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Why Apple Products Are A Rip Off...

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@主播 认为苹果产品价格过高,其升级换代的必要性被夸大。每年都有大量消费者购买新款iPhone,这反映了苹果的营销策略成功,但实际上并非所有升级都是必要的。苹果公司通过广告宣传营造新款手机是最佳产品的假象,误导消费者。购买新款iPhone的部分原因是追求独特性和社会地位。iPhone 14和15之间的差异微乎其微,升级换代的必要性不大。苹果公司频繁更改充电接口,给用户带来不便。早期iPhone的升级幅度更大,价格也更低。苹果公司每年发布新款手机,但升级幅度不足以支撑其价格。苹果公司即使升级幅度很小,也会提高产品价格。认为使用安卓手机的人“穷”的说法是错误的。苹果用户和安卓用户之间存在着互相轻视的现象。主播本人已经过度依赖苹果产品。AirPod Max降噪功能出色,但价格过高。苹果公司涉足多个产品领域,产品线过于庞大。苹果公司在实体店推销一些价格昂贵且非必需的配件。苹果公司在实体店销售的配件价格过高且不实用。在苹果店购物后,主播会产生后悔的情绪。运营商也参与到提高用户消费的策略中。苹果电视等产品增加了消费者的娱乐成本。苹果Vision Pro价格过高,且市场竞争激烈。苹果Vision Pro价格过高,性价比低。苹果产品易损且需要频繁更换。苹果产品电池寿命短,促使消费者频繁更换产品。主播继续使用苹果产品的原因:社会压力、习惯以及产品功能尚可。苹果与安卓之争类似于游戏主机之争。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do people feel the need to upgrade to the latest iPhone every year?

People often feel the need to upgrade to the latest iPhone for social validation and to be seen as early adopters. The media often films those waiting in line, reinforcing the idea that having the newest iPhone is a status symbol.

What are the main criticisms of Apple's annual iPhone releases?

Critics argue that Apple's annual iPhone releases lack significant upgrades, with only minor changes like additional camera lenses or charging port changes. This leads to a perception that Apple is more focused on generating revenue through frequent releases rather than substantial improvements.

Why does the speaker believe Apple is a 'scam'?

The speaker believes Apple is a 'scam' because they perceive that Apple is not making significant improvements to their products but still charging a premium price. This, combined with the constant need for upgrades due to battery life issues, reinforces the idea that Apple is exploiting consumer loyalty for profit.

What changes did the iPhone 15 introduce that the speaker found unnecessary?

The iPhone 15 introduced a switch from the lightning cable to USB-C, which the speaker found unnecessary and disruptive. They also criticized the lack of significant upgrades compared to previous models.

Why does the speaker continue to use Apple products despite their criticisms?

The speaker continues to use Apple products because they are accustomed to the ecosystem and find the products functional. They also acknowledge that other brands like Samsung might use similar tactics, making it difficult to switch.

What does the speaker think about the Apple Vision Pro?

The speaker finds the Apple Vision Pro overpriced and unnecessary, especially when compared to more affordable options like MetaQuest. They believe it's a product targeted at celebrities and wealthy individuals rather than the average consumer.

How does the speaker feel about the Apple versus Android debate?

The speaker views the Apple versus Android debate as similar to the console wars, where brand loyalty and perceived superiority play a significant role. They find both sides to be somewhat exaggerated and driven by marketing.

The chapter discusses the phenomenon of people eagerly waiting for new iPhone releases despite minimal upgrades, questioning the marketing tactics of Apple.
  • People line up for new iPhones despite minimal upgrades.
  • Apple's marketing portrays new iPhones as the latest and greatest.
  • Exclusivity and media attention drive the hype.

Shownotes Transcript


Apple is a scam. And I say that as I'm holding an iPhone, of course. Okay, I'm pretty sure most of the population has either an iPhone or an Android phone. And me, I just decided, you know what, I'm gonna get an iPhone because everybody else has one and I did not want to be different. So in the sixth grade, I got my very first iPhone, which was an iPhone 5. I think the newest one at the time was the iPhone 7. But hey, I was gonna take it though because it was better than a stupid-ass flip phone I had.

