaming, running out of a bar and he's on a video and he's going, "What? I can't believe everyone left 'cause they just turned off Ed, Edd n Eddy."
And everyone's screaming. I don't know what the context is. I think he's like making shit up. Everyone's like running out of this bar and fighting and shouting. And he's just like, I can't believe they turned it off.
- Or like it was something like that or like they canceled it. - That's so funny. - I fucking love- - I mean, Ed, Edd n Eddy is peak. - Ed, Edd n Eddy is one of my favorite. - It's so good. - It was so good. - Ed, Edd n Eddy, Dexter's laboratory as well. - Yeah, Powerpuff Girls. - Oh yeah, Powerpuff Girls was back in the day as well. - Yeah, I mean that era of Cartoon Network was just fucking goaded. - Did you ever go to Cartoon Network?
- I remember I could never beat it. - Me neither. - It was so hard. - Yeah, the code name Kids Next Door Game was so good. Wait, this is gonna be a nostalgia hit. Yeah, that one! - Oh shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. - Oh, shit. -
- It was a fucking flash game. It was so good. - It was so hard. - It's so hard. - I don't think I ever beat it. - Me neither. - I think I got close, I remember. Also the courage game was really scary. - Is that when we used to play tennis with the cat and the pyramid? - Yes. - I remember that. - Yeah. - Fuck, how do you remember that? - I remember that I got terrified of courage as a kid.
- Oh yeah, it's scary. - Yeah, pharophobia. - Yeah, pharophobia. - This is a bunch of games, I think. - Yeah. - Courage was so good, man. - Courage is so good. - I loved Courage. What a game. - It made me think, right? 'Cause I look back, growing up in the 90s, I look back and I look back on decades previously, I'm like, "Damn, the 80s seemed so cool." Or like the 70s or the 60s, that seems so cool. Do you think people look back at the 90s
and think, damn, that was a cool fucking decade. - I think nowadays that we've gotten to that point now where we have a entire generation that was born in the 2000s that look fondly on the 90s, which is like this period that they've only heard about
So it's like, it's basically, we have a generation of kids now that look back in the nineties, the same way us nineties kids look back at the eighties. - 'Cause that feels so weird to think about. - Yeah. You see all these kids like being like, yo, fucking nineties, like Cartoon Network just seemed like, it's so like vintage and like cool. And we're just there like,
We grew up on that shit. - Yeah, I was thinking about it. I was like, what is cool about '90s culture? I was thinking about what even is '90s culture? And I think maybe like blockbusters, is that '90s culture? Saturday morning cartoons. I feel like it's peak '90s. - I think it's the whole like kind of Y2K look of like old internet.
I think that whole old internet thing now has become an aesthetic. - Right, right. - And it's like, and kids look at that and like, you know, kids today, like gen alpha look back at things like MSN and being like, yo, that's vintage and sick.
- Like AOL? - Yeah. - AOL messenger? - No, AOL, they look at AOL and they're like, yo, that's so Y2K, that's crazy. - See, I think 90s right now is in this weird period where I think most people look back and think 90s, that's cringe. At least- - Nah. - Nah, the 90s was sick. - Did I not? - 90s was sick. You're only saying that because you experienced that. - You were born in the 90s. - Yeah, you experienced that yourself. But like, I think-
- In the same way, like I'm sure that if we ask someone who was like an eighties kid, right? Or even like a seventies kid and you talk to them being like, yo, the aesthetics in the seventies and eighties looks so sick. I'm sure there are some people who are like, really? It's not that cool. But they're only saying that because to them that was normal, right? - Yeah, 'cause I was, you know, since we lived in that era, I think about it and I was like, oh, like my gut reaction was there wasn't really anything unique about nineties culture. And then the more I think about it, the more I think,
"Ah, maybe there was." Because I was thinking, I was trying to think, okay,
when I look back at the eighties and seventies and sixties, there seems to be something that very much defines those decades, right? And maybe you can argue that with nineties culture, but I was thinking what really defines like, let's say 2000s cultures or 2010 cultures. But that was a whole, that's been a whole decade, right? What's 2000s culture? What defines 2000s culture and what defines 2010 culture? It doesn't feel that unique. - Yeah, I don't know. I think like,
I just don't think there's been enough time and there hasn't been that like generational switch yet to see enough to be able to look back on it. You know, I feel like you literally need an entire at least generations worth. So that would probably be like what, maybe 30 years. You need at least like a 30 year gap to really see like, oh, okay, that back then
that we grew up on, the kids today are looking at it and being like, yo, that's so like cool because that's something that I'd never, like the whole fact that like, you know, say like the vaporwave movement became like so big amongst like kids today. - Holy shit, I completely forgot about that. - Dude, vaporwave is just, that's all 90s shit.
- And kids today look at that and be like, "That's fucking vintage and sick." And we're looking at it as like- - Well, look at City Pop, right? - Yeah, or like City Pop. - Yeah. - You know, like that, if you think about it- - That's 80s. - Yeah, that's the 80s, right? But like, you know, if you ask someone in the 80s, especially in Japan, right, who was around in the 80s when City Pop was a thing, they'll just be like, "There's nothing special about that. That's just the music we grew up with."
- Can you tell what defines 2000s culture? - I got tickets to chat to Ria Moshda again. - Oh, fuck yeah. - Fuck, I need to join you on that this time. - Dude, I'm so hyped. I can't wait. Man's a fucking...
- Genius. - Yeah. What culture was the 2000s? - Yeah, see the rise of the popularity of the internet. So again, it's kind of, it overlaps a little bit. So the 2000s, the Y2K, it's called the Y2K movement, but the Y2K shit is all like old internet. So it's like the beginnings of the internet, the beginnings of like social media and just like people coming together on the internet to like make, like, okay, the fucking Myspace aesthetic.
That's 2000s. - I get like super nostalgic for like the thought of like logging in and like talking.
You know what I mean? 'Cause when you had to go to bed, you're like, "I gotta log out now." And then you wouldn't be able to come back on until like 5:00 PM the next day. And that was always like so fun. Dude, I miss that. - Exactly. But nowadays it's like you can message anyone at any time. - Dude, that was so fun though. - Well, I feel like the more that time goes on, 'cause the reason I thought about it, the more the time goes on, the more I feel like everything is just like homogenized.
So back then you go on a website and everything had its own like aesthetic and its own like style and you know, you can personalize stuff. And now everything has just become very clean. I don't know how to describe it. - I never liked customizing.
So I for one welcome the clean road. - Oh really? I loved customizing my MySpace page. - I hated it. - No, I totally get it. I think it's like, because like, it's this idea of like, now that everybody is so connected on the internet, this whole idea of like counterculture quote unquote doesn't really exist anymore because now anybody can access any culture at any time. Whereas like when
when the internet was just getting started and before the internet, the only way that you could ever know about like different cultures and different movements that were happening was by being a part of it or like interacting with someone who was in that scene. - Yeah. - So, you know, that's why like MySpace for instance, in my opinion was like great for that because it's like, you go onto someone's MySpace page
and it looks and acts and feels completely different to another person's MySpace page. And you're like, "Oh, okay, what is this?" Like I just stumbled upon something that's like new and cool and like rogue. But nowadays, again, because everything has become homogenized and everybody can access anything at all times,
there isn't really like a counterculture anymore. It's just like, everything is a counterculture now. - Everything looks the same. Everything feels just a little bit corporate. - Yeah, yeah. It's like, you're not like, there isn't like a standout scene or standout like group or anything like that as much as there was back in the old internet. And I think it's that aesthetic that a lot of people miss. - Yeah, I was talking to some Japanese people about nostalgia and stuff.
