cover of episode Customer Service Jobs Are Hell On Earth...

Customer Service Jobs Are Hell On Earth...

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Burdie Stories

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#handling workplace challenges#consumer behavior#unusual employment#workplace communication#workplace relationships#workplace bullying#workplace overload People
@我 :这段视频讲述了我作为一名零售店员工的经历,我每天都要面对形形色色的顾客,其中一些顾客非常奇葩,让我经历了很多糟糕的经历。我以每小时11美元的薪水忍受着这些,这让我感到非常无奈。 首先,我要讲的是“鱼先生”。他总是会在海鲜区反复强调鱼类中含有杀虫剂,并且会长时间地向顾客宣扬他的这个理论。有一次,我休息回来上班,第一个顾客就是他,他再次向我重复了他的理论,我非常想让他闭嘴,但无奈只能附和着他的话,直到他离开。 然后,我要讲的是“达伦”,一个男性“凯伦”。他总是会无理取闹,有一次,他因为土豆的价格问题和我争执,最后我为了息事宁人,修改了价格。 还有一次,一位顾客因为我没有将肉类单独装袋而对我大发雷霆,即使我后来追出去送还遗漏的袋子,她依然回来继续抱怨。因为这件事,我被停职了两周,差点被解雇。 此外,我还遇到过一位试图用未签名的支票付款的顾客,我因为没有及时发现而差点受到处罚。 最后,我要讲的是“箱子男”。他总是随身携带一个大箱子,每天都来商店。他行为古怪,经常会和顾客或者员工发生一些奇怪的互动。有一次,他甚至在停车场小便,最终被禁止进入商店。

Deep Dive

The author recounts encounters with peculiar customers during their time working at a grocery store, including a man who repeatedly warned about pesticides in fish and another who engaged in conspiracy theories.
  • Grocery store employee anecdotes
  • Encounter with a 'fish guy' spreading misinformation about pesticides
  • Conspiracy theorist customer

Shownotes Transcript


Bad customers. If you've ever worked a retail job throughout your life, you have definitely experienced bad customers. And for those of you that keep up with my channel, you will know that I used to work at a grocery store. And of course, everybody needs to get food somehow. So you don't know who the hell and what kind of characters you're going to be dealing with for the day, but it doesn't matter. I signed up for it.

and I was getting paid $11 an hour to deal with it. So there were many peculiar characters I ran into, as you know, and I've talked about some of them in videos prior, but today I am dropping more lore and talking about new characters I came across. I think it's great to start off with the fish guy.

Now, of course, my grocery store has a seafood section. And a lot of times, my mom and dad would buy stuff from the seafood section. And this dude, the fish guy, was there all the time to remind people what they put in these fish and blah, blah, blah.

And one time, my dad, when he was buying fish, this dude seemed to have, like, some kind of crash-out episode. Like, as my dad was waiting in line, somebody was, like, grabbing salmon or something in front of him. This dude was like, "Do you know what they put in these fish? Pesticides!

They put pesticides in these fish. Like, all right, buddy, put your tinfoil hat away. Holy shit. Because if they were, people would be dying. All right? People would be dead if they were genuinely putting pesticides in these fish. And he would just stand there for like minutes at a time until

tell people that they're putting pesticides in the fish like he was some kind of activist raising awareness about it like he would stand there with a sign okay would not stand there with a sign but you get my point but he would camp the seafood section and he would be there quite often and when I was sitting there on my break my dad told me about this altercation that he just came across and I was not ready for what I was about to witness next

And it was about time for me to get off break afterwards. I do. I clock back in. And then of course, one of my first customers is Fish Guy. And I didn't know it at first. I had no idea.

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pesticide than a fish or whatever and the entire time i'm scanning this guy's groceries he's just yapping about this whole fish thing and i've never wanted to tell somebody to shut the hell up more my entire life and you know how it is with crazy people you kind of just have to agree with them and be like uh-huh yep yep until they go away or else they're not gonna go away and well eventually he got his groceries and he went away him and the conspiracy theorist guy i talked about

I don't even know how many videos ago now. Must have been buddy-buddy. Sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, discussing flat earth theory or some shit. I don't know. Oh my god, these fucking peons in the round earth. I can't believe it. Yeah, I know, right? They're such imbeciles. Holy shit.

But not only have I dealt with crazy people, I have also dealt with Karens. Or well, I guess they are crazy people. Karens were so frequent at this grocery store that I never really told a lot of stories revolving around Karens. And of course, we gotta start with the male Karen. We'll call him Darren.

Immediately when Darren would walk up to my register, I would just say like, "Hi, how are you?" "PAPERED PLASTIC PLEASE!" "Okay, alright, nevermind." And one time I'm going through the motion of putting his paper bags inside of plastic bags, whatever he wanted. Some issue was going on where these

Potatoes that I had would not ring up, whatever. And this was around the time where I first started off. And for those of you that never have worked at a grocery store, you gotta memorize a whole Bible of PLU codes. They gave us a reference sheet in alphabetical order, but sometimes it was just impossible to find. So I was looking for this specific bag of potatoes he bought.

