cover of episode Failing Well with professor of leadership Dr. Amy Edmondson

Failing Well with professor of leadership Dr. Amy Edmondson

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A Bit of Optimism

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Amy Edmondson
主持人:人们对失败的态度存在矛盾,既要避免失败,又要快速失败,这需要调和。 Amy Edmondson:并非所有失败都一样,有些失败应该避免,而有些失败是有益的,能带来新信息和进步。我们需要区分不同类型的失败,例如可以用“错误”、“发现”等词语来区分。3M公司将“未达标”而非“失败”来定义未达到预期目标的结果,并公开分享这些经验,这使得他们成为最具创新力的公司之一。 人们对成功的偏好和组织文化是许多组织无法真正拥抱创新的原因。3M公司通过设计独特的系统、结构和奖励机制来克服人类本性和社会因素对创新的阻碍。自信能够帮助人们坦然面对失败,并具有感染力。承认自身错误是人类本性的一部分,而能否坦然面对错误是关键。团队心理安全感是指团队成员相信在团队中冒险不会造成致命后果,团队心理安全感与信任之间存在相互作用关系。领导者在面对问题时,应关注“发生了什么”而非“是谁造成的”,这对于营造团队心理安全感至关重要。相比于张贴安全标语,营造团队心理安全感能更有效地提高安全水平。团队心理安全感不仅能提高安全性,还能鼓励员工提出新的想法和方法。鼓励团队成员承担风险和进行实验,但应在团队协作的框架下进行,避免个人独自冒险。重要的决策应在团队协作下进行,以避免信息缺失。即使是小的决定,也应该进行团队内部的沟通和确认,以避免疏忽和误解。远程办公可能会降低团队心理安全感,导致人们对失败的恐惧增加,从而减少实验和创新,并导致团队成员更多地与与自己相似的人合作,从而减少多样化的观点和视角。 Amy Edmondson: 3M公司通过鼓励工程师公开分享成功和失败经验来营造学习和创新的氛围。丰田生产系统通过将学习融入生产过程,并赋能员工提出改进建议来实现持续改进,其核心并非仅仅关注效率,更重要的是持续改进和学习,鼓励员工像科学家一样思考,并尊重员工的潜力。领导者应该坦然承认自身的恐惧,这有助于营造团队心理安全感。领导者应以身作则,承认自身的错误,这有助于鼓励团队成员也这样做。英雄与懦夫的区别在于,英雄即使害怕也会勇敢向前。小型组织可以通过进行“智能实验”来提高容错能力,明确公司存在的“为什么”可以作为实验的过滤器和聚焦工具。设定实验的边界,既可以确保实验在公司能力范围内进行,也可以避免不安全行为。随着职位升高,人们对失败的恐惧可能会增加,高层领导应将对失败的恐惧视为一个需要团队共同解决的问题。

Deep Dive

Dr. Amy Edmondson discusses how to reconcile conflicting messages about failure, emphasizing that not all failures are equal and that some can be productive and informative.

Shownotes Transcript


For 25 years, Brightview Senior Living has been dedicated to creating an award-winning company culture so residents and families receive best-in-class services. Across our 50 communities, Brightview associates help deliver peace of mind, safety, security, transportation, daily programs, delicious food, and high-quality care if needed.

Discover how our vibrant senior living communities can help you live your best life. Visit to learn more. Equal housing opportunity. Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life in marriage.

I just filed for divorce. Whoa. I said the words that I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Miss Spelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach. I'm a translator. And I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Dr. Amy Edmondson wants you to fail. Well, kind of. She wants you to learn how to fail well. That's the subject of her new book, The Right Kind of Wrong, The Science of Failing Well. Amy is a professor of leadership at Harvard Business School, and her groundbreaking work on the concept of team psychological safety has changed the way we look at workplace culture. So we sat down to talk about why we fear failure so much, what it means to fail, and

and how failing might actually be the secret ingredient to success. This is a bit of optimism. Amy Edmondson, thank you for joining me. I'm actually very, very excited to talk to you because you study a subject that I think plagues many people.

In fact, I would dare to say everyone, which is the fear of failure. What I find fascinating about your study, and I see this in my work as well, which is we are constantly bombarded with conflicting instructions about failure. Like we must never fail or the rise, especially in the tech world of fast failure. And so how do I reconcile? How do we reconcile the fact that I'm never supposed to do something that I'm supposed to do often?