I asked them, I was like, "Hey, have you..." They're around the same age as me. I was like, "Have you ever used a rotary phone?" And they were like, "No." And we've been used to this since like my granddad. I was like, "I fucking used one as a kid."
- We had a rotary phone. - I had one of my grandma's house too. - I don't know, I remember we had a rotary phone and then got rid of it when I was like nine or 10. So I remember having to do that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I literally had those like black, the black rotary phones with the phone on top and you like pick it up and you do the. - We had like a beige one. - Yeah. - Of course. But I remember they were like, what the fuck? And then I started realizing, hi, I bet we, like the tech that we, Japan and Europe,
especially around like eighties, nineties was so different. - Yeah. - I'm like, oh yeah. - 'Cause my first TV that my parents gave me was a hand-me-down, which I guess is a bad thing in general to hand down to your kid. But they only gave it to me 'cause it was a black and white, like five inch like monitor.
But I was still watching. - Like a CRT? - Yeah, like a, yeah, yeah. Like it was terrible and it was, again, black and white. And I remember talking to them and I was like, did you ever see like a black and white TV? The same person asked me in Japan, they were like, no, I've never seen a black and white TV. - To be fair, I haven't seen a black and white TV. But my hand-me-down TV that I got was,
was like a fat fucking CRT TV that was like the screen was- - Yeah, I would have loved that, but I was watching fucking TV in black and white. I was watching the dudes. - God damn. - 'Cause my parents just had this old ass TV. I was like, "I'll tell you." - It's like, yeah, I'm from the 90s, the 1890s. - I guess back in Wales, we literally were living 20 years later. I was using fucking rotary phones and black and white TVs in the 90s. No, early 2000s. - That's so funny.
I was like, damn, I realize now, like damn, my parents kind of shafted me on the tech side. Not that it mattered at all. - That'd be like the equivalent of just like whipping out a Nokia 3310 nowadays. I'd be like, I don't have a smartphone. I just got a Nokia. - I've got buttons. - Honestly, think about it. - People do that. - That's actually kind of sick. Imagine someone just whipping out a Nokia and they're like. - There are some people I see today, even in Japan that still use flip phones.
- Yeah. - And I look and I'm like, that's like kind of sick. I don't know why. - Oh my God, is that the N gauge? Or is that something different? - Which one? - No, I don't think that's the N gauge. - The game one? - The game one. - Oh, the game one. - Nokia tried making a gaming console, bro. I'm wondering how many people remember that reference by the way. - The 3310, what a classic. - We did a challenge of you have to use a Nokia.
- 3:30, 10 for like a week. - Easy. - Yeah. - Dude, are you kidding me? I get to play snake all day, every day on that little thing? - You can't use your normal phone at all. - This is the sound of your ride home with dad after he caught you vaping. Awkward, isn't it? Most vapes contain seriously addictive levels of nicotine and disappointment.
Travel is all about choosing your own adventure. With your Chase Sapphire Reserve Card, sometimes that means a ski trip at a luxury lodge in the Swiss Alps.
I think I could get by.
Or what if you should like, you're like an hour a day? - Well, actually I just wouldn't use the Nokia because when was the last time you actually phoned someone? Like- - I prefer phone. - I prefer phone. - No, no, like actually phoned via a number and not like,
phoning via a messaging service or phoning via WhatsApp. - This is like a European Asian thing, I think. 'Cause like in America, they still call. People still call each other a lot in America. - Yeah. - Do they? - With like the actual numbers. - Yeah. - Because in Europe, we don't do that. - No. - Everyone uses WhatsApp or normally WhatsApp is some kind of- - I mean, how many times have you used the actual just like texting
directly from your phone without using an app. - It's crazy 'cause I realized everyone in America was still using it. - Yeah, everyone in America does it. In Japan, everyone used Line. - No, I don't use that. I don't use texting. I can't remember the last time I actually texted someone. - The only time I text on my actual phone without like Line or WhatsApp or anything is when I'm messaging my friends in America. - Yeah, I found it so weird that they still use it there.
- The only time I do is when I need to message my bank or something. And they're like, "We think your card is fraudulent. Press one to make sure that all these transactions are you." - 'Cause if I'm getting a call from line and they're, "Oh, it's someone I know, it's a friend." I'm getting a call from a number, I'm like, "I don't know what the fuck this is. I don't wanna pick up this up." - 'Cause there's so many scam callers nowadays as well. - Exactly, exactly.
- Even on WhatsApp sometimes, I don't know how much- - You have WhatsApp scam calls? - Yes. - Oh yeah, I get scam calls on WhatsApp. - I don't know how- - I've never gotten a WhatsApp. - I get a scam text from WhatsApp. - Yeah, I get a scam text from WhatsApp. - What are you guys doing with your number? - That's why this episode is about narrative. - Maybe like once every couple of weeks, I just randomly get a WhatsApp notification. And I don't have that many people on WhatsApp. 'Cause again, most of my friends are online or just, you know,
you know, text. So, but I have a couple of people that I have just on WhatsApp. And I think every time I hear the WhatsApp thing go off, it's like, or you know, whatever the notification thing is. I'm like, oh, my friends messaged me. And I look at it, it's like, hi, my name is Nicole. I would like to contact you about this job offer you recently looked up for. And I'm like,
- First of all, who? Second of all, I'm good. And yeah, I've been getting that so much now. Only on WhatsApp though. - I get it on Skype.
- Okay, the fact you still remember your Skype login. - My parents use Skype, so I have to use Skype to talk to them. - What? - They don't want to use anything else. - I guess better than my dad who only uses email. - They know Skype, they've used it for like 10 years, it's the only thing they're comfortable using. - Damn. - I think Zoom they can use that as well. - Right.
- But I hate setting up Zoom. - You gotta get them onto line or something. Or at least WhatsApp. - We do use WhatsApp, but you can't video call on PC.
- Oh really? On WhatsApp? - Maybe you can, but I don't think they know how to log into WhatsApp on PC. - Yeah. - You gotta like scan a QR code. - Yeah. - I think I'm asking too much. - Too much, that's too much. - They're logged into Skype. - They've just come onto color TVs. - If they ever log out, I don't know how I'm gonna get them back in. - I reckon if I, this just sounds like a video idea. I reckon I could spend a week with the Nokia 3310. I think it would really ground me.
- I think I would love- - Wouldn't you think it'd be like a great detox? - It would be great. I think the one thing that I would have trouble with is that I would have to like tell people, "Hey, I'm just not gonna reply to like a lot of shit for a week." - No, you can still reply to shit. - Just go on your computer. - Yeah, I'll forget. - I get to practice texting again by like, you know, it's like, "Oh, I need to input a C, press one three times." - Do you remember TechSpeak?
- Yeah, I do. - Whatever happened to tech speak? - Well, we realized it's cringe being like, thanks you for, and like everything. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Thank you for. - Yeah, for you. - Like came more out of necessity. - Yeah, that's true. - 'Cause you had the 140. - Oh yeah, because you had to pay for every word that you texted. - Yeah, yeah. - Not every word, every 140 characters, I think, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, see you later was C-U-L-8-R.
