cover of episode Let’s Be Beautiful…with Anne Marie Kortright

Let’s Be Beautiful…with Anne Marie Kortright

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Let's Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anne Marie Kortright
Ryan Seacrest
Shannon Doherty
@Shannon Doherty :本期节目探讨了美丽的意义,以及癌症治疗对她身心健康,特别是外貌方面的影响。她分享了在化疗期间脱发以及如何坦然面对的经历,并强调了在逆境中保持积极乐观的重要性。她还谈到了癌症治疗对性生活和自信心的影响,以及如何通过寻求专业帮助和朋友的支持来克服这些挑战。她认为,适度的虚荣心是正常的,每个人都应该关注自己的外表,并找到适合自己的健康方式。 @Anne Marie Kortright :作为Shannon的朋友,她给予了Shannon积极的支持和鼓励。她分享了她与Shannon的友谊历程,以及她们如何互相支持和鼓励。她强调了女性之间互相支持的重要性,以及在不了解的情况下保持沉默的重要性。她还分享了她对健康饮食和生活方式的看法,以及她对护肤和美容的经验。她认为,由内而外的美丽才是真正的美丽,并且鼓励女性接纳真实的自己。 Anne Marie Kortright:本期节目中,Anne Marie Kortright分享了她与Shannon Doherty长达18年的友谊,以及她们如何互相支持和鼓励。她强调了女性之间互相支持的重要性,以及在充满竞争的行业中,女性之间的友谊和互相支持是多么珍贵。她还分享了她对健康饮食和生活方式的看法,以及她对护肤和美容的经验。她认为,适度的虚荣心是正常的,每个人都应该关注自己的外表,并找到适合自己的健康方式。她还谈到了癌症治疗对身体和心理的影响,以及如何通过寻求专业帮助和朋友的支持来克服这些挑战。 Shannon Doherty:本期节目中,Shannon Doherty分享了她与Anne Marie Kortright长达18年的友谊,以及她们如何互相支持和鼓励。她强调了女性之间互相支持的重要性,以及在充满竞争的行业中,女性之间的友谊和互相支持是多么珍贵。她还分享了她对健康饮食和生活方式的看法,以及她对护肤和美容的经验。她认为,适度的虚荣心是正常的,每个人都应该关注自己的外表,并找到适合自己的健康方式。她还谈到了癌症治疗对身体和心理的影响,以及如何通过寻求专业帮助和朋友的支持来克服这些挑战。

Deep Dive

Shannen and Anne-Marie share the story of how they met through mutual friends and quickly bonded, overcoming initial reservations and industry competition.

Shownotes Transcript


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And there's no better person to join this discussion than my dear friend, who is stunningly beautiful, a model, many things, Anne-Marie Cortright.

Thank you for having me. I kind of wanted to first start with how we met. Although I wasn't married to the person that I was dating at the time, I sort of say that I got you in the divorce. Yes, you did. It was like a... Although he'll argue, he got me too. I know. I had to split myself, but I did get you. Yes. I didn't get the other exes. I got you. Right. Which is a good thing. Okay. So we met. I started dating a guy. His name is Jason. And he lived in New York.

And we were dating, I don't even know, like a month or two months, maybe at the most. And he said, I want you to meet like my best friend and his fiancee who I love. She's like a sister to me. Can we, you know, meet them tomorrow for brunch? For brunch. On the East Village. And I was like, no, I have to meet the friends. You know, I was not into it. And then when he was like,

Oh, and she's a model. I was like, stop it. I was like, no, thank you. I don't need to be like the 5'4 girl standing next to like giants. Just not, I'm not interested. But it was important to him. And I was like, okay, fine. That was the best decision you ever made. It really was. I'm just going to put that up there. But it was awesome. I think, I don't know. I mean, I know how I felt sort of

meeting you and hanging out in that brunch and what's now your husband was your fiance at that time, Scott, which I can go into, but let's hear it from you first. It was love at first sight. Come on. Just put it out there. I mean, did you have any impressions? I don't know if you knew who I was as far as an actress. Come on. She was Brenda. She walked in. Until the rest, I'm like, oh my God, it's Brenda. And then that was it. Then I calmed myself. Okay.

You know, there's very, very few people that get me starstruck. And that was you. And, you know, usually you meet those people that you're kind of into and you love watching them on TV and you're like, oh, I wish I didn't. It was a different case with you. So thank you. Here we are.

18 plus years later? I mean, I wasn't even married. I have a 15 and a half year old. So, yeah, we're going way back. Yeah. Yeah. But we still look just as good. Well, you definitely do. That's for sure. We get better with age. I swear you have not aged. I mean, and that's actually a really true statement. I think that you specifically have gotten older.

better with age and and we're gonna get into this because You know, I'm constantly asking you like what do I do? And it's because I look at you and I'm like how how does somebody's skin get prettier and better? but before I jump in there obviously went into that brunch a little trepidatious and Then I met you and there was like this sort of familiarity like immediately where I felt. Oh, okay I know this person and like an instant

Comfort. A girlship. And I don't know, I don't think that's a word, but I'm now creating a word. There you go. Girlship. Because, you know, especially back then at that point in time, girls were not always supportive of other girls. And I was definitely used to that being the case. And then all of a sudden I met you and I felt like, oh, this girl's got my back. I think for the most case, I think in your business, in my business then,

You know, it was hard to really make a bond with a new girl because, you know, you had to really watch your back. So when you found that person in that connection that you knew, they were like, wait, she's a girl's girls and she's got your back and it's real. You grab onto it. That's why we are still here.