Well, first of all, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you for being interested in this subject. It's a very human subject. As you said, I think this is something that plagues all of us.

And oddly, I think there is an answer. I mean, I think there is an answer to helping us reconcile those competing narratives and those very real tensions. And the answer lies in the recognition that not all failures are alike. Indeed, there are failures we should absolutely avoid.

Work hard to avoid. Some of them are even embarrassing, others even shameful. Let's do our very best to not have so many of those in our lives. But there are also failures that are genuinely productive, genuinely good, because they bring us new information. They allow us to progress faster.

into new domains in ways that we just couldn't without them. So when we make those distinctions, then I think navigating this fraught territory becomes a little more possible. One of the struggles I always had with the word failure is semantic. It's like cancer. If you have a mild melanoma or you have stage four liver cancer, those things are both called cancer, but they're clearly not the same thing. The word failure is the same, which is we have the same word for things that are very, very different.

And it seems to require us to have different words so we can distinguish what we have to avoid and what we want more of. Some words that we could play with in terms of making distinctions, for example, mistake, right? Mistake is a word that I think has a very specific meaning. It means there was a right way and right.

We didn't do it by mistake. Sometimes that's just a slip. Sometimes we don't yet have the full training to do it well. But it's a kind of failure, but it's a particular subset of failure. Very other end of the spectrum is discovery, which is another great word. Like who wouldn't want a discovery?

And some discoveries are successes, but many discoveries are failures. We discover the path that didn't work in our efforts to discover the path that will work. I had the opportunity to visit 3M in Minneapolis. And I mean, 3M does everything. I mean, everything from medical equipment to the coating that goes on the covers of your headlamps on your car so they don't get scratched when a rock hits them. And they invented the Post-it.

And they have an amazing view on failure, which is they don't believe in it, which is failure is something that goes in the trash. And what they talk about is something that didn't meet the brief. So they were told, for example, to make a strong adhesive, but they accidentally made a weak adhesive. That's not a failure. It just didn't meet the brief. And the way that they deal with failure is they're very public about it.

where they talk about what they made by accident because somebody else might need what they have. And this is idea of sharing the accidents, the mistakes, as you pointed out, like didn't go according to plan, that makes them perhaps one of the most innovative companies in the world.

Absolutely. And the Post-it note, of course, is an oft-told story and a great one. And maybe not everyone knows the Fuller story. One of the things that I think is so surprising about that story is how many, many years it unfolded during. This was not a kind of, oh, here's a thing that didn't work the way I wanted. And then over here, suddenly a week later, I got it all sorted out. No, this happened virtually overnight.

decades, well, maybe decade anyway. And this is what makes 3M so special, right? And what I think so many organizations should emulate.

was that there was no stigma to walking around and telling everybody about this failed experiment. Like, I got this thing. Don't know what to do with it. But it sort of strikes me as it must have potential for something. You know, there must be a pony in here somewhere. And then along comes Arthur Fry, who has his famous eureka moment where his bookmark falls out of his choir book and choir practice book.

And he's like, God, wouldn't it be nice to have a sort of vaguely sticky bookmark that could easily be peeled off without any harm to the pages? And that's not the end of the story. That's sort of the beginning of chapter two of the story, ultimately the development of this billion dollar product. But it's their very enthusiasm about the wrong terms that allows them to successfully create

take it through to the ultimate happy ending. So what is it that prevents other organizations that claim they're innovative? Because I've never met an organization that says they're not innovative. They all think they're innovative, but the reality is they're not. What is it systemically? What is it in their culture that makes them unable to embrace the failures that Spencer embraced? Well, I'm going to start with human nature. We are more or less hardwired to prefer

success and looking good to failure and looking like we missed the boat. We have this very strong desire to get approval from our colleagues. We probably have evolved to get that more from successful moves than failed moves. That's reinforced in our schooling and our upbringing, where again, getting the right answer is rewarded in school, getting the wrong answer isn't. And then finally, and maybe most directly,

Organizations are usually set up to reinforce both of those factors. But what 3M does is realize that human nature and society

socialization and most organizational systems are not set up to enable innovation. So what do they do? They go out of their way to sort of design something weird and different. They go out of their way to say, we're going to just create systems and structures and rewards that override that default state. I think out loud about this. I think confidence plays in there. I mean, when I think about the people that I admire for their

innovative spirit. They make plenty of mistakes, but they seem to own them with confidence. The confidence shines through. When something goes wrong, they're like, yep, screwed that up. It's inspiring that they're relaxed about the screw-up.