- I remember that shit. That was min maxing. - Oh man. - They still use the, a lot of people still use the, that like keyboard layout, the triple tap. - Yeah. - If you want like B, obviously the Japanese equivalent, you do like A, B, B, and then like in the same, I'm like this is- - Dude, my cousin still uses that. - You go fast with it here. - Oh dude, my cousin uses it and I've seen her text her friends. I've never seen a thumb move that fast in my life. It's literally just like.
I'm like, yo, what the fuck? How are you texting that fast? - It's a different, oh man. - It's built diff. - They can just, Japanese people can just like write a fucking novel. - Yeah, it's wild.
- That's why there's so many light novels here. - I know. - Because light novelists here. 'Cause they can just ride on their phones. - They all ride on their phones, yeah. - That's what they're all doing. - On the train, when you're on the train and you see random Japanese people just like texting on their phone, you're like, "What are they texting?" They're actually writing a light novel on the train as you speak. - I saw a dude yesterday morning in Shinjuku Station, very busy, very crowded. He's like this on the phone and he's got his laptop out talking and like doing work.
- While walking. - While walking? - While walking through Shujuku Station. And like transferring. I was like, this guy's mental. - What the fuck? - I was like, that's a level of grind set I can't get on. I've never been that locked in in my life. I can't. - He's probably one of those dudes that's like, I wake up at 4:30. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Bro, just started this gym arc. It's over. - Have you seen some of the old videos of stockbrokers on Wall Street where they have five phones just wrapped around their head and be like, "Yeah, yeah, we saw that. Yeah, yeah, yeah." And I'm just like, this looks like a parody. And it actually is insane that people used to work like that. - I look at them and I'm like, "Oh, okay. I mean, I would also be a coke addict if I had to work like that as well." I get it. That's the only way you can get through. - No fucking wonder everyone was like,
- I was wired back then. - Yeah, I was like, I would probably have to be as well. - Have you seen that old video of, what was it? It was Robert Downey Jr. He's like a really young Robert Downey Jr. And he went to Wall Street just to like see what it was like. And afterwards he was like, this is hell on earth. It's like, this is one of the worst places I've been to in my life. - I'm not surprised. I would think the same thing as well. - Oh my God, it's crazy. - Yeah. - Who decides to work
- People want that grindstone. - They want money and they've got the grindstone. - Yeah. - This is wild. - This is where we pop Zins and drink white monster energy and lock in. - That's insane, man. - Yeah.
- Is there any Trash Taste audience members who work in Wall Street? - I'm sure there's not. - I would like to know. It's just fascinating. - How many hairs are you losing out of the stress? - Yeah, right? - I would like to know 'cause this looks like the most stressful job. - Yeah, how many hair transplant appointments are you going to per week? - How many flights to Turkey? - Yeah. - Do you think we as a species are just getting like,
less able to spell the more that we rely on like autocorrect and like spell check. - I mean, I don't think we already know that's the thing like interesting like China.
'Cause they, a lot of people don't, what is it? 'Cause you say the sounds to make the, you type out the sound to make the character. Yeah, so a lot of people don't know how to write the characters. - That makes sense. I mean, same thing is happening in Japan as well, I feel. - Well, people are just learning less kanji. - Yeah, well, because it's like when you text now, you- - Say it out. - Yeah, you just, you write out the hiragana and then it automatically converts into whatever kanji it is. So if you gave them a piece of paper to be like,
even if you can read a particular kanji, they wouldn't be able to write it. - There's something like I can text someone and I don't know if I'm using the right kanji, but I just like typed it out with the Hiragana and I'm like, I'm pretty sure this is the right kanji. - It's the first one that came up. - It's the first one that came up. And it normally 95% of the time is the right one. Only time it gets wrong is names. Names is very annoying. So like, I'll be pulled up the, oh my God, this is the Bible of names. Like what the fuck?
- Yeah, if you have like a name like, you know, like core scale or something, it's just like 50 different cores. And I'm just like, whatever. My bad if I get it wrong, OG, but I don't know which one of these you are. - Like I've know I've failed when I know the word I want to say, and then I type it out. I just so horrendously wrong that even Google doesn't be like, did you mean this? You know what I mean?
- Yeah, I have that sometimes. - I'm just like, I have failed as a human being. - It's like you start to like sound it out and you're just like, I think it's this. And then Gary was just like, what the fuck did you just write? - I have a spell checker on, right? But like sometimes the spell checker doesn't work.
'cause it just doesn't show up. And I'll know it's wrong 'cause I know I spelled the word wrong, but I can't tell you how to spell it right. So I just copy the word, paste it into Google and it'll immediately correct it. And then I just copy that and then paste the correct thing in. It feels like such a jarring way to do it 'cause the spell check doesn't work always. I don't know why. - I think is it because the way you spelled it is so bad that it just doesn't pick it up? - Some programs, for some reason it just doesn't work. Line often doesn't work on my PC.
- Really? - I don't know why. - Yeah, the line doesn't have a spell check, I don't think, on the PC. - Really? - Yeah. - I'll be like, "I definitely didn't spell stabilize correctly here." Let me quickly get that. - The one that always fucks me up is guaranteed.
- Oh my God, I hate spelling guarantee. - I can never spell it. I don't know how many times, every time I'm like writing something up and in my head I'm like, all right, I just have to spell guarantee. - Necessarily I always fuck up as well. - Necessarily. - Anything with a double name, even if it's something simple like overrated, which I'm always like, is it overrated or overrated?
- Which one's the double one? I always forget. And I somehow always get it wrong as well. - Yeah, yeah. - That always fucks me up. Can you guys also like, do you guys have the skills to like type without looking at your keyboard? - Touch type? - Yeah. - I can't touch type.
- 'Cause I did a stream and it was like a quiz where it's a Sporkle quiz and everyone's like, "Oh, Garnt can't type without looking at his keyboard." I was like, "Is this a normal skill?" Because I can- - It depends how terminally online you are. - I think it's meant to be normal nowadays. - Right. - Yeah. - But like, yeah. - Can you do it?
- No, I don't think so. - 'Cause I can maybe do it, but I'm like, I'm definitely not close to like 100% accuracy. - Yeah, I'll definitely make a sense. - It's like 80%. - Yeah, 100%. - Yeah. - Yeah, I can't. I've always wanted to learn how to do it, but I'm also just like, I mean, is there that many situations in my life where I need to have my eyes away from the keyboard? It's like- - All I need to know is where WASD is at all times. - Yeah, yeah.
- My left hand knows exactly where WSD is. My right hand knows exactly where the arrow keys are. It's like, that's all I need. - And one, two, three, four, five, six. - And one, two, three, four, five, six. Oh, I know that. - Space bar. - Yeah. - Got that one down. - Space bar, left shift. - X and C. - Yeah, X and C, left shift. I know all those. That's all I need. - That's all you need as a gamer, bro.
But no, I don't know. Is it a normal skill now for I guess like this generation you reckon? - We had like one class that taught us how to type. - We didn't have any. - Did you not have any? - Yeah, we didn't have any. - It was like one class in school. One way to improve typing is by touch type. - Less than 20% of people can touch type fluently.
- Bro, have you seen, what was it called again? The like stenography or something like that? - Oh, that shit's crazy. - That shit is like magic to me. - What is it? - Where? - Where the courtroom people use to write all the dialogue. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like way less buttons. - Yeah. - But it's all about like the combination. - Yeah. - So if you hold down like a G-S-Z, it might like do the word automatically. So they can type super quick 'cause all you need to know is the combination.
