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Bryce Crawford | Girls Gone Bible

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Bryce Crawford
Ange和Ari:她们认为在基督教内容创作盛行的时代,更重要的是街头布道等面对面传教方式,能够更直接地触及人心。她们赞扬Bryce Crawford的传教方式充满爱与鼓舞,能够影响各个年龄段的人。 Bryce Crawford:他认为许多自称基督徒的人并未真正与耶稣建立关系,只是表面上信奉基督教。他分享了自己过去伪善的经历,以及在Waffle House顿悟的经历。他强调成为基督徒意味着性格和生活方式的显著改变,并分享了他如何克服抑郁和焦虑,以及如何积极分享信仰的经历。他谈到在分享信仰的过程中,会遇到各种挑战,例如被排斥、威胁等,但他坚持不懈,并最终在洛杉矶找到了自己的传教方式,通过视频分享福音,影响了更多的人,包括美国和世界各地的人。 Ange和Ari:她们分享了自己也经历了耶稣的医治,摆脱了精神疾病的困扰。她们也思考如何在没有摄像机的情况下,对他人产生影响,并相信上帝能行神迹医治。 Bryce Crawford:他分享了他见证上帝医治一个人ACL的故事,以及他如何通过祈祷寻求勇气,并相信圣灵是他们的帮助者。他认为美国也需要传教,传教的场所不限于其他国家,并分享了他如何开始拍摄街头布道的视频,以及如何通过视频分享福音,影响了更多的人。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bryce Crawford initially struggle with having a genuine relationship with Jesus despite growing up in a Christian household?

Bryce grew up in a Christian household but only had a superficial understanding of Jesus. He was more concerned with avoiding hell and getting a 'get out of hell free card' than truly knowing Jesus. He participated in church activities but didn't experience a personal transformation.

How did Bryce Crawford's life change after his encounter with Jesus at Waffle House?

After his encounter, Bryce experienced a radical transformation. He no longer suffered from anxiety and depression, and he became passionate about sharing his faith. He started making videos on TikTok to teach the Bible and evangelize, which marked the beginning of his public ministry.

What role does scripture play in Bryce Crawford's daily life and how does it help him combat negative thoughts?

Bryce reads a proverb every morning to start his day, believing it sets the tone for the rest of the day. He uses scripture as a weapon against temptation and negative thoughts, quoting verses to combat anxiety and depression. He emphasizes the importance of renewing the mind with God's word.

How did Bryce Crawford's experience with street preaching and social media influence his understanding of evangelism?

Bryce found that social media and street preaching complemented each other. While social media allowed him to reach a broader audience, street preaching provided a more personal connection. He realized that America, often seen as saturated with Christianity, is still in need of evangelism and that the mission field can be found in one's own backyard.

What advice does Bryce Crawford offer for those seeking to hear God's voice?

Bryce suggests four ways to hear God's voice: through His word, signs, people, and our thoughts. He emphasizes the importance of reading the Bible, being open to signs from God, seeking counsel from others, and discerning thoughts that may be from the Holy Spirit.

How does Bryce Crawford approach purity in his relationship with Maddie, and what does he consider the most important aspect of maintaining purity?

Bryce and Maddie view purity as a core value in their relationship. They set boundaries based on self-awareness and mutual respect, adding to their boundaries as they learn more about each other. They prioritize waiting until marriage for sexual intimacy, seeing it as a gift from God to be enjoyed within the context of marriage.

Bryce shares his journey to finding Jesus, from growing up in a Christian household to having a life-changing encounter at Waffle House.
  • Bryce grew up in a Christian household but was far from God.
  • He experienced severe depression and anxiety, planning to take his life.
  • A chance encounter at Waffle House led to a profound spiritual awakening.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hi, I'm Ange. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible. And today we have the pleasure of a very special guest that goes by the name of Bryce Crawford. Hi, Bryce. Hello. Hi, Bryce. I'm so nervous right now. I know. I'm actually really nervous. Are we the last two cool birds? Yeah, you have nothing to be nervous about, don't worry. Believe me, nothing to be nervous about with us. Oh, all right, all right. Let's see. We're nervous for.

we're out of our minds we're nervous to be in the presence of someone who literally is doing so much for jesus in the world right now can we just say how grateful we are to you for the voice that you have for the way that you okay i'm just gonna say it because we live in a world where christian entertainment and christian podcasting and christian like just like instagram and content like is so prevalent and it's beautiful and it's needed

But I'm always like, all right, but are we still evangelizing on the streets? Are we still out there talking to people face to face? Are we still doing the thing where you like get in touch with somebody's heart in person in the flesh and you do that along with all the content? But like, I just want to honor you in that because it really is so special what you do. Thank you so much. If I have ever seen a disciple of Jesus, it is you. We are living in a time I was afraid to come to Christianity because it can be so judgmental.

And you, when I look at you, I see Jesus. I watched videos of you this morning and I was in tears because you go into the darkness. You go up to all different kinds of people. And the thing about you is you always come from a place of love. And it is beautiful and it is inspiring. And you are raising a nation of people that are young to old. It's just, it's beautiful what you are doing. So we thank you so much. Thank you guys. That was really encouraging.

You're so kind, Bryce. So we just – Bryce, your story is insane. Yeah.

Before we do anything, we just want everyone to get to know you, how you came to Jesus, Waffle House at 2 a.m., am I right? Yeah, late night Waffle House. Waffle House is the best, by the way, isn't it? It's so good. I love it because they get an open-air sneeze on your food and it's still good. You know what I mean? It's so good. It is so good. I mean, it's like true. Like you go in there and like there's like a motorcycle on fire in the parking lot and it's normal. I really want to go to Waffle House now. We went for my birthday. No, for my birthday. Oh, for your birthday. Yeah.

We went for my birthday and we were in there and they were playing Drake. And I remember it was two o'clock in the morning in Nashville. And I remember being like, huh, what are the odds that someone would come in and like, no girls gone Bible. And of course we sit down, I'm like saying a drink. Our eyelashes are hanging off. Yeah. We're just like insane. And then this girl comes up and is like, I love your podcast. And we're like, huh?

She had just ripped her lashes off. I had like chocolate chips on the side of my lips from the pancakes. Oh, yeah, the waffles. Yeah. Anyways, Jesus. Did you grow up Christian? Yeah, I grew up in a Christian household. Like everyone in Georgia is a Christian. Oh, yeah. Like by mouth, everyone's a Christian. I don't think I grew up knowing anyone that...

didn't label themselves a Christian, at least to my knowledge. But, and then there's a church on every street corner. I grew up in a Southern Baptist church. Awesome. Awesome. And then, so you grow up, are you Christian by mouth or do you have a relationship with Jesus? I would have definitely called myself Christian growing up. Went to church every Sunday. Yeah. Was going to the vacation Bible schools when I was little and, you know, was involved in my youth group, going to youth camp. Every summer I was doing the altar call. Yeah.