And that confidence, I think, is contagious. And good leadership encourages us to be confident in our failure. I've had this conversation with other people before, which is it's about owning our insecurities rather than avoiding them or hiding them. So, for example, I'm chronically disorganized and I don't sort of go, oh, yeah, I'm really sorry. I'm really disorganized. You know, I go, yeah, I'm just completely disorganized. I'm going to need somebody else's help here because if you leave it to me, I'm going to completely screw it up.

And just the confidence of owning it, people come and help. You know, I have to say, you and I would not be a good team in that sense because I have the exact same shortcoming. I mean, I love the ideas. I love the concepts. But then when it's sort of, I don't think I could organize my way out of this room to make my way downstairs and get some lunch. I could. I could and I will. But it is the only little,

Fortunately, the fear of dying of starvation will drive you to find food. That is it. That is it. Fear. I'm confident. Let me back up and say I love the –

point about confidence, because it's a kind of inner confidence. Maybe it's an inner confidence to say, okay, I made a mistake. I am not a mistake. I have shortcomings, but I am not coming up short, you know, as a human being on this planet. And in a way that's part of what I try to convey and write about is that each and every one of us, like it or not, is a fallible human being.

whether or not we can admit it, acknowledge it, be okay with it, that's where the variance comes in. And I think you're absolutely right. The people who are sort of able to say in various ways, I'm a fallible human being, but I'm

I'm going to try again and it's going to be okay. And thanks for coming along with me. Those are the people we want to follow. It goes back to your previous work, which is the concept of psychological safety, which I believe you coined. May we all bow down to you. Please don't.

I didn't actually coin, you know, I get too much credit for this. The term psychological safety was in the literature already. Psychological safety is that belief that when I take a risk around here, it won't prove fatal. What I did coin was

in an academic paper was the term team psychological safety, because my little discovery was that teams varied in terms of their psychological safety, right? And it was, that was kind of interesting because these were teams in the same company, a company, let's say with famously strong corporate culture, and yet still, you know,

there's this real difference in interpersonal climate across them. So I thought, this isn't just an individual thing or just an organizational thing. It's very much a group thing, an emergent property of a group. Our work is symbiotic. I was looking to understand trust, and we usually think of people as trustworthy or not trustworthy. And my work led me down the path where I called it a circle of safety.

It's that when there is psychological trust in the group, people are more trustworthy. And when there is a lack of psychological safety in the group, people are less trustworthy because they're forced to think about themselves because they can't trust the group or their leaders to look out for them. And then it's a more uncomfortable, more painful, less happy place to be when you're sort of stuck in that self-doubt.

mode rather than the us mode. It's so much more fun to be part of a we that is trying to do cool, exciting stuff. But it goes back to what we're saying a few minutes ago, which was when that team psychological safety is offered, which is primarily the responsibility of leaders. It doesn't have to be from the person with the authority, but there has to be somebody who offers team psychological safety. And I think they are the ones kind of like a parent who, when something goes wrong, instead of saying, what have you done?

It's what has happened. As you said, it's not about you are the problem, but there is a problem. We have a problem. Yeah. And the question, what happened, is such a powerful question, such an important question. And that's sort of foundational to good safety practices, meaning worker safety, patient safety practices, where in order to learn as much as you can from anything that goes wrong,

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For 25 years, Brightview Senior Living has been dedicated to creating an award-winning company culture so residents and families receive best-in-class services. Across our 50 communities, Brightview associates help deliver peace of mind, safety, security, transportation, daily programs, delicious food, and high-quality care if needed.

Discover how our vibrant senior living communities can help you live your best life. Visit to learn more. Equal housing opportunity.

For decades, the mafia had New York City in a stranglehold, with law enforcement seemingly powerless to intervene. It uses terror to extort people. However, one murder of a crime boss sparked a chain of events that would ultimately dismantle the mob. It sent the message that we can prosecute these people.

Discover how law enforcement and prosecutors took on the mafia and together brought them down. These bosses on the commission had no idea what was coming their way from the federal government. From Wolf Entertainment and iHeartRadio, this is Law & Order Criminal Justice System. The first two episodes drop on August 22nd.