- I have seen a dude who made like a stenography keyboard where it was like one handed and he could basically write at the same speed as him talking. - That's insane. - Yeah.
- Yeah, well, like it's basically at the same speed as- - This is just magic for me. - Yeah, like how do you even learn how to do this? - It's kind of like playing the piano. - Yeah, it looks like it. It almost looks like as much dexterity as playing some simple songs. - I don't know, man. As someone who can play the piano, this is nothing like playing the piano. - Joey, as someone who can't play piano, this is exactly like playing the piano, actually. - No, this is more magic than playing the piano. - This is such a hard, like the thing that scares me most about this
is like, obviously he said like, like word, you just type in words. You have to hold down all the letters. In my head, I'm gonna be like, W-O-R-D. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So I think I would be very slow. - But I guess in a sense, like, you know, being proficient at a keyboard, whether it be this kind of keyboard or regular keyboard is basically kind of like being proficient at piano. Like you just have to fucking remember exactly where everything is. - You just have to learn it. - Yeah, you just have to practice, yeah. - I think piano is one of the hardest instruments to learn.
as a music guy? - I think it's, yes. I think it's one of the hardest instruments to learn, but also it's one of the best instruments to learn if you're starting off because so many,
So many other instruments rely on the knowledge of what you would learn playing a piano. Like you learn so much music stuff from a piano that you can't really learn from other instruments. And I feel like the knowledge you gain from learning a piano first helps out with learning every other instrument. Whereas if you like learn like guitar first and then you go to piano, I feel that's way harder to learn than the other way around. - Oh yeah, pianists like magicians to me. - Would this help you learn piano?
- Maybe. - Looks like it'd help you. - It would help me type faster. - Yeah, yeah. - It reminded me, this story is so funny, but I have a friend of mine,
from Australia who works for like a travel agency. I don't know, I don't remember if I've told this story or not, but he works for a travel agency and his job is to kind of like get the information, like the passport information of the client to put it into the system, get the flights sorted, all that kind of stuff, right? So he obviously learning, being in that position, he meets a lot of people with like very interesting names.
And there was one guy who was telling me this story. It's gonna sound so bad, but it's so funny. He was like, "Yeah, so there was this Australian born Chinese guy who wanted to take a trip to Japan."
And so, you know, he was like, can you like sort out some kind of like, you know, tour schedule for me? And he was like, yeah, sure. I just need your passport information. So if you could like, you know, scan in your passport, we'll put it into the system and we can start working on it. Next day, the guy sends in, he's like, okay, this is my passport scan. And he looks at the guy's name and like, I couldn't believe it until he actually showed me a photo. This dude's name. - Oh no.
I swear on my life, this dude's name was David Ching Chong Bong. And I was like, you've got to be shitting me. That is awesome. But also my friend was like,
- I have so many questions. First of all- - Bro, every time it goes to the West, people are like sweating. They're like- - Yeah, they're like, first of all, do I, so where does your surname start? Like, are you Mr. Bong? Are you Mr. Chong Bong? Or are you Mr. Ching Chong Bong?
Like how am I, or do I just call you David? Also, why do you have the most whitest name with the most Chinese surname imaginable? And it's just like, every time I just think about that name, I'm like, that has got to be one of the greatest names ever. Like David's parents were cooking when they came up with that name.
- Oh man. - It's so good. - I was just imagining if he's called Chong Bong. - Mr. Chong Bong? - As his surname. - Yeah. So it's like, so wait, so it's like, is Ching Chong your middle name?
- And you're Mr. Bong or are you like Mr. Ching Chong Bong? Like I genuinely want to know. - I'm fucking number toddler. - Dude, I was crying the first time he told me the story. - It reminds me of being Chris Plain GeoGuessr. We were just laughing at all the funny British town names. - Oh yeah. - Cocker mouth and wet wang.
- Do you not live near any like funny town names? - No, they're all Welsh. - Oh, that's funny. I had that same experience when I stayed at that like prison with Chris and obviously, 'cause we were going towards a bath and along the way, I'm just looking at this GPS at all these fucking British town names. I'm like, who decided that a town name called Ham was a good name?
- Was a good idea. It's just so funny. It's like ham. - There's one town name, right? Reddit is Dick on Son. - You have to look up some of these like British town names. - I took you to a Devil's Dyke. - Devil's Dyke. Oh my God. That's so funny. - Every American sweats when they hear that name. - Devil's Dyke. - Shitterton. - Great snoring.
- Butthole Road. - Three Cox Lane. - Finger Ring Ho. - Oh, no way. - Oh, I also live next to a Cuckfield. That's a- - Oh, I love Dull. - Three Cox Lane. - Schlutz Hole Lane. - And then there's the- - Sandy Balls. - Crackpot. - Ball, Bell End. - Yeah.
- I love it. - And obviously that's the long Welsh name as well, which is, I think just become a tourist attraction now 'cause of the name. - Butthole Road. - Butthole, like why? Some dude founded this land and he was like, "I proclaim this place Butthole Road." It's like, why? - We are just weird, aren't we? - Yeah. - I love it. - Oh God. - Slots Hole Lane. What a name.
- Yeah, so everyone in England I know lives next to somewhere weird sounding like this. - I love it. - I'm surprised Australia doesn't have something like that as well. - Oh, it does. - You guys do, right? - Oh, it does. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We have some, we look up weird Australian town names. We have, like, what are some famous ones? Banana is quite famous. - Balls Head Reserve. - Balls Head Reserve, yeah. - I live near a place called Chinaman's Knob.
- What the fuck? - Chinaman's Knob, that's a real place. K-O-N-B. - Oh, the internet. - Yeah, Chinaman's Knob, Australia. That's a real place. - Oh my God. - Yeah, see? - Chinaman's Knob. - It's a real place. - What? How drunk were they when they met? - It's just like this fucking mountainous area. - Bald Knob as well. - Oh my God. - Yeah, Chinaman's Lane. - Oh my God.
What were they on? I don't know what they were on. What were they on? I was like, I remember we were skiing and then there was this old Australian man who came up to me. He's like, oh, mate, have you, I've been looking for a Chinaman. We're like, what? Is he saying that again? Yeah, I was like, huh? He's like, yeah, I've been looking for a ramen, mate. There's a Chinaman there. And we're like, what? What?
- I'm so confused. Boing, boing. - Oh, boing, boing, yeah. Quality knob. What a knobby. Oh yeah, mossy nipple band. - Boobs flat. - Boobs flat. - Bombonga. - Bombonga. Nowhere else. - Fowler Bay. - Oh, we found our next road trip, boys. - Yeah, we found our next Aussie road trip right here. - Well, I mean, you know, there's also- - Well, it wasn't their last year cave. - What? - Bogan Place.
- Shag's head. - I mean, there's also- - A lot of these are in Tasmania. What is going on in Tasmania? - Oh, Tasmania is just another bullshit hill. That's in South Australia. There's also Aramanga, right? - Yeah, that's Aramanga as well. - Cockwash Creek. - Which came before obviously Aramanga sensei. - Yeah. - You know, I'm sure- - Stinkhole. - I'm sure it has its own thing going on there. Isn't that just like a mining town or some shit like that? - Yeah, it's an abandoned mining town. So it comes from the local language.
it means something, I don't know. But I think there's like 20 people who live there now. Look at this place. That's Aramanga. - Okay, yeah, nothing going on. - Nothing going on. - Population of 98. - 98, wow. According to 2021 census. - God, I can't imagine living in a... See, as a city boy, I can't even imagine living in a town just that small. I don't know, is it weird knowing everyone in your neighborhoods?