Yeah. I mean, it's insane how much I think women have sort of grown and evolved where we understand that there's room for all of us and we don't necessarily have to be as competitive. And instead we can just support one another. And like with every job you got, with every positive thing that happened in your life, I was so excited for you. You celebrated it. Yeah. And vice versa. Yeah. I never understood not celebrating other women's

anyone's achievements that you care for in general I'm happy for everyone there's room for everyone and I truly feel that way like I am genuinely happy for my friends even if it was a model that was going up for the same job as me it didn't matter you know I'm like it wasn't meant to be like and I still feel that way there is everything's meant to be it happens for a reason and

And I think you really got to see the real me back then, which a lot of people I feel like don't know the real me. They kind of judge me walking in the door. And I have many of those stories. You know, a lot of people like to judge you by just looking. And, you know, I used to be very reserved. I was bullied my whole high school life and I was always very guarded in who I let into my life. And

But at the same time I always kind of knew when there was that good person that I kind of wanted to add to my core group of girls I watch people gloss over Asking you a question because they assume that you look the way that you look that you're not gonna know The answer it's my favorite thing it's it's actually one of my favorite things to to watch to be a witness to because you are so incredibly intelligent and

Not as intelligent as you, but I pay attention. You pay attention and you're studied. If there's something that you don't know about, you will do one of two things. Either you're the first to be like, I don't know enough to talk about it, or you will educate yourself on it. And then I'll come back and I'll be fully informed. Exactly. I learned that from my husband.

I have to tell you, I got to give him a little credit. He always says, don't speak if you don't know what you're talking about. Just listen. You obviously know that your husband is one of my favorite people. I know. Like Scott and I bonded and we still bond. He's a good therapist too. He is. He's a really good therapist. Like Scott's helped me in numerous occasions and, you know, with the boyfriend that I had in common with you guys and through other relationships that I've been in while I've known you. And certainly through my marriage, Scott was always sort of

you know, somebody that I went to along with you. It was like, you know, I was getting...

the female side and the male side yeah um and scott and i feel like we're very similar in personalities you guys are very insightful yeah i mean again so are you but i do like i do love watching you shut people down uh with your i'm a lot more confident now you are like you talk listen you scott and a few other people in my life gave me that strength to just be like don't let the

first impression of like, look at me walking in a room and that'd be the end of it. Like,

Now I make sure I'm like loud enough for you to know that it's not just the tall skinny girl. Yeah. The tall skinny girl with like the perfect bone structure. That bone structure is crazy. My favorite photos is when I posted two of us with our cheekbones popping out and I just named it cheeks. So, okay. So we met, we obviously, you know, we stayed friends. We've been through a lot together. You gave birth to a beautiful, you know,

her own person, smart, very independent, like young woman, Liv, who's wonderful. I love that like my friends that have kids because I feel like they're my children to a certain extent, but I get to not have to deal with them 24-7. You get the good parts. Yeah. That's the best. You borrow them. Yeah, I like being Aunt Shannon. That works for me 100%. You were also the person that I called

When I started losing my hair from chemo and I remember I posted a photo on my Instagram a while back of me coming out of the shower holding like clumps and clumps and clumps of hair. And I knew at that point in time that I had to do something about it because I hadn't told anyone or the world or the media like,

what I was going through yet because you know I was still coming to terms with it but I knew that

somebody was going to get a photo of me that was unflattering with, you know, hair falling out and that I had to sort of take control over like my own narrative. You know, I've always been very much pro us handling things and how we share it. Like I always tell you, we should put that out first. Like it should be under your terms and not the paparazzi term coming out of the grocery store. And you really did that for me. Like, yeah.

you know it was my my mom was at the house and we called you and i was like this is what's up i need you to shave my head and you were like okay i have to stop i have to leave my house i have to stop and get the shaver from you know i went to the malibu country more the is that a cvs right yeah the cvs um and you're like so i'll be there i'll try to be there in like 40 minutes

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was like a big thing throughout my life. You know, I remember being... You had a lot of full hair. Full hair. I remember being offered like a... In the 90s, I got offered some like shampoo endorsement for a big company. I won't say who it was, but I turned it down because at the time, nobody was doing endorsements. Yeah. Like actors. Who would have ever known? Right. And so I was like, no, no, no, no. I took myself far too seriously. I should have been like, I'll take that cash. Thank you. But I did not. And...

So, everything was, you know, all about like the Brenda haircut and the this and the that. And... Yeah, people were modeling their styles after your Brenda haircut. Yeah. Obviously, I've been through this with you and a few other friends and now including my mom. So, it's a big thing. I...

Interestingly enough, you know, throughout all of my like high school and like all the different things people were picking on me, my hair was the one thing they couldn't pick on. There is something to be said for being able to understand to a certain degree what you were going through, because I'm grateful for it. I appreciate it. And I think that.