Plus, did you know that you can listen to the episodes as they come out completely ad-free? Don't miss out. Subscribe to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel today. Available exclusively on Apple Podcasts.

I visited one of Barry Waymiller's factories. It's a company I've written about a lot. Remarkable organization. And I visited one of their factories in Phillips, Wisconsin. It's a factory. They make stuff. And like many factories, they're obsessed with safety because it is a dangerous environment where people can lose fingers and limbs and things. And what I found astonishing was nowhere in the factory were there huge signs that said safety first. Because I've been to other factories and there's like signs everywhere. Yeah.

The data is sort of amazing, which is when you put a sign up, preoccupation with safety goes up about 5%. But when it's cultural and people are looking out for each other and there's strong psychological safety, it goes up something like 70%.

In other words, the sign doesn't make people safer. The sign simply covers your ass if there's a lawsuit because something went wrong. But this idea that we look after each other not only produces greater safety, but I have to believe helps me overcome the fear of failure of trying something new. Because safety not only comes from a machine, but fear of being humiliated, fear of being fired, all of these things. And the psychological safety has far and wide reaching impact.

not just keeping our people safe in an dangerous environment, but for that desire to raise your hand and say, I think we have a better way of doing this. I have an idea. That's all music to my ears. And you're bringing up something that is really important, and we should probably talk about it more, but it's context, right? Context matters. The more we get into a production setting, the more we really do want people to kind of

stay within the lines and the big risk, interpersonal risk we want them to take is that risk of speaking up quickly and

And immediately when they see or hear or notice someone doing something that, for example, might not be safe to them or others. You're raising a nuance that I think is extremely important to double click on. And I've seen this happen. It's happened in teams that I've led where I encourage risk taking. I encourage experimentation. But then somebody experiments or does something without telling anybody and it goes haywire.

and it was easily preventable. And when you say, we could have prevented that, they say, well, you told me to experiment. You told me this is a good thing to do. And I think the nuance there is absolutely, but we are a team.

The psychological safety is team psychological safety. You have a responsible freedom to experiment, which means you should probably let somebody know. I mean, I do this. I never make decisions big or small with at least bouncing the idea of somebody, even if it just takes a couple seconds, a couple minutes. Hey, I'm about to do this. What do you think? In case they see something or know something that I don't.

And the idea that absolutely encourage experimenting and risk-taking, but not by yourself in a vacuum, that's actually irresponsible. Exactly, exactly. I mean, decision-making with respect to anything consequential is a team sport, right?

Because there's always going to be some perspective or bit of information you just didn't have access to that could change the decision or change your point of view about it. I think that's right. And I would add one thing else. I think, you know, you talked about uncertainty, you talked about potential impact, but I think the other one is when you're dealing with human emotions.

And I think the nuance here is when we talk about process, which is you don't always need to seek authority from somebody higher up in the pecking order before you do anything. That would be disastrous for an organization. But I'm talking about just leaning over to the person next to you and say, can I just read this email I'm about to reply to somebody? I want to make sure I'm not being insensitive. It's those little check-ins, which...

opens a whole Pandora's box here about the value of in-person work environments versus distributed work environments, which is you have those people around you for checking in. When we're a distributed workforce, you have to call someone or set up a Zoom. It becomes more formal. And so we don't do it. You're not going to do it. You're just not going to do it, right? I mean, I think that phenomenon you just identified has been so underplayed or under-emphasized.

Do you have any data or maybe even it's just instinctive based on your work?

on the value of an in-person office environment versus distributed office environment when it comes to fear, when it comes to failure, failure tolerance, mistake making, all of the things we've been discussing. Have you found any data that shows a difference? - There are preliminary data that suggests psychological safety takes a hit when we're remote. I don't think the story is fully told or described like this is sort of work in progress.

But intuitively, logically, we have put a higher bar. I mean, you just mentioned before, like in a in-person situation, I can turn to my left and turn to my right and just say, what do you think? You know, and it's just it's so easy. We will do it naturally.

And as you also said, you know, if I had to sort of set up a Zoom to say, hey, Simon, how was your weekend? And oh, by the way, you know, like, I'm not going to do it. That would feel just intrusive and wrong. And so, yeah.

That means that I have less ability to just easily speak up and connect with you and learn from you and help you learn from me. It's just harder, which means, doesn't mean we can't do it, but it means we're going to have to be oddly more heavy handed, that we're going to have to put in systems or routines or rituals or ways that we're going to deliberately lower the hurdle that just got put higher.