- Or just like, yeah. - There we go. Welcome to Eremanga, furthest town from the sea. - That's another level of small. - Yeah, that's another level. - That's like you actually know everyone. - Yeah. - Oh look, that's the hotel. - What do you even do? - Nothing.
- What's work? - You go mine, you get shit faced. - You stay at the hotel, you go to probably the one pub in town and just, I don't know. - Get shit faced. - Get shit faced and forget that you live in Aramanga. Oh, there's a giant dinosaurs like tour. Oh, we can go to the Aramanga Natural History Museum. - Oh my God.
- Bro, sick. Well, we know where we're going next. - This is the place where they used to just like dig tunnels. They wanted like extra room. - No. - There's a town in Australia where they would just dig fucking tunnels. - No, I think that's in the Northern territory. I think that's close to Uluru. - But then the government stopped them from doing it. - Yeah. - Please stop digging tunnels, you might die. - Yeah, 'cause Aramanga I think is in Queensland. It's in like central Queensland. - Yeah.
- They look like a set from Star Wars. Cause they'd be like, I want a new, I want another bedroom. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You're like, what the fuck? - Yeah. This, this place is quite famous. This is the Coober Pedy mines. That's kind of cool. I want to go to it. It's just, I cannot be fucked to travel all that way. - I would not want to be in that. That looks like a liminal goat, top left.
Look at that liminal space. No, no, above it. - Yeah, the fucking banquet hall. - Yeah, the banquet hall. This is like a perfect horror setting. Look at that. That's terrifying. - I love that. - That's horrifying. - That's so sick. - No, I don't think I would. I think you'd have to, you'd just pay me a lot of money to go in that cave. - I'd go.
- This is like where a horror scene, like a scripted, like where you interact with the- - Yeah, this is midsummer for a set in central Australia. - Oh yeah, for sure. - It's like someone's getting sacrificed on that table. - It does look like Dune. - Yeah. - Look at this. Look at that. - That's so sick though.
- I love that. How far away is it again? How far was Coober Pedy? It's really far away if I remember correctly. - 'Cause it's too hot, right? To build stuff. - Yeah. - I guess so. - That's so sick though. Look at that. - How far away is it? From like- - Not like- - No, that's far. From like Adelaide. Do it from Adelaide. - Drive? - Yeah. Drive from Adelaide. How long would that take? Nine hours.
- Look at all those roadworks. - You're basically just following the highway for nine hours. - It is kind of crazy how long the highways are. They really went ham, huh? - They went ham. - So I had my first experience getting refused service at a bar in Japan. - What? - Yeah, I forgot about this until just as I was like going to pee. - What happened? - Yeah, so like,
It's weird because I've been living here five years and we've talked about this thing before on the Trash Chase podcast, but I've never had it happen so quickly.
blatant before and so openly, 'cause normally, sometimes you go to a restaurant and then they are very subtle about it, right? - Right. - They're like, "Oh, sorry, we fully booked or we're like full or members only." Something along those lines. So that's kind of like what I've seen before and what I've experienced before. Not really that big of a deal for me. But this time, so we went to a bar
And it wasn't like it was like in a remote area. It was in a pretty busy area where sometimes you get some like foreigners there and stuff like that. So I don't know if like the tourist thing has like just changed things up at all. - Right. - So I go in this bar, we speak in Japanese. It's me, Sydney and a friend who's visiting from England who is Vietnamese.
So we go sit down. This bar is like completely empty by the way, aside from like one other person in the corner. And they asked us for our order. And so I order nama, right? Which is like, you know, the on tap beer, right? - Just give me beer. - Just give me beer, baby. And they say they don't have any beer and I'm like,
I see a tap right there. That's when like, oh, this is a bit weird. That's like, okay, I'll just get a lemon sour then. You know, a typical Japanese drink you can order at most bars. - Everywhere, everywhere. - Yeah, everywhere. - Yeah, Sydney also orders a lemon sour. And then our friends, I don't know if this is weird to order at a bar or if this was like,
or if this is like alerts or something, he orders an Umeshu soda. - That's very, very normal. - Which I thought was very, very normal. - I think every single bar will have an Umeshu. - Yeah, that's what I thought as well. - Yeah, 100%. - But for some reason, when my friend ordered the Umeshu soda, the lady looks at us and goes,
"Are you Japanese?" Like, literally, like, "Are you like Nihonjin?" Yeah, like those words. And we're like, "No, we're not." And then she says, "Ah, , "and I was like,
- What? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right? Which if you don't know or you haven't watched JoJo part four, it just means I refuse. - Damn, you got Kishibe Rohan, bro. - I got Kishibe Rohan, damn. And yeah, I was just like,
- Damn, okay. - Wait, so are you telling me this bartender lady was gatekeeping you from having an umeshi soda because you weren't Japanese enough? - I don't know what the fuck the umeshi soda- - It fucking sounds like it. - What? 'Cause I was like, okay, if I order like a fucking margarita or something, a fucking tequila sunrise, you know, I was like, okay. - She was like, you must be this Japanese in order to order an umeshi soda.
So I was like, even I, like I'm not, I'm not even pretty chill. Even I was like,
That fucking hurts a little bit. - Yeah, that's just shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And to be fair, to preface, this is my first ever time experiencing something like this after five years of living in Japan. - And they kicked you out? - Yeah, yeah. They just basically, they said that we refuse service and they, you know, I am direct translating because they literally said, "Sumise kotowari." They literally said that to us.
So we released, she got refused service. And Sydney didn't do the very smart thing and she's like, "I'm so angry. I'm gonna tweet about this. I'm gonna vent." And I'm like, "Sydney, don't do this. Don't do this." And the Twitter response was like super fucking weird as it always is going to be. - Of course. - As it always is going to be. So you know when something hits the algorithm,
- Oh yeah. - When you start seeing these really weird tweets. So she just wanted to vent, right? She just wanted to vent about this thing that happened in Japan. And then it got turned into this really weird Twitter tweet that people were using this tweet to be like, oh, you know,
based, Japan based. Or you were probably just overselling the story and some people were like, wow, I knew it. Every Japanese has turned racist or something like that. And it was like, I was like, what is happening? What is actually happening right now? - Yeah, there are multiple takeaways you can take away. Those two are not.
- Yeah, Twitter is like the land of light where nuance is just not a thing. - It's either, it turned into like this tweet being like everyone has turned this tweet into like an agenda. - It's the two extremes always. - This is fucking weird. - Yeah, like there's two sides of the coins will see that tweet and they'll feel validated in both their sides. When it's like,
both of you are wrong and both of you are completely far from each other. - It's completely circumstantial. And it just happened to be in a bad way this time around, but like that does not justify that like, oh yes, Japanese racist woman based. What? No, that's shit. - Oh man, yeah. - I will say though, I think,
I've been seeing a lot of people and I don't know if you guys agree with this, but I've seen been seeing a lot of people saying that Japan in a lot of ways has changed since like the over tourism thing. - I mean, I would assume so. - Yeah, in like a good way, in some good ways and some like very questionable ways. And that story is definitely the more like questionable one where they're just like, I think some Japanese people have just gotten a little bit too comfortable with
being racist basically. And just like being unfair towards like someone who may be conceived as like a tourist or a foreigner. And it's just like, just because they're a foreigner doesn't mean they're a tourist, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just because they're a tourist doesn't mean they're shit customers. - And just, yeah, there are, it's unfortunate 'cause like I feel like a few,
a few bad eggs in like, you know, people being not respected, not respectful to Japanese culture. Just with the, how many people are just coming in right now. It's kind of, it's just like a kind of a sucky situation where, you know, still hurts where that happened to me, but I kind of see where the buildup comes from and where the frustration comes from. - It's give and take. Japan also definitely loves to scapegoat foreigners a lot too.
