cover of episode THE GIGACHAD IS BACK (ft.  @PremierTwo ) | Trash Taste #237

THE GIGACHAD IS BACK (ft. @PremierTwo ) | Trash Taste #237

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Trash Taste Podcast

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@Garnt : 欢迎@Pete 作为特邀嘉宾来到Trash Taste播客,节目将进行两小时的精彩访谈,回顾过去一年Trash Taste成员们的成就以及Pete的Twitch直播经历。 @Connor : 过去一年,Trash Taste成员们取得了巨大的进步,例如在Twitch上直播动漫,创建服装品牌,在涩谷开设快闪店,筹集百万美元慈善款项等。Pete则主要在Twitch上直播观看动漫,并认为这是一项成就。 @Joey : 他做YouTube视频已经17年了,几乎占据了他人生的一半时间,并证明了YouTube可以作为一份职业。 Pete: 虽然他两次获得“Gigachad奖”,但他认为Trash Taste成员们才是真正的Gigachads。他分享了他过去一年在Twitch直播的经历,以及对网络文化更新速度的看法。他认为他的直播间观众互动性强,并喜欢与年轻一代交流学习新的事物。他认为他30多岁的生活比20多岁更舒适,但他怀念20多岁时的活力。他觉得他每一年都比前一年过得更好,并分享了他儿时梦想靠玩游戏赚钱的故事,以及他母亲对他的看法转变。 Garnt: 他们讨论了90年代文化,以及Pete在90年代的成长经历。Pete认为90年代的儿童时代充满乐观主义,人们生活富足,娱乐方式多样,并怀念90年代游戏发行速度快,新游戏频繁推出的时代,以及在报纸上查看游戏广告的体验。他还回忆了90年代流行的集换式卡牌游戏,以及互联网在2000年代才真正成为一个有用的工具。 Connor: 他们讨论了2023年游戏行业是否优秀,以及独立游戏在游戏行业中的地位。Pete认为今年是近年来少有的新IP游戏井喷的一年,独立游戏是目前游戏行业中最优秀的部分。 Joey: 他分享了他做YouTube视频17年的经历,以及他对游戏行业的看法。 Pete: 他分享了他对游戏行业的看法,以及直播工作如何影响了他玩游戏的方式。他最美好的游戏回忆是在地下室与朋友一起玩游戏,并进行交谈。他喜欢与观众一起玩游戏,并分享了他今年玩过的游戏,以及他作为一名主播对游戏体验的看法转变。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What significant achievements did the Trash Taste hosts mention in the past year?

The Trash Taste hosts mentioned several achievements, including broadcasting anime to a new generation on Twitch, creating a clothing empire with a pop-up in Shibuya, and raising a million dollars for charity. Additionally, one of the hosts gained 12 kilos and got a haircut, humorously downplaying his own achievements compared to the others.

Why did Pete feel like he regressed in his achievements compared to the Trash Taste hosts?

Pete felt like he regressed because, while the Trash Taste hosts had significant achievements like creating a clothing empire and raising charity funds, his only notable changes were gaining 12 kilos and getting a haircut. He humorously acknowledged that he felt the hosts were the true 'Giga Chads' compared to his own minimal progress.

What does Pete think about the evolution of gaming and the role of indie developers?

Pete believes indie developers are creating some of the coolest and most interesting gaming experiences today, which wouldn't have been possible in the past. He appreciates how indie games often bring fresh ideas and innovation, contrasting with the prevalence of sequels in the gaming industry. He particularly enjoyed games like 'Balotro' and 'Dragon Quest 3,' which he streamed extensively.

How does Pete describe his experience living in Japan compared to the United States?

Pete describes his experience in Japan as more enjoyable than in the United States, particularly because he finds the daily environment, food, and culture more appealing. He contrasts the stresses of living in America, such as car-related issues and retail jobs, with the stresses of Japan, like packed trains and long work schedules, which he feels better equipped to handle. He appreciates the seamless daily life in Japan and is even applying for Japanese citizenship.

What humorous story did Pete share about his early dating experiences?

Pete shared a humorous story about a date where he took a girl to the Olive Garden and later to an improv show. After the show, he panicked when she touched his hand, causing him to accidentally crash his mom's car into another vehicle. The situation escalated when his cousin showed up to help, and the girl's mom's car broke down on the highway. The story ended with an awkward moment involving a condom his cousin had given him, which was revealed in front of the girl and her mom.

What was Pete's first experience with Twitch streaming, and how has it evolved?

Pete started Twitch streaming four years ago, transitioning from other jobs to focus on gaming. He initially added a 'Giga Chad' alert to his stream, which was mispronounced as 'Gygacid.' Over time, he has built a community that values human interaction over meme spam, and he enjoys the opportunity to share games with viewers. He also mentioned that streaming has changed how he experiences games, as he now focuses more on viewer engagement than personal playthroughs.

Pete's return to Trash Taste after a year-long absence. The hosts discuss each other's growth and accomplishments, including Pete's success on Twitch, his clothing brand, and his charity work. They also discuss the rapid pace of meme culture and the challenges of staying relevant.
  • Pete's two-time Giga Chad Award win
  • Pete's success on Twitch streaming anime
  • Growth of Pete's clothing brand and pop-up shop in Shibuya
  • Raising over a million dollars for charity

Shownotes Transcript

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