If we follow that logic, that by being at home, I'm not seeking little reinforcements for decisions I'm making, which could lead to increased levels of fear to experiment or make decisions, and increased levels of fear lead to increased levels of insecurity, anxiety, and all the other mental fitness challenges that we're dealing with, we're making an argument here that those little blocks and tackles

that help alleviate fear and promote mistake making and promote good failure have been diluted

in a distributed workforce. So personally, we're feeling the impact of increased fear of failure, but organizations are suffering because there's less experimentation. Is that a fair logic to describe? I think it is, you know, and it's consistent with, I don't know if you saw that study that Microsoft did sort of partway through the pandemic where they had just such an enormous data set on their own employees. But what they found was that

that we're still collaborating, of course. You and I are doing that right now from two different locations.

But the nature of the collaborative relationships had really shifted. The likelihood of sort of reaching out to people, what the sociologists would call weak ties, people that you know less well, people from other departments, divisions, locations, et cetera, went way down. So we were still teaming up with people, but tended to team up more with people who were like us, you know, had more similar backgrounds and jobs to ours than before. Right.

So that, you know, I think that's consistent with what we're talking about, which is the hurdle to horizontal teaming went up. So in a distributed workforce, strong ties remain the same or maybe even get better because you talk to them all the time and they're strong ties. When you're lonely, you want to reach out to those people you already know. Right.

Hey, Simon, how you doing over there? Right? I'm good. Exactly. Exactly. And the weak ties either remain the same or decline, which means they get worse and maybe even disappear. And what creates innovation is diverse thought and diverse perspective. It's ironic, right? When we talk about diversity and inclusion, distributed workforce actually eliminates diversity and inclusion. It restricts diversity inclusion because we're looking for people like us that we know well that we've worked with for a while.

Exactly. We are at far more risk of going to like-minded, like-backgrounded others than before. Can you give a specific example of a company that you have researched or learned about that you admire that does failure well that you wish your own organization could be more like? Okay.

Well, you already mentioned 3M, and I really do love the 3M model, particularly because it's so overdetermined. It's not one thing. It's the many things that create this environment of learning and innovation. Just so that people know what we're talking about, one of the things that 3M does is they have, I think it's a...

biannual, I can't remember, event where it's not required, it's voluntary, but almost all the engineers go. And they basically stand on the stage and say, this is what I'm working on. And it worked. This is what I'm working on. And it didn't work. So they all share their successes and failures with each other in case somebody needs what they're working on. And it's just celebrated. It's just normal and part of the culture. It's kind of incredible and magical.

It really is. And it's, you know, it's that plus that you get some portion of time to just play around and experiment with things and even resources for that. It's the facilities they have that sort of encourage interaction and all the rest. So that's one. On the other end of the spectrum, and then it's not all about innovation, it's more about efficiency and excellence, is the Toyota production system, which I'm also a genuine fan of because they have engineered technology

learning into production instead of just like do the thing here's how you do it do it perfectly and you know shut up keep your head down it's here's what we're thinking here's our hypothesis about how to make the best corolla

But you know what? We really need you to tell us where it's falling short or even where it might be coming close to potentially someday falling short, right? We want your ideas. And in fact, we don't want to just say that. We want to engineer into the system a way to operationalize that. We'll call it the Andon cord. We want you to pull it, right? Anytime you have a hypothesis about a concern or an improvement opportunity. And it's like 3M in such a different context. They are

overriding human instinct, socialization habits and saying, can you just be like a learner? Can we do this together? And Americans, and no offense to Harvard, where I know you have an association where you teach. Very deep one, yeah. It was a Harvard professor, but we will leave that aside, who brought the Toyota way to the United States and made the single biggest mistake an American could make. They called it lean.

Because to your point, it's not about efficiency. And Americans, when we took the Toyota away, we made it all about efficiency. But it was not about efficiency. It was about constant improvement. As you said, it was about a learning behavior.

And it was about seeking ideas from the front line, the people who are actually doing the work to inform systems, not to enforce systems. That's right. Again, that's where sociology, I guess, can override and habits and culture can override even the best possible design. I really do believe the essence of the Toyota production system is

was about empowering everyone to think more like scientists. And it shows such a deep respect for the humans that they hire. Here you are, come in and, oh yeah, they're doing a production job in a factory.