I had had very little food. I was malnourished and made a lot of friends. And the music was just right on the last night. And I was always running to the front every summer, but it just never did anything. It didn't mean anything to me. It was just like I was just trying to get out of hell free card. You know what I mean? I was getting sold fire insurance. I wasn't like really close to Jesus. So I just grew up like that. And then I went to a private Christian school starting in the fourth grade. So from fourth grade until I graduated high school, every year I was in a Bible class. Oh.

I was learning about Jesus. I was getting Bible awards in school. I was getting the Christian sports award literally every year in multiple sports. I'm not saying that to brag. It was just like the truth. Yeah. But I was so far from God. Everyone thought I was a Christian just because I was a good student. I could play church. Wow.

I could play church. How dangerous. How many people know how to play church? Crazy. So many people. Yeah. And it's like a plague because people think that they're safe just because they read the Bible. Like anytime I ask someone like, oh man, are you a Christian? And they're like, yeah, I pray every night.

I'm like, is that the definition of a Christian? Right. Is that how many times you pray or how many times you read the Bible or how many devotionals you do or finish or things like that? How much scripture you have memorized? It's like, no, but that's...

the doctrine that we're brainwashed with, which I don't think people are necessarily teaching that. I just think that's people's perception of Jesus. It's like, oh, maybe if I do enough, I'm a Christian. So what do you think the true definition of being a Christian is? Well, Jesus says, if you want to be my disciple, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me. And so my response to people that say, are you a Christian? I say, okay,

Is there a noticeable change in your character and lifestyle from before you met Jesus, before you claimed to have met Jesus, until after you claimed to have met Jesus? And I think that's the big difference was I was, oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. Look, I got this award. Or I got the Bible award for being a good Bible student. Well, then I'm cussing out my friends after school. Right, right. And I'm like, all right. Or I'm like, yeah, I'm a Christian. You know, I got the middle school Christian athlete of the year award.

But then I'm going home and I'm getting angry at my friends. I'm blowing up on them. Yeah. Or I'm saying nasty stuff. I'm gossiping behind people's back, you know. Not necessarily. Now, look, there's a difference in like accidentally falling into sin. Like you're repenting, you're following Jesus. And, oh, man, my mouth slipped again. Yeah. Versus like willingly doing it because that's who you are. Totally. And that was just who I was. I was just a total hypocrite. But I was surrounded by hypocrites. So it was like I was just –

I was just living by the example that was given to me, which was there were people around me that claimed Jesus with their mouth, but their heart was far from them. People that were telling me what to do with my life in Jesus. Then the other six days out of the week, I would see them getting drunk at restaurants downtown. I would see them saying nasty stuff or, you know, people...

Just so much nasty stuff. And it was just a total misrepresentation of Jesus. And so not only does it throw you off, but to some people that get that misrepresentation of Jesus, it gives them an excuse to keep living the life that they're living. That's right. Partially because they're like, oh, this is what it means to be a Christian? Oh, okay. Well, that's easy. I don't have to give up the things I need to give up. Yeah.

It's like, man, that's a bunch of baloney. A hundred percent. Yeah. It should change literally everything about you. It changed. Following Jesus has changed us genuinely and truly from the inside out. Like it's supposed to change everything. For sure. Um,

So then can you take us to your encounter? You meet Jesus, Waffle House. Yeah, absolutely. When I was in the eighth grade, I started getting very bad depression and anxiety. Never went to the doctor. I would have these blowups and this is nothing on my parents, but it was just like,

It was a hidden battle. So when it would get brought up, they were it was kind of like out of nowhere. They were just kind of like, oh, no, that's not happening. Like, you're good. But every six months I would have some crazy blow up in front of my parents, like crying and upset. And it was just kind of disregarded, pushed away. No one knew.

And then I had deep anxiety and this was going on for years and just stuff going on at home, stuff going on in life. I was a people pleaser. I would be someone different to you than I would be to Ari. And I would do it because I thought, man, if I get both you guys to like me individually, then man, it would make me feel good. But I was just like a hypocrite scapegoat, like just nothing. Then when I was a junior in high school, I was planning to take my life.

And it wasn't because I didn't want to live anymore. It was just because it was the only way I thought to get the pain to go away. Because the idea that society brings you is anxiety and oppression, you'll never get rid of it. So you got to take pills for the rest of your life. You got to do this. You got to do that. It's going to be who you are. And again, the doctor didn't know about this. I wasn't on any medication. I have Snapchat memories from my old Snapchat account every night. I was just depressed. Like, gosh, I hate my life. I hate my situation. This, this, and that.

And so I was planning on taking my life and I wasn't planning on doing it on this particular day, but it was December 25th, 2020 Christmas, had an interesting Christmas. Didn't really go like a happy holiday season, I guess you could call it. And so I was like, all right, tonight's the night. And so I had everything set up. I had things to leave behind for family, for friends, letters, and everything.

I was going to do it with like this, with this like knife. It's called a Hawksbill knife. It's just like a regular knife is straight and this blade is like curved. It looks like a Hawksbill. That's why it's called Hawksbill. And because it was just my grandfather giving it to me. It was in my room. It was easily accessible. No one would know about it. It wouldn't be like identifiable. Yeah.

And so I was like, I'm going to go get one last meal before I do this. So I told my parents I was just going to get a meal. Waffle House, only thing open on Christmas. If Waffle House is closed, the world's ending. Like the end of the world is here. Like it's seriously. But I also love Waffle House. Like I love it. It's one of my favorite places to eat. So I go and it's packed because it's Christmas. And it was packed and I just said, hey, man, just random guy, grown man. I was like, hey, dude, if we get if we're a party of two, we'll get to sit down quicker. I'll pay for your meal if you want to sit with me. He goes, OK. Wow.

So, you know, we get to sit down. We're sitting at this table. And when I go to Waffle House, I have to sit in the spot. The one in my hometown where I got saved, I have to sit in the spot because it just means so much to me. So we sit down.

And we order and then he just starts having a freak out on me. Like my wife's divorcing me. She's taking my kids away from me. You know, blah, blah, blah, this, this and that. Like it's our last Christmas together. And I'm sitting there thinking you're dumping your life issues on me right now. I came to escape mine one last time. You have no idea what I'm about to do right now. Yeah. When I leave here, you have no idea what's about to happen.

