cover of episode Case 306: Ina & David Steiner

Case 306: Ina & David Steiner

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Casefile True Crime

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@匿名主持人 : 本集讲述了 eBay 公司雇员对电商博主夫妇 Ina 和 @David Steiner 实施的长期网络骚扰事件,包括发送威胁性信息、包裹,以及在网上发布他们的个人信息等。事件起因于 @Ina Steiner 发表的一篇关于 eBay 的文章,该文章被一些 eBay 员工认为是批评性的。骚扰持续数周,给 Steiner 夫妇带来了巨大的精神压力和经济损失。最终,参与骚扰的七名 eBay 员工被捕并认罪,但 eBay 的 CEO @Devin Wenig 和高级副总裁 @Steve Weimer 则逃脱了指控。 Ina Steiner: 作为一名电商领域的记者,我致力于客观报道行业新闻,从未故意损害 eBay 的声誉。然而,由于一篇关于 eBay 的报道,我及我的丈夫受到了长达数周的网络骚扰,包括死亡威胁、令人不安的包裹以及个人信息的泄露。这些行为严重影响了我们的生活和工作,造成了巨大的精神创伤和经济损失。 David Steiner: 我与妻子共同经营电商新闻网站,我们一直致力于提供客观公正的报道。然而,由于妻子的一篇报道,我们成为了 eBay 雇员报复的目标。持续的骚扰和恐吓让我们寝食难安,甚至不得不采取各种安全措施来保护自己和家人。 @Tuialay : (此人物为匿名网络骚扰者,其观点为恶意攻击,不予列出) @Veronica Zay : 我参与了对 Steiner 夫妇的骚扰行为,对此我深感后悔。eBay 公司的压力和有毒的工作环境迫使我做了错事,我为自己的行为向 Steiner 夫妇道歉。 @James Bohr : 作为 eBay 安全部门主管,我对团队成员实施的骚扰行为负有全部责任。我为此事向 Steiner 夫妇道歉。 Devin Wenig: 我否认直接参与或知晓对 Steiner 夫妇的骚扰行为。 Steve Weimer: 我否认直接参与或知晓对 Steiner 夫妇的骚扰行为。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Ina and David Steiner start their online newsletter?

They started Auction Byte in 1999 to cater to online sellers, driven by their shared interest in collecting and trading items.

How did Ina and David Steiner's publication evolve over time?

Initially called Auction Byte, it evolved into eCommerceBytes by 2019, becoming a reputable resource for sellers on platforms like Craigslist, Etsy, Amazon, and eBay.

What was the content of Ina Steiner's article about eBay's lawsuit against Amazon?

Ina's article highlighted eBay's CEO Devin Wenig's inability to stop market sales decline and questioned the effectiveness of suing Amazon to curb seller exodus.

Why did Ina ignore the initial messages from Tuialay on Twitter?

Ina suspected Tuialay was a troll and adhered to the advice to not engage with online provocateurs to avoid escalation.

What escalating actions did Tuialay take after being ignored by Ina?

Tuialay escalated by flooding Ina's email with unwanted subscriptions, sending disturbing packages, and eventually doxing her by posting her personal details online.

How did the Steiners respond to the escalating harassment?

They increased security measures, installed cameras, added alarms, and reported the harassment to the Natick Police Department.

Who was identified as the person behind the harassment, and what was their connection to eBay?

Veronica Zay, an eBay employee, was identified as the person behind the harassment. She worked in the global security and resiliency division.

What was the role of eBay's Senior Director of Safety and Security, James Bohr, in the harassment?

James Bohr led the team that orchestrated the harassment, using tactics like doxing, sending disturbing packages, and creating fake Twitter accounts to intimidate the Steiners.

What were the consequences for the eBay employees involved in the harassment?

All seven conspirators pleaded guilty and received sentences ranging from probation to 57 months in prison, along with fines and community service.

How did eBay respond to the incident, and what changes were implemented?

eBay paid a $3 million fine, apologized to the Steiners, and strengthened its policies, procedures, controls, and training to prevent future incidents.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2009, Ina and David Steiner founded an online newsletter called eCommerceBytes. The couple worked hard to establish themselves as knowledgeable, trustworthy and unbiased reporters in the e-commerce industry and were well respected by their niche community. Then in 2019, eCommerceBytes received a scathing message from a Twitter user who took issue with how Ina Steiner reported on the U.S multinational e-commerce company eBay.


Narration – Anonymous Host
Research & writing – Milly Raso
Creative direction – Milly Raso
Production and music – Mike Migas
Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

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