Somehow a dealer that's probably why you pick me for the difficult things because you really always I'm always there and like the big Difficult decision times but I also feel is because I become your cheerleader and I become your entertainment and in a funny way like I like to make things as light as possible because they are serious things there are like alternating moments for you and

everyone that knows me and you know that like I just come in here and make you laugh like we already know you have all the negative stuff negative stuff happening we know you're sick after chemo we know all these things so like there's no reason for me to come here and be like so how is chemo I'm like we're not going to talk about that because you know I care if you want to talk about it you bring it up but other than that I'm just here and I'm just going to be silly and make you crack up like

That's my job to make you laugh till the end of days. And I take that job very seriously. You're also supportive in a way where I don't feel judged for being vain. You know what I'm saying? Like most people would say, and I've heard it of like,

you know, well, you should be so grateful that it was just your hair and that you're still alive. And I'm like, okay, first off, I am grateful that I'm alive. Like I never said I wasn't grateful, but,

I'm still going to complain about what I would be way more grateful if I still had a head of hair, you know, like, yeah, why, why, you know, cancer takes away so much from you. Like, why did it also have to take away something that you've been in, in front of the camera your entire life? Yes. You have been judged on how you look, right? Every single moment.

So how can you not later, 25 years later, be worried about how you look? It's impossible. It's impossible. It's ingrained in you.

I mean, I think it's ingrained in everybody, regardless of what business you're in. You know, I think that there's... The whole world. And I personally don't think it's bad to have a certain amount of vanity. I think that that's what makes you, you know, take a shower in the morning. I think it's what makes you brush your teeth. I think it's what makes you wash your hair. Like, yeah, it's... It gets you out of bed. I care about my appearance. I care what I'm putting in front of people. And I want them to...

You know, see that I've put in somewhat of an effort. And it's why sometimes I get so mad at paparazzi pictures of like me going into a grocery store at 7 a.m., you know, like missing milk. I just need milk. And, you know, it's all of a sudden I look horrible and it looks like I don't put in an effort or they get me right after chemo or, you know. So the shaving of the head was extremely painful.

That was a pivotal moment. Pivotal and traumatic. And I think it took you a few days to even realize what had happened. Yeah. I think, you know, we have the videos. I had no idea what I was doing. I've

I was like, as I was doing it, I'm like, why am I doing this? Why did she cook me? And in my head, I'm like trying to be the perfectionist. I'm like, I should have watched the video. First of all, why didn't they cut some of the hair first? Like this machine is not going through. And I'm like, yeah, this is going great, Rosa, right? She's doing amazing. Look how beautiful her head looks. I'm like, what?

I think you guys did end up pulling out like kitchen scissors, big kitchen scissors. Because nobody tells you that like, you can't just put the buzzer through hair this long. It just doesn't work. So like, I kept like emptying the thing. I was sweating. Like it was...

It was probably more stressful for me. I think it was very stressful. And then I'm like, God, I hope she has a pretty hair underneath there. Please let her have a pretty hair. Oh, the shape of my head was very important to you. It was like, I was like, just because then she'll just be gorgeous because she's already gorgeous. But if she has a nice bald head, that's amazing. And you did. And I didn't even think of like the shape of my head. Oh, I thought about all those things. You did make it funny.

Talking about like the humor because you once you cut it with the kitchen scissors, you then gave me like a little. I gave you like a pixie. No, it was like a Dorothy Hamill Bob. And you took photos of me with this Dorothy Hamill Bob. This stuff she lets me do is actually. You gave me a mohawk. You have really let me get away with some crazy stuff that I don't think a lot of people get away with. And we're still here and we've never had a fight. We've never had a moment. No. Like all these years.

I just agree with her. That's not true. You definitely do not just agree with me. You just always say yes. But you also were the one who figured out how I should post. I wanted it to be real, not like some like... And you did it like where it was, you know, a progression and it finally ended with like the result of, you know, a buzzed head. I think it was important because I think a lot of women admire you. A lot of women look up to you that are going through something like this.

And we wanted to make it light, yet we wanted to make sure that like it had some meaning and that people can, you know, identify. And we did that. You can see in a matter of minutes, the outpouring of comments of saying, you've made my day. You've made me so much stronger. You have really given me the strength to do this. Like, I mean, for weeks, I don't know if you remember, it was just like unbelievable the amount of people that you touched by sharing that moment.

And that's invaluable. You know, like people and a lot of people don't realize the impact that you can have on someone that's been sitting at home by themselves going through something like this. And they watch this post and they're like, if she can do it, I can do it. And that's very powerful. Yeah. I mean, it wasn't something obviously I was prepared for, as you know, when you clicked the, you know, go button on Instagram.

my Instagram. I remember I did it. You were like, you do it. Yeah. I mean, I couldn't, I wasn't, to be honest, I wasn't brave enough. Right. I was so scared. And, and you were like, no, we're doing this. Like we're doing this. And you did. And I just looked at you. I was like, Oh, now what? Now what? Like social media was still new at that point. And it was also like, what is going to happen? Like,

Where is this going? Yeah. Are people going to be upset with me that I was, you know, this honest? That you lied? Or that I hadn't been honest from the very beginning, right? That like the moment I got diagnosed, I wasn't instantly on saying, hey guys, I just got diagnosed with breast cancer. Like how would they feel? How would they react? And how...

How would it impact like future work for me? Of course. Which. That was a big thing. Like now I'm going to be the sick person who's going to want to work with me. Yeah. And. Which is still an issue. Yeah. Like to this day, like there are people who, you know, like to be like, ah, you know, like.

she might be too hard to ensure or, you know, well, how is she like, is her memory okay? And I'm like, did I have a photograph? You've ever been. Yeah. I think we should worry about other people's issues more than this. I think that you can run circles around most humans. So put one thing in front of me and I'll have like two seconds to look at it and it's memorized and it's involved. It was very, very, very scary.