And you're more worried about, this is how I feel inside. You're more worried about projecting your issues on me. He's just going, going, going. And I'm eating, just not really responding. He's just talking. And then he just randomly, he's like, man, I love my wife, but she just doesn't feel the same about me. And then he said, there's no growth in a relationship if the love isn't mutual. That's what he said. I'll never forget that. And when he said it, it was just like, I don't know how to explain it. It was like, time stopped.

Something struck my heart and all of the head knowledge I'd ever gained about Jesus in school, vacation Bible schools, all this stuff was just making sense. The 18 inches between my head and my heart finally connected. All this stuff is making sense. All of time has stopped. And I went, man, maybe...

it's not that God doesn't love me, but maybe he's just loved me this entire time and pursued me. And the reason I don't know he's there is because I haven't given myself a chance to love him back. I will never be able to love God like he loves me. I'll never amount to it. But if I can remotely attempt to love him back, then maybe that will do something in me. Maybe he'll become more real to me. Maybe he's not some, you know, distant God that's trying to force me how to live my life, but maybe he does actually love me and care about me. And when I look back on it now, you know,

I hated my life so much. It took like Jesus loved me enough to intervene from stopping me from taking my life. And so I just went into my car and I was like, all right, God, if you're really real, take away my anxiety and depression. Because if you're real and you are who you say you are, you can do this stuff. Because the only reason I'm taking my life is to get rid of it. And instead of taking my life, I gave my life to someone who wanted it that night. And since that day, I haven't had anxiety or depression.

Satan will try to creep anxiety up on me, will try to creep sadness up on me, but that's just not who I am anymore. So I have to shut it down. But I gave my life to Jesus that night. And ever since that night, I've been very adamant about sharing my faith. I've been sharing my faith since that night. I would just run up to people and say, hey, Jesus loves you. Then I would run away before they could respond because I was afraid I didn't know how to answer their questions. Yeah.

So, yeah, that night radically changed my life. And I went on the internet and I said, guys, I'm going to disappear for two weeks. It was Christmas break from school. I said, I'm going to learn about this Jesus guy. I had this radical encounter last night. And I said, when I come back, I'm going to tell you guys everything I know. And then when I went back to school, I started making videos and just teaching the Bible on TikTok and what I was learning. And that's where it all started. I am.

I am not okay. I feel like I'm the girl version of him. Well, Ari and I both have like such similar, you know, situations. Jesus healed us of mental health issues. He healed us of anxiety and depression and heartbreak and OCD and alcoholism and like literally everything under the sun. So many, so many different things.

And like, that's who we know Jesus to be like the God who heals, the God who cares, the God who loves. I am so grateful that he saved your life. Thank you guys. Unbelievable. You know, a lot of people, cause you said I, he, you know, he healed me from depression, anxiety. I, I,

When I was listening to you, I have such a similar testimony with just suicide and things like that. And you say now when the enemy comes in, I know how to keep him away. Can you talk to especially the young people about keeping the enemy away and just little things that you do? Because obviously we have to make the decision every day, right, to stay close to Jesus. And, you know, even in my journey, like the enemy, you know,

It's hard when you're new into faith. So can you just talk about that a little bit? Yeah, absolutely. I would be a fool to say that, you know, Satan doesn't try to mess with me with that stuff. He's got no new tricks. He knows what he got you with before. So he's going to try to do it again. He's like, oh, man, that's a weak spot, right? So...

Number one is scripture. I mean, the Bible says to renew your mind. It says don't be conformed to this world. Don't be like the world. Be transformed by renewing your mind, by changing the way you think. And so, you know, there's another scripture in Hebrews 4. I think it's verse 12 where it says that the word of God is like a double-edged sword. It separates the soul from the spirit, the soul being the way that seems right to a man, the initial way I think.

Although anxiety comes my way, oh, I should freak out right now. Oh, sadness is coming my way. Let me push everyone away from me right now and isolate and just bathe in the sadness. That's the way everyone thinks. That's right. And it's the spirit, the way it seems right to God, the way that God thinks, his mind, how we should live.

And so whenever I read scripture, that is a number one defense. Jesus, when he's in the desert, 40 days fasting, the first temptation thrown at him, he responds the way he's living. He says, man shall not live by bread alone. So he's telling us as readers, you got to use the word of God to defend temptation.

But he was literally quoting scripture to defend temptation. He was living what he was teaching us. That's crazy. Which is so crazy to think about. Yeah. I mean, so like I think that's so cool. Like he's not forcing us how to live. He's just showing us. Yeah. And so using scripture, there's a scripture about anxiety in Proverbs where it says anxiety weighs a man's heart down. Very true. It says a good word makes his heart glad.

Well, what is a good word? Jesus, the gospel. The gospel is a good word. That's beautiful. And knowing that Jesus Christ,

understands every ounce of my feelings better than I do because he took it on the cross. That is such a beautiful thing. So scripture, same thing with depression and anxiety. Like these things will come your way. But man, scripture is a number one weapon, the sword of the spirit, just fighting that. He's just an idiot. He doesn't know his things. He doesn't know no tricks. But then I would be foolish here to say, like I know my experience. Like I believe that everyone can have the same experience I had. I believe that if people truly understand

call out to God from the deepest part of their heart, God, cure my anxiety and depression. He will. But sometimes the wisdom and healing of God is God giving wisdom to the doctors to prescribe the right amount of medicine. Like I'm not turned off to that. Or sometimes the wisdom of God is just taking time. Maybe it's not instantaneously. Maybe it's over the course of a year that God's just teaching you what to do. Like that's a wisdom and healing of God. And so at the same time, while I'm like, man, God can do this instantaneously.

Like, man, sometimes everyone's different. And sometimes the wisdom and healing of God is just trusting in him and knowing that he is good, he is faithful, he's a keeper of his promises. That's just who he is. And so we can trust in that, you know? Unbelievable. Oh, man. I mean...

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to grow into healthy adults. So after that, you then make it your life's mission to preach and to proclaim the gospel. And what was that like? Where were you living? When did you move to LA? What was it like making videos? Like what was that whole journey like for you? So when I was in high school, the second semester of my junior year, people thought I was doing it for likes and views because everyone at my school was a Christian with their mouth.

So everyone was like, oh, I mean, he's just talking about God. It was because he was reaching a lot of people. Right. Then summer goes, I come back senior year. Everyone hates me. Everyone hates me because it wasn't just a quick thing. You could tell if it's quick for someone. They'll leave it really fast because Christianity is hard. Right. Living for Jesus is hard. You guys said it. So when you do it and it's fake, you just don't hang around. But.