I mean, when the rice shortage, recently Japan had a rice shortage, which is due to like a number of reasons, none of which are due to foreign tourists eating too much rice. And there were articles where they were blaming
who were eating and taking all the glorious Japanese rice home with them 'cause it was so good they had to take it home. Taking our supply. The truth in the matter of the fact is that rice consumption in Japan has been going down year on year because people like pasta, people like bread. They're discovering these new foods that are amazing 'cause pasta is fucking amazing. And so Japan has too much capacity to make rice and the government subsidizes.
these farmers to not grow rice because they want rice prices to remain pretty stable. So they have this problem where they have the ability to make way too much rice. So it's so heavily regulated on how much rice is being made. And so that's why the rice shortage happened. And because there was a, obviously during the typhoon, there was a slight reduction
dip in the production and then panic buying, which caused the shortage. Nothing at all to do with tourists, at all, not even remotely. So why did they come up with this solution and why were they so willing to say it publicly? - Because again, as you said, it's an easy scapegoat, especially for a lot of people who don't know any better.
people who are like, oh, let's just take this simplest solution to try and like sidestep the actual problem at hand. It's such a Japanese thing to do. - I love blaming tourists for shit more than anyone, but sometimes it's really annoying. I'm like, can we actually like just blame them when they do some shit? - Yeah. Can we actually like get to the root of the problem instead of being openly racist? - Like this is crazy. Like how the hell this is allowed to be like a public statement. - Yeah.
- There was some other shortage as well. They also blamed on foreigners, which again also had not, oh, cheese. Japan's cheese shortage apparently was foreigners. I'm like, okay, now that's- - I swear every week- - Now you're right, so I could understand why you would want to make a racist remark. Your cheese? You think we're stealing your cheese? - It's like your cheese isn't even that good. - Bro. - Ain't no one taking your mid-ass cheese. - I think so. I can't remember.
- Yeah, I mean, even if there was a cheese shortage, to blame it on foreigners is, I swear like recently every week there's like a new article, like Japan has a potato shortage now. They have a, I mean, I think they did have a potato shortage at one point. I just randomly threw that out, but I think we actually did have a potato shortage at one point. - I think that's due to the fact that like a lot of Japanese products are only allowed to be made with Japanese potatoes, I think. - Right. - Like I think the,
- Yeah, I don't know. - I remember pizza potato was gone for a long time. - Yeah, well McDonald's was like running into the problem of like not enough fries, right? - Yeah. - Oh shit. - Yeah, I remember this article. Did they blame this on the foreigners? - No fries in McDonald's?
- Let me guess, did they also blame this on foreigners just love McDonald's fries? - Well, we do. - We do. - I think that's imports that went something. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Those are imported from America. - Right, right. - I don't think McDonald's has a, we must use Japanese. - We only use Japanese potatoes. - I think they use whatever fucking works and whatever's cheap.
- Yeah, it's very frustrating. But we went to another bar after that. I met up with you guys after. You didn't stop you guys from having a good time. - No, we still had a good time. It was like just a small spec on a wider great all around nights. - Did your friend manage to get the Umehsha soda in there? - Yes, he did. - Thank God. - Yes, he did. You know who didn't refuse us?
- Girls bars. - Of course. - So I had another dinner thing and I was like, "Hey, I'll come hang out with you guys when I'm done." And I was like, "What are you guys drinking?" And they were like, "Oh, same girls bar as last time." Last time being the one that I- - That you scammed me out of. - I got scammed as well. We both got scammed. You more so. But I was like, "I don't wanna go back to that bar." One, because they scammed the fuck out of us. It was way too expensive. - They didn't scam the fuck out of us.
- They scam, they scam. - You keep saying they scam the fuck out of us. All they did was ask Connor specifically, can we have a drink? Which means, can you buy us a drink? And Connor just doesn't know how to say no. - Okay, okay. - He just doesn't know how to say no. - That is true, however.
- Their prices per drink were ridiculous. - You know you're out of girls bar. You could just say no. - So ultimately I was the one who got scammed the most. - Is it a scam if you just consent to the scam? There's no, there's no.
- To be fair, we don't know. It is complete fucking roulette. We don't know how much they're charging for a drink. - No, but girls bars is usually like fucking five, 10 times the price of a regular drink. - Here's the thing, he didn't buy a drink for just one girl. He bought a drink for like all of the girls. - Oh, this motherfucker's trying to impress. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, no, no. - Right? - That is not true. - Because I'm sitting there and I'm really awkward 'cause like they're just like staring at us and I'm like, please stop staring at me. Just take a drink and leave me alone.
- I don't know, man. That five second footage you talked to said otherwise. - That was a caveat. - There is a caveat, full of excuses. We went to another bar and I showed up and I was like, I don't wanna go back to the same bar 'cause they're gonna rinse me again. And so we went to this other bar and it was so weird.
- We go in and it's just like strange vibe that you tell they didn't want us there initially. They were very much like, "Did you come to the wrong bar?" Even like two dudes sitting there with like a grin on their face, these two businessmen, they're like, "I think you found the wrong bar guys." And of course Sydney's like fucking like a bulldozer. Like, "I didn't find the wrong bar, I'm right where I wanna be." Sits down, I'm like, "All right, okay, okay." And I was sitting there and I saw the price. I was like, "How much? How much do you think that 40 minutes of all you can drink cost?"
40 minutes of all you can drink. And this per person? Per person. Okay. Well, I've never actually gone to a girls bar before, so I don't know. But just off the top of my head, maybe, I don't know, 3,000, 4,000? It was like...
- 4,500 or 5,000? - 4,200 I think. - Okay, fuck. - That's fucked. - For 40 minutes. - Yeah, because at an Izakaya you can get like two hours or you can drink for maybe like 2,000. - Yeah, whatever happened to the nice round, like I think we all understood as human beings. - Why 40 minutes? - Yeah, it's 30 or 60, pick one. We have never been into this 40 minutes nonsense. - Yeah. - Right, just pick 30 or 60. - Yeah, I don't have a 40 minute internal clock.
That's not how that works. - But this time I actually didn't buy them drinks. I was like, I'm not. - It's 'cause you're sober this time as well. - And it was horrible 'cause I just had to like, it's a terrible vibe if you're not buying drinks by the way. 'Cause you literally, they're standing like right here and you're drinking your drink and you're like, don't look up, don't look up, don't look up. 'Cause if you look up, they're gonna look at you like,
Where's the drink? - You just be like, "Who?" - And I feel like, I'm like, is everyone else just like immune to this cringe? 'Cause I'm looking and they're- - Well, why do you think I've never been to a girls bar? - No, I know, I know. - 'Cause I listen to these stories and I'm like, that doesn't sound fun. - It's not. - It's overpriced and it doesn't sound fun. It's like, why would you go? - So like, I'll be like watching, you know, like our British friend will be there. And I'm like, yeah,
I'm like, you don't see like just waiting for you to offer a drink. It feels, I feel like he's immune to it. - Yeah. - 'Cause I'm like, you don't sense the awkwardness? - Yeah. - And that's why I buy drinks. I'm like, get the fuck away from me.