But regardless though, everybody was showing off the iPhone 7 and their parents either spoiled them or hell, maybe they started their own fucking drop shipping business at 12 years old. I don't know. But that's honestly the first thing we need to discuss. Why is it that every single year people forget

feel the need to get the new iPhone but I upgrade mine like literally every four to five years like I don't even care bro like as long as the battery's good I can watch YouTube and I can make phone calls that's all I really care about but there's people without fail that are lining up literally right when it drops at like the Apple headquarters just to get a phone

That added another lens on the camera. I used to be that way with iPhones. I always wanted the new phone. But then as I got older, I started to realize that Apple is not even upgrading these phones really. And they're just a bunch of scammers. All right, that's what they are. In terms of the product, I mean, it works fine. So in that aspect, it's not.

But they advertise the new iPhone as it's the latest and greatest thing. Like, don't lie to me, bro. I'm not going to need a new one for another five years. I don't know. Maybe it's an exclusivity thing. You know, people want to be the first person to buy the new iPhone. They think they're going to make it big because the news is like filming them in line waiting. And they're just sitting there for like more than 24 hours sleeping in like a little hut so they could keep their spot in line. I'm not doing all that for the new iPhone. Like, are you kidding me?

Like I'd much rather wait until I could just get a free upgrade with my Verizon plan. There's really no difference between the iPhone 14 and 15. I mean, there are changes, but there's barely any. Like, wow, more optical zoom options. Now do two times magnification, man. I'm so hyped. And now they completely scrapped

the lightning cable and now it's usbc like why are they constantly changing the chargers and it just so happened that this year i was due for an upgrade so i upgraded to the iphone 15 with no extra cost and i was like you know what that's great i'll pick the iphone 15 but little did i know they completely

changed the charger why are they changing the charger now like first with the iphone 6 they got rid of the headphone jack and now they're just changing the charger all of a sudden but every time there used to be a new iphone from like i don't know for example the iphone 1 all the way to the iphone 5 like there was a drastic change like you could tell like damn okay they're actually putting in work to these iphones and they were like half the price that they are now but now it seems like they're not even really trying with these upgrades at all

Like if you really don't have that many upgrades, do not release a new phone. Just work on the next one until it's good. Like I don't know why the fuck they feel the need to release a new one every year if they can't even really make it that different. Everybody last year was clowning Apple for making that new phone. And rightfully so, they deserve to be clowned for that. And every single time there's a new phone generation, they just...

always find a reason to raise the price even if there is no upgrade or it'll just be like the tiniest upgrade they'll be like you know what we're gonna raise it by like 200 keyword upgrade this is supposed to feel like an upgrade but people are getting taxed for no reason and probably

Probably the dumbest narrative I've ever heard people say is that people who have Android are quote-unquote broke. And I can't believe those are words leaving somebody's mouth. The Samsung Galaxy S24 costs like a little bit less than an iPhone. I've never used an Android phone, but I already know like it can't be that bad. There's no way. The people that are saying, oh, it's an egg if he has an Android. They're over-exaggerating. Like if I go up to a girl and ask for her number and I pull out an Android, am I cooked?

Is it over? I think I may just have to let Apple take my money, unfortunately. Plus, I've been using Apple for years and I just don't feel like switching. So unfortunately, Apple is going to continue to hit licks on me. But of course, there's also the other side of things where like some Android users like to sit on a high horse and be like...

Look at you. You're looking very incompetent over there with your Apple. Like, come on, bro. It's not that serious. I'm looking real stupid when I walk into the Apple store and I buy something for $500. I will say that. Because it seems like every single product now that I have in my life is Apple. Like, I'm just becoming self-aware of this now for whatever reason. I got an iPhone, an iPad, AirPods, AirPod Maxes. Okay, that was kind of an impulse purchase. I can't lie.