People hated me. I was getting bullied at school. I was getting threats. I was getting social media threats. People were sending me my address, threatening to show up to my house, threatening to beat me up, threatening to kill me. Then I would go around my hometown. I would go to the ice cream shop in my hometown and people would drive by and threaten to beat me up. I was just getting ice cream. I wasn't even talking to anyone about Jesus. I'm just trying to get some dessert. People were threatening me and so many things.

but just stay the course. The Bible says that the one who endures till the end will be saved. So like, man, I'm gonna keep pressing on. And then I graduate high school.

I lived in Florida for four months in Destin. I backslid hard because work became my God. I was working seven days a week, 12-hour shifts. Wow. Money and work became an idol in my life. I had no room for Jesus, so I was backsliding in my faith. What did that backsliding look like? It just looked like living in old sin habits. It looked like not feeling close to Jesus. And that was just my fault. I just wasn't putting in any effort. So, you know, no wonder I didn't feel close to him. Totally. And...

But I was still preaching, telling people about Jesus. But my life just didn't look anything like it was before I moved there. And then after there, I came home and I just repented. I was like, all right, God, that was awful. I don't want to do that. I just want to do this full time. I had a good job, good money in Florida. I was about to get a good promotion. Yeah.

I was about to start my own business. Sounded like it was going to be great. I was going to make loads of money. It was awesome. That's what the world tells you. Make loads of money. But I was so, I was literally falling back into depression. So sad. And I was putting myself in that place. And so I came home and I was like, I can't do that to myself. I was like, all right, God, I want to get close to you.

What should I do? Where should I go? Move to L.A. Move to the darkest city in America. I'm like, dude, what? Like that doesn't make sense. And everyone in my hometown hates L.A. So I knew it wasn't from my flesh. Like I knew I wasn't selfishly trying to move to L.A. And so I prayed about it. I got the cheapest rent of my life when I first moved out here. And I got a cheap plane ticket out here. And I had a one-way plane ticket with like two suitcases and a backpack and came out here. And that's when I just kind of started immersing myself into everything. I would –

do the Bible study on Wednesday nights. We were doing a Bible study at our friend Chelsea's house. Yeah. So Bryce and I met, I started going to that Bible study two years ago. Yeah.

Yeah, it was probably just a couple months. It was at the beginning of the year. So it was probably literally three months before we started Girls Gone Bible. And I remember like when you started just like popping up everywhere on social media, I was like, I know that kid. I met him at this random Bible study, which is just so, so crazy. I mean, just like where we've come to now. And now we're sitting on like both having platform. It's just so insane. God is so crazy.

Cool. Like, it's just so cute. So yeah, you start going to Bible studies. So we were doing the Bible studies. We were doing, I was going to worship nights. Every time there was a worship night, I was going to Huntington Beach on Mondays, on Thursdays, I was doing all this stuff. And then at nighttime, I would go hit the street and pray for homeless people. And I was just doing this every day, every day, every day, and just trying to immerse myself in everything. And then when 2023 came,

I started traveling with a mentor and was learning under him. Greatest decision of my life. He's just such a father to me. His name is Marcus. He's amazing. And then as I was traveling with him, God gave me a dream about staying here in America. So many missionaries leave the country. And look, I think that's amazing. I'm like, man, if God is calling you to go to Africa, to go to New Zealand, to go to the Middle East,

We need that. But I think a lot of people's idea of like serving Jesus is, oh, I'm going to go out of the country and do a mission trip, which I think that stuff's great. I'm not dogging that. And a lot of people think I dog that. No, I don't. But to me, America is just as sick. And a lot of people think that if they want a mission field, that they have to leave the country. But

But their college campus, their neighborhood, the gym that they go to every day, their workplace, it is the, it's the mission field. Like the harvest is ripe. So many people are far from Jesus. So many people are ready and we need it in America and America's in shambles. And so God gave me this dream and he was like, you need to stay in your own backyard. And, but God was like, you'll reach the nations. And so I'm like, all right, like that, like, I don't understand, you know, we, you know, global impact, but staying in America, that doesn't make sense. Yeah.

And, uh, so that's when we started videoing the interactions. It wasn't anything new. It was just, we turn on a camera now. I was already doing it. So it wasn't awkward. Sometimes it can be awkward for people, but it wasn't because we were already doing it. And, uh,

And then so I had some people filming for me on the side. And then that's when I called Josh and we were talking and I was like, hey, what are you passionate about? He's like, I want to capture things on video for God. I said, that's crazy because I'm trying to put things on video for God. And so he prayed. He moved out here in January. And every week we were just filming, hitting the street and going and talking to these people. And God was introducing us to some of the coolest people we've ever met. And we're going to talk to people and pray for people.

And that's when things started to make sense. We started reaching so many people, particularly in America, but we're also reaching the nations from America, from our own backyard. We were reaching people in South Africa. We were reaching people in New Zealand, people in the UK. So it was like, okay, wow, God really is calling us here and there.

So that's, we've just been filming those interactions and going these places and God has really given us a grace to become friends with people that are just totally against Christianity, but they'll be friends with us. It's such a powerful thing. And I think that's exactly what Jesus would do. I think Jesus would be friends with all these people because the healthy don't need a doctor. That's what he says in scripture. So it's been really cool. You are so sweet. We see it in your videos.

For a podcast episode on jealousy from a biblical perspective, you could explore a few key areas to make the discussion meaningful and relatable. Here are some detailed talking points: Defining Jealousy: Biblical and Modern Perspectives Biblical Understanding of Jealousy In scripture, jealousy often has a negative connotation associated with envy or coveting what others have. However, there are two kinds of jealousy.

human jealousy, which is typically destructive, and God's jealousy, which is a form of protective love. Example of human jealousy. Cain's jealousy of Abel, Genesis 4, leads to violence and separation from God. Explore how jealousy grows when comparing oneself to others and how it blocks gratitude and peace. Modern perspective.

Discuss the difference between jealousy and envy today and why understanding this distinction matters in relationships and spiritual growth. Two, the root of jealousy, insecurity and comparison. Comparison in the Bible. Refer to stories like Saul and David. 1 Samuel 18 verse 6 through 9, where Saul's jealousy of David's success leads to resentment and hostility. Highlighting how comparing ourselves to others can lead to bitterness and hinder our own callings.