Leave me alone for five minutes, Christ. - Yeah, I've never been enticed to go into those places. - That's what makes you just like not immune to these scams. - No, I know, I know. 'Cause the awkwardness is killing me. - So when they're like, when they figured out, he just says yes to every time they ask, all these girls crowd around. - It's like a queue. It's like that meme with that guy being like, I'll pay you a hundred dollars to fuck off.
I'm like, please leave me alone.
- I don't mind a little bit of chitchata and something can be fun depending on the vibe. But when I know that one, I'm getting rinsed just to sit down and then I'm gonna get a doubly rinse just to like give you a drink and maybe like make small talk. I'm like- - Also like I've always found it weird. It's just like, you know these girls intentions. Like these girls intentions isn't to have a fucking nice chat with you. It's to rinse you out of a fucking overpriced drink for like five minutes and then pretend like you're important.
- I'm sure there's a world where those two things can overlap where they wanna get the money. And like, 'cause they're just working. - I mean, if you're like a regular there and you've known them personally, maybe. - But this girl I went to also was definitely not like a double one. - No, it definitely was. - It was like more of a,
- They were all wearing like virgin killer sweaters. - Yeah, the virgin killer sweaters. And I was like, I feel uncomfortable here. - What is this, 2017? - I don't know how Sydney is immune to this. Sydney feels like no shame and is like able to have a good time. And I'm like,
- Oh God, oh God. And these two gross businessmen next to me, the woman like leans over to write the check and like, I guess like her boob pops out or something. And these two like 50 year old men are like, "You're looking at this, you're looking at this." And I'm like, this is so gross. I'm losing my mind. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, Jesus Christ.
- Well, as someone who's been- - Are we done? But then the next bar was much better. - Yeah, as someone who's been dragged on, dragged to many girls bars going out with Sydney, the best ones are the ones that just aren't lewd. - Yeah, yeah. 'Cause the only one we went to was Chill. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause there are some ones where they do just, like Sydney went to a bar where it's like the worst girls bar where it's just like,
all of these girls that are working there, they just like, they want to have a job where they can just like be themselves and just have a chat. And the girls bars were just ended up being the perfect job for them. Part of the recruitment process was they needed to provide a picture of them getting blackout drunk.
and just having like a shibby meltdown. - Damn. - That was part of like the job recruitment process. - Fair enough. - Because they, you know, to one of them, they were like, yeah, office jobs just like weren't for us. We just wanted to have a job where we could just, you know. - Just wanted to get lit. - Yeah, yeah, we just didn't want to be reserved. We just wanted to be ourselves. And it was just like, it was a good vibe.
because they just, you could tell there were just people who just love their jobs. - Honestly, for a country that kills individuality, we need more places like that. - Yeah, right, right. - The second one I went to was great. It was like, they were all, one, it was 2,000 yen for 40 minutes. Don't know why 40 minutes again. - Still a little bit overpriced, but better than last year.
- Yeah, I mean like for that, it's not bad. They weren't pressuring us all the time to buy them drinks. They were like, "Hey, can we have a drink?" - 'Cause it's the lewd ones where they pressure you, where they like wear a costume or something. - They were all like really like nicely dressed. Then we walked in, these two businessmen were like, "Yo!"
"What are you guys doing here?" I was like, "Ah," you know? And then I told him I was from UK, he's like, "Football, football." I was like, "Yes." - Football, football. - Much better vibes. So much better. And it's like, good. - It's because the lewd ones, I think, have just like figured out the formula where it's like, if we just pop a titty out, they'll buy us a drink.
- It's like men are stupid, they know. It was like, we just a couple of titties and we'll be all right. - It's just so bizarre. I couldn't imagine being like, I guess it's kind of like what strip clubs are in a way. But I've also never been to a strip club. - I mean, I've been to a strip club and it's not fun.
if I was like 50 years old, right? Presumably that's what's like, you know, getting them robbed. I'm like, why would you want to go and get like rock hard with your like coworker or like businessman, like perfect on girls. I just couldn't imagine. - I'm like guys, like porn is free, you know?
- If I wanted to get rock hard, I'll do it by myself. - Yeah, I love you boys, but there's no part of me that wants to get rock hard. - Yeah. - I'm not blue. - Me neither. - I love you guys. Boys, I love you, but I'm not blue ballsing myself in front of you. It's like, I just don't get it.
- I get it. Maybe it's one of those things that when you turn like 60 and Asian that you just know. - Yeah, it's just like- - I don't think he's even 60 and Asian. - But it seems like men here are just into that. - Well, men in the West are into that as well. People would go to strip clubs. - I feel like it's way less common though. I don't know if I'm- - Maybe because there's less facilities in the West. - I don't think so. Maybe less common in the circles that
in the friends that we keep, but certainly sometimes I go out with friends from back home or friends from university and they're like, "Yo, strip club, strip club?" And I'm like, "That's just not my vibe." - I don't even know how to find a strip club in the UK. Do you just Google it?
- What do you mean you don't know how to find a strip club? - I feel like it's pretty obvious from the front. - It's pretty obvious. - Oh, right, right. - Just walk around and find it. - Just walk around in the city center, look for a gentlemen's club, people in black suits out the front. And you probably have seen it, you just don't know that it's a strip club.
I'm like, oh, I wonder what this place is. Probably strip clubs. - It looks upper class. It looks very high class from the outside when you go in and it's like, oh. - Very classy. - Yeah, so classy. - Very classy. - So classy. - Yeah, it's just not my vibe. I don't know. I don't know. Like no offense to anyone who like goes to strip clubs and enjoys them or anything. It's just, I don't know. I just don't see the fun in it.
- Yeah. - Like I'd rather be in a fucking quiet bar, just chat with some mates over some drinks. - Yeah. - I don't know. - I think it's more like the spectacle, right? It's more like you're doing something with the boys for the boys. But then like if someone's going there to like fucking like jack off, I'm like. - I don't even know the etiquette at a strip club. Like, are you allowed to whip it out?
- No. - Probably not. You're thinking of the wrong types of clubs. - Am I thinking of a different club? - They have those clubs here. - Yeah. - I know that. - They've got every type of club. - Oh yeah. - Any kind of weird sexual niche you can think of, Japan has a place for it. - I have walked into those, like you've probably seen them in like Shinjuku and Shibuya and stuff like that. Those like, they call , which is like the free information desks. - Oh my God.
- Which is basically this curtained off thing. - They're like the rattiest looking things. - Yeah, it's this curtained off thing where you can walk in and basically it's an information desk on all of, I guess, the adult entertainment places for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, have you seen places like this? - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - Don't they just book the prostitutes or you just tell them how much money you wanna spend? - You literally walk in and there's just walls of like,
like, you know, soap lands or strip clubs or like, you know, girls bars and everything like that. And then you basically just go up to the information center and being like, I'm looking for this kind of place. Can you recommend me anywhere? And then the guy basically rings the place up for you and figures it out or gives you the contact. And I'm just looking at these places. I'm just like, none of these look fun. - Have you seen they have advertisements for Shinjuku and Kabukicho. It's called a happening bars.