And you made it, you made it less scary. You helped with your humor and, and just your like general love. Like you're a very loving human being. Well, I always say I would like to leave the room and be like, wow, she was so nice. Not wow. She was so pretty. It's so much better. I'd rather be nicer than pretty. Oh,

I'll take both. Yeah. I'm not going to say I care, but isn't it much nice to be like, wow, she was so nice and she was beautiful. Yeah. But the inside part, you know, I nowadays, I think, I think now I go for like, wow, she was so smart and funny. Like that's my favorite thing to hear. I do like it when people say beautiful. Of course. Because I don't. And because I don't feel it anymore. Which is so crazy. Yeah.

I've gotten better. Yeah.

Specifically, like in the last few days. This isn't like a long time. It's literally probably like the last month, really two months that I started feeling attractive again. But before that, I was feeling, as you know, because you're incredibly knowledgeable, particularly about the beauty field and about products that work, products that don't work, techniques that work, you know,

lasers that are good for you. I have so much of that information. You're like a wealth of knowledge. And I always call you and talk to you about it first because I know that you're going to be like, do not get that. You have the wrong skin type for that particular laser. That's going to mess you up. Or...

yeah, they're charging, you know, X amount for that serum. It's way overpriced. You should get this one that's only $30. You have a podcast that you do that's all about wellness. That's like about your gut and you do it with Jamie. Can you tell us? Yeah, so it's called Beauty From The Inside Out because the beauty comes from within.

what we put in our bodies. I have this argument with Shannon a lot. I don't know if you guys follow her on Instagram. I make her drink the green juices, you know, before and after chemo, try to like clean her system out. At first she was like, this is disgusting. And now she begs me to bring her green juices. I was really, I was actually really disappointed that you did not bring me green juice. Well, I made, so do you want to know the truth?

You made and then you drank it. I went to make it. I got all the ingredients and I forgot one of the main ingredients. So I was like, hmm, what am I going to do? So anyway, so I made it with blueberries and I took everything that I had in the freezer frozen and threw it in there.

And it was good. But I just, it was like these weird purple-ish burgundy colors. I was like, there's no way she's going to want to drink this. I mean, you got me to drink green juice. That's true. But instead you brought Peetaboo today. So that was perfect. That was so good. It was really good. Yeah.

I feel like because I was always so small, people assumed that I didn't need as much food as they did. And you would go for more. So like the food would all be gone. And I would, and I, I was a more slow eater and, um, which is supposed to be really good for you. And the food would be gone. And I was like, like, do you like, excuse me? Did I not want some of that appetizer? Like, and I remember with some,

some in-laws that I had at one point in time in my life. It was like the first time I had met them and lovely people and they like they made food but it was here's what I was eating and then here's what because it was cooked at different temperatures and then here's what everybody else is eating and mine was like a super small portion and I guess it was well done. I remember looking at that being like

what? And I'm like the opposite. You were offended. I was offended. You're like, excuse me. I'm like, listen, my metabolism is just fast. That's why I, but I love food and I want it. It's a mistake that people make of the two of us. Yeah, and you're the exact same way. In the room, there could be 12 people here eating and she and I

We'll clean out the kitchen. Clean out the kitchen. Yeah. And then we don't stop moving. The next day, cleaning the kitchen. Cleaning the kitchen. That's how we lose it. Okay. So going back to your podcast. Beauty from the inside out. Beauty from the inside out. Because you really do like believe in that. And you do the juices. I like to study things. Yeah. You know, I think that I kind of got into the wellness thing.

Let's just backtrack for a second. I didn't grow up like that. I grew up eating and loving food in Puerto Rico, right? But not necessarily the healthiest food. A lot of the food is fried. There's just a lot of like not healthy ingredients. Delicious. And it makes you really happy. And everyone's really happy at the end of the meal.

But I think when I decided that I wanted to get pregnant, I went on this rabbit hole of like, how do I prepare my body to be the cleanest? And then I went into this journey where I was like really trying to understand how food affected our body.

And from there on, you know, I have done every cleanse, every diet from the original juice cleanses, which, by the way, are so bad for you now. Like I've tried everything that has come and gone until I finally found a really good balance of eating the things I like, having lots of desserts. As you know, I'm obsessed. Shanna makes the most insane blueberry dessert.

Bread pudding. Bread pudding. Oh, and then she puts the like glaze over it. So anyways, listen, I constantly, I don't want to make it seem like it's so easy because it's not. It's a constant battle for me to balance what's good for my body and what my brain wants. And that's kind of how I ended up in the journey with Dr. Jamie, who I got introduced by Dr.

Shannon's a nice trainer who used all the time Kira Kira and she was one of the best introductions I've ever had because she is so good at just explaining things in a simple manner and there's zero judgment coming from her so doesn't matter how you like to do it how difficult or easy it is for you she's just gonna be in that journey with you and I remember

I think maybe three, four meetings with her. I said to her one day, I was like, I've people have asked me before to like do podcasts about this deal. I said, I've never had an interest because I do not want to hear myself speak. I don't think anyone cares to hear, hear Anne Marie by herself talking about this stuff. I said, but I would love to do this with you because I would love to do like wellness for dummies. And what I meant by that was that I can have

all my questions prepared and have her answer them as if I was the patient. And it was so fabulous from the moment we started. It was just laughs.

Since knowing you and since you went on your sort of beauty journey and discovering what was like really good for your body and what to put in it, I've gotten much better. And yes, you sometimes have to bring me juices or you have to come here and use my juicer. But I've definitely become a lot more aware. Because you can see it. Yes. Your eyes, the white in your eyes gets clearer. You feel better about yourself.