Practical Reflection Encourage listeners to think about the source of their jealousy. Is it rooted in security, lack of trust, or unmet expectations? Challenge them to find their value in God's love rather than in worldly comparisons. The Consequences of Jealousy Biblical Consequences

look at examples like the brothers of Joseph, Genesis 37, whose jealousy caused deep family division. Jealousy often leads to loss of trust, broken relationships, and personal regret. Personal impacts today. Jealousy damages relationships, whether through passive-aggressive behavior, resentment, or outright conflict. Help listeners reflect on how jealousy can affect their friendships, family, or community relationships. God's perspective on jealousy can

The commandment against coveting. The 10th commandment. Exodus 20 verse 17. God is described as a jealous God.

Exodus 34 verse 14, because he desires exclusive devotion. Explain how this is a protective and caring form of jealousy, showing that God values our relationship with him above all else. Five, overcoming jealousy through gratitude and trust.

practicing gratitude. Encourage listeners to focus on their blessing instead of what others have. Use verses like Philippians 4 verse 12 to 13, which emphasize contentment and strength through Christ. Trusting in God's plan. Trust that God's path for each person is unique.

Jeremiah 29 verse 11 offers assurance of God's plans for a hopeful future, helping us let go of jealousy and embrace our own journey. Forgiveness and reconciliation. If jealousy has caused harm, speak about the importance of forgiveness and restoration in relationship. Drawing on passages like Ephesians 4 verse 31 to 32. Building a supportive community that resists jealousy.

celebrating others' successes. Romans 12 verse 15 says, "'Rejoice with those who rejoice.'" Talk about the power of supporting each other rather than competing, which builds a stronger, healthier community. Encourage in faith communities.

The early church's unity, Acts 4, verse 32 to 35, serves as a model for believers to live in harmony, sharing and supporting each other rather than comparing or competing. Each of these points could open the door to deeper reflection and practical advice, making the podcast episode both insightful and actionable for listeners facing jealousy in their own lives.

Do you ever get, like, where do you get the boldness? And can you just talk about the way you go up to people and how you present yourself to them? Because I see it. You go up to people that are Satanist. And all of a sudden, I will see you come to them in a place of love and their whole demeanor changes. And I see them crying after you pray for them. It's just amazing. But some people are like, where do I get this boldness? How do I go up to people and evangelize?

Yeah. Well, I would be crazy if I didn't say it. I'll get nervous sometimes because I do. Sometimes we'll go into these places and I'm like, man, I'm so nervous because the people that we're talking to hate Christianity. Yeah. They don't hate Jesus. They just hate the misrepresentation of God that's been presented to them. Totally. And so they just hate Christianity because they label God as that misrepresentation. So sometimes I get nervous because I'm like, man, these guys are going to push me away. Man, what am I thinking? Like who am I to say that they're going to push me away? Yeah.

Well, in Acts, you have like Peter gives one of the greatest gospel presentations at the beginning of Acts. Like 3,000 people get saved. So it's like they get saved, water baptism. They receive the Holy Spirit. And then they go, all right, what do we do? And he goes, pray for boldness. That's what he says. Pray for boldness.

And so my initial response is praying for boldness, asking God to give me boldness. And when I find myself being extra shy, I go, man, have I prayed for boldness lately? Yeah. 99% of the time, no. And I need to pray again because, I mean, Holy Spirit wants to give us that. He just wants to. And the Holy Spirit's our helper. We're not doing this alone. I'm not going to these places alone. Like, sure, I got Josh with me when he's filming, but I'm not alone. Yeah.

Like the Holy Spirit is our helper to teach us, bring conviction in our lives and to give us that boldness. So praying for boldness has been the number one, number one help going into these places for sure. So anyone that wants to be bold, just ask. All we got to do is ask. So good.

Man, I'm like, I have a lot of friends. I can't believe you say the thing about staying in your backyard and, you know, people thinking the only way to do God's work is to go to third world countries where people are so poor and impoverished and they need help. But it's like literally just go look outside and look at where we are. I said that the other day.

And I also have so many friends who do go to other countries and who do go to the Middle East, and they're in Muslim countries that if anybody, there are pastors who are risking their lives to give the gospel that can, like them and their families, can be killed at any moment if they get caught preaching Jesus. Yeah.

Whereas we won't go up to the person at Air One because we feel nervous. Like, it's just like such an insane thing when you put it into perspective. And like in, even in my own life, and I'm sure you can relate to this, how like when God, when there's so much favor on and grace on what you're doing and God has given you a platform and there's so much favor on it, it's so beautiful and you are reaching so many people, but then like,

It's been so heavy on my heart the past year of my life being like, okay, but what am I doing face to face? What am I doing when the camera's not on? Like how much impact can I have when nobody's watching? And so something that has been so like heavy on my heart is healings. Like I love, I believe in a God who does physical healings. Absolutely. Can we talk about...

You have a story about a man you saw in ACL be healed, right? You saw God heal in ACL. Would you tell that? Yeah, it was at Saddle Ranch. No. It was at Saddle Ranch here in LA. Did you ride the bull? I did not. I have not ridden the bull yet. He healed ACL and then he rid the bull. And then rode the bull for victory, for celebration. You got to go. Go ahead.

Yeah, so I was just getting into learning about how the Holy Spirit was moving. Right. Because a lot of people are like, oh, God doesn't heal to this day. But in my mind, He's the same Holy Spirit as He was 2,000 years ago. And if the Bible specifically says, like Jesus Himself says, you'll do greater things than I did with the helper of the Holy Spirit. That's right. He raised Himself from the dead. So...

You know, it's like the sky's the limit here. So I'm like, all right, I think people can get healed in Jesus' name. So I was praying for people laying hands on the sick. Nothing was happening. I was praying for so many people. Nothing would happen. I'm at Saddle Ranch and I'm talking to this atheist and he's really angry.

I said, "All right, man, if God heals your ACL, God gave your life to Jesus." Because he had just torn his ACL, he had the brace on, he had surgery the next day. Most people have a partial tear. He had a full tear. His was completely torn in half. He was like, "All right, man." So I prayed for his leg. Jesus' name, heal his ACL, give him brand new tendons and muscles, make him stronger than he was before. In Jesus' name, amen. How does it feel?

He just cussed me out. Nothing happened. He's like, man, you idiot. Like, blah, blah, blah, cussed me out. And I was like, all right, man, bless you. Jesus loves you. Walked away. And I'm just kind of like, all right, I look like an idiot. But if I'm going to be anyone's fool, I'm going to be a fool for Jesus. And I'm like, all right, I don't feel that bad. Well, next day I wake up. I was friends with one of the servers there. And I guess they gave him my Instagram.

