cover of episode Welcome to the Golden Fountain of Vitality with Trixie and Katya

Welcome to the Golden Fountain of Vitality with Trixie and Katya

logo of podcast The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya

The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Katya Zamolodchikova
Trixie Mattel
Trixie Mattel: 我在许多颁奖典礼上主持或参加活动,发现即使是知名喜剧演员,也很难引起观众的注意和笑声。在Amby奖颁奖典礼上,我的主持工作轻松快捷,但观众对我的认知度很低。我认为即使是开场白,也要大胆直接。我还调侃了播客从业者的穿着,并对公寓式酒店房间表示不满。最近我被诊断出患有炎症性关节炎,医生建议我戒除乳制品和麸质,这让我非常痛苦,因为我非常喜欢奶酪。戒除乳制品和麸质后,我的关节炎症状得到了缓解,但我对未来的生活感到担忧。我正在尝试各种纯素零食,并在洛杉矶很容易找到无麸质食品。我需要自己注射关节炎药物,这让我感到不适,并在注射过程中与护士发生了冲突。在Pit Stop节目录制过程中,一位工作人员对我体型进行了评论,这让我非常愤怒。 Katya Zamolodchikova: 我最近观看了电影《德古拉》,并对其中婴儿被喂给新娘的场景感到震惊。我认为不同版本的德古拉形象差异很大,我个人并不觉得传统意义上的德古拉性感。我认为向他人推荐电影并不能保证他人会喜欢。我最近被诊断出患有炎症性关节炎,医生建议我戒除乳制品和麸质,这让我非常痛苦,因为我非常喜欢奶酪。我正在尝试各种纯素零食,并在洛杉矶很容易找到无麸质食品。我建议在腹部注射关节炎药物。我对电影《天火》中一个令人毛骨悚然的场景印象深刻。我回忆起父母曾经拥有的水床,并对用家具比喻一顿饭感到有趣。我谈到了《猛鬼街》系列电影,以及关于《猛鬼街2》的纪录片。我比较了迈克尔·迈尔斯和杰森·沃赫斯的特点和生殖器大小。我对电影《恰吉新娘》的喜爱,以及对难以合作的名人的故事感兴趣。我认为如果一个人声名狼藉,那么她就可以为所欲为。我愿意与麦当娜同台演出,并对麦当娜演唱会上的服装和化妆变化感到惊讶。我对在Pit Stop节目录制过程中Trixie Mattel受到的冒犯感到同情。

Deep Dive

Trixie shares her experience hosting the Ambie Awards alone and discusses her admiration for Leslie Nielsen and Hitchcock movies.

Shownotes Transcript

From ancient Indian yogic texts to brittle Chinese scrolls to the age of Egyptian Pharaohs when gods walked amongst us, Urine Therapy has been the secret, golden-hued cure for ailments both minor and severe. The miraculous results of Urophagia are almost too numerous to count. Whether you're drinking it, massaging it on your skin and gums, or completely submersing yourself in the sweet, golden waters of Urinaville, we at Bald, LLC are here to answer all your questions about the biggest, most earth-shattering development in medical research ever. #DrinkYourSpiggot #GoldenHealth #FreshHotCupOfHerbalPee

The content of this episode and its accompanying description are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or even common sense. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice, as they are sure to tell you that you should NOT, under any circumstances, drink your own pee. Seriously. Don't be a brainless shtgibbon.

*****Furthermore, the author of this description and the hosts of this podcast assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this description and/or episode. If you engage in Urine Therapy, may whatever pagan god you worship have mercy on your idiotic soul. ***

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Follow Trixie: @TrixieMattel

Follow Katya: @Katya_Zamo

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