The caller's brother-in-law and his partner admitted to the prank by putting underpants on the caller's dog, thus confirming their involvement.
The caller planned to create a series of fake voicemails from a character named Lionel Smithy, who is obsessed with the pumpkins, to scare the pranksters.
The caller was worried about not being a good liar and potentially blowing the prank response by not being able to convincingly act out the story.
The hosts suggested creating multiple voicemails that escalate in creepiness and sending them to the pranksters over time to build tension and fear.
The caller found the plan hilarious and was excited to execute it, appreciating the creativity and detailed execution suggested by the hosts.
The caller accidentally told his friend, who was about to perform his biggest set, that he didn't like any of his jokes, which was part of an ongoing bit but went too far.
The hosts suggested the caller perform his friend's set before the friend's performance, praising the jokes to build him up, and then having the friend do the same for the caller's set.
The caller told his students he had an irrational fear of ostriches, which became a running joke and theme for gifts and decorations from the students.
The hosts suggested the caller create a video of himself trying immersion therapy with ostriches, then announce he's going into hypnosis to overcome the fear, and use this as a fundraising opportunity.
The caller wanted to use the ostrich prank as a way to raise funds for himself, potentially through a fundraising event where he would wear an ostrich costume at a school event if a certain amount was raised.
Jake and Steve Berg talk to a caller about responding to a Halloween prank. Later, Jake, Gareth and Lamar Woods chat with someone who was a little too honest with a friend asking for feedback. Finally, Gareth and comedian Jon Gabrus help a teacher backpedal from a lie getting out of hand.
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