And he DM'd me on Instagram. He said, dude, I'm freaking out right now. I woke up, walked downstairs, ate breakfast, and I realized I walked downstairs. So he goes, I thank God it's healed my foot or healed my ACL.

And I go, dude, that's amazing. I'm freaking out because this is the first time I've ever seen anything like that happen. I can't even imagine. So, I mean, I'm freaking out and he is so excited. So he goes to the doctor and he goes, I don't need surgery anymore. My leg's not in pain. And they go, are you kidding me? You have a full ACL tear. And he goes, no, I need you guys to scan my leg because this is crazy. They give him an MRI and it's completely reattached. They have no idea what happened. What?

gave his life to Jesus. And I'm really freaking out because then some people are like, oh yeah, whatever. You say the pain's gone away. This dude got a full MRI scan. The doctor was freaking out. He was like, I don't know what's happening. And it was so powerful. And that stuff just stirs your faith. And so I'm like, all right, this has given me more boldness to go share it. So like, yes, like,

It's not my leading leg. The gospel is always going to be my leading leg. The gospel is what saves. Healing school. And I had to repent actually at the beginning of this year because I was more worried about praying for healing over people than sharing the gospel with them. And people were still even sick. Maybe physically they were healed, but they were like spiritually they were still sick. And so, but

But God shows us clearly through scripture that he uses spiritual gifts to soften people's hearts. The hardheaded ones. Jesus isn't real. Then he heals your leg and you're like, hold on a second. Hold on. This guy, you just asked to heal my foot. He just healed my foot. This is crazy. And so...

Yeah, that was really, really powerful and really a big shift in my faith journey because then I was like, okay, like this may be different. Not a lot of people agree with this, but I can't deny what my eyes have seen. Like we're going to keep doing this. So sick. I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed. I'm like –

And you didn't give up. Even though other times it didn't work, you kept doing it. You kept being relentless and praying for people that were sick. And then God, because of the faith, came to fruition. Absolutely. That's amazing. That's what faith is. Well, so you know Heidi Baker, right? Yes. I love Heidi Baker. Okay, so I love Heidi Baker. I study Heidi Baker a lot. She's not for the faint of heart. She's a really, really special woman. She does...

a lot of work in, she lives in another country. She has a massive, massive ministry and she does, she heals, Jesus heals through her prayers. Like she goes and she told this story about how God put it on her heart that he was gonna heal blind eyes, that he was gonna open blind eyes, that she needed every time she saw somebody that was blind, she needed to go pray for their eyes. And she said that she prayed for probably a thousand people nonstop. She was obedient.

And it was embarrassing and it was awkward and it was, you know, she would question herself and doubt herself and doubt what God spoke to her. And she would be like, I kept on praying every single time because I had to be obedient. A thousand pairs of eyes she prayed for, nothing happened. And then one time after that thousand, she prayed, blind eyes open, they could see. And she said, and that was however many, 45, 50 years ago. Wow.

She has never one time prayed for blind eyes that did not open after that. So after a thousand. And so I've been having like dreams for the past six months, like randomly dreams of just like, I'll be like in my room and then the Holy Spirit will come and just like my hands are on fire. And I just feel like I believe in the healing powers of God so much that God has put it on my heart that I cannot deny.

see somebody on crutches and not pray for them. And I've tried, Bryce. Like I literally, I'm like, Jesus, I want nothing more than to not have to pray for this person right now. But he's just put it so heavy. Like it's like this, when God gives you a word, he's like so gracious to give you such a burning, just like nudging that you can't go away from it. And so now I heal for every single person that I see on crutches. I can't get away from it. And I just, I have so much faith that one day, the same thing, something is going to be released.

And that whether I know it or not, these people will be healed. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Just so you'll see me and Aria, everyone. Hey, sorry. Do you mind if we pray for you? And it's just the boldness. That's something that God gives you. And like, it's just so important. It's so important to be obedient, even when it's awkward. So anybody with ACL, he's got you. He's going to call him, baby.

Call him out. This is going to heal you. Send us a voicemail. We'll pray for you over Instagram. He's going to be more. Okay. Unbelievable.

I have so many people that I'm grateful for. My GGB family and my mom and dad and Ange and Asia and Courtney and Carolina. My heart is just so full of gratitude for them and you guys. This month is all about gratitude and along with the people I just shouted out, there's another person we don't get to thank enough.

ourselves. It's sometimes hard to remind ourselves that we are trying our best to make sense of everything and in this crazy world that isn't easy. Here's a reminder to send some thanks to the people in your life including yourself. I remember

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on this Christian walk on my own. And so BetterHelp truly transformed me. It was so easy. I went online, I got matched with a Christian therapist, and they gave me good, wise, godly counsel. I got to unpack things with somebody that was unbiased, that's someone I could just

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to ask you about the voice of God because we get so many messages like

Are people being like, I feel so distant from God? Has he abandoned me? I can't hear his voice. Have you ever felt like that? Can you give some advice on that? Yeah, absolutely. I definitely feel like that. I think there's like four specific ways that God speaks to us through his word, through signs, through people. And then I don't know. I'll just have to explain the other one. But through his word is the number one way. I mean, everything. Most of the questions that people have can be answered in Matthew chapters five through seven.

Literally. That's it. And the way that I like discern the voice of God is just Satan is always going to accuse you. Always going to accuse you. The voice of the accuser. Like Satan knows your name and calls you by your sin. But Jesus knows your sin and calls you by your name. So I'm like, okay, who's talking to me right now? So I read the word of God. And that's powerful. Matthew 5 through 7 is like my go-to. It's like if I'm like, oh, what do I do about anger? It's in there. Prayer, fasting, everything, all in there.

So through his word, through signs, God will directly give us signs about things like, God, will you just show me what's going on? Gideon needed a sign from God. Now that particular story in the Bible, people are like, I'm going to throw a fleece out. Basically Gideon was asking for signs from God. He put a fleece out and it had been raining. And he said, all right, if it rains tonight and my fleece isn't wet, I know it's from you. He was doing this whole thing, but his was out of like a place of doubt. But you could still use that. Like, all right, God, like help me, like show me what I need to do because God is a

friend. He loves us. He wants to be involved in our decision-making. So through signs, through people, sometimes like people go, oh man, you know, God's not speaking to me. God's not helping me. I'm not trying to get help, but people's friends are reaching out to them. You know, it's like someone's stranded. You know, I think of like, man, I get a flat tire. I'm on the side of the road and I'm going, God, please send me help.