- Oh yeah, I've heard of these. - What's happening bars? - It's bars, people just fuck in the bar. - Oh. - Yeah. - Like they just go and it's a bar and then I think like guys have to pay a fuck ton to get in and the girls get in for free. - Yeah. - And the whole point of the bar is that you go there to have sex with strangers.
- It's called a happening bar because it's you walk in. - Oh, it's happening. - I think it was a really big thing in the 80s and 90s in Japan and the government cracked down on them, I think a lot, but they're still around and they still advertise. I think that, I don't know how legal they are, but. - I don't think they're legal at all. - But they like advertising on like, I saw them on like Instagram and Facebook and stuff. I was like, what the fuck? And I saw the big sign for it in Kabuja. - Oh really? - So I was like, what the fuck?
- Yeah, you basically just walk in and you're like, "Oh, my dick just happened to slip in, whoopsies." Like that's their whole like gimmick, right? - I haven't been in it, so I can't say what they look like or how they operate. - I've seen them around, I've just never been into one, but I've heard stories. - I'm sure some tourist is gonna be like, "Oh, I wanna- - I'm sure some, yeah, someone's watching this is gonna be like, "Oh, I wanna-" - There are tourist friendly ones. - Oh, really? - I have seen them.
- I have heard of them. - Well, there's a customer base now, you know? - Yeah. - But I know it's like, yeah, you've to pay like, I think I saw, 'cause I think, what was it? I think I saw June sharing one. - Lovejoy. - Yeah, on like her socials, she was sharing one. 'Cause obviously she does a lot of sex work. And so I think she was promoting one. I think it was something like, "Me man or son man to get in- - Just to get in. - Just to get in. - What if you're a girl?
- I think it was like free. - Of course. - Well, I mean, look, there's gonna be a very, very heavy disproportionate amount of customers that are gonna get in there. - That is true. - It's always pay to win. - Damn, spawn diff. - I couldn't imagine that. 'Cause I guess if you went to that, I feel like I just, even if I was like the most depraved version of me, I'd be like, man, just don't think I would wanna risk catching anything.
- Yeah, I guess like. - I don't know, was I doing it in public or I just. - Okay, that as well. I already assumed that I was okay with that in this scenario. Like in this scenario, I'm all okay with all of that. And then I'm like, all right, who knows what I'm gonna catch today? I don't know.
- Maybe that's why they called happening bus. Like I just happened to get chlamydia. - I don't know. Like maybe there's like some, I'm also assuming there's like no precautions or anything here. Like, I don't know. Maybe they test you when you come out. I don't fucking know. I don't know how you do the test. - I don't think there's much OH and ischemia happening. - I don't think so. - I think it's just Jova. - Yeah.
- Hey, respect the people who can go for that. - Yeah, I can't. - Yeah, I'll pass on that. - I got no issue with it if you're all consenting adults, you wanna do it, but- - I just wanna know, like, I want to know what actually happens in there, but I'm too scared to go in and actually figure it out for myself. - Your next Trash Taste special, boys. - We awkwardly rock up and watch people have sex. - Yeah. - That's the next special. - I just want to know what goes on in there.
It is just fascinating the levels of how deep the Japanese nightlife goes and how willing they are to accommodate for a price. It is ever fascinating. And I always have been so like,
- Yeah. - How deep it goes. - Yeah, I've always been fascinated by it because it's just so unique to other like adult entertainment facilities all over the world. But I just can't do it. Like I can't go in and get a firsthand experience. - Shit like this I would love to make YouTube videos about. If YouTube would even allow you to have like documentaries about. So I'd love to just follow a guy that's like,
just a normal ass dude. And then just like watch the beast unleash when he gets in the club. And like, just him just explaining like afterwards be like, "Yeah man, I just feel good now." - There is a Japanese YouTuber that I've been seeing on and off who reviews soap lands.
- No. - He talks about the soap land. He like goes to the front of the building and then he's like, I've booked for 60 minutes. So I'll let you know how it goes. - Is he like review broth? - He's like review broth for soap lands. And he comes out and he was like, so the girl was like a seven out of 10.
We started off by doing this, this, this and this. And he goes into detail about what they did. - Wait, who's she these videos? - I wanna see what this guy looks like. - I fucking forgot the name of the dude. It just like randomly popped up in my recommended ones. - I can just imagine the thumbnail of him be like, "I'm disappointed." - Soapy Deluxe 7 has fallen off. The latest offerings have been appalling. - My disappointment is immeasurable. My day is ruined. - My dick is ruined. - It's like, yeah, I got chlamydia, three out of 10.
- I'll link it to you guys if I can remember the channel name, but it's insane. - Well, I mean, obviously in Japan, it's a lot more. - Your audience are like, I feel disgusted at this idea. What is the name of this establishment? Just so I can sell, just so I can see for myself how disgusting. - I can leave my own review. - I would like to leave my own review of why I'm disgusted by this. - We obviously have very, we actually recorded with Kaho after this, so it would have been good to ask her opinion on this. But I mean, the general like,
- I think the Western mindset is that we're like, oh God, like this is a lot for us to take in. 'Cause it's just not something that we're used to. But in Japan it's like totally kind of normal. - Yeah. - Pretty accepted. I mean, a lot of people don't like it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that everyone's like, yeah, we'd love it.
- But overall, especially among men, it's a lot more seen as like just kind of normal, which is kind of unusual. - Yeah, I think the whole fact that for instance, like for dudes especially, going into like a public bath and seeing your dude's dick is like a normal thing in society and culture. It's just like, I think from that point onwards,
like everything else, like any- - It all stems from the baths. - Yeah, it all stems from the baths, I think. 'Cause it's like, once you're like comfortable- - We can't share a baths all the time, we'll be fucking in the baths. - Guys, we've taken on one answer. Let's just watch each other. - I feel like that's the next step. - I'm thinking also just because, you know, there's never any like,
Christian views that were not really injected into Japan. But I think a lot of that is where we get it from. - Yeah, Japan is a 2000 year old isolated country on an island. Like they're gonna create some weird shit. - Sex here is generally very open. - It's weird though, right? Because it's open, but also hidden. And like extremely taboo in a weird way. - It's like people it's out in the open, but people just don't talk about it. It's almost like the elephant in the room.
- Yeah, they just kind of forget that it's there. And then when it's put in front of them, they're like, "Oh, why'd you put that in front of me?"
So it's like, it's been there the whole time. You just didn't see it. - Yeah. - It's very strange. Yeah, we can talk about it more the next episode with Kaho. But hey, in the meantime, look at these lovely patrons. - Look at all these patrons. - Hey, how many of these patrons have been to a happening bar? Let us know in the comments. - We've done an onsen. When's our "Soplan" special, guys? That's just the next step, bro. - Our "Soplan" review special. - We are bathed together. - We are bathed together.
- It's like, yo, I get a point for nutting three times in an hour. - And we have a bonus star, most erect. - We were secretly measuring your penises the whole time. - Guys, we are going for the gold splits. Who is speed running this right now? - We attached a GoPro to each of your corks.
- Anyway, hey, if you want to check us out on Patreon, then you should do that because it supports the show. And every single week we have a Patreon exclusive content for you guys. We have one for you that you can go check out right after this. But if you want to check that out and support the show, then head on over to our Patreon, Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. And yeah. - See you guys next week. - Bye bye.
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