I'm sure that you have days where you've done chemo and you wanted a burger and fries, which by the way, I approve every day in and out, whichever. And the days you do the juices, it just, you do feel better. One's mentally better. The other one's physically better. And they're both good because one day you need one, the next day you need the other.

It's not just one thing. You can be happy with the way you eat, the way you exercise. It doesn't have to be all in or all out. Well, I mean, we're living in a very like extremist world. You know, people are very, it's either we're like this direction or that direction. It's like we're too skinny. We're not healthy enough. Right. Think about that. Like I was told once I wasn't, I was uninsurable. And I was like, what are you talking about? I was on the way for my height.

And I go, would you like to follow me for the next week? Because there's nothing else I can do. That's really interesting because, um,

You know, like the United States, they have the thing where it gives you like what your ideal weight should be. But what they don't take into account is that sometimes what they claim is the ideal weight is too thin for some people and too heavy for other people because your bones really make a difference. Like I'm very fine boned and so are you. So the extra weight and believe me,

you know, it wasn't that long ago that I had a lot of extra weight on me. Like the meds that I was on and everything else. It's also retention. It's not even weight. It's just water retention. Mine was, yeah, water retention. It was a lot of weight. I was extremely depressed. I was on meds that were, you know, messing with me. Not like cancer meds, you guys. Um,

you know, I'm sure other people think I should be on other meds, but I'm talking about the cancer meds. Um, so it, I put on like a lot of weight. I've never weighed that amount. And I, I,

couldn't stand myself like I was really depressed for the physical part because it just doesn't feel good to you oh I felt like none of my clothes fit me I felt gross I just didn't but to other people they were like oh she looks so healthy right and you're like what and I'm like I'm not healthy like this is not healthy for me this is too much weight on my body it's too much weight on my bones we all don't fit in that one box it's impossible and we all have a different like body

Like body mass, bones, like everybody has a different thing. And so you really have to figure out what is your version of healthy. Yeah.

It's the same with skin. It's the same with all of it. It's like you have to find what works for you. You know, you look at JLo, for instance, and I'm bringing her up because I was in Italy in August and she was there and she was, you know, as close to me as you are. And I was like, how? How does she have this skin? Like, she's like me. She takes care of herself like you do. She does a lot of the things I do. And she's been doing it forever, which is like preventative. But still that, you know, but yeah, I have to, I have to be. Yeah.

Yeah, we have completely different skin. I have to accept who I am, my genetics, and then go, all right, how do I get to the best version of my skin that I can possibly get? So going into that, as you know,

Especially with all the cancer meds. That's what I was thinking too. Let's not forget about that. It's the same with your hair. People never know how their hair is going to grow back. The same with your skin. Your skin might get thinner. It might get thicker. It might get more wrinkled. It might get more light. It might get more gray. Throughout the years, your skin's changed a lot. Depending on the meds that you were on, your skin was changing. So we had to change what you were doing because you're like, okay, now I'm too oily. Now I'm too dry.

Or my hair is doing this or two, you know, like, yeah, there's always going to be a different reaction when you're going through these treatments, which is the thing that I think a lot of people don't talk about, you know, especially when they have cancer. Like I have these conversations with my mom all the time. And I would say text Hannah, she'll know or text my other friend. I'm like, see what they're thinking what they're doing. I mean, I'm not sure how deep we want to get into this. But there's a lot of other things that happen when you're getting chemo.

Okay, well, I think that we don't feel as comfortable talking about it because again, it goes back to the thing of others that don't have cancer and that are not going through this journey.

they they're like why like you're just lucky to be alive like that's you should just be focused on staying alive and who cares about your skin and i'm like no no no no i do yeah because you know i'm i'm anybody that's telling you that should not be part of your life right i'm a woman i care about how i look i do eventually want to meet somebody else i do want to fall in love again i

But more importantly, I want to fall in love with myself again. Yeah. Right. And I haven't felt great about myself for a really long time. Like those cancer meds, chemo, radiation, everything. It sucked every bit of collagen out. All of a sudden I got a gazillion wrinkles. I was like, what the hell is this about? And then. And stress. And stress. Lost my hair. Grew back.

Then, you know, I had to do brain radiation, the hair like patchy, then the treatment, the infusions that I'm on now. It's amazing that you're still cracking up and smiling. If people really knew, think about it. If people really knew what you truly go through every day, the ups and downs and, you know, it's so hard. Like,

to really grasp. I know that we should be grateful for everything we have and be thankful and be so happy to have a roof and to have food and to have water, all of these things. But like, when did we stop being human? Why can't I have a bad day? You know, and it's like you and I have this conversation, which I think I feel very comfortable having it with you, where I'm like, you could be coming out of chemo.

And you could be basically feeling like shit, pardon me, about to throw up in the highway on your way home. And I'm having a shit day and I feel okay telling you I'm having the worst day ever. And you will literally stop and listen to me. And that to me is true friendship right there.

