Kelsey Grammer
Ted Danson
Ted Danson: 与Kelsey Grammer和Woody Harrelson多年未见,重聚后依然亲密无间,展现了《Cheers》剧组成员间的深厚情谊。他们回忆起共同工作的时光,分享彼此的喜怒哀乐,展现了深厚的友谊和共同经历。 Woody Harrelson: 虽然目前身在布达佩斯拍摄电影,但通过视频参与了节目录制,展现了对老友的重视和对《Cheers》的珍贵回忆。他与Ted Danson和Kelsey Grammer一起回忆了在《Cheers》剧组的时光,分享了彼此的经历和笑声,表达了对这段友谊的珍惜。 Kelsey Grammer: 回顾了自身在戏剧、电影、书籍等多个领域的职业生涯,以及与妻子Kate之间轻松幽默的相处模式,并分享了童年时期家庭变故(父母离异、祖父去世、父亲被杀)对他人生的影响,以及创作关于妹妹Karen的书籍的经历。他坦诚地分享了自己过去吸毒和酗酒的经历,以及如何克服这些困难,并最终找到属于自己的幸福和宁静。 Ted Danson: 对Kelsey Grammer在《Cheers》剧组中初次亮相的场景印象深刻,并回忆起他们之间打篮球的趣事,以及Kelsey Grammer骑摩托车上班的经历和由此发生的一些趣事。他还分享了与Kelsey Grammer多年来建立的深厚友谊,以及对Kelsey Grammer个人生活和职业成就的赞赏。 Woody Harrelson: 与Kelsey Grammer一起回忆了在爱达荷州的一次旅行,以及在伦敦一家夜总会发生的冲突,展现了他们之间轻松幽默的相处模式,以及对美国社会积极方面的肯定。他还分享了在拍摄过程中与Kelsey Grammer的合作经历,以及对Kelsey Grammer的个人魅力和职业成就的赞赏。 Kelsey Grammer: 分享了自己对美国社会和人性的看法,以及对信仰的理解。他讲述了在爱达荷州与Woody Harrelson一起度过的一段时光,以及与一位卡车司机因为超车发生冲突,并最终和平解决的经历。他还解释了自己即使在受到影响的情况下也能完美表演的记忆方法,以及对家庭和亲情的重视。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Kelsey Grammer join the conversation with Woody Harrelson and Ted Danson?

To reminisce about their time on Cheers and discuss the making of Frasier season 2 on Paramount+.

What did Kelsey Grammer and Woody Harrelson bond over during their time on Cheers?

They shared many experiences and laughs, making their bond thick and easy to reconnect.

What did Kelsey Grammer and Woody Harrelson discuss about their careers?

They talked about the impact of Cheers on their careers and the joy of working together.

Why did Kelsey Grammer feel a connection with Kathy McGrath?

They had worked together in a Shakespeare production before she appeared on Cheers.

What did Kelsey Grammer share about his relationship with Kate during the filming of Frasier?

He invited her to see his sailboat, which was a significant part of his life during that time.

What was Kelsey Grammer's perspective on life and free will?

He believes in enjoying the ride of life and having the freedom to make choices, even if not all are wise.

How did Kelsey Grammer express his gratitude for Cheers?

He acknowledged that without Cheers, he wouldn't be where he is in his career.

Kelsey Grammer discusses overcoming personal tragedies, including the loss of family members and his journey through art and spirituality.
  • Grammer's mother and father were musicians.
  • He lost his grandfather, Gordon, when he was 12.
  • His father was killed in a political incident in the Virgin Islands.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Frasier Crane is with Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson today, and they’re listening! Their old Cheers colleague Kelsey Grammer joins them to talk about overcoming the loss of loved ones, his partying days with Woody, spirituality, and the process of making season 2 of Frasier on Paramount Plus. 


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