Deep respect, right? Deep and abiding respect for your potential to help us be better. And I know, I mean, they're hypothetical examples, but they could have happened where it's so detailed, the constant improvement, the desire for constant improvement, that somebody who installs the bumper on the front of a car, they can make the request that if you could please put the rack of bumpers just one foot to the left, I can grab them without having to take a step and I can save one second for each bumper.

And Toyota will do that. They'll move the whole thing one foot to the left so that somebody doesn't have to take a step. And what they discover is one second plus one second plus one second plus one second and all these micro improvements that everyone's empowered to do. And before you know it, at the end of a couple of years, you can produce a car 15, 20 minutes quicker than your competition. It's so astonishing.

And then at the end of the decade, you've got, you know, millions more in the bank as a result. For 25 years, Brightview Senior Living has been dedicated to creating an award-winning company culture so residents and families receive best-in-class services. Across our 50 communities, Brightview associates help deliver peace of mind, safety, security, transportation, daily programs, delicious food, and high-quality care if needed.

Discover how our vibrant senior living communities can help you live your best life. Visit to learn more. Equal housing opportunity. For decades, the mafia had New York City in a stranglehold, with law enforcement seemingly powerless to intervene. It uses terror to extort people. However, one murder of a crime boss sparked a chain of events that would ultimately dismantle the mob.

It sent the message that we can prosecute these people. Discover how law enforcement and prosecutors took on the mafia and together brought them down. These bosses on the commission had no idea what was coming their way from the federal government. From Wolf Entertainment and iHeartRadio, this is Law & Order Criminal Justice System. The first two episodes drop on August 22nd.

Plus, did you know that you can listen to the episodes as they come out completely ad-free? Don't miss out. Subscribe to the iHeart True Crime Plus channel today. Available exclusively on Apple Podcasts.

Meet the real woman behind the tabloid headlines in a personal podcast that delves into the life of the notorious Tori Spelling as she takes us through the ups and downs of her sometimes glamorous, sometimes chaotic life and marriage. I don't think he knew how big it would be, how big the life I was given and live is.

I think he was like, oh, yeah, things come and go. But with me, it never came and went. Is she Donna Martin or a down-and-out divorcee? Is she living in Beverly Hills or a trailer park? In a town where the lines are blurred, Tori is finally going to clear the air in the podcast Misspelling. When a woman has nothing to lose, she has everything to gain. I just filed for divorce. Whoa, I said the words. Yeah.

That I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Misspelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We've talked about what fear looks like in a group and how psychological safety is imperative for people feeling confident to try new things. What if you're the person responsible for creating psychological safety and you have fear?

Like, how do we overcome our own personal fear of humiliation, fear of getting fired? By the way, sometimes it's imagined and sometimes it's real, you know, depending on the culture of the company. You might not like this response, but I think it's,

than it might first appear, right? You say so, right? You own it. You own it out loud because that just, that levels the playing field again, right? You sort of say, gosh, I might not get this right. I'm a little concerned about what I'm about to do. And suddenly you've got supporters, you know, helpers rather than antagonists. You must have to recognize that relationship is inherently unbalanced.

an antagonistic one until you make it otherwise. Until you make them part of the team and your team and you a part of their team, it won't be thus. What you're talking about is leading by example, right? Which is if the leader expresses their fear, then the likelihood that the people on the team express their fear goes up and we can all help each other. Yeah. Ed Catmull says, another company I admire, Pixar, says if we as leaders are

can go first in acknowledging our own mistakes, then it makes it easier for others to do likewise. I heard Lionel Richie tell a fantastic story. He, as a young performer, was crippled by stage fright, crippling stage fright. And yet, look at him today, this remarkable performer. And he says the difference between the hero and the coward is not the presence or absence of fear,

He says the difference is they both feel fear. The difference is one steps forward and the other steps back. It's exactly right. It's exactly right. I often say that psychological safety and courage are two halves of the same coin. So a practical question, a smaller organization that not like 3M is not able to spend the time or resources to allow people to quote unquote play. What are some practical ways that smaller organizations can learn to be more failure tolerant and

and give the ability to allow failure to become an essential part of their process? I think the answer to that is in the essence of a smart failure or an intelligent failure is

you do smart experiments, not stupid ones. So you think carefully, you know, deeply about what you've talked about a lot, the why, you know, the why does, what, what does our company exist to do? What's the value proposition? What value are we offering to our customers, clients, society, what have you. And then, okay, what do we have to do really well today, tomorrow, and into the future to keep offering that value and,