It's also all relative, you know, like my my crap day is different than your crap day. But they're still just as important as each other's like my chemo doesn't trump your day. Exactly. But you taught me that you taught me. I remember you yelled at me once because you're like, how did I not know you haven't been feeling well? Yeah. And in my head, I was like, because what you're going through and you're like, what's wrong with you? That's not really what you said, but I'm not going to repeat it exactly word by word.

and I was like, yeah, it blicked me a lot. And then, and you were like, in me, you're my friend. If you're having a bad day, I want to know about it, you know? And that is priceless because there are very, very few people in my life and in your life where we can truly be ourselves. And that's, that's priceless. I mean, you are, um,

Because I know that you were about to get into this and you were hesitant, so we're going to. There are things that I will only discuss with you. And, you know, one of the things that I've been very honest with you about and we sort of have gone down the path together, you've like taken me to Dr. Sherry Ross, was what cancer does to your libido, what it does to your

I mean, listen, when you're feeling not great about yourself, that's going to kill your libido. But then when it actually impacts your libido, when it takes, when meds take your libido away or it makes, you know, things not as pleasant, like sex doesn't feel as good, whatever it is, women, particularly when you get to a certain age, like

Or when you start going through menopause is really, I think, when... Perimenopause. Perimenopause. Nobody wants to talk about that. Right. But that's when it all starts happening, when like a woman's sex drive really, really, really changes. And, you know, there are some women who take a lot of hormones for it in order to balance it out. There's some women who don't want to take hormones, but they still want balance. Well, now we have alternative therapies.

things. And now we have alternative things. Dr. Ross has really been a pioneer in that area. So this is Dr. Sherry Ross. She's located in, yeah, she's a gynecologist and she's listed, she's in Beverly Hills, Santa Monica. Yes. She makes me blush a little bit. I gotta be honest. I know you're so much more, even though we're both conservatives in our own upbringings and like our backgrounds, um,

I'm kind of like, I think the model in business is a little bit more open than the way you were. And I remember sitting in the office with her.

Because, of course, I took Shannon to the OB appointment and I sat there with her because that's what I do. And I remember she took me because, you know, I specifically said to her, like, I, you know, I need to do something. Things are not working. Things aren't working. And this isn't the life that I want to live. And, you know, I also don't want my husband dead.

to to to live like this so I need to you know figure this out yeah and so Amory next I already had a gynecologist but she was like no no no there's one person that you need to go to and that's Dr. Sherry Ross yeah so now keep going and so we went there and you know she goes and Shannon gets her exam and she comes out she's like me in the office I'm sitting in the office she's got all these little these plis of things

of toys. Then she goes, "Here, Shannon, take this." And Shannon shoves it in her bag. She said, "You think you can see it?" I'm like, "No one can see it. No one knows it's in there." She's like, "Are you sure?" And she said, "You're going to take this home, and this is how you're going to use it." And Shannon was like,

I've never seen her this embarrassed. I was probably the only time. And I was like, and then the next day I'm like, so how did it go? And you're like, I'm not telling you. And I go, it's still in your bag. And she's like, yep, yep. Still in my bag. Still in the bag. Still in my bag. Um, I think it stayed in my bag for a really long time. Um,

I mean, listen, I think I'm turning red just like literally talking about it right now. You're sweating. I can see it. I am. I'm sweating. I'm like, oh my God, I need to turn on the AC in here. But people don't understand that it's not, you know, perimenopause, menopause,

Just getting older, all of it impacts not just your exterior. It doesn't just impact your skin, but it's also impacting the whole way that your body is reacting and responding. And then you add to that cancer meds. You add to that chemo. And it just zaps you of...

Of everything. And it takes away... Yeah, it takes away your confidence. It takes away, like, your identity. Like, I, for the last solid couple of years, probably four years, have felt like a boy. Like, I thought I looked like a boy. You're one hot-looking boy. Thank you. I mean... I just...

You know, and obviously there were other things, you know, now I know that we're playing into it about like,

you know, other contributing factors into, into how I felt. But at the end of the day, like me feeling like that didn't help anything in my relationship. Of course not. Because then I'm not, you know, engaging with full confidence, which is a problem in a relationship. It was impacting me. Yeah. Well, it's like you said earlier, it's like you have to learn to love yourself first and you weren't loving yourself. So how can you

Even have somebody else love you. It's hard. I mean, the one thing I was like, there's two things. One is a serious thing, which is when I discovered, you know, the intermittent fasting, which really got like that first initial weight off of me. I think I lost like 10 pounds. I remember when you first, it was more than that. I mean, I lost 10 pounds like two weeks, like quick. Yeah. And yeah,

while eating amazing food and just, you know, only eating between 12 and eight and then being careful of what I was putting into my body and, you know, having prepared meals like that really did it. And then, then I always joke that one of the most amazing things about my infusions is that, you know, it made me throw up a lot. And so the rest of the way came off. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, I guess this is the thing. Sometimes you just got to laugh at it. I mean, you got to find the positive in everything, right? There is no other way around that. And honestly, you can't laugh in life. I don't know what you're doing. You're going to have bad times, but you got to laugh. Yeah. You got to make yourself laugh and cry. Yeah. Cry while laughing. I mean, all of our New York trips. I remember I was in New York and I

I was at Marquis, Noah Tappenberg's club. And I'm not going to say who it was, but it was a, you know,

sort of famous journalist, I guess we could say. And, um, I started making out with him and my friend was with me who is gay. And I got up to like, go talk to someone that I knew. And I came back and my gay friend was making out with the journalist. Oh my God. Oh my God. I know. And he took him home.

And I was like, well, there goes that. There goes that. I guess he, you know, I guess my friend was more his type and that's awesome. But like those were the kind of,

you know, nights that we had back then, or at least that I had. And you were, you were probably more well behaved than I was. I've always been a good, well behaved child for the most part. It also made it great for me. It was great. You were like more of the responsible one and, and the one that would look at me and be like, he's not that cute. Trust me tomorrow. You're going to, you would regret it. Like, let's go. And I was like, okay, cool. All right. I trust Ann Marie with that decision. We have fun.