And to this day, I swear, this was the exact brand that he bought. I put it in and he was like, these bananas were $2.99. So I go to check the price of these potatoes and turns out they were $3.99. So I come back and I tell him this information and he's like, no, they're $2.99. So I was just like, are you fucking kidding?

And I didn't want to deal with this. And I honestly could have got fired for this. I don't really care. I just decided to say, "Fuck it, you know what? You know what? You're right, bro. They're $299 just to get them out of my face." And that's what I did. I changed the price to $299 just so he would leave me the hell alone. I just didn't even care anymore. I was really fighting this dude over a dollar. I didn't even want to deal with it. If I get fired, I get fired.

Whatever. And this next story takes place in like, I don't even know. It was like January of 2020. This was before the pandemic. I was like 16 years old. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I would often forget bags. So it was on me, 16 year old me, whether or not you were eating today, which is crazy. So this customer that came up to me was kind of already being a bitch to begin with. She was already yelling at me.

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At me because I didn't put the meats in a separate bag and okay should I have done that? Yeah, but it's not really that big of a deal Like as long as I didn't put that shit with like dish soap or something, it would be fine I slid a little taco seasoning packet in there and she got all mad at me She's still being like super passive aggressive with me. She was like telling me how to do my job almost Like she was pretty much like you gotta rip the bag, hon. It's too heavy So I start separating things and this is when I forgot about

Because obviously separating things is gonna make it way more complicated for my stupid No attention span having ass to remember where it is because the bags I was using were on like a carousel type of thing So that's how I would forget bags a lot. I think I was just an idiot. That's probably why but anyways You know as I get this lady out of there, I realize that I forgot a bag and i'm like, oh

Fuck. I'm cooked. And this lady already left by now. It's been like 10 minutes. But regardless, I go sprint out to the parking lot like I'm running a marathon. Now to like that 200 people in the parking lot I'm looking for. It's nighttime. It's winter. It's cold. I'm not gonna see her. So I just go up to the customer service desk and I take my L. I tell them I forgot a bag. And yeah, they just looked at me in disappointment. Because this was like the fucking...

fourth time in the last two weeks. But like 20 minutes later, she comes back just to yell at me because I forgot the bag. It was a bag with a mini box of frozen sausages. And that's how I ended up forgetting about it. But she was like, oh, you could ruin people's day.

at breakfast or whatever the hell. And I genuinely thought I was getting fired that day. I'm like, bro, it's over. I'm gonna have to get a new job. I literally started working here a couple months ago. She wasn't like super mad, but she was kind of being like super passive aggressive with me.

Which was really annoying and immediately she went up to customer service and I knew exactly what that meant manager comes up to me birdie We're gonna have to talk to you after the shift. I'm like, oh god, here we go So I sit down in the manager's office and he proceeds to tell me i'm suspended for two weeks And yes, that's how shit at my job. I was I got Suspended and I would have got fired

If they weren't looking for bodies on the register, I mean pretty much that's what they were looking for. If you had a pulse, boom, you're hired. Genuinely, that's what it felt like. So I got lucky that I was not fired. Otherwise, I would have had to find some other shit to do. My dumb ass may or may not have gotten finessed by a customer.

I don't know what the outcome was of this, but my dumb ass basically did not know how to run their payment through a check, right? And in order for the check to go through, obviously it needs to be signed by the person. Or well, I knew this, but I was like unsure and I let this lady manipulate me. So I told her, I'm like, hey, the check's unsigned.

You have to sign it and she was like, oh no, you could just hand somebody the blank check and it will just go through I was like, are you sure and she was like, yeah Yeah, and of course they drilled into my head the the supermarket I worked at the customer is always right I don't know how many times they said that throughout my opening meeting or whatever it was But second guessing myself in that moment. I'm like, oh, maybe she is right, but i'm like what no that's stupid Obviously she's trying to like finesse you and these two things

thoughts in my brain were just completely duking it out and I had no idea what to do in that moment. And I caved. Of course I did. I was like, oh, uh, sure, I'll just run it through. And the check went through somehow because the register system is old as f**k.

Like, I don't know why they don't just get new systems. So it ended up going through with no signature, which is crazy. And she was like, oh, have a great day. The moment I heard that, I'm like, oh shit, she definitely finessed me. And the manager came up to me after I handed in the check when my shift was over. She was like, what's this? I'm like...

A check the moment that happened. I knew I was in deep shit And yeah, my manager definitely thought I was an idiot because the amount of time she would yell at me for doing dumb shit was just Unbearable. I mean I was like 16 and I just started the job, but still I truly was a dumbass Okay, like I really let this lady manipulate me into getting finessed and yep My manager sat there and told me yeah, i'm writing you up for this

You need to make sure every check you get is signed because then you won't be able to cash it. And I have this problem in life, just in general, where I always second guess myself, but I knew it. I was right. And even though it has her account number on it, they still won't be able to cash it without a signature. It doesn't matter. Or maybe they will. I don't fucking know.