And a truck driver pulls over and says, hey, you need help changing your tire? And I'm like, no, man, God's going to help me. He like drives away. That's right. And then, you know, someone else drives by and says, hey, man, you need help? I'm like, no, man, God's really going to help me. And then, you know, the third time, triple A, the tire people drive by. Hey, man, you need help? No, God's really going to help me. They drive by. But God sent those three people beforehand to help me. So God will use people.

The last way that I believe we can hear God's voice is in our thoughts. And it's because Jesus, if he lives inside of us, he consumes our thoughts. Now, sometimes I think things that aren't from Jesus. So I have to pray and discern those things. But a lot of times if I have like they call it a word of knowledge when God tells you something about someone.

The way that we hear that is in our thoughts. Like, do you think that you selfishly want to go pray for someone or you selfishly want to go bless someone with $20? Absolutely not. I know people are greedy. People, like you said, like I get nervous. We all get nervous to go pray for people. So understanding that like, okay, that's the first muscle I got to learn is when I get an unction to pray for someone or bless someone, that's got to be from the Lord. It's not coming from selfishness. So let me remember that unction and try to correlate that with other things.

Oh, someone's back hurting. Like, oh, I hear, you know, back hurting, lower back pain. Yep. Okay. Hey man, do you have any lower back pain?

No, I don't. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just trying to learn to hear the voice of God. Is there anything you need prayer for? Yeah. It's not awkward. Do you have any lower back pain? Yeah, my back's been really hurting me the past few times. If you hit the nail on the head, man, God might be trying to do something. If you don't, you're just trying to build that muscle. It's like hitting the gym. Right. So I believe if Jesus really consumes our thoughts and he can put those thoughts in our brain. So those are the four ways I think God really speaks to us. That's beautiful. Can you...

What does your quiet time look like? What does your time with Jesus look like? How can people experience Jesus? I read a proverb a day every morning. First thing I do. I'm human though. Sometimes I get out of the groove and I know when I'm out of the groove, it totally affects my day. So I try to read a proverb a day before I pick up my phone.

Because I truly believe what the first thing we consume in the morning is going to dictate the rest of our day. Wow. If I'm feeding myself with the opinion of man, man, I'm going to get angry quick. I'm going to get jealous quick. I'm going to get frustrated quick. But if I feed myself with the wisdom of God, I mean, Proverbs is accessing the mind and wisdom of God. What a beautiful thing. Like, that's super cool. So trying to start my day off with that. I'm always constantly reading the Gospels. I love Matthew and I love John. Hmm.

I think they're beautiful. I love reading those and going back to those. And then I do like topical studies. So right now, like I'm an online student at Liberty University and I have like assignments that I have to do. But outside of the assignments, those scriptures that I have to read for class, I'll read in my quiet time. Because

Because it's most of the time stuff I don't want to read. Totally, yeah. Like stuff I don't want to read, La Fitticus, but sometimes I got to do school on. That's where I'm at right now. And it is hard to read. Actually, no, I finally got to numbers and I abandoned it. You guys keep me accountable. I haven't gone back in a little bit. It's hard to get through.

It is hard. So that's like my proverb of the day. I try to read throughout my day. When we were driving over here, Josh drove for me so I could read my Bible and things like that. Because I hadn't got time other than the proverb today. And so I think really, really prioritizing that. And the days that I don't do that, hard.

It affects me. How does it affect you? Well, I can just find myself being quick to speak, slow to listen. Maybe I find myself not trying to gossip, but then I say something like, whoa, like that was not cool what I just said. Maybe I get angry quicker or get frustrated quicker.

Maddie has taught me not to honk the horn at people when they cut me off. But if I honk the horn at people when they cut me off, I probably haven't read my Bible that day because I'm getting frustrated. And I'm honking the horn at them. Why do I feel convicted? We have to stop honking. We honked the horn and I yelled at someone today. Yeah, she yelled at someone today. You have to reflect. Well, Maddie convicted me of that because she's like, you don't know what they're going through. It's true, Maddie. Maddie. She told me that because she said, like, what if someone's cutting you off because they're like running to the hospital?

And you honk at them because they just cut in front of you and stuff like that. Oh, man, that's so true. And so like those things, I find myself doing those things when I'm not spending time with Jesus. You're a good kid, Bryce. You are. You're a good kid. And a smart one. The worst you do is honk at people. You're a good kid. Oh, no, that is not the worst I do for sure. But those are just examples, current examples. Can I ask you a question? So we have a little more time. Sure.

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Yeah, we can go ahead. Whatever you don't, you know what I mean? Do you mind talking about like purity or anything like that? Sure, yeah. Well, I don't really give a lot of relationship advice because I don't take relationship advice from people that aren't married. Oh, love. So the only things I say is what scripture says and I talk about

amazing things in my relationship. Scripture talks about being equally yoked. A yoke is a farming tool that was used for oxen. So you would put two equally strong oxen to plow a field. If you put a really strong one and a really weak one together or an old oxen and a young oxen, the farm machine wouldn't work. And so then the question is, what does it mean to be equally yoked? And there's a book by Ben Stewart called Single Dating, Engaged, Married.

We read it when we first started dating. It has changed my life on dating because the Bible doesn't really talk about dating. It's like you're either single or you're married. Right. That's it. And so when you're dating someone, it's the process to see if you want to join hands with someone for a lifetime. And being equally yoked looks like are you chasing the same goal? Are you chasing Jesus? Yeah. Well, when I meet Maddie, she's challenging me. She makes me want to be a better man. She's encouraging me.

Whenever I get flustered and I'm, because when you start dating someone, you see every flaw in them. That's right. And so when Maddie sees every flaw in me and I'm flustered and I'm going, oh my gosh, this isn't that blah, blah, blah. Like, oh, I can't believe this just happened. You know, I come in there, I'm just fully raw and real. The raw Bryce that not everyone can see. Are you kidding me? What is going on? And she just encourages me and says, well, you know, or I get in my head and I'm like, man, I just feel like people hate me. Like, well, that's not how God sees you. And

He encourages me. Okay, that's a beautiful thing. We're chasing the same goal. Jesus. Okay. Well, when I first met Maddie, I was so infatuated by Maddie. I prayed for three weeks straight for God to take away my feelings for her because

Because we had one interaction. I didn't know her heart and I wanted to make sure that it was from God. Every day, my feelings for her would get stronger. It's a very dangerous prayer to pray. If you want to know if someone's from God, pray. God will take them away immediately. Oh, yeah. Three weeks straight. And part of me was nervous, too. Just because like entering in a relationship, that's a big thing. You know, it's not high school anymore. Right. And...