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two years, maybe a little bit more, I have really focused on finding the perfect routine because I'm working on my own little scene that may or may not be coming at some point soon. I will be the first one. And so I like to do a thing that I, I mean, it's not my thing, but it's called skin recycling. So basically what I like to do is try a lot of different products and

In different ways, at different times of the day, in different orders, until I just find that good combination. And I think I finally figured it out, but I can't tell you just yet. You're there. It's coming. So it is very important. I'll tell you one thing that I've learned. The reason you keep your skin moisturized, glowy, hydrated, it's by sealing the moisture in.

So when you're applying a product, make sure that you don't start with the dewy, gooey stuff first and then put the liquidy stuff after because that doesn't make any sense, right? Right. Think about it. So you're going to put your yellow ball. My yellow. That's basically going to be a barrier. Yeah. That's supposed to be your top.

That's supposed to keep all the things that you put in there pressed in, continue to hydrate you throughout the day. Right? So for example, I'm going to give you one for free. Okay. Thank you. You take, you do a mist. If you're going to do a toner, I like a mist. I spray it. I pat it down in the morning. I'll do a hyaluronic acid.

So you put it in while the skin is damp. People don't realize that you shouldn't put hyaluronic acid on dry skin. We mist, do the hyaluronic acid, then I do a serum or an oil. They're pretty much similar. And then you do a balm on top. Right. So those are about like just a normal lotion moisturizer. Do you ever use those or are you a balm girl? You know, it depends if I'm somewhere hot.

I'll probably avoid the balm and then I'll do a sun protection lotion type thing. And, um, but for the most part, I find that that at my later age, as I may or may not be entering perimenopause, which people don't like to talk about it because it makes you old. I'm like, I don't care. I'm going to own it. I'm going to talk about it. So everybody knows what they need to do.

I just feel like I really need that extra help. Because what happens is if you allow your skin to get dry and dehydrated, when certain things happen, that's when you get like your wrinkles and your stretch marks. Like it happens when a woman is dehydrated

Towards the end of the pregnancy, I always tell everybody, you've got to really lotion that belly. Like you've got to make it so gross that you can like pick it with your nails. Because guess what? Those last 30 days, everything stretches, everything changes. And if it's dry, you're going to get a stretch mark. You're going to get a wrinkle.

So the most important thing is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And I always say, you just try to delay as much as possible. And how do you delay that process? It's by hydrating and drinking lots of water, some wine at night, and lots of green vegetables. So that's kind of like, you know, I do some other things. I do some treatments, nothing invasive.

I have yet to inject myself because I'm just petrified of the needles. Yeah. So, I mean, this is, you can see, I can move. No, I'm looking at you. Your face moves. Mine does too. Yeah, there you go. But I have had Botox. Yeah. You've done it a couple of times now? Yeah, I've done it a couple of times. I think the last time I did it was like,

I think six months ago. Okay. She didn't take me to that appointment. No, that was when I called you. That was with Dr. Jason Diamond. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's great. He is great. It was the first time I'd ever been to him. I forgot that you went to him. He's great. He's so light-handed. A lot of my friends go to him and he's lovely. He understands the skin very well. He understands muscles. That's the one thing that people really don't understand that you can really...

You need to understand there's so many things happening. There's so many little muscles and like nerves in the face that you inject someone wrong.

so that's why you're going to go for it i'm not disapproving just go somewhere where the right person understands plastic surgeons are great at the baby botox that's what they call it so i i have i have i've had a plastic surgeon besides dr diamond do potox and it was horrible like so bad i walked in that like two days later

like my husband looked at me and said, what did you do to your face? I know I'm, I don't, because we're, we're not divorced yet. We're in the middle of a divorce. So I never know what to call him. It's okay. He's still a husband. Um,

He was like, what did you do to your face? Like my, like my nose wouldn't even move. It was terrible. And then, um, a friend of mine suggested this other guy, Dr. Uh, Bradley Friedman, who is great. He's on Pico and like a really small little, there's a lot of very talented people. Totally understands like the muscle and how to hit. And then, and then I went to diamond because I wanted to get like an overall sort of assessment. Um,

I wanted to be told like that I didn't need a facelift. You know, I like went in to be like, oh, I'm here for a facelift consult. And what I wanted to hear was like, no, you don't need one. Instead, what I heard was, oh, you're a great candidate for it. And I was like, no, not yet. It petrifies me. But that'll be an interesting conversation.

moment in life. Oh, God. I don't know if I can do it. I will be there to make fun of you just so you know. I don't know. When they put that wrap around your face. It really scares me. I will wheel you in the wheelchair and I'll make fun of you the whole way. I don't want to come out like a different person. That's what really frightens me. You know, there's technology is amazing these days. By the time you actually get the guts to do it, which will be another 10 years. You won't even have to do that. The technology will be so advanced. It'll be so easy. And, you know, it's just

I do believe I like that whole theory of like starting early on doing little tiny things to your skin if it matters to you. Yeah. You know, I think that's there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think there's anything wrong with anything. Like do what makes you happy. Right. And that's the

thing right is that there's such a sort of stigma of women who people hide you know they get the Botox and they get the lips done and they get a facelift and then they want to deny that they got any work done and or people judge them and are like you got work done well first off

If they don't want to tell you, it's not your business. Like leave them alone is my first thing. I watch it on Instagram a lot where certain girls get accused all the time. And I'm like, it's called filters. I'm like, yeah, by the way, it's filters, a lot of filters. And, but it's also like, it's none of your business. Like who cares?