So I never really found out the outcome of the situation whether the check went through or not But I still got written up regardless and i'm lucky I didn't get suspended again or fired because that very well could have happened And like I said earlier, they definitely just let it slide because they needed people out there They were just fucking deploying any other person off the street to work at my grocery store It didn't even matter to them. The interview process did not take that much brain cells to go through So they were pretty desperate for help at this point

But the craziest customer I have dealt with by far, I mentioned him briefly in my last video, but I never really went into the full lore. Crate Guy. And the reason why we would call him that, well, he would carry around this big-ass milk crate with him everywhere he went. And Crate Guy was a spectacle, truly.

He was one of the regulars, always in the store every single day. Now this took place from 2020, 2021, around that time. And the very first encounter that I had with this dude is that he was apologizing to my friend. And I was really confused. I was like, what is going on? And who even is this guy? I just got off break and I'm like, okay, clearly some shit must have happened. And I asked my friend, what happened?

And pretty much what he said, he asked him if he was in school and like what he was doing for like extracurriculars and shit like that. And he told him he was doing mass debate. Some of you may see where this is going, some of you may not. And basically what happened is Crate Guy said, So, uh, are you a mass debater? Ha!

Like this dude really made a dad joke about choking the chicken. That is insane. So he was just laughing uncomfortably the whole time. And then he was like, no, really? It was like, it was like a serious question. Do you touch yourself? Like what the?

Yeah on everything. This is a real story on my channel on my life on everything This shit is real great guy looked like he was pushing 70 looked like carl from up So my friend was obviously like okay I just need to get this guy the hell out of here and that he does and afterward the manager Asked him if he wanted to go work in the bakery So he did for a little bit and then he talked to the manager about great guy and then he tells the manager like hey Can you make sure he doesn't go through my line again? Because what he said to me was insane

And that was when I first encountered him. The second time my friend saw him. And once my friend dropped the lore to me about Krayt guy. Yeah, bro. I just did not want this dude in my line at all. Like I would turn off my light every single time this dude would pull up. Cause I did not want to talk to this dude because every time he would talk to me, like when I was on my break, he would be talking to me for like 10 minutes straight about, I don't even know what the hell he was talking about. To be honest with you, he was telling me how he was writing a

book and he was also cooking up a GoFundMe. And that's why he was there so often. He would always be typing his GoFundMe on the computer and he would always tell all of us, every cashier that was at the store at this point to go check it out. And that we did. Okay. We were all curious. We had to check out this GoFundMe.

He told me the name, but I couldn't really remember it the first time, but luckily I came across him again. I was working the express register one day, great guy went through my line, and it was a blessing in disguise. He was telling me about the GoFundMe again, and I told him to write it down on a piece of paper.

Because, you know, I just couldn't find it, bro. You gotta tell me what the name is. And he did. He told me the name, and obviously I'm not gonna say it. But we'll just say it was like, Crate Guy, Crate Guy, 1, 2, 3. What a creative name, I know. Everybody was asking me, they were like, yo, what's the GoFundMe? And I just...

and gave them the piece of paper. And we had to turn our phones into a bin for some reason. I mean, I kept mine on me. I didn't really care. We really couldn't use our phones at all or else we were cooked. So we just looked it up the moment we got home. Me and my friends were in an Xbox party and the friend of mine that had that

Weird ass encounter with cray guy. He was the one reading the gofundme and usually people will make a gofundme when they're in extreme need of like medical care or something like that But this guy he just made one for the fuck of it and he made the goal like 1 million dollars I forget exactly what the goal was. I don't remember

But yeah, some of it's a little bit too deep for YouTube. I don't really want to talk about it. But in a nutshell, I don't think he had a place to live. So he was spending a lot of time in stores with his computer and shit like that. And basically he would get kicked out from these stores and places a lot for mooching off of their Wi-Fi.

And just staying there for way too long. I remember one time he stayed at our store for like eight plus hours and ended up getting kicked out by the end of the night because we can't let him stay there, bro. We gotta close down the store. I've never seen somebody more locked in typing up a GoFundMe into my entire life. Yeah, he would just be there for hours. I could be there the entire shift. By the end of my shift, he was still there typing. The dedication is crazy, man. He had to stay locked in.

But yeah, clearly Krayt guy had a lot going on mentally and some crazy shit happened where apparently somebody ended up getting a restraining order on him. So yeah, it's a long story. That was the spark notes of it, but it was basically his life lore and that shit was like 20 pages long. I don't know how my friend read the entire thing, but he did. And was this the book he was talking about? He was working on. I'm not even sure. I'm not, I don't know.

But this next story, unfortunately, closed the little chapter of the Crate Guy lore. You know, just ended it with a nice little bow on top, closed the storybook. And I never saw him again after this. But yeah, literally two weeks later, this is like right before I was about to leave, the service clerk went outside to get carts as per usual. And he saw none other than Crate Guy just pissing in the parking lot. There is a bathroom in the store. I don't know why he had to piss in the parking lot.

So there he was pissing in Ultra HD view. So the service clerk went to go get the manager and this dude, KraytGuy, got banned. I might have to ask my friends who still work there. I don't know if he ever got unbanned. I'm not even sure. But yeah, watch the first video I made about my experience working a retail job. Just click on it.