So that was going on. And then I would text Maddie like in the morning, Hey Maddie, or like whatever. She would not respond to me for hours. It would drive me crazy because I'm like, does she not like me? And I come to find out she would be at this coffee shop.

reading her Bible from like 7 a.m. to like past lunchtime till 2 a.m. She was getting parking tickets because she would be lost in scripture and then she couldn't, she'd forget to go renew the meter. Wow. So I go, okay, I'm looking at Maddie's character. Amazing. Another thing I'm like, what does my family think of her? Absolutely love her. They absolutely love her. And I'm like, okay, this is amazing. Um,

So, I mean, she challenges me. She makes me want to be a better man. She encourages me in scripture. It's a beautiful thing. And, uh,

And I love Maddie with all my heart. And I think it's amazing. I've never felt an emotion like that before towards a human being. But aside from an emotion, love is something that you choose to do for someone. It's something you choose every day. There are days that are hard. We're human. There are days that I don't read my Bible and it affects our relationship. And, you know, I'm quick to speak. I'm frustrated, easy and things like that.

But with grace, love, patience, and things like that, we're able to just work through things and love each other well. And it's a beautiful thing. And I'm super grateful for Maddie. I don't take her for granted. And I think she is amazing. True blessing from Jesus. It's super cool.

Can I just drop the mic? I am. Oh, man. I have never been so present when someone speaks more than today. Can I just say that? I am in awe. You are 21 years old, and I don't even know what to say. You are beyond your years.

That's what happens when you know Jesus, the way that you do those part, that wisdom from the Proverbs, it shows like it shows the work that you put in the time that you put in the, the, the amount that you know, the knowledge that you have and how much you just dedicate your life to learning and wanting to be more like Jesus. Like people are, it's just so crazy because everyone's like, I want to be closer to Jesus. I want more wisdom. I want more. And it's just like, okay,

It is so simple. Read the Bible. Put in work. Abide in Jesus. Sit there and just wait and allow Him to speak and move and let Him love you. It's just, it's unbelievable. Can I ask? So...

When you're living in purity, when you're living pure, and we know what the Bible says, we talk about purity almost every single episode because it's changed our life. Like Ari and I are people, we didn't grow up Christian. We grew up Catholic, but nothing about our lives reflected our love for Jesus. And so going from living completely worldly in worldly relationships to then living a life, a holy and blameless in the sight of God and pursuing purity is,

We just, we know why it's good. We know why God asks us to do what he asks us to do because it works and he's right. It does. It is peace. It is life. But we also know that when you're not in a relationship, living in purity is like so easy. It's like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. He took it up. No lust, no desire, no anything. And then we know like everybody talks about it. The second you get in a relationship, dating is so interesting because you're not married.

But you're not single. So you're having feelings towards a person that is similar to what you feel when you're married, but they're not your person yet. So it's just like, I guess my question is, what is your take on just healthy boundaries in dating and just how to protect like protecting purity, emotional purity, mental purity and physical purity?

Purity is our, it's just our goal above everything else. It's what we value. So just speak to that a little bit. Yeah. Well, I think you guys hit the nail on the head. Purity is not something that you're chasing. It's just who you are. God's made you pure.

If you struggle with like, look, we live in a sinful world. Everyone's going to get thrown lust in their face, especially in today's day and age. Everyone's going to get thrown with it. It's on social media, everything. So if you struggle with lust or you fall into temptation, like don't beat yourself up. Like, please do not beat yourself up because it can be easy to do that.

Purity is just who we are. Jesus has made me pure through the cross as who I am. I'm going to live that way. When it comes to boundaries, Maddie and I will have conversations. And never have we had a conversation where we take something off of the quote unquote boundaries list. We don't have a list of things. We go, okay, we know ourselves. So I would say, know yourself. Know yourself well.

Know what's good for you. Know what's not good for you and implement it. And if we have conversations, we're always adding things to the list because you're consistently learning more things about each other. Yeah, totally. You're constantly growing and learning together. Like –

Never will you hear someone say, oh man, we weren't doing this thing, but now we erase it because we're good. Like, no, no, no, no. Like most of the time when it comes to boundaries, as you're growing in relationships, you might find areas of like, oh, whoa, maybe we did overstep a little bit there. So we need to put a boundary here. What's been so beautiful about my relationship with Maddie

is we were waiting till marriage. I think it's such a beautiful thing. It is amazing. It is a gift from God. People make sex this awkward thing, but no, it is just a gift from God. When you're in marriage, that's something you get to do. And I love that Maddie and I get to wait for it. And we love and respect each other enough not to step over that boundary. That is a beautiful thing. And I love Maddie that she respects me that way. And

I think, I hope she loves it. I respect that about her. Yeah, totally. And I know that to be true. I know she does. And so like knowing ourselves like, okay, God's not some cosmic dictator trying to take our fun away. Oh, you can't have sex. No, it's a beautiful thing that God has given you. And it's more enjoyable when you do it for someone. And to the people, like do it for someone that you're married to. Yeah. And to the people out there, like,

Because sex has now become about status. If you go around, a lot of people have had sex. A lot of people are more worried about how many people they sleep with. It's like a popular thing, how many people you can sleep with. Like when you come to Jesus and you come to him with a repentant heart, God wipes your slate clean as if you've never done anything. Meaning you are brand new. You're waiting for marriage. What a beautiful thing.

Man, God, I'm just waiting. I'm waiting. I'm new. I'm just not who I am. I'm waiting.

And that's it. Amen. I think it's beautiful. So like people that drown in shame, like again, Satan knows your name and calls you by your sin, but Jesus knows your sin and calls you by your name. Like who's talking to you and know those things. And so I would say that with boundaries. And again, I'm 21. This is my first real relationship. I'm learning. I'm growing. And that's a big reason why I don't try to hand out as much relationship advice as possible because, so take everything with a grain of salt of what I said, because I,

I do not know everything. I'm learning. I'm growing. And I love getting to talk to people, married couples, about relationships because they just have so much wisdom. Totally. No, it's so beautiful. I just – I want to honor you and who you are and just –

who you are in this world, what you do for Jesus. I'm just so grateful that you'd come on. We were so excited for today. Thank you guys. It was an honor. I was super happy and nervous. Listen, if there's anyone who doesn't need to be nervous, you're good. The wisdom just spills out of you. On your worst day, you could move mountains. So don't ever forget it. Thank you so much. That's really encouraging. Thank you guys. Thanks for having me on. Thanks Bryce. I love you guys. You guys are awesome. Thank you team. Thank you.

Maddie. Thank you, Josh, for being here. Oh, yeah. We love you guys so much. Thank you guys for being here. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace. We love you. We love you.


We'll see you next time.

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