It's up to you to be your own individual. It's not up to them to teach you how to be an individual. Listen, all these things can be private, not private. It's...

It's all an also, but it's also how you present yourself, right? Because there's a movement right now of all these people magically getting very skinny. And they're like, oh, I just drink this. Oh, you mean the Ozempic movement. Let's call it like it is. I mean, it's very unrealistic for the young people. Let's take people who do not have diabetes and shoot you up with something that is specifically for diabetes. But listen, again, to each their own. But don't go and promote your workout line. Right.

And your supplements as to how you got that thing. That's unfair. That's unhealthy for our children watching you and following you. A hundred percent. That's my only problem. I don't care if you want to shoot yourself with those and pick every day. You go for it. Here's the warning signs. You still want to do it. Be my guest. But do not lie to the children that are following you by telling them that please take this supplement and do this workout for 15 minutes because no workout for 15 minutes is crap.

Right. Because people are impressionable. That makes me angry. Can you see how my mood changed? But you're right because you have a daughter who's right in that age group of being impressed by certain people and wanting to- They're impressionable. Wanting to look like them. And guess what? I'm a lot older than your daughter, just in case you didn't know. And I'm impressionable. Yeah. So am I. I look at women and I'm like, how did they get that butt? How?

How did they get that face? Oh, I need to do their workout. I need to do this. And let me tell you, I'll try it for like a month and I'm like, nothing's changed. Seven minute workout. I'm like, doesn't work. Listen, hard work will pay off. Anyone can lose anything they want. Anyone can build their best version of their body, but it takes a lot of effort. So that's the only part I have an issue with. Talk about the fact that it takes a lot of work. I work out.

listen i go on and on i've been on my back to work you know since i got better from my crazy ear issue um i'm going on three months uh this is a hard one for me and i'm curious what you think um

As you know, like my hair has been a struggle, particularly since like I started. So I had brain surgery in January, followed by brain radiation, lost some of my hair from that, but also the texture of my hair changed. There was a text at some point there where we may have to shave my head again. Right. And then I'm on, you know, infusions that I get every single three weeks. And, you know, it was only supposed to call light.

cause light shedding it did more than light shedding and as you know I wore a hat non-stop to like cover it up and I got sick of wearing a hat and I found this place that does it's called an interlace system okay essentially it's a weave right um

There's it's different than extensions because extensions have a certain amount of metal in them and I have to get MRIs all the time So I can't have any metal. Okay, so it's it's basically like, you know a mesh with Breathable holes that they whatever hair you have left goes through if you have zero hair like some people then they do tape and you know, I my hair was down to here with this interlace system and

it was too long for me. I couldn't manage it because I haven't had hair in a while. And so I got all this hair all of a sudden. I know. I saw the other night. I was like, whoa. Yeah. And I'm, you know, I'm getting used to the feeling of hair again. That was my first question. How does it feel? Right. You did ask me that on the phone, on FaceTime. And I was like, it all feels good except like this still feels like I'm wearing a little bit of a hat. But... It looks great. Thanks. I struggle with it. And here's the reason why. I struggle because I feel...

I feel like it's my responsibility and that it's also what I'm most proud of about myself to be fully authentic and transparent. But particularly when it comes to cancer, I feel a lot of responsibility and good responsibility, right? Like I embrace it. But

I have had thoughts in my head about like, am I being inauthentic right now? Am I, am I, is my authenticity going to be, is it, is it in question by myself? Um, because I'm not embracing the full experience of going through what I'm going through and with what so many other women are going through. And like,

Like the first time, you know, we shaved my head or I wore a scarf. Sometimes I went out completely bald. But either way, it was, you know, this is me. This is what happens when you have cancer. And I think that just this time around, maybe it's going through a divorce. Maybe it's being my age. Maybe I think you're overthinking it. Maybe it's all of it. But I wanted to like I'm trying to feel comfortable.

somewhat normal. Yes. And I'm trying to like myself more. Yeah. And I thought that having hair might help. And to a certain degree, it really has helped. Like, I'm like, Oh, I can be pretty. I'm going to stop it right there. The thought that the fact that that's even going through your head, you're not being like true to yourself or you're not being like real. You're insane. You're like the most real person.

person when it comes to sharing your cancer journey. You don't hide anything. Like it's all up for grabs. Literally. So I think you need to just... And by the way, you might be getting some people the guts to be like, I'm going to go do that week. If Shannon do it, I can do it. I mean, by the way, it is very...

It does lift you up a little bit. There is something about it. And having hair, hair is part of a woman's femininity. It is part of what makes you sexy. It is part of like going on a date and having pretty hair. Yeah. Hair is so important. Meanwhile, your hair is growing underneath it. Like the system is such a good system that your hair grows. So like hopefully it only gets better and better. It's amazing. Like the technology and all the things to make you,

People that are going through what you're going through make it a little easier because you don't change a bit of how you're handling this and how you're sharing things. You are not an open book for the most part.

So thank you. Thank you for having me. I love you. I feel very blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being on. I love you. All right, guys. Thank you for listening. And that was Anne-Marie Courtright, my beautiful, amazing, wonderful friend. And when I say beautiful, I truly do mean from the inside. I'm her funniest and nicest friend. And that is also true. So thanks to listening to Let's Be Claire with Shannon Doherty. And see you next time.

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