I was clowning these when they first came out, but honestly, the noise canceling feature is, it's just immaculate. You turn that shit on, when there's a baby crying on the flight, boom, it's gone. Like you don't even hear it. I can't lie, it's great. But $500 great, I don't know about that one. Because I bought it recently and,

That shit was 500 bucks. But it seems like Apple is targeting like every product industry known to man. They're coming out with this Apple AI assistant. They have Apple TV, Apple Wallet, Apple Watch. They got Apple fucking everything. Like at this point, I won't be surprised that they come out with like Apple bed sheets that like tuck themselves. I don't fucking know.

They're everywhere. They're taking over my life. I'm convinced that Apple is spying on me slowly, but surely I'm going to be replacing my PC with a Mac book. Okay. Fuck. No, I'm not doing that. And every time I met like the Apple store or something, they like to advertise like these little gimmick products that I could use for an extra, like 50 bucks or something. This isn't a real product. I'm just making a stupid example. Oh, do you want the two foot charger extension for $50? And we also sell a little Apple phone stand for another $20. Like,

fuck no I don't want your stupid phone stand I guess they want people to think I kind of am spending like 500 bucks right now let me get these stupid products like all I need is a charger a phone case and headphone I don't want Apple trying to sell me all this other bullshit bro I'm done and every time I leave the Apple store okay maybe not every time but

Some of the time. I'm just thinking to myself, damn, why the hell did I spend that much money? That was not worth it. And even when I get a new phone, yeah, sure, like I could trade in a phone for free, but the price of my line with Verizon goes up. So technically that shit is not free, but yeah, I needed a new phone anyway. And tell me not, I mean, even fucking Verizon is on my ass for more money, bro. Like they're like, oh, do you have a business number? Do you want to add a business number?

Yeah, here, you can add another line to your monthly bill and another $55 a line. And they were like trying to convince me like every reason why I should have a second phone number. I almost said yes. And then I thought about it. I'm like, okay, they're just trying to get my monthly bill up. Fuck no. And of course, since they're Apple and they gotta get a piece of the pie,

They made things such as Apple TV. And I don't know if any of you guys have purchased Apple TV, but let me know what the hype is about because I don't understand why I need so many goddamn streaming services just to watch the shows I want to watch. Like, why can't everything just be on one platform, bro?

bro and of course Apple's gotta have one it's always Apple bro and we need to talk about the Apple Vision Pro 3.5 bands are you fucking kidding me nobody is buying an Apple Vision Pro I'm pretty sure like Kai Sinat bought one but he could probably wipe his ass with 3.5k I mean celebrities it's different but like I don't know

what regular day-to-day citizen is buying this Apple Vision Pro. And there's just a lot of better options. MetaQuest, $300 at Target. And Apple's acting like they're making this top of the line, greatest product ever. And they're charging like almost $4,000 for it. If I ever get an Apple Vision Pro one day, I completely sold my soul to Apple, bro. It's over. Like I could put a down payment on a new car with that. And of course, we need to talk about the fact

that you always gotta be renewing these products too. Sometimes people will literally just like, I don't know, drop their AirPods on the street and now all of a sudden they don't work. Or of course, you know, I do this one all the time. I lose my AirPods and then I need to buy a new pair. Like it's really bad, bro. I can't lie.

Like we always got to renew these products. And then after so many years, the battery just becomes unusable. Like literally after an hour, you will be down to 50%. That's why like, I don't know, every four years I got to get a new phone. Cause like the battery life is just cooked after a while. And of course they had to make them like that, bro. There's no way. They wanted people to keep upgrading these Johns, bro. There's no way. And I'm sure there's some people wondering, dude, you just made an entire video ranting about Apple.

Why are you going to buy Apple products? Well, one, I can't really do anything about this, but people will cook me if I have anything else. And two, I'm just so used to it by now, I don't feel like changing. And three, I'm sure Samsung uses some of the same tactics when they're selling shit. And at the end of the day, the product works well for me. I can call people, I can play games, I can watch YouTube.

Until the battery life just cooks itself. And then the cycle continues. But the Apple versus Android debate is very similar to the console wars debate. So if you want to watch my video on that, click on the end screen. Just do it.