For follow-up reconstruction after initial surgery.
To support Lisa and join her in the experience.
She felt rejected and sought rescue from God.
It emphasizes an immediate, transformative reality in Christ.
To contrast with earthly powers and establish spiritual supremacy.
It ensures wisdom and understanding begin and end with God, not humanism.
He showed God living in humans and humans living with God eternally.
Jase refuses to believe in the merits of pedicures, even though Al sings their praises, and Lisa returns for an update on her second reconstructive surgery post-breast cancer. Jase compares the fake news of man-made gods to the good news of the gospel, and Jesus was the prototype for God becoming man as well as God living among men. Lisa relates her tale of desperation that led her to Christ and how she realized she’d made her husband the lord of her life instead of Jesus.
In this episode: Colossians 1; Colossians 2; 1 Corinthians 8, verses 1-6
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