You know, what are we missing right now? And then, well, we don't know how to do that. Well, what, you know, smart, right-sized experiment can we run to test that?

a possibility. I mean, I want to push back a little bit there, though, because it goes right back to the beginning of this conversation, which is the fear is born out of uncertainty. And, you know, the devil we know is better than the devil we don't. And certainty is much scarier than just staying the course, even if we know we couldn't do better if we took the risk and doing nothing might result in sort of our demise. At least there's some predictability

to staying the course. It's true. It's true. And this happens in big companies as well. Like somebody's personal career. I've been doing the same thing for 30 years. I'm really good at this. And now you're telling me because of technology, I have to completely change the way I think about my business. Not going to happen. It goes right back to uncertainty. Yeah. And so what do we do with uncertainty? First of all, let's name it, right? Let's put it out there. So it's front and center. It's in the room. It's not something we don't talk about. It's the opposite. It's something we talk about all the time.

And then how do we put our minds and backgrounds and expertise together to come up with the most high possibility tests to run, experiments to run? It's not a spray and pray idea. It's a, you know, what is really a worthy thing to pilot, to figure out whether it could work.

And let's keep in mind that we might be wrong. But if we're going to be wrong, let's be wrong at the right size. Thank you for the plug for the why. The whole idea behind the why was it serves as a filter and a focusing device that when we know why the company exists and we know that

that this pattern exists when we operate at our natural best, then it basically just creates edges to a sandbox, which is do anything you want to advance this thing, but it's gotta be within the sandbox. In other words, it restricts shiny object syndrome, which is I read an article, I saw another company doing this, we're gonna try that. If it advances the greater good, if it advances the cause that you've established, try it,

But anything outside of that, no matter how good the idea, you don't do it. So what the why does is it puts edges on the sandbox of experimentation. Yeah, I love shiny object syndrome. That's exactly right. Put the edges on the sandbox, which has two meanings. One is, you know, here's where we experiment because it's in our wheelhouse. Here's where we don't. But also it can be the boundaries beyond which we

don't go because it could be unsafe or what have you. So yes, we are much, humans, much happier to experiment within a domain than just, you know, if anything goes, then nothing goes. I'm not even going to, I'm not even going to try. Two more thoughts before we wind down. One is what happens to people as they become more senior in an organization, as they work their way through an organization? Does fear go up or down?

Well, you know, it's not an easy question to answer, but there is a way in which it goes up. At least, you know, fear of looking bad goes up. The more you've achieved, the more people are looking at you, the more the stakes can feel truly high and the more risk averse you can become. And that is ironic and problematic in so many ways. The higher you go, the more people know, you know, in theory, the more power you have and

In practice, the more limitations you may feel. So how to combat that? A, name it. And then B, make it a collaborative problem to solve. Name it as a risk that could harm our company and its success into the future. And then sort of invite this to be one of the things that the team will wrestle with.

It's almost like spotters ready. Like, yeah, since I recognize that could be a risk for you, I'm here for you and you are here for me. So to kind of encourage us to keep on the path of learning and growing and risk-taking for the greater good. Can you tell me something that you absolutely loved being a part of? That if every project or thing that you worked on was exactly like this thing, you'd be the happiest person alive. Yeah.

Yes. You know, I'm lucky enough to say I can think of several. So this is embarrassing, but in a conversation about failure, right in the middle of the conversation, our whole system just shut down. Yeah.

So this is actually the end of the episode. But we felt it was quite poetic. So we decided instead of editing out the failure, we would just leave it in. Because that's what Amy told us. We have to be honest about our shortcomings. If you'd like to learn about being honest and other human skills, check out for more. Until then, take care of yourself. Take care of each other. ♪

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Sometimes chaotic life in marriage. I just filed for divorce. Whoa. I said the words that I've said like in my head for like 16 years. Wild. Listen to Miss Spelling on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome to the CINO Show. I'm your host, Cino McFarlane. I'm an addiction specialist. I'm a coach, I'm a translator, and I'm God's middleman. My job is to crack hearts and let the light in and help everyone shift the narrative. I want to help you wake up, and I want to help you get free. Most importantly, I don't want you to feel alone. Listen to the CINO Show